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I N. O. BULLETIN I TERMS: OXE WINKER, 5. TERMS: FIVE WINNERS, 00. Your subscriptions arc good until yon- receive one or fire winners. My Next Horse Goes Saturday at Belmont Park ATTENTION ! ! ! ! Ton men who pay for hope instead of WINNERS. There are many men who go along from day to day, sending 0 here, wiring 0 there, promising the winnings of 5 elsewhere and still never get a winner, or, If they do, they receive an outstanding favorite. I WANT THE .ATTENTION OF THESE MEN FOR TWO MINUTES. GENTLEMEN ! ! ! ! GIVE THIS MATTER A THOUGHT. Pause for a moment and consider that my terms are based on winners only and that you will receive my telegrams until my obligation to yon is fully paid, look over the following list of my horses for the last three weeks and ask yourself: "Why should I spend my money for losers and outstanding favorites when I can get such as these!" ONLY HORSES SENT SINCE AUGUST 18 FILED IN ADVANCE WITH RACING FORM August 18 WELLFINDER 7-1 WON August 20 LEGATION 9-2 WON August 21 DANGEROUS 5-1 WON August 22 BRIGHT STEEL 5-1 WON August 23 PAS SEUL 12-1 SECOND August 26 BRICE 10-1 WON August 30 MASTER CHARLIE 30-1 WON September 1 REPULSE 20-1 WON September 3 My horse ran second at a good price. Name of this horse is withheld, for connections will try again his next start. My terras are based on winners only and I believe my information superior to any service at 0 or 00 a wire. My next horse Is scheduled to go at BELMONT PARK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Expect another LONG SHOT WINNER. TERMS: ONE WINNER, 5. TERMS: FIVE WINNERS, 00. My telegrams consist of one horse only. Subscriptions mnst be telegraphed and give address. N, O. BULLETIN ROOM 416, 145 WEST 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY V l HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITT The defeat of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" and, of course, the only horse advised, was caused by the overconfidence of the rider. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TOMORROW Mr. Ames will personally supervise the details of tomorrows "Harvey Transaction" and if future events can be judged by past performances nothing further need be added. The record which has appeared in these columns speaks for the value of the service. TOMORROWS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" should again demonstrate that there are days and days. Subscription: 00 in advance, by telegraph or in person. Street address of the sender must be known to this office or positively no service will be given. It should be clearly understood that "Harvey Transaction" means ONE HORSE AND ONE HORSE ONLY. AN EASY VICTORY WITH GOOD ODDS TOMORROW is again anticipated. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 CHARLES RAYMOND TRACK ADVISOR .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY ONE HORSE A DAY WHY LOSE WHEN YOU CAN WIN! Yesterdays Commission Horse: Carry On 8.50, 9.80- 2nd And my message to each and every player was GOING STRONG, WIN AND PLACE. I dont profess to be alio to give a WINNER each and every day, but I certainly make them stand up MOST OF THE TIME. Wednesdays Horse: Seastake 9.00- Won Tuesdays Horse: Sister Josella ..6.50- Won Mondays Horse: Fredericktown .0.40- Won It has oftjn been said, and truly said at that, CHARLES RAYMOND HORSES are the bast investment berore the racing public. TODAY DORVAL OPENS And that means 7 more SIG WINNING DAYS at hand boforo we finally get to our stomping grounds, LATONIA, on Sept. 13th. Com 3 on, men, send subscription, only 0, and get SOME WINNING HORSES AT CANADA and get acquainted and roady for that BIG LATONIA MEETING. Todays horse is a hummsr and tha fastest animal in Canada. Should win easily as well as pay very LONG ODDS, possibly 0 or 0 for . A week with me will be a convincer and you will win big money, also you will continue throughout the : year as a regular subscriber. Send via W. U. or sond special delivery. CHARLES RAYMOND j Room 338, 206 Broadway, New York City. E. SHAW ONE HORSE DAILY .