3rd Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-13

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I , I I : i i • . 1 t • i r t ■ I Or./-J DA PC — * Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. 4 July 2, 1923— OlU ilMUL 1:10 3 lOO. ROCKET, b. g, 5 114 By Broomstick — First Flight, by Thrush. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Bleeder. H. P. Whitney. 77717 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 122 4 3 2l 21 I Parke 4 Certain. Centimeter, Last One 77671 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%fast 9-20 114 2 2 V 1" I Parke • Clgbjordan. O. Henry, Blue Nose 72831 Saratoga 3-4 l:10%fast 5 120 2 1 1" 21 C Kummerll Bluemont, Knobbie, FrPliantom 72149 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08%fast 8-5 125 2 1 11 2"" L McAfee 5 DiyMoon, L.Baltimore, G Times 72019 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08%fast 13-5 12C 2 1 1» l| L McAtee 9 Dry Moon, iood Times, Bluemont PINDAR PFEL, ch. h, 5 III By Jack Atkin— English Esther, by Lord Esterling. Traicer, P. Coyne. Owner, P. Coyne. Breeder, H. Black. 80039 I«itonia H-4 l:14%hvy 3 112 5 6 6 6" L McDott t! Baffling. Ko lus, Sun Flag 79890 Latonia 1 1-16 1:14 fast 8-5 107 4 1 32 8*| L McDott 6 Cil.lnn, Dazzler. Beautiful Agnes 79584 Churchill 1 1-16 1:45 fast 4-5 108 1 1 11 2i M Gainer 7 Bour.Bov, Blue.Nose, Col. Gilmore 79342 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 4 112 4 4 51 6"! M Garner 7 Gosliawl:, Amlaciom, Brdalbane 78942 Churchill 7-8 l:2iiBhvy 9-20 106 1 1 l3 1» L McDott 5 Actuary. Blue Nose, Biil. Cast 78899 Churchill 3-4 l:14.-.mud 11-10 110 i 3 8* 2nk m Garner 5 Glide, i.aster Bells, Crcat Jaz BRIGHT TOMORROW, ch. c, 4 116 By North Star III.— Sweet Alice, by Flying Dutch. Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable man. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 70892 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast IS 110 5 5 61 61 G W Collll Goshawk. Braedalbane. Dudley 79383 Churchill 3-4 1 llsfa.st 16 105 4 5 3l 33 G W Coll 6 Buster. Braedalbane, Great Jai 71033 latonia 1 1 16 l:4l-v,fast 6-5 107 1 2 l1 8ft CPon.ce SlheClown, Chittagong. B.C.i.ird 70701 Latonia 3-4 l:13%slow 11-10 107 1 1 l2 1! C Pome 10 Body Guard, Tycoon, Triumph 70013 Churchill 1 1-4 2:U57tfast 2S 126 3 10 810llC Ponce 21 lev, Martingale. Vigil 69998 Churchill 1 l:38good 33-10 110 3 2 22 21 C Ponce 11 Nnssau. Wida. Calcutta PEGASUS, b. g, 5 111 By Golden Maxim — Brightstono, by Deutschland. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 79633 fhurchiU 7-8 l:23%fast 13 115 3 4 53 B*| B Kenndy 7 Alice!?. Go-vn Actuary R.vMtn 793S3 Churchill :!-4 Lllfast 8 117 6 6 51 571 B Kenndy 6 Buster, Brdalbane, B. Tomorrow 79008 Churchill 3-i 1:12%k1oW 18 112 5 5 52 5«J I! Kenndy 8 GivatJaz, Moonraker, KaterBl* 75514 Churchill 3-tl:ll%fast 1 120 5 4 li l3 E Pool 6 Great Jaz, BettvBeall. M.Mfins 75455 Churchill 3-4 l:llV5fast 21 107 7 5 32 3l L McDott 7 Audacious. Dr.Ilickmaii, In. Trail 75415 Churchill 7-S l:24.4good 21 114 4 2 fft 3=1 E Scobe 8 Ten -Lee, Heremon, R. on Time EASTER BELLS, b. c, 4 110 By Black Toney— Mission Bell, by Peep oDay. Trainer, W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner. W. E. Caskey. Jr.. Breeder. H. H. Howitt. 