untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-25


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Monthly Form Book 1 A m rvncr 1 /THIc MARCH p -|-| % p NOW ON SALE | Racing iFe Manual j MONTHLY | for 1924 j FORM BOOK I now on sale I is issued during the first week of each month, with complete charts of gp This book has been for a score of years |p the previous months racing in North America. Each issue now carries M _ • _ p! an index showing each and every start of all horses in training, with M 1 tlG andtandrtClandTCl t3.tlStlC£ll H firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated. By means of this |p W wr a • arrangement it is possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK gj WOfK Oil American jl to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track con- |p % pp cerning which information is desired, as shown in the following ex- gf 1% 21011111 W amples: W fP cALctrrTA, ck. •, % t* c«ii»-j«inw., »y u.ihi o. ». AUu x JP Eactt 7ear it has been improved by the addition of ||| •irilh 35T •e75M fl78,7fc M57W 1 ,WIM" P new and valuable features while all of the important ■ rvLl0K b!k- m- •• b* D,ek Fin»«n— c*u«r on, by wa- pf matter which has characterized previous issues has Ip wwh* iwsic « 676s» mm* ««78m" "*678as g|| been retained. The 1924 volume »wxumc has uiu been uccu W- «07933!i fC7»57» ««80C0k 1«8067 »«8151m »«81Wo jp |p BEST PAL. br. h, 6, by Helraet-P.d.H. by L»t«b. S. H. HolmaB X M. CcVXYC C±T RWI G£k*4 CTA 0$ VU 1 11 LJlCtCl V J.tVIi»tCl I1C1 •0W8Ib ►•7S*7 »«7774» ■67*01 -67965 68IM g§| * CI # ••68288 gp # ||p MIDIAN. b. h, 6, by Meridian— VeneU Stroma, by Ben Strom* J. Bice * g|| Rpn «*t* f* tfO/4 % ■ «674.-.l *67573 M87617 «G7C73 »"67802 •67872m g|p XlWCAl 1 ClllKCtI gp *678S*!m »67933h «68000m 68020»m *68055b *e81»8ni -%%. ■» |p bSl".. •Ton.r-PnrlU. ** t0 **** " *« ». K. % g| « b. GUI. by Y.nb-..H. T. Palmer _ _ 167748 167913m ■CTWlm «67W7m •«8041li «6812» gg •68180»h .683W» «68S41« M H £1 1*1 H 1 £ CSt KPO/IV II *■ QUECR£EK. b. ». 6. by Huon— Jeiiie Woodson, by Scorpion. Summit Stable S..X ||I XailUlCOt llCaUy g|| 168079 •68255 j68272 "68811 168354* NJ8376* ggj T t T g IN •BOISTERES, eb. c. •. by Ethelbert— Bozanna. by Bock BandC E. OroTM X *J| nPTPrPlIPP KAAk IP A»itlCllWC UVJVJIV JH7022 W57«70» »«7728« I-S7S03 «789.-,m PU7»30ll §p gp •S8059I1 PB8088 168128 168303 •68318 «68315» g|gj pg; •C8405 P684M gf| on turf subjects which has ever been offered to the lH EDWARD GBAT, bib. c. 3, by Von Tromp— Boneetta, by Ma- g|f A™««„ „„vi- m,. tetto ...!... !77 w. Daniel Jp American public. The •67CS4 »67881 t67»86 »68204» P6832S» »08SS» •SUM BRAE, cb. t. b, by Sond ridge— Sweet Briar IL, by St. T T-, «. J rt -_ ._ • TP 1« 1 rruuin w. a. McKi.ney x w Jrj.anaicaDpin fi 1 ables w mmmmm «-«,**/A»ir 1«7 U8 167590 •676S5 167696* 107795 «678« f j-"-* »f3 -» 167991 M08178 1682341 JT«_«% HI . . . . § and Instructions i Index numbers in parentheses ,. indicate , , winning races, seconds a and a |p thirds are designated by superior figures and the condition of the track m which were such a popular feature of the 1923 vol- 0 is shown by the designations following the index numbers as follows : m ume have been completely revised and brought up m "s" for slow, "sy" for sloppy, "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy. When m to date to conform with new track speeds developed 0 not otherwise designated, fast or good track conditions prevail. S in- m during last years racing. All who found the handi- |§ dicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races. *Fair gp capping charts of help last year will want to obtain W mud runner. xGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Imported. jp the revised figures in order to adapt the method to m disqualified. this years racing. |p Index figures in italic face type e«9*9b indicate stake race. |p W, Before each race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is -A VOlTipFGrlGriSlVG prefixed, which shows the distance at which the race so numbered has %k x j pf been run. The key to these distances is given below: W XllClGX lVrng.,.,.::::::::::::::::::::S J4?i w.; »•;•.;• ;,• tW m.;.* N makes *• ameeican bacing manual fob 1924 % 12 Mile d 100 Yards o extremely handy for quick reference. Whatever bit |p 4 1-2 FurionB« p i 1-16 Miles p g of turf information you may wish to find without iff 8"V2M,Fteuri0no.:::::::;::::::::::r:ji I iiTii n::::z£ m laborious research is at your nnger tiPS if y0u have ft 3-4 Mile J i 1-2 and 1 3-s Mile. 3 Jl a copy of this book before you. In spite of the fact m 6 1-2 Furlongs k i 5-8 and 1 3-4 mum t §p that no expense has been spared in making the 1924 fH • * tt0AM,,es ••• u edition the best in the ,MHe ; m long history of the AMEBI- W 1 M Fur,onBS M 3 t0 4 M"" — " v p CAN BACING MANUAL there will be P In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North Ameri- m IN O Ad VatlCe 111 PfiCG can tracks during the month, comprehensively and correctly indexed, the Wk P t*. i»««v ;- • The b°°k ,• 1SSUed .j *_ v j- M " m two buidg« I MABCH book contains the following : p new features: J RHUai:::::::SS | * H If ordered by mail, ten cents must be added to these r l J T Ll £ A *1 D n i m lalendar I able OI April KaCIIlg liateS P Prices to cover the cost of registration. To be sure W fH of obtaining the binding which desire, it H you „ l.IJiCiI DC I i i no j would Complete Index to Makes Kun iince January I, 1924 p be advisable to send your order at once. The at- II Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1924 I «_ | Thrty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1924 | , i PKICES BY M leather 10 Track Records tor All Distances p 1 special *i.eo || Stake Dates for Month of April Alphabetically Arranged ORDER BLANK ™— ~ |i DAILY RACING FOEM PUBLISHIHG CO., |C The Price Remains Unchanged, .00 I 441 Kymouu, cov. i Chicago, Illinois. #g Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with an extra 111 , S -n j fl„j g t u u j find Enclosed for charge of TEN CENTS for registration. The publishers are in no wise tt ? which send me a copy M responsible for books sent by mail without registration. jp of the AMEEICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1924 in pi ™"™™1 g§ Leather j . |l§ DAILY RACING TORM PUBLISHING CO. I s g I 441 Plymouth Court - - - Chicago, HI. p NAME „ p 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York. N. Y. jj STREET AND NO |l 50 Eichmond Street, East - - Toronto, Ont. |l| ": W 307 Decatur Street - - - New Orleans. La. p P. 0. AND STATE p p Pleaae print name and address plainly. g|p

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042501/drf1924042501_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924042501_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800