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HAWTHORNE STATISTICS ,i i Total of 84,475 Distributed During 52 Days of Bacing. . Mrs. A. Swenic lends Winning Owners GIblon lande Horses and Ellis tt-y, tin Hldcrf. j: . The Chicago Business Mens Itacing Association distributed tha imposing: sum of S4;475 darfcsrtha-Cfty-tsro days of racing si Hawthorn?. Ihi daily average distribution simountins to ,333. Mrs. A. Swenke tops the list of winning owners with 2JGO to her credit- AL Sha-potf. was iKiooml trAlx 9,S50, C W. Tteldlngcr lliira with ?123 Hsrned Brothers and Jones fourth -with 0,15$. while others to fare we!l included Audlesr Farm Stable. 4,340; Mrs. 3t. M. Hoots, 2,205; J. If. Camden. ,Ctt; International Sirsile. 312.andG!?, and Cincinnati Stable, ?,1Sand. 21b!on was 13i3 largest winner among the Taorses, liaadics ths list witii 5,52.5. Black Oeld beis seOTrl with .Mi and Sana la third wiOa G. JEIlis facial oil G12 riding honors with 28 winners wiliu I.-- MrTermctr second with ; This latter- iaji lb highest percentage of aJJ who 3xart3cgsatd at the meeting. Harry Sitntts madi a fhiz impression for the shore "while lis reds at Hawthorns piloting, nineteen winners ui pf sevenry-CTo mounts. i jb. Jones .saulfllcdl -the largest, number or winners, ssjstiijs: with seventeen. The complete statistics of thz meeting aTc i "here preseirtefln The owners -wSjcd Tercm or mora each Jbllows .... i Owner. lift. i?L 33L Amt. "Kweuke. lUrK. ..a 18 12 ?21C0 1 Slmpoff., 3L J.5 1G 13 19.9301 Jtiedinger. C "W :!5 1 Q 1C223 JIurned ErcK. and Jomaf IS ID 10.150 1 Audley Turin .Klalib? "ST 10 7 14.340 ! Hoot. Mtk. il jjl J--t:: kd i:uM tlomden, J.. IC -13 T 2 12,000; lutariiatioiuil Stwlibj :U 12 13 12.000 1 Cincinnati Jjtiriil" J 7 C 10.150 ISaker. 11. X. 7 :8 10 9,150 : Kenton Stable .. 7 4 U.050 1 Lnwcmiteiii, M. .7 .1 10 7.830 Mnrehbanl;. J.. TV".. 4 -1 7,030 Weant, "W.. C. U. .7. 1 S 0.503 Oots, II 4 7 3 5,950 Pueblo Stahle. "....1 3 3.0 2 5,S00i llartwell, C. A 8 t 3 5.250 ! Henius and Jf.ul .7 0 5 5.200 Lwe, ,1 -tj .4 .4 3.200 MeFaddeii, .1. ! 4 i0 Ti.OOO Coyne. 1 5 X. 2 4.950 aCiiebulkamu, WI. X. S S 1 -4,830 Diebold, Mrs. 3. 7 -4 -4.300 I.uxter, S. J: Hi -4 400 "Williiiins. 11 24 4i50 3otter, JIm. ":. .1. ................. r :u 2 4,100 Joacs Htoclc Ihum Stiibli: -4 4 4 4,030 Jlott, X. X ... .15 .S 3 3.700 loontv, .1. T. 4 2 Jl 3,300 Herly KtulHi- J! ifi C 3,300 Ahcarn, .1. .T 15 X 3400 "Williams, JIaj. 31. JJl S5 -1 2 3,100 llanrtolDli. .T. .1! 2 5 3,030 "Wall. K. .T ...... : :2 3 1V800 IerUins, W. .15 ;S 1 ,00 jAf foun. i: J2 . .3 X7O0 KHifbelkanui. ll. H :2 Xt 1 ",50! Clraiu. II. Ii .: 1 . 4 ,430; "Welsh, .1. 1. 21 -4 2 2.40 Collins, it. w. :2 :i i0 ti,400 .Marshall J.roi 2 4 i2,4O0 Mouahnii. X :2 1 Si U.330 Dortcli lSros .... .2 .15 :S 2.300 llold. A .15 0 1 UiOO Koiithlund Stable 21 2 2 2.030 JVnderson and Jvendly 1 4 4 2.000 Jooko, M. ,.1 1 :2 :S XUM Unuer. ..T. :2 o -o xtw "Wright, C. C 2! 0 :3 l.SOO Michelsou. .1. 1 ........T..2! 1 S l.SOB Muriihy, i:. m ::: l n 1,800 JSoard. A a 0 3S 1,700 Youms. .1. W. 2! 1 1 3,7CC j Mclonahl, ..I.. ,11 2! 1 2 1,700 rclleterc A :2 1 1 1.70S youns, A. W.. :2 0 -2 1,000 laul, .1. 1 2 0.2 1,000 .r.llmoru. II 21 1 0 l.fiOO Urist, X. i:. 0 1 3,0 :rant, S. AV. ...22 . 0 1 1,500 Heuze, I .2 0 1 l.OWi Moore. 1- K . - -0 1 Um i:icliard.s. i. . :2 0 1 X.ZW Jtobson, n. J :l :3 1 1.030 shields, m.. 2 o i xam The horses rwliicb. Eountfal Sot .,I00 or more each JolUrv: " j Horse. st. 50. 