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CANADIAN RACING DATES WOODBINE May 17 to May 2 4. CONNAUGHT- May 27 to June !. BLUE BONNETS— June 5 to Itiue 11 PORVAL I—a 14 to June 21. HAMILTON June 21 to July 1. NIAGARA— July ; to July 10. WINDSOR— July 12 to July 1$. KJBNILWORTH— July 21 to July 2S. HAMILTON —July M to August 0. NIAGARA- August 9 to August 10. WINDSOR August 19 to August 26. CONNAUGHT August 28 to Sept. 4. DORVALr- Sept. 5 to Sept. 12. BldE BONNKTS Sept. 13 to Sept. 20. WOODBINE Sept. 21 to Oct 1. KENILWOUTH -Oct 4 to Oct. 11.