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E. J. MARTIN "ONE HOESE" SPECIAL "I-T0LD-Y0U-S0" Again We "Cleaned Up" Yesterdays Advertised 0 Special again "Won at Brood odds name cannot be given for stable reasons and I "begged" everybody not to let this get away. Now this makes it "6 "Straight" Winners Not one loser in last 6 0 "Specials" I sent out all 6 "WOK at "BIG ODDS." Another Chance for Yon Today To "Clean Up" on 20-1 Shot I have been waiting to pet the 0. X. on this Special for over 2 weeks and today is the day. I have such confidence this one will win today, and 20-1 expected, that I am. giving this again "FREE" TODAY because I want everybody to "clean np" a big ?Bank Soil? today. Remember, this is the last day I am giving my 0 "Special" "FREE" to any one sending 0 at once for one weeks subscription to my Daily "Special." Yosterdays "SPECIAL" was: Director . . . .00- Won Day after day these Daily "Specials" have been getting the -RAE-ME$ for our followers. Notice Ex-Jockey Martin sold on all nowssands, daily. Hailed to you overnight in plain, sealed envelope. You get it first mail each morning. And I guarantee you, if 4 out of the. 6 Specials dont win, you get next 6 days FREE. Bush your subscription quickly by telegraph so I can send you todays 0 "Special" FREE. E. J. MARTIN Tho Dexter Bldg., 3rd floor, corner Dearborn asd Adams Sts., Chicago, 111. Phone: Harrison 0248. CHICAGO PXAYEBS NOTICE ANOTHER 10-1 SHOT TODAY FREE. Just like HOY, 10-1, Won, other day, which we also gave FREE. So dont fail to call at our office after 9 a. m. and get this "Hawthcrae" Special FREE TODAY. NOTICE SOME OF OUR OUT-OF-TOWN AGENTS: Detroit Dunns Newsstands, Michigan and Shelby Sts. St. Louis Laser, 711 Market: 410 Washington Ave, Cleveland Schroeders, 212 Superior Ave. Omaha Meyers Stand, 1411 Farnum St. Kansas City Rickseckers, 9th and Walnut Sts. Dan Mooney SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. Yesterdays Special: BYNG 20-1 Won Saturdays Special: EL KANTARA ...4-1 Won Thursdays Special: SKIT 8-1 Won All my clients remit at onco to get my next Special, which goes Friday, August 22. Every possible means of protection has been taken to safeguard the result against loss. Tho horse should win and pay about to 1 or Betters To prove to you how confident my connections are of this winner, I will again make you tho special offer: If horse, fails to win, I will send; youf my next special, which goes Monday, August 25, absolutely FRF.F, I have made the proper connection to offer you a few winners which go during tho balance of this meeting. My terms will bo .00 in advance and the winnings of a .00 straight play. Now is your chanco to get real long shot winners. Bemit at once. Also give correct name and address to avoid delay, DAN M00NEY SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. P. S. All followers must remit on all previous winners to get any information. Wm. GORMAN .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays .00 Occasional: LEGATION 9-2 Won Yesterdays .00 Super Special: KERRY GIRL 7-1 Won Recent long shot winners, all filod in advance with Daily Bacing Form: HOY 10-1 Won HESSANNA 16-5 Won TRY AGAIN 9-2 Won DIRECTOR .00- Won Big Super Special Goes Today I navo two that have teen under cover for the past week, just waiting for the right spot, which is today. Mr. Player, parlay my Super Special and my Occasional, and you should realize 30 to 1. If yoa want a bank roll in a very short time, then get my offer. Enough sed. SPECIAL OFFER You can obtain six Super-Spacials and the Daily Occasionals for 5.00 weekly. WM. GORMAN 29S Broadway, Boom 709 NEW YORK CITY Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will bo mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla. i Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 320 EAST 3RD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO HARVEY AMES EAKLE BUILDIKO BBOADWAY AT 52D STREET HEW YORK CITY The last "Harvey Transaction" was withdrawn one hour before post time, as "Harvey Transactions" are given every possible protection against loss and no unnecessary chances are taken at any time. