Epinard in Fast Gallop: French Colt Has Wonderful Action-Gallops Quarter-Mile in 24 1/5, Daily Racing Form, 1924-08-12


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EPINARD IN FAST GALLOP French Colt Has Wonderful Action Gallops Quarter-Mile in 241g SARATOGA, N. T., August 1L For the first time since he has been in this country, Epinard was given a fast workout Saturday and is action at once set at rest all the disquieting rumors of how he had been training for his engagements at Belmont Park, Aqueduct and Latonia this fall. The invader was only sent a quarter of a mile, and it was only in the second eighth that he was permitted to extend himself fully. The first eighth was run in 13 seconds, with Madden having a strong hold on the colt, then he sent him along for the second eighth and he ran it in 11 with the greatest ease. What was impressive in the move was the altogether different action of the colt when running fast. "While he has been galloping slowly, he has been considered as having both bad action and bad manners, but when he ran the second eighth, he had a frictionless stride that was as different as could be imagined. This has been the peculiarity of many great horses, but it seems to be more pronounced in the notable visitor than has been observed in any other horse. Of course Leigh knew all this and when the rumors were flying about that Epinard was sour and would not work and that he was running out and quitting, Leigh only smiled and said he was satisfied with the way his charge was training. Those who saw him in his workout this morning have formed a new estimate of the invader and it is admitted that he is a thoroughly good horse and that he is coming to hand rapidly. The natural training program will mean that Epinard will have several other speed trials before his first engagement falls due at Belmont Park, and there will be several other opportunities to obtain a line on his quality. For the time being he has come into a new importance.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924081201/drf1924081201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1924081201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800