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What Has Fortune in Store for These Stables This Year ? The stable of H. P. Whitney, always prominent in American racing, did not fare as well last year as was predicted, tboagb it won sixty-six races and B1CS.OIS. f late yeirs the establishment lias grown so large tl :it it WSJ necessary to li.ido it into division*. Some «»f its memlots wie raceil during tlic winter and one division is now taking part in tl . ■ current meeting at Havre d Grace. While Mo*.- Gnldblatt is ready to begin the Kentucky • ami aign witli another, the main division being reserved for New York racing under the I lipill I IsjOS of James Bowe, Sr. Will this powerful organization tare better than last year. When it computed the fallowing record: H. P. WHITNEY. Horse. Col. anil Sex. A. IVdbjfec l*t. 2.1. M. W«a. Hunting i - »•■ • R renn;nit Mlltrr. by BreeaMtiek 4 2 u tSZJtM t Tr.iiiMiiule Ill, c *- lty Hroumst ick Traverse, by Tracery - 4 1 16.00 Kpol fa li b. R. 3 Rf I.rei msti. 1. rnjBMBl. by All Cold 3 4 2 1 I..S71 Flagstaff ill. v. 3 lty Unionist left Iiiaiizural. by Voter I 3 ."i IS.1M K.vnige b. r. ■ ii Cbh*h» HCil. kf • M-inst i. k 4 T. B 11.841 »;:,,|flv b. f. I lty CMelc Ualiola. by ylcul I 3 2 11.434 Cln. kvale b. e. 3 lty *"li.«I« Qrctarah*. bj Ilambiir- 2 10 !.N»0 Encluintiiicnt li. B. .". lty Chide BBChaatkBK, by St. Yictrix 3 10 ■,101 Initiate eh. f. 2 lty Whisk Itrooin 11. laaagaral. I .v Voter 12 0 * .-- Fly by Day eh. f. 3 lty gisanilllk Fly by Might, by Peter Fan 4 7 2 ,r..M2 Traaaesi eh. f. 3 I.y Biaaawth k ft aim at, by Tracery ■ 2 2 B.CS8 liaafakaa eb. e. 2 By Peaaaal Bonnie itroom. by Whtah Bteaai ll 3 o t 4.-r o Whisk ill. f. 2 lty Whisk I.ronin II Woniler. by Disguise 4 2 0 4.2V Pleat tag Moments .eh. f. 2 lty IVnn Hit Mat Hour. by 1 l.-in l»ursr 3 11 ?..r,C: Draaaatatk h. f. 2 F.y Rraaatatarii ktarchaaa II. kg KaheHhi I I I 3.1"0 Maraai eh. f. t I.y AM Jelil Flyin; Witch, by Ins— Hi It 3 2 1 SJ •- Pi, keti r b. C. 3 I.y Cliii b- P.iiikl.urst. by Voter 2 1 1 I.T..O Rwiagaaaai eh. p. 2 I.y Whisk Braaaa II. Belaaraire, by Bthcabarl 2 11 2.311 tliaaasaUl b. g. -* !• Broouiist ick Spun llliiss. by Pock Kami 1 2 I 2.J".0 Rcrket b. g. 4 I.y Braaaaatirk First Flight, by thrush 12 1 L.I is i.i,„„i.ike h .. 2 lty Wafck F.iKin 11 Creaaca, by All OaU 1 0 1 1.1.0 Ifeaat-ata .eli. f. 2 l.v Ienn:i: t Krini inbrame, ly Hamburg or Itroom - •tirh l 2 i l.r.. Hold I.itg b. e. 2 lty Itroom-li.k Cohlen K.mI. by All QaM 0 1 .r ljand* llnskv b. e. 1 1U Whisk Kr.i.nn II Slanina. kj N ist urt imn 113 1.2..0 j : Mi-s Fortune b. f. 2 lty All QaM Sliekl.nJ. by ISnmui-a irk 10 1 l.ll.l Hanlybrnsli br. e. 2 F.y Whisk I.:. II. Diiibra. by Italwlais Ill 1.1 r.O ataaaaaacalc eh. f. 1 I.y Piek.ty Baadrta, by H.iiiilriiighjiin 110 1.101 frizzier Ill. e. 2 I.y iraiaft Iriein 11. Ma-da. by Fair Play 10 4 1.100 WkUkaloag br. e. 2 l.v Whaak Braaai II. Laif Hamburg II.. by Ham- |,.i:g 1 0 0 1.0O1 Oaaa Wark b. •. 