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, I I ! i j ; 1 COLUMBUS FORM CHART COLUMBUS. Ohio. Thursday. April 24. 1924.— Beitlah Park one mile. Fifth day. Capital City i Rieing A.s-sociation. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Associate! Judge. W. R. Norvell. Racing Secretary. W. R. Norveil. Assistant Racing Secretary, C. Stands. Matter, Lester Dean. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15. 7aR£A FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 21. IOOVV i924_ 50 S— 2— 104. Purse 30. 2-year-olds. Claiming Net value to winner L0; second, 90; third, 0. F..|. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78532 •Doc McManlOl 1J C Greenwd 300-100 77851 May Baxter 109 21 AV Smith 220-100 78532 Ksther InmlelllOl 3i D McAuffe 2580-100 78532 AVinnie Davis 108 4 H Farland 1740-100 My Business 106 5» W Taylor 3570-100 78532 Panl. Jewell 101 6 D Ran.lell 2780-100 785 1 8 J Billy AVelsh 109 7* J Byrne 210-100 Sunborn 107 8« R Holloway :U10-1» 783 18 Damar 108 9 A Roach 1140-100 Time. 51 V Track fast. mutuels paid Doc McMahon. .0O straight. PatM paaea, M show; May Baxter. .00 place. .00 show; Esther Crindell. .00 show. Equivalent booking o !ds Doc Ml Mahon. 300 to 100 strait-lit. 9 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show: May Baxter, 80 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Esther ;rimlell, 250 to 100 show. AVinnrr AVoodland Stock Farm Stables b. e. by ; Towton Field Maud McKee. by I.uke AAard trained by C. S. AVilson; bred by Messrs. Haner ft Cn s». AAent to post at 2:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. Overweights Sunborn. 1 pound; Damar. 2. 7QKC1 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. An.?. 21,1 IOUUJ. 1923—1:02—2—108. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimine-. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. En. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78519 Josie Gorman 111 Il O Atwell b60-100 77841 *Ink 99 2" D McAuffe 210-100 7 1565 Flip HI 31 J Byrne 740-100 78372 Loch Leven 111 ti W Martin 150-100 75171 AVinkie 113 51 F Hunt 3020-100 78131 Blue Dale 113 61 AV Smith 1120-100 78041 Hush 111 7"k N Burger 2330-100 70834 Helen Major 108 8 H Hay 6030-100 78025 Frippery 111 9 D Frostte 6140-100 Time, 1:04. Track fast. nitituels paid Josie Oorman. 3 20 straight. .80 place. HO show; Ink, .40 place, .20 sho» : Flip. M-sH Msaw. ; Kipiivalcut booking odds — Josie C.orman. 1000 to MM straight. 190 to 100 plaiv. 140 to 100 show-Ink. 70 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show: Flip, 100 , . to 100 show. AViuner M. Sanders ch. m. 0. by Judge AVright - Ijiidy McOcr. by drained by M. Sanders; I bred by Thomas 1iaiti. ! AVetit to [lost at 2:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 70t 7 Incognance. Ill; 75289 Fame. I I 113; 77982 Fictile, 108; RON Carl Bobeits, 113; I j 7M7S lil.nk .Monkey. K8. Overweight Ink. 4 pounds. 7a*ifl9 THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April; I IOJUi 23. 1923— 1:05 V— 7— 104. Purse 00. • 4-year-oIds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Pid. Horse. Wt. Pin. Joikey. Straight. 78482 George Starr 108 li AV Martin 410-100 78521 Attoo 108 2 C Gross 497O-1O0 i 78521 Zoona 111 P D FroKfrtte 250-100 j 7853 1 Olenn 113 11 F Seremba 350-100 78521 -Arrowhead 113 54 AV Taylor 590-100. 77825 Rachel D. 106 6 II Pari. mil 11020-100 77932Tulane 103 7i D McAuffe 0310-100 75203 AIv Lorraine 111 8| C Taylor I I 785l9"At!:lete 108 9 T H.itiham S70-1X 784 79 Kven. Stori.s 101 10i H Hay t 78489 Bab 101 ll1 J Jones 4410-100 75230 Hetaa Latcaa l« 12 C Greenwd 5170-bXl tMutuel field. Time. 1:03. Track fast. mutuels paid Ceorge Starr. 0.20 straight. 10 pla.e. *l 40 show; Att. o. 3.40 place. 3.20 show: Zooiia. 21 show. I Equivalent booking aMi Ceorge Starr. 410 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show: Attoo, 1570 to 100 place. 500 to 100 show; Zoona, 110 to 10M show. Winner Q. R. Allens br. g. 9 by J.n k Alkin i Africa, by Savile itraiued by A. Veargin: bred by Mr. O. H. thenaulH. Went to post at I 10. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driv- j I Scratched 7tsi;7 Aliss Orb. 100: 7s270 Edith K.. US; IBB My i.addie. MM; 7TBM lanaaiM. ill. ; Overweight Helen I.ucas. 2 i ounds. mRl FOURTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. I Au?. St. IOUUO 1923—1:02—2—108.. Purse 03. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 3. F 1. Odds Ind. Horse. AAt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78520 I In. 1- Abe Ml P* T McCork HN-Mfl 78433M!igw;g PM P H Hay loS-.