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Latest Training Operations 224 HAWTHORNE RACE TRACK, Aug. 28. Todays training gallops hero included the following: nAWTnoitxE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 220- Auntie Millin .39 220-Pinch o Snuff. 36 219-Boy O Boy 39 209-Praiseworthy ..36 222-Belzonl 38 222-St. Angelina ..37 219-Eddie Jr 30 222-Star Sweeper .35 221- IIolly Boy 3G 221-Setting Sun ...37 212- Liege 30 222-Winnie 0Wynn37 203-Little Smoke ..38 Half Mile. 222- Dobson 51 221-roppye 50 203- Eelman 49 210-Red Legs 53 222-Eventide 4S 222-Spandor 55 219-Hobson 50 221-Sorlino 50 222-neadachc 52 222-The Leopard ..49 216-Intako 49 Five -Eighths Mile. Akernocker ..1:10 222-Miss Cerina .1:10 221- Childs Play. 1:02 220-Miss Jennie. .1:01 222- Doc Horn ...1:10 219-Outcast 1:09 215-HeraId 1:06 218-Simpleton ...1:04 219- Leslio 1:05 217-Vaning Boy. 1:04 220- Lily M 1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 209-Bona Vera ..1:18 220-Oh Susanna .1:16 219- Gd Morning. 1:17 219-Prince K. ...1:17 223- Visitor .1:16 214-Pandosta 1:20 220- Long Green .1:20 219-Rk Heathcr.l:14 222-Mad Boy ...1:22 221-R. Princess .1:16 215- Miss Emmcrtl:lC 222-S. of John .1:13 One Mile. 216- Dustabout ...1:56 189-Qnee Garden.l:44 221- Darnley 1:50 215-Walnut Hall.l:4S Star Sweeper showed good speed. Lily M. and Miss Jennie worked on even terms. Outcast showed good speed. Rock Heather, Little Visitor and Rockland Princess ran well. Son of John did a very good gallop. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., Aug. 28. Todays training gallops here included the following : SARATOGA SPRINGS. Weather clear; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 222- Aspiration 37 222-Snowdrop 37 219- Bobbed Bandit. 43 ISO-Vexation 43 222-On Top 37 Half Mile. 199-Blackstone 54 223-Little Chief ..51 215-Cmmple 51 218-Long Point ...55 204- Dukedom 52 222-Menthol 51 221-Despot 51 216-Margin 52 227-1. Whitgton .01 212-Mast. Crump ..52 100-Eliz. Beagan ..52 210-Mary Agnes ..54 221- First Mate ...55 222-Mon. Morning. .52 215-Gr. Moments .53 221-Plough Boy ..52 222- Good Cause ...52 222-Polo Ground ..51 221- Hilary 52 219-Pcanuts 51 213- Hoot Mon 52 219-SI. and Easy. .53 222- Knmonin 57 221-Tilka 51 202- Lighter 54 222-Vulnad 52 222-Lilane V.52 Five-Eighths Mile. 212-Arcady 1:09 220 Spic and Spanl:ll 21S-Bobs Mary. .1:04 215-Sunsini 1:11 220- Ccnii.ta 1:09 211-Samaritan ...1:05 207-Cockney 1:06 222-Singlo Foot. .1:04 221- Graeme 1:00 210-Zeebrugge ...1:05 203- Mamselle ...1:12 Three -Quarters Mile. 222- Baf fling 1:17 220-Lady Belle ..1:27 195-B1. Warbler .1:23 219-Ohone 1:27 222-Begrs Luck. 1:19 221-Polycarp 1:27 222-BIue Moon ..1:23 221-Stirrup Cup .1:20 221 -Courageous ..1:20 221-Skit 1:20 20-Donnelly 1:21 221-Trip Lightly 1:18 221-Elvina 1:27 1G3-Waratah 1:26 218-Galleon 1:27 215-Washington .1:27 221-Hamadan ...1:18 181-Warlike 1:25 Soven-Eighths Mile. 222 -Wilderness ..1:38 One Mile. 216- A1 Boyd ...1:50 222-Silk Tassel .1:52 220- Bowman 1:53 222-Supcrbum ...1:52 218- Buck Pond ..1:54 222-Ton Eyck ...1:50 22t-Gold Bus ..1:50 210-Vineyard ....1:54 221- K. ONeill 11.1:56 222-Wynnewood .1:54 222- Maryd Belle 1:52 Mile and a Quarter. 221-Bob Tail ...2:22 222-Prince James2:14 The main track was closed again today and all training was done at the Oklahoma training track. The going was deep and holding and no workouts of consequense were noted. Baffling worked well for the International Special at Belmont Park Monday. WINDSOR, Ont., Aug. 28. Todays training gallops here included the following: KEJilLWORTH PARK. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 205-Black Art 37 201-Padua 88 195-Battonier 42 184-Posto Haste 42 217- Cote dOr 40 218-Sandy Hatch... 37 205 -Gold field 39 Half Mile. 127-nigh Gear ....54 187-My Biddy 51 Judge IIickman52 207-Turbulent 50 161-I.ady Marian ..52 183. Tender Seth ..56 180-Llewellyn 52 Five -Eighths Mile. 211- Algonquin ...1:06 199-MdmeBeach 1:05 216- Gath 1:01 98-Sea-Wolf ...l:at 219- J. F. Kleaver 1:02 216-Sea Fairy ...1:05 212- Leonard G 1:00 Three -Quarters Mile. 213- Blennerhast 1:10 201-Plow Steel. ..1:20 215-Dexterous ...1:20 211-Tan Son 1:20 215-Marathonian ,1:1G 106-AVood Lady .1:20 One Mile. 188-Flax 1:47 Padua is good and fresh. Battonier pulled up sore. Sandy Hatch was only cantering. Goldfield is improving. My Biddy ran away a half mile after working. Turbulent worked well with light weight up. John F. Kleaver galloped easily. Algonquin and Leonard G., worked together. Blennerhassett did a nice gallop. Marathonian worked from the barrier. Flax was only cantering. OTTAWA, Ont, Aug. 28. Todays training gallops here included the following: CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather clear ; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. Arabian .. 37 159-Redstono 30 219-Fairbank 37 187-Wanderlust ...37 217- Louanna 37 Half Mile. 140-Attorney Muir 51 218-OIand 50 81-Gcn. Cadorna 50 207-Teas Ready ..50 200-Gold Rock 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 195-CordonRonge 1:05 166-Revolt 1:07 208- MarieMaxiin 1:01 207-Shiloh 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 197-Admiror 1:18 210-Great Luck .1:17 210-Capt. Clover 1:19 221-L;lt 1:17 209- Doc Gaiety 1:17 Lilt was not extended. Gen. Cadorna ran well. Oland has his speed. Great Luck ran well. Redstone was under restraint.