2 lty Mm Baatfaaa, by cyigad l o • bo.t Nrmesis eh. f. 2 Itv .b.hrin Kegnt . by F.roomsthk • I 1 BM Piekpoi ket ell. e. 2 lty Whisk II. Itaksheesh. by Hamburg 10 0 700 Fproar eh. e. 2 I.y Thunderer Qi u at Hearts, by Hamburg 0 2 1 TOO Pu-k br. e. 2 lty Itroomstik Candla. by All llobl 0 1 0 200 Fiumperv b. f 2 lty Chirk I rilleiy. by Itroonstiik 0 0 0 Tahili oh. f. 2 lty Whisk Itroom II. Queen Tii. by Meddler 0 0 0 llrookdale b. f. 1 F.y Peter Pan Sweopaway. by W.I.I Mint 0 0 0 Minion I., c. 2 I.y .lohron Miniato. by QaaVaia 000 Qaai Night b. g. 3 Ky Kiekely SI ppei-s, |1V MiiliHer 0 0 0 Hamlseme eh. e. 2 I.y Whi-k Itroom Il.-llansa, by Hamburg 0 0 0 Totals 40 CO 60 49 SMaVtM J. K. L. Ros campaigned a division of his ■table at Tijuana during the winU r and has some horses in action at Havre. The prospects are that after the Pimlico meeting the greater part of the Montr-al turfmans establishment will go to Canada and racing over that Circuit as it did 1 tst year. The Etoaa horses won 7:1.175 in 19:5 and with such an astute traimr as Henry McDaniel guiding the destinies of that organization another such record, if not better, will o- recordeJ in 1924, the following tabulation disclosing the winnings of the : taaat last year: J. K. L. ROSS. Hir*o Col and Sex. A. Pedigree 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. ■hfcrt, |,lk. e. 4 It] Hick Firmed The Scold, by Meddler I 2 0 |31.800 I Hallirinatioii ,., ,- ; lty Fitzw illinm Pleasant Dreams, hj Trap Hoek 4 10 2O.8.V1 No« H.impshiie . . . b. e. I By iJranite Annagh. by l.roomstiek 7 4 7 16.." ."S0 i It.ibv Cra ml b. b. .", By Cranite Italic, by MeGce 5 1 3 16.375 Mtittikins cb.m. 5 B Star Shoot Falcon, hj »u-den 3 11 9.810 1 HIMnr blk. li. 5 I.y Star Shoot Shelby Belle, kg Knight Krrant ... 7 6 4 9.725 j Dei p Thowht br c _ V- Transvaal FiKitstool. by Chinon 5 5 1 8.150 , Frisnar . . ...b. f I •» Marathon Priscilla Mullen-, by Armeath II 2 18 7.090 1:lll., b. f. 2 By Marathon Priscilla Mullen-, by Armeath II 4 2 2 5,650 tliloris li. f. 4 By Bezant -Fly in- Flora, ly Mauvczin 3 6 0 4.750 Miimac "" . br c. 4 l.v Colden Maxim Mac. by Plaudit 3 0 0 4.700 1 1 m |, f :: . Spini-h Prince II. Melody, by Meddler 4 3 4 4.615 Turnberry «h. 1 . 2 I.y Cudgel M. lody . by Meddler 1 2 2 4,280 rrjliarr h. • 4 B Haaffl St. Fy. by St. Fr11s.n1 n 4 2 4 8,900 Brrathaaa b f. 1 It* Marathon or Prince Ahmed Drynwood. by Bryn JLnir 3 I 5 3.720 I Mcrontio h. c. 4 B] Friar Bark Mercadel. by The Common?r I 1 1 3,600 i t ii ill-titl ci .■ :. lv Coibn Maim Kva K.. by The Friar 3 0 0 3.2C0 i l.ion dOr ........ .eh. h. 7 By Ibno Ai!.- dOr. by Cupi. Hancock 3 2 0 3.0".0 1 Mesaktea b. g. 5 By liarry licraaaaa Me-salma. k Cicero 0 12 310 Flic «f Trace ... br. e. :; By Iha limttmt Maltha, by OwaVa 2 2 1 2.900 1 Kailiat: B. .. b. b. ". Bj Trap Baefc FeeaaUUa, by Hastings 0 1 ■ l.J..o F.alonnier ....b. c. 2 Bj Cudgel S.,11. by Hasting* 2 13 2,155 Hill, K.llv b. g. 7 By Hi. !: WeUea Ulcaa, by Free Knight Ill 1.900 | Aff.-.tat ioi eh. f. 4 Bj Marathaa Smirk, by Olympian 10 1 1.550 Piinc, II. Wheat St. 1 2 I l.PiO i Haaaiah Maize c. 4 By Spanish -ear. by Frusquin BaatiUc eh, k. 5 B] Vatrr Oppression, by St S.rf 13 1 1.310 • Marble eh. •■. 4 By P.allot Tiffany Blend, by Ceaarkai 10 2 1.200 1 Diadema iIi. f. 4 B] Marathon Sainnra. by Sanloi 112 1.1J.". Aj .... eh. h. I y- Al.ppo Pollie Dill II.. k] PoI.mii -an 112 S70 [ Caiimor" k. e. 3 Bj Marathon Canice. by Bridge of Canny 10 0 8|K Doubtful b e. I By Marathaa or Fitzw illiinn Poky, by Broomstick... 