-TOt; 78180 .lu.lge HirkinnllO .. C T.ij lor . o-b I 78535 iTrafalgar 113 41 C Frost 230-100 784 13 Pearl Boots I08 .". W Martin S00-10U 78059 Miss .Margaret IM M O Atwell MS Ml 78535 Melbourne 108 7» A Ria. ll ltlO-DO 78180 MoorfieM 11 l*|J Majaatie tm-PM 78535 Me.| Maai Wt :»! !» M.Auffe BO-MI 75048Chi-f A:, bee KC 10 D Banilell MBVPM Time, 105. Track fast. ; , . I ! I I I j I • j I I i j I ; — . — , » mutuels paid— Fnele Abe. $.32 00 straight. 0 80 place. show; Bigwig. 3.20 place, .10 show: Judge Hickman. . SO show. Equivalent hooking odds -Uncle Abe. 1500 to 100 straight. 440 to KM place. 2t.O to 100 show: Bigwig, 500 to 100 place. .320 to 100 show; Judge Hickman, 190 to 100 show. AVinner Mrs. II. McQuages ch. g. by Towton Field Peace and Pl-nty, by Carta .trained by II. Schlossingcr; bred bv Messrs. Haner ft Cross. AVent to post at 3:11. At i ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 777S8 GaM Leaf. 108: 7S520 Skywards. 104: 78535 Chestnut iirl, 102; 78520 Woodland Queen. 105. Overweight — Melbourne, 1 pound. 78564 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 30. 1923— 1:14.,— 6— 112. Columbus Dispatch Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 15: sacond. 15: third. 0. E.|. Odds Ind. Il.rse. Wt Fin. .To.kev. Straight. 78t16Xoon Glide 110 I* W Smith 1020-100 78524 Sun Brae 110 2»* J Majestic 390-100 78522 -Lady Rose 106 3= D McAuffe 300-100 78481 Pelion |fj 4? H C, A k 690-100 78045 Finca.stle 110 5J P Seremba MtO-MS 78480 Times Ip 98 C* AV Martin 1510-100 VSSIS*Baaj Pardon 113 7 W Dunkson 210-KW 78456 Vehement 95 8 K Mm 6850-1W Time. IOS%. Track fast. mutuels paid -Baaa Olide, 2 40 straight, .20 place. $| 40 show: Sun Brae. .40 ; lice, ,«:t SO show; Ijidy Rose. fS.SU show. Equivalent Iwx.king odds —Noon Glide. 1020 to 100 strai-:ht. 310 to 100 place. 120 to 10O show: Sim Brae. 170 to 100 place, 90 to 10O show; I.ady Baaa, 90 to 100 show. Winner J. Johnsons ch. c. 4. by High Noon — Skip, by BHM trained by L. L. Pierce: bred by Mr. James Butler. AVent to i« st at 4:25. At post 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. AVon driving: second and third the same. Scratched 7797G Al Stebler. 108. 78565 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mils and 70 Yards. Aug. 21. 1923—1:45—8—115. Purse . 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. F/1. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 7829«Dancer 108 U L Aron 100-100 78523 Gras Tree PM 2»k D McAuliffe 430-b» 78487 Smart Alex 108 P AV Alartm UN-MS 78537 Felix M. 108 4 D Froggte 2120-100 77919 Hloir 108 54 C Irost 730-100 75333 Han.lfull 1J? a] T Bonliam BO-MS 77855 Tomahoi 107 7 AV D.llow 190-100 Time. 1:50S- Track fast. miifuols paid — Dancer. Sl.iM straight. S.3 20 place. $:.H s.iow: Crass Tree. BSJM pla.e. f.:.2l show: Smart Alex. .40 show. Fjuivalent looking odds Dancer. 100 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Graaa Tree. 90 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Smart Alex, 120 to 100 show. AAinner Missouri Stables b. g. 11. by Isidor -; Danoscara. by Cliffiw-d itrained by O. Johns, 11; bred by Air. John Sanford. AVent to post at 4:55. At post 4 minutes. Start g.HMl and slow for all but Crass Tree. Won driving; second and third the same. S.-ralched SSSSPBta;, 101; 7S551;AIatinee Idol. 10.8: 77202 Walter Turnbow. 108: 7S4U Florence Baaa, 100: 7S457 Han of the North, 103; 7S53t! I.iula V.. MM; 70551 Lewis B.. KS. 78566 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Au*-. 20 1923—1:50—5—113.. Purse 1924.sh30. 4-year-o!ds aad upward. Claiminar. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. En. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78538 Vendor MB li H AlcAuffe 2520-100 ■ 78530 ; M..:-eb 108 »Bj • l.Y,,.t 150 100 78538i.MontiiIo 108 :: J Majestic BO-SM 78537 Zapatos PW 4" AV Taylor 1160-100 78530 "Torsida 106 P C Tlnaa 1 SO-100 78530 Drummond ;-8 6J A Roach 1150-100 7837 7 i Secretary 113 71 T Bonliam 210-100 784831 Little Kd IM P H Hay MO-SM 78521 Iron Boy 15 :» t McCaraak MBVMS Time. 151s. Track fast. I. lutuols paM Vendor. 2 10 straight. 0 IX ■ ,l i.e. |S.H -how: Horeb, .40 place. .40 show. Mont.llo. Sl.JO show. E.|Uivalent baaktag aMf Vendor. 2520 to 100 straight. 900 to 10O alata. SM to KK sh«,n: Hon-li. 170 to 100 place. 120 to MM show; Moiitillo. IM to 100 show, Winner T. H. Iernlcirdis b. g. 5. by olamb.ili Miry Sellers. by I ncoimvoa .trail. .1 bv I. Won., l.lorff: br-.l by Air. Richanl T Went to post at 5.29. At post 1 11 mate. Start paaf and slow. on easily; second and third driving. Set itched 78SS7 Baadj H. los-. nssi Tawaata* tha. MM. Overweight Iron Boy. 2 pounds.