untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-28


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Gars Weekly 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA Georgia. Purple, Bock, House DEVONSHIRE Florida, Light, Brick, Ivory Again We Won ! YESTERDAYS HAMILTON SPECIAL: Night Shade - .70- Won ADV. GRAND SPECIAL: Great Jazz - - .80- Won We surely are CLEANING TJP PRETTY THESE DAYS. Get in line with the GABS CROWD if you want to win. TODAY Another Grand Special AT DEVONSHIRE I tell you, not a single solitary thing has been overlooked. EVERYTHING IS READY and I KNOW the shrewdest people are down here STRONG. UNDER NO CONSIDERATION go to DEVONSHIRE without this BIG SPECIAL TODAY. Ask your newsdealer for Gars Daily 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Detroit For Sale at Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square AGAIN, dont go to DEVONSHIRE without this Grand Opening Special Today CHICAGO For sale at leadnig newsstands. CLEVELAND O. Schroder 212 E. Suparior Ave. OMAHA. NEB. Meyer Coren 1411 Farnum St. KANSAS CITY Ricksecker 9th and Walnut Sts. and wherever DAILY RACING FORM IS SOLD. NOTE NEW ISSUE OF WEEKLY FOB SALE SUNDAY AND MONDAY; SATUBDAY IN CHICAGO. MASTER RATINGS 35 Cents At All Newsstands HURRAH!! Again we cleaned up. AGAIN WE WON YESTERDAYS OUTSTANDING BEST: Night Shade - .70- Won I tell you these OUTSTANDING H0BSES are the GBEATEST HOBSES you ever saw for GETTING THE MONEY. A 5 bet on every ONE OF THEM since the SPORTING LEADER has been publishing them daily, the MASTER RATINGS is a BIG WINNER. Remember, Peggie S. - - 6.75- Won was an OUTSTANDING HORSE, and so were many other LONG-PRICED HORSES. From one end of the country to the other they are TALKING ABOUT the DAILY MASTER RATINGS 35 cents mailed two weeks, . address 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. DETROIT FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Boul. Familty Theater Newsstand Cadillac Square And by all means DONT GO TO DEVONSHIRE without these ratings for TODAYS DEVONSHIRE OUTSTANDING has been shipped here especially for this race. 0H-B0YS-L00K This system is still picking the long shots. Here aro a few: The Archer... 5. 80-J2 Zreran 4.30- Bond 8.80- Freecutter . . . .4.00- Star Girl 9.00- San Flag 1.30- Melchoir 1.60- Lavinia 4.60- Who Knows Me1.10- Napoo 4.20- Wax Winner... 9.40- Blue Van 25.80- Cavalcadour II.7.60- Montdale 7.40-- and a large number of others. SYSTEM NO. 2 -This wonderful system only had 5 losers at Havre de Grace, Blue Bonnets and Devonshire combined. Best Bet had only 1 loser. At DorvaL Bowie, and Hawthorne, combined, same system only had 6 losers, including the Best Bets. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away, from the track. Price in full for both, only 0.00. J. H. CROSMAN PALMYRA, XND. BOX 26 Tom Slocum strongly advises you getting in touch with me immediately. I know of several getaway good things that will be cut loose before shipping to Saratoga and Hawthorne. My terms are winnings of ten dollar play on these get-away good things, as few outsiders know of their true form. Positively no mail. Wire me Latonia Bace Track, Covington, Ky. How a telegraph operator discovered the IFREE secret of making money on the races. For details, t0 mail this ad. with a two-cent stamp, T. K. WILLIS 225 30th Street Miami Beach, Florida National oi K. Racing Letter TWO LATONIA WEBBY DAY SPECIALS Wired DIBJSCT from the track. DONT HISS THEM 60c DAILY AT All NEWSSTANDS 50c 411, 22 W. QUIMCr-ST CHICAGO, ILL, Jack T. Schilling HOTEL GIBSON -:- -:- CINCINNATI, OHIO Reliable and Assurance Prepared Especially For You YESTERDAYS HORSE: MISS MAZIE 3.10- WON At Latonia Saturday, July 5 All is set and ready for you to take advantage of. Should win and pay 30-1 OR BETTER All arrangements have been made for get-away day, July 5th. On past performances this horse does not figure. But we know of the sensational time he has made in workouts and the careful and smart manner in which he is being prepared. Its possible a new track record will be made and all those interested will get plenty of money. Here is a real OPPORTUNITY for those who take advantage of it. My reference and past record. I have released only four horses at Kentucky: MAY 14 REPEATER 2.70- WON MAY 30 SUNNY DUCROW 9.50- WON.. JUNE 19 LADY ASTOR 7.00- WON Yesterday MISS MAZIE 3.1 0- WON I haTe been selected as one of two people In the United States to act for these Kentucky connections