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY And Again Yesterdays Horse: Grace Troxler 20-1 Won This was positively the only horso advised by me yesterday and we sure did get a juicy price. This makes 4 straight winners in the past 4 days and it goes to show you that I am not at the. track for my health. Dont forget, I gave 12 straight -winners at the spring mooting at this track. Wednesdays One Horse: Priscilla Ruley 5-1 Won Tuesdays One Horse: Irene Sweeney .15-1 Won Mondays One Horse: Donnelly 4-1 Won TODAYS HORSE COMES FROM THE SAME CONNECTIONS WHO GAVE ME IRENE SWEENEY, 15-1, WON, and they cxpact to gat even a bettor price today and there is no doubt of the result, as a good boy will ride. REMEMBER, only one horse a day and all this sorvico costs is 3.00 woekly and any one of these winners is well worth that price alone. Subscribe by the weak and get my big FREE EXTRA SPECIAL, which is now being made ready for a cleanup. Wire all remittances WESTERN UNION or POSTAL TELEGRAPH. 156 Fulton St., Room 430 New York City WATCH for ROBERT LEES EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT in this paper Tomorrow VERY SPECIAL USING THE WORKOUT INDEX Tlie workont Index which accompanies past performances or ail major tracks In DAILY JiACING FORM will be ol nse only to those readers who retain a complete file of past workouts. Each days workouts carry an index number and the latest trial of each horse entered will be foirnd by reference to the workouts of the day designated by the nnmbcr opposite the horses name In tho workout index. An ordinary stenographers notebook makes a convenient scrap book for-preservation of workouts as they are published. Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly IWSuper-Supreme Flash-! Goes Tuesday, Sept. 9th. Owing to the tre-mondous expense in obtaining this good thing I am compelled to charge fifteon dollars for same. Horse should win and pay better than 3-1. Rush your subscription for this winner. No propositions accepted. Yesterdays Flash: Note o Love .50- Won Shuffle Along 3rd Wednesdays Flash: Miryachit .40- Won Missionary .00- Won TUESDAYS FLASH: Stage Coach . . . ..20- Won Note o Love 2nd SOME OF MY RELEASES: MY BIDDY $ 4.40- WON rvr 3.i won GOLDEN RULE $ 4.95- WON MANILA $ 4.15- WON LADY MARIAN $ 7.65- WON DEPUTY 0.80- WON WELLFINDER 7-1 WON LUGS 5-1 WON WRAITH $ 7.95- WON SANOLA 4-1 WON HOPELESS 5.20- WON BODY GUARD 7-2 WON WEDDING PRINCE 2.30- WON BEAR SHOT 7-1 WON DOC GATETY .. .8.40-2 WON SWEET NOTE 3.95- WON BALBOA J2-5 WON PRUDY ?S4.S5- WON HOY 3-1 WON CORDELIER S14.15- WON MARK MASTER 4-1 WON BOSS JOHN 5-1 WON KINDRED 5-1 WON All information comes direct from our connections at the principal tracks in tho United States and Canada. Why not get the best "info" for the least expanse? Our large successful weekly followers enable us to release this "Suprems Flash" at such a nominal fee. If you were to pay ,000, you could not equal this kind of information. Only weekly subscriptions will be accepted. Rash 0 at once, BY WIRE, for one weeks service 6 days. Dont remit by mail. Wire your correct name and address to avoid delay. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 163 West 23rd Street, Suite 15 Hew York City 1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. Wm. K. HODGE J530.00 FOR SIX DAYS OR 0.03 DAILY STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY AT ANY TRACK THAT I OPERATE AT Yesterdays Oae Horse at Canada: Loveliness ...85- Won Wednesdays One Horse at Canada: Energy .15- Won NOTHING RELEASED TUESDAY Mondays getaway One Horse Special at Hawthorne, winding up a successful meeting for my followers, was: Pricemaker 4-1 Won Mondays Canada One Horse: Leatherwood .30- Won Saturdays Hawthorne One Horse: Rock Heather ...15-1 Won Saturdays Canada One Horse: Avispa 3.95- Won All of my followers are away ahead aain this week on a straight flat play. Last week was a big winner on a flat play. Week before last was a big winner on a flat play. Week before that a big winner on a flat play. All weeks are alike to Hodge and his followers. That is, every week a winning week. REMEMBER That I guarantee you that you must be a winner on a straight flat play cr the next six days FREE. Do not wait while others get the winners. Be one of the ruccessful ones. Wire 0.00 for six days. Start today with me at Canada. This one is so sweet that I am not going to say a thing about it. Only advise you to get your subscription on the wire at ence and cash a big bet today at Canada. I make others win, why not you! Telegraph your subscription at once with your correct street address where wire will reach you. Do it now. vv y Pay From Your Prof its THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing tho races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. la.