79722 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 61 107 5 1 51 6-" J Corcorn 7 Certain, Glyn, Dust Flower 79171 Churchill 3-4 l:13%hvy 12 104 3 4 7 7" I Parke 7 Exodus, Bombon Boy. Ten Lcc 79092 Churchill 3-4 l:ll%fast 11-10 112 1 2 3» 5" B Harvey ti Possible. Lithrop, l!o McMillan 79008 Churchill 3-4 l:12-6slow 51 106 2 2 2s 3» J Wallace 3 Creat Jaz. Moonraker. Actuary 78899 Churchill 3-4 l:14VHmud 61 108 114* 3*1 B Harvey 5 Glide, Pindar Peel. Great Jaa ROCKY MOUNTAIN, ch. g, 5 110 By Malamont— Mountain Mist, by Magnetizer. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, C. A. Bedencope. Breeder, W. 0. Parmer. 79847 Latonia IrmOy 1:42 fast 51 101 4 1 41 52 F Hstings ! Makelp. Llewellyn F.-inc.TiiTii 79633 Churchill 7-8 l:23£fast 29 109 4 2 3s 3=1 I Parke 7 AliceB.Gcwn, Actuary, Mnraker 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%fast 18-5 111 2 2 fft 1" W Fronk S BkfastBell, S.Vcente Wh Star 79087 hurt hill 7-8 l:25%fast 19-10 113 3 5 2h «*| K Pool 8 Parader, PnceTiiTii, Sympathy 79039 Churchill 3-4 l:12%good 12 115 7 4 3" 2 1 W Fronk 9 BkfastBell, Sympathy, Clarence 75457 Chun hill 1 1-16 l:46%fast 17 107 1 2 3* 2s W Lancet 6 Donges. I ady Champ, Wi.l 1 75279 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 21 112 1 1 32 331 B Harvey 6 Blue Stone, Wida, Taylor Hay DUST FLOWER, ch. f. 4 103 By Peter Quince— Stick Pin, by McGee. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner. J. C. Milam. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 79888 Latonia 3-4 l:ll%fast 10 99 4 3 4 4*1 R Wiams 9 Inquisition, Rapid Day, Ararat 79722 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 21 95 4 5 3l 3 » R Wiams 7 Certain, Glyn, Climax 7K725 Lexgton 3-4 1.13/r.good 33 103 2 3 5s 5»1 J Pevic 6 Ijiveen, Tcn-I.ec, AliceBlueGwn 73728 Legton 3-4 l:12Vfcfast 12 97 4 4 4s 51 I Parke « R.onTime, Mar.May. Prec.Lula 73682 Lexgton 3-4 1:12%fast 20 107 9 9 10l 10,s M Gamer 12 Dr.IIiekman, Translate, LilyM. 72762 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%good 20 112 5 7 7 711 M Garner 7 Avisack, Fair Phantom, Possible BILLY KLAIR, b. r. 3 110 By Horron— Ethelburg II-. hy HanshMg-. Trainer. W. N. Potts. Ovntr, W. N. Potts. Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 1*667 Lexgton 3-4 l:15%mud 74 113 U 11 11 11" W W Torll Kit.Ttoxell. Minns, SnowMaiden 77726 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14*4cood 4-5 lit 2 4 1» li L, McDottl3 Comedy. WatchCharm. Benigna 775:58 F.Grnda 3-4 l:14%fast 7 10511 2 2 2«J Corcoranl2 Exchange, Jon Jou, ThreeSquare 77411 F.Grnds 1 1 40%faat 10 96 5 6 7 6U D Jones 7 Goldfield. Telescope, H.M. Diets 77365 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 15 93 7 S 7 7» L Lang- 7 Certain, Sweepstakes, BuckPond SYMPATHY, ch. f . 4 109 3y McGee— Boony Doon, ay Prince of Melbourne. Trainer. T. M. Botts. Owner. T. M. Botts. