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Workout Index to Hamilton Entries - Below -will be found the index to the previous "workouts of horses entered in the various races at Hamilton Saturday: FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. 159 Damon Runyon 161 Fiery Flight Sun Hope Fair Myrtle Belle Wood What Is It 152 Trigger SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Guingamp 397 Forge Ahead 427 Double Tip S97 Charlton 299 Roi Craig 3 Flying Frog 162 Treviscot THIRD RACE 1 Mile On Turf. 161 Old Faithful 389 Odd Seth 273 Pennon 162 Normana 154 Capt. Clover 159 Carry On 365 Arragosa 151 McTab 155 Frosty Boy Harp of Prophecy 159 Devonite 87 Balsam Lake 457 Tribune 1 FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 161 Sura to Win 159 Spanish Name 162 Earla Baby Pictin 161 Revolt . 161 Sun Caris Uomo FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 161 Spot Cash . 162 Digit 161 Muttikins 144 Malapert 159 Deep Thought 137 Hillman 145 Barracuda 162 Dixie Smith 151 Llewellyn 140 Calcutta 112 Senator Norris SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 151 Wildrako 257 Louanna 136 Doctor Corbett 160 Vacuum 160 Anticipate 112 Speedy Girl 152 Honor Man SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles On Turf. 162 Azrael 132 Beau of the West 140 Chloris Calcdon Maypole 161 Rex Gaiety 100 Lcasido 397 Tiger Tim