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY One of the biggest events of the season for followers of "Harvey Transactions" is in store for TODAY. As in the case of previous transactions, no attention should be paid to past performances. Track conditions made to order. Subscription, 00. Mr. Ames instructs the New York office to the effect that positively nobody will receive todays "Harvey Transaction" unless the subscription is received. TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 j R. REM ONE BEST EACH DAY TERMS SIX DAYS TEN DOLLARS B. BETEYS OCCACIONALS 2 or 3 a week TERMS TEN DOLLARS EACH COMBINATION OFFER Six days One Bests and three Occasionals for twenty-five dollars. Wednesday I Gave: Brilliant 2-1 Won Tuesdays Best: Try Again 4-1 Won Mondays One Best was: Dr. Hickman ..... .4-5 Won Saturday s One Best was: Huonec 5-1 Won Fridays One Best was: Rallim 0.15- Won Fridays Occasional was: Fraternity II. 20-1 Won All filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. My Next Occasional will go: THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 BIG PRICE EXPECTED A complete record of my Best Bets and Occasionals was published in last Sundays Racing Form. IMPORTANT NOTICE To avoid the delay and confusion of using codo I will wire subscribers three horses and the third horse mentioned in telegram will be my One Best. When I send a 0 Occasional the name of the horse will be spelled backwards. My service is well and favorably known to many readers of this paper and tho fact that I have not advertised for the past two weeks is due to my having all the clients I could handle. I have now made arrangements for additional telegraphic and clerical facilities and will be in a position to handle several hundred more clients. Telegraph your subscription as early as possible as all orders will be filled in the sequence in which they are received. GET RICH WITH BETEY R. RETEY 15 161st St. JAMAICA, N. Y. " V M. E. KUHNER PARLAYS PAY PLENTY CHICAGO KENTUCKY CANADA TERMS: 0 FOR EACH PARLAY j New York Tracks Not Handled Nothing Sent Out Today. YESTERDAYS PARLAY WAS KERRY GIRL 10-1 Won ATLANTIDA ...9.10- Won TUESDAYS PARLAY WAS ALLEDEN 16-5 Won GO F0IN 11-10 Won Nothing sent out Monday. All my parlays filed hours in advanco with Bacing Form. FRIDAY A BIG PARLAY with fancy prices will be on tap. Wire 0 at once for Fridays Parlay and, if either of the two horses sent you lose, I will send my next Parlay FREE. A 5 play on my parlays since July 1 Won Over ,000 My parlay for tomorrow Friday will lo a good spat for you to join with a winning connection. Now subscribers will not have to wait for code as parlay will be sent at once on receipt of 0. by telegraph. M. E. KUHNER SUITE 41G. 1454 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY ADVERTISE IN . RACING FORM Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly YESTERDAYS FLASH: Lady Marian .65- Won My Biddy Lost TUESDAYS FLASH: Deputy 0.80- Won Eva Ackley Lost MONDAYS FLASH: Wellfinder ..7-1 Won Lugs 5-1 Won SATURDAYS FLASH: Wraith .95- Won Sanola 4-1 Won FRIDAYS FLASH: Hopeless 5.20- Won Body Guard 7-2 Won THURSDAYS FLASH: Wedding Prince 2.30- Won Bear Shot 7-1 Won WEDNESDAYS FLASH: Doc Gaiety . . . .8.40- Won Crumple 30-1, 10-1 2nd TUESDAYS FLASH: Balboa 12-5 Won Sweet Note . . . .0.95- Won MONDAYS FLASH: Hoy 8-1 Won Prudy 4.95- Won . SATURDAYS FLASH: Mark Master. 4-1 Won Cordelier . .4.15- Won All information comes direct from our connections at tho principal tracks in the United States and Canada. Why not get the best "info" for the least expense! Our large successful weekly followers enable us to release this "Supreme Flash" at such a nominal fee. If you were to pay ,000,-yon" could not equal this kind of information. 3-Only Weekly Subscriptions Will Be Accepted"" BUSH 0 AT ONCE for one weeks service 6 days and you will be a big winner. Send your correct name and address to avoid delay. Address all communications: SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 68 West 23rd St.. Suite 16 New York City Gars Weekly 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. NOTE: FREE CODES IN OTHER ADV. HURRAH! YESTERDAYS BIG SPECIAL: WILDERNESS, 6-1, WON I tell you if you ever got a LONG SHOT this was one. And if you ever GOT IN on "LIVE INFO" here was the one. Get in line with GARS if you want to win, TODAY First Race- Windsor An 8-1 Shot I tell you I got this one for an 8-1 shot and they SURE are DOWN STRONG on this bird. Dont fail to GET this one today, ask for GARS DAILY 50 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. MAILED 2 WEEKS, REMIT TO 438 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstands Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. OMAHA. NEB. Myer Coren, 1411 Farnnm St. CLEVELAND, O. O. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St KANSAS CITY Recksocker, 9th and Walnut Sts. MILWAUKEE Reid Hotel, 432 Water St CHICAGO At all newsstands and wherever Racing Form s sold. GARS WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODES: Hawthorne: Vermont-Boy-Dark-Ivory. Windsor: Vermont-Snow-White -Black. .Saratoga: Wyoming-Pink-Graaa -Lilac.