10 0 4-0 i lord Fit/. eh. r. :: Bj Fit/.v. illi.:ni l.ady Lightning, by Dick Welles 0 10 2".0 Bonnie l.ady eh. f. 2 B] Fit/.william Mary Street, by Onondaga 0 10 123 Cantclupe b. f. 3 By Arnadis l.upen alia, by l.y.aon 0 0 0 Total ~ 80 ,VS gj 1179.475 Tie bib Hour Stock Farm stable of K. R. Bradley was enc of the big winners of last •ear. It w Mi ■ ling and glorioiai band Ot burse- that the master if that noted Kentucky breeding estabUahaient aent to the races in l!»j:: and the indicationa arc that they will go 0.1 to greater tilings thia i ear. Jh-ie is a record oi the stable for 192X: E. R. BRADLEY. Ban* Co .ind Sex. A. Pedigree l t. 2d. 3d. Won. Beau Butler b. c. 2 By Black Toney Santa Anna II. . by Martagon 4 3 0 J57.9S0 li.tiiddlc b. f. 2 l.v Black Toncy aila. by F.iriniau 3 0 4 7,047 F.uc No-e ........ b. c. :t Bj Tone.-. P.cnaiict. by St. 3 2 1 2.800 p,,1, cyj] i, ,.. -j p. Helmet Mi - Binglets. by llaml..all 12 4 2.722 p.udv Heard •. c I lty Sehtea Maxim Mciisande. kj Btasaiae 1 7 0 2.67.i H ,-f| , ,._. |,r. c. 2 By Norlh Star 111. Baboura II., kj St Amant . . . . . . 2 2 0 2,6J0 Bright Tomorrow. . .eh. c. 3 I.y North Star III. Sv.eet Alice, by Flying Dutchman ...2 2 0 2.50 1 l.m 0 Bay * eh. e, 2 v. Kartk star III. r.u-y tme, ky sain 210 2.100 I Thi-o. Cook March, by Samson 1 | 2 2.270 eli. I.y T r . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e. Bitty Beatl 1I1. f. I Bj North Star III. Macaroon. Li Male 12 1 MM Blo-oni Finn- ... b. f. 3 By North Star III. Vaila. hi 112 1.8i Baba Marv k. f. I Bj Helm, t Fortitude, by Magellan 1 1 2 1.72.". R. ;„. |, b. c 4 By Black Taaej Ai letJaahaa, k] Forfarshire 1 2 1 I .TOO Hreakfaal B-II br f 2 By Black laaej Batter Cake, kj Bachahual 112 l.oo. |.„, |v .li. .. 2 lty P.loiid Buddy Beaming Beauty, by Sweep 12 2 1.409 Phoebe Snow br. f. 2 By Black Toney Wayward Leaa, by Sir Dixon Ill 1.400 Batter l"p hr. e. 2 By Helm t Sir. lia. by Magellan - 0 1 1,301 Black Serant br. h ." By Black T..iu y Padula. kj l.neiio 110 1.22"i Bah Cilull eh. c 2 I.y Poly ineliai. Dreamy II.. kj Persimmon 10 3 l.Dis :, , Ifoaie k. e. 4 By North Star III. Santa Anna, by Martagon 1 1 1.000 Brilliant Cast eh. e. 1 Bj Kartk Star III Macaroon, by Marco 0 4 0 740 Blatter h. e. 2 By North Star 111. k] Forfarshire 10 0 700 Baj from Horn. g. 4 By Helmet May Bird, by Thf—h 10 0 70 1 p1. J.y,. |i. t. 2 By Broom-tick Bellisnrio. by llip| mlrome 10 0 701 Bay* Boliew Mi-, .rli. e. 3 I.y North Star III. Believe Ma Boys, by Cuuard 0 I O t".7._. tieiitleman Joiiett eh. g 4 By I Dike, by Sir Dixon 10 1 625 Businesslike blk. c. 2 By Black Ileicy l.ady Languish, by St. Simon 0 2 1 419 Beach Beauty eh. f. I Bj Cnnard Killauna. kf Ktlleagh 0 2 0 4t»!l Bradley Toney . br. c I Bj Toney Bandello. kj Kingston 0 0 2 344 Blue Monday eh. •. 2 By Po!ym.h«n Tranid. by Voter 0 0 ■ .: K Beginners luck br. f. 2 By Ton.y Padula. by 0 0 1 90 Bemoroccrcfiil b. «. 4 By North Star 111 Stumpy, bj llaiidsome 0 0 1 81 BraaaU k.g I By Black Ihaej Santa Anna II. kj Martagon 0 0 1 60 Big and P.urlev b. c 2 By North Star III Bo. bug Pot. by Ma doiiald II I O 0 p.enigna b. f. 2 By Helmet Almadie. by Sir Modred 0 0 0 Bartered li. f. 4 By Boots and Saddle Mciisande. by Disguise 0 0 0 Totals 3d 31 41 ffUHHI