on this long shot get-away day. Connections hare arranged to allow a limited numher In on this and under the conditions that all wagers are made about half an hour or less before post time. This Is to assure us of the price we desire and protect these Kentucky connections. AH subscriptions are acceptable on the following basis: The people must he responsible and that the participation shall be" deferred until I get the full number of people toi wager. Item it 0.00 at once and agree to give me the winnings of a 0.00 wager after you haTe collected and Ill agree to send you the next big winner that will go at the Saratoga meeting. If you remit after this horse wins, you will be eligible for future relations. The future procedure will be to eliminate all parties likely to create sufficient local interest to hurt the price expected. WIRE YOUR REMITTANCE TO AVOID DELAY JACK T. SCHILLING HOTEL GIBSON, CINCINNATI, OHIO HARVEY AMES EAItLE BUILDING BKOADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY Nothing was advised yesterday as the contract for Fridays "Harvey Transaction" clearly stated that the track must be fast. A heavy downpour caused muddy track conditions. This office never guesses and matters cannot be rushed to suit the impulsive. Subscribers are, at all times, welcome to request return of their subscription unless fully satisfied with the precautions taken in their interest. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TODAY This horse has had a special preparation for this event and will start regardless of track conditions. The reason for the popularity of "Harvey Transactions" and why so many confine their operations exclusively to same should again be proven this afternoon. Subscription, 00, by telegraph or in person. Correct street address must be known to this office if service is expected. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 I JIM DRAKE 1452 Broadway New York City Suite 305 0.00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY ANOTHER BIG 00.00 SPECIAL FREE TODAY TO Each and every one who will subscribe for my regular daily service. Ky last two 00 FREE SPECIALS BOTH "WON at good prices and I feel just as .confident of the result today. A 0 flat play last five days netted my followers about ,152.50 " Which should convince even the most skeptical that my service stands in a class by itself. Ky winners are my best advertisement. Yesterdays 00.00 Special: Miss Mazie 3.1 0- Won Only horse advised. Thursdays Horse: Snowden ..9.80- Won "Wednesdays Horse: Brave Bob ..30- Won Tuesdays Horse: Ten Sixty .2.90- Won Mondays Horse: Bobe Shea 1.00- Won I If you are a winner you dont need me, but if you are a loser, subscribe at once and see for yourself how it feels to be on the winning: side. Back Jim Brakes special every day. Horses mentioned abo70 are positively the only horses sent ont past five days. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. ADVERJ1SE IN RACING FORM 116 Nassau St. New York City Boom 401 United Turf News SEKI-WEEKLYY Price .00 Price .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. For sale all newsstands everywhere. Issue Out Today Saturday TODAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL: 9-1-14-33-Fair Buy a copy of UNITED TURF NEWS and consult our paper for winners. DAILY OCCASIONAL: .00 Daily 0.00 Weekly Yesterdays Big Kentucky Occasional: Miss Mazie 3.1 0- Won Thursdays: Deeming 3.70- Won Another Kentucky Occasional Goes Today Clients out of town, wire money Western Union or Postal. Telegraph .00 Daily 0.00 Weekly LADY ASTOR 7.00- WON SUNSPERO 3.70- WON DEEMING 3.70 - WON SUN FLAG 1.30- WON Given in this weeks book, besides many other winners. New book out now; gives you best line on horses that are ready to win. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct, 3 copies for .00. Todays Code Special: March Peach-11-40-57-54. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, HI. THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM The employed mans sheet anchor. A STRAIGHT FLAT PLAY ONLY. Th real test for any system is this: Is it a worKable system giving a few plays a day on the nose, and without progression? It costs yotf nothing to investigate this NEW IDEA. Address THE ADMIRAL COMPANY 306 Stewart Bldg., BALTIMORE. Kd.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062801/drf1924062801_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1924062801_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800