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 7908 7 HMM 7-8 125%fast 23-10 113 0 3 1» 3| J Heupel 8 Parader. Pr. Til Tii, R.Monntain 79039 Churchill 3-4 1:12?»good 21 110 1 S 2" Sl J Heupel 9 BkfastBell, R.MnUiin, Vence 77783 Jefferson 1 l:«rtifast 9-20 101 1 1 1» 1» J Wallace 7 MissForte. IJewellyn, BlueNose 77719 F.Grnda lm70y 1 :43andfast 9-5 104 3 1 H 2"* J Heupel 5 Roses tell., Dustabout, BlueNose 77650 F.Crnds lmTOy l:43%fast 9 6 103 4 1 1" 21 J Heupel 6 Edd Gray, Isosceles, Llewellyn 77578 F.Grnds lmTOy l:46V»mud 41 ln3 3 1 li 1* J Heupel 7 W.TakeAlI, EdwdGray, B.Arw VALLEY LIGHT, b. c, 3 106 By Light Brigade— Valeurense, by Orsini. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner, G. V. Barnes. Breeder. C. W. Clark. 75516 Churchill 1 l:38%fast 27 107 6 6 6« 6" G W Oroll 8 Graeme. Giblon. Lord Martin 75395 Churchill 7 8 1:27 slow 9 110 4 5 5» Sl E Pool 6 MuldraiiKh, C.lide, Ocirena 75278 Latonia 3-4 l:12%rast 20 113 « 6 5l 5« J D Mney 7 Calvin, Cloister, Hob Cahill 75221 I.atonia 1 l:43%hvy 15 108 4 4 SI 6-" J Wallace 8 Altawood, K.GorinlL. Bonr. Boy 75031 Latonia ll:4-*Smud 61 115 1 2 4l 4° J D Mney S Altawood. Frelwell. Dobson EUXALIA, ch. £. 4 108 By Spanish Prince II.— Alice Dudley, by Electioneer. CTrainer. C. PHips. Owner. C. Phillips. Breeder. C. Clay. "5424 Pimlico 3-4 lrlSVfcfast 76 93 7 7 7 7" F Thdyke 7 Mainmast, Flintstone, A. Patriae 73085 Il.vshire 1 1-16 l:44%fast 18 103 5 7 8 8,; R Romelli 8 My Dear, Barracuda. Fair Gain 729S4 K-nilwh 1 1-8 1 :52%good 21 100 Wheeled. T Wilson 8 Muttikins. Clansman, My Dear 727S2 FortRrie 3-4 l:12%rast 6 107 5 5 5 5*1 T Wilson 5 Hildnr, Wilkes Barre, Procyon 72358 Hamton 1 1-16 l:46M fast 14 102 3 8 71 l*|1 Wilson 9 My Dear. Spot Cash, BabyGrand 72162 Kenilwh 7 8 1:25 fast 33-10 100 5 1 l1 1» T Wilson 5 Fair Gain, Vennie, Jimmie Daw MULDRAUGH, b. g, 3 106 By Peter Quince — Bunchy, by Llangwym. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner. 3. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 75456 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 2C-10 1091 5 5 8* S«3 M Gamer 11 Pr.Doreen. Clarence, SgeCoacb 75395 Churchill 7-8 1:27 slow 19-5 109 3 1 Ik 11 M Garner « Glide. Ocirena. Nogales 75273 Latonia 3-4 |— HfllT 4-5 112 3 1 li lz L McDottl2 L.Smoke, LaP.deBnte, B.Orange 75123 I-atonia 3-4 l:13%good 19-5 115 8 2 21 2* J Wallace It Horgan, Calvin. King ONeill II. 74933 LsUosJsi 3 4 1:11 fast 21 115 3 1 3 3 J J Pevic 11 NewGold, Dudley. PhyllisLouise 74061 I.exton FC LllAfast 11-5 Ifl 8 2 21 2l M Garner 11 Slicker, DustyMary. Beth. Steel J. G. DENNY, br. c. 3 93 By Jusquau Bout — Mary Michaels, By Lissak. Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner. 3. H. Brown. Breeder. J. H. Brown. 79985 Latonia 3-4 l:15%mud 33-5 112 2 3 6» 6" B Harvey 8 Sayno, Huon Pine, Corinth 79758 I utonia lmTOy l:50hvy 17 105 1 1 5 5,s B Harvey I KingC.orinll.. Corinth. BlAgnes 79583 Churchill 1 l:37%tast 16 109 1 3 61 6=» It Harton 8 Giblon, Corinth. Bob Tail 79.101 Churchill 7-8 l:25Vandfast 28f 107 8 10 13 13" R Hartonl3 BourbonBoy, Giblon, LordMartin 79089 Churchill 1 l:36%fast 65 96 4 8 8 8!* D Jones 8 Actuary, Moonraker, Ten-Lee

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061301/drf1924061301_4_5
Local Identifier: drf1924061301_4_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800