30. Amt Oiblon i! 1 0 13,S23 i:iack tJold M 0 0 13,900 Sanobi : 0 2 10,000 Ited Wiiigiitild :H - 0 7.8CJ Iriucess Jtoreen . 1 1 6 "."4J Tin- Hunt ". .7 1 3 0,700 liocklaud Iriucesi 4 0 2 4,030 Ethel Clayton . 4 :2 1 4,550 Unonee 4 0 4,300 Tangerine : - 2 2 3,900 I.ninsuie:-: " 4 1 1 3,830 lielphrizodia 2 2 A 3,200 lnU Kiilienstein .8 1 4 3,150 Itock IIatlicr 2 1 0 3,150 lrinee Tii Tti S -3 4 3,100 I-as 2 1 0 2,830 Alleden 2 :S 2 2.750 Iletsinda V 3 0 2,700 Jewell V.. 1. 2 " 2 2,700 Mark Master - "8 1 3 2,700 Hoy -8 2 2 2,700 Judge lryor :2 0 1 2,650 Over Kire 2 5 2 2.600 C.raemu - 112. 2,500 C. Ootner 2 1 0 2,400 Iollyiiiarii 3 11 2,400 Misri Uerhui 2 3 2 2,350 Marionette - 2 1 2 2,350 Citizen 3 1 0 2.300 Coyue 2 4 1 2,300 Klower Sho; . S 1 0 2,300 Flying lrinee 2 3 3 2,300 Mary lillen 0. 3 1 0 2,300 i:ear Shot ....................... 1 2 1 2250 Colden I.yna - 8 0 1 2250 I.aveen .....,......,.,-1 2 1 2200 Starheek 111 2.200 AVestwood , 2 4 0 2,200 Sakah 3 0 0 2.100 ISIotter 2 2 2 2,030 Idy Astor 2 2 0 2,050 Klias O. 2 1 4 2.000 Kverglad.; 2 2 2 2,000 Hidden Jewel - 2 3 0 2,0Kl I-iege , 2 2 2 2.000 The Archer 2 3 0 2.000 York-k 2 1 4 2,000 Kit 2 2 1 1,900 Try Again 2 2 1 1,900 Eve Aekley 2 12 1,850 The ltoll Call 2 0 0 1,800 Stay On 2 12 1,800 Quince Garden 13 2 1.S00 Ann M 2 2 0 1.800 Go loln 2 1 1 1,750 IJona Vera 2 1 1 3,700 Urilliant .". 2 11 1.700 Dr. Iliekman 1 3 0 1,700 Dutch Girl 2 1. 0 1,700 Guvnor - i 2 1 1 1,700 Hourbon Itov 1 0 3 1,700 Little Jimmy 2.1 1 1,700 Iostillion 13 1 1,050 Mas ISrick 2 1 0 1.C0O 31iss Claire 2 1 0 1.CO0 ISilly Star 0 0 1 1.C00 Itound Itobin 2 0 2 1.CC0 Ilcrsr. 1st. 2d. 3J. Amt. Tower 2 1 0 1,000 rindJir Ievl 13 1 1,550 Just David 2 0 1 1,50-3 nam Dollar 2 0 1 1.5C0 I5e31e Amie 2 0 1 1.U00 Hetter Luck 110 1,500 1ob Black ... 2 0 1 1,500 Cannon Shot 1 2 2 1,500 Cltmai 1 3 2 1,500 Doriuj: 1 4 0 1,500 Ilaleakala 2 0 1 3,500 Kenry Girl 2 0 1 3,500 Kindred 2 0 1 1,500 Leandter Doctor 2 ,0 1 3,500 MnikaUcnse 1 3 2 1.500 Piedmont .. 2 0 1 1,500 1rocecd ........1..:..-. 1 2 4 1,500 CJnrsaiai .......I.-... 2 4J 1 1,500 Rh-itra ..."........... 13 1 1,500 The jockeys wLo rode cne or more winners follow: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 21. 3d. Unp. P.O. Effi, 0 1S5 2S" 33 29 915 .15 -MelkTicoU. J. ......101 2S 29 20 29 .2ff StnltK. 11. 75 3 9 11 14 31 .23 Jodc. 1 32S 17 20 13 78 .13 Barrett. X. C3 14 9 15 25 .22 Y el ton. 31 110 31 9 18 09 .18 Anderson. AV. 07 3:5 7 5 42 .19 jUcy. W. 53 -33 - -8 . 0 31 .25 CrifGa. R. 79 12 30 11 -48 .15 rroalc. "W. 100 12 11 17 CO .12 PooL W. 53 11 5 10 27 .21 Francesco. A. 05 10 7 8 40 .15 Welner, F. !S 9 - 11 12 30 113 Wool, J. G2 9 0 11- -30 .15 BosanowsVi, W. 109 8 17 4 80 .07 PooL E. 20 7 1 3 10 .27 PUkeny. A 40 7 4 8 27 .15 Gormlcy, J. 09 7 2 11 49 .10 Gamer, 3J. 4.1 7 13 9 14 .10 Rodriguez, A i. 53 5 G 5 43 .OS Horn, F. 39 5 7 8 39 .13 Gross, C. 40 5 7 7 21 .12 Doyle. It 3S 4 2 5 27 .11 Smith. J. 87 4 5 4 24 .11 Martin, E. 43 3 3 7 32 .07 Chalmers, J. 13 3 2 3 5 .23 Dnbriul, E. 10 3 2 0 11 .19 Eatcm, J IS 3 2 4 9 .17 Gerrity. J. 80 3 3 3 21 .10 Harrington, Jt 23 3 2 0 20 .12 Slorris, L. 3S 3 4 3 23 .OS Piecarillo, J. 37 2 0 2 27 .05 Pendergrass. A. ...... 22 2 2 4-14 .09 Montgomery, Ij. 25 2 5 5 13 .08 ErickFon, K 10 2 2 3 9 .12 Fisher, JI 21 2.3 2 14 .10 Saucier, L. 20 2 0 1 17 .10 BelL J 24 2 8 3 11 .03 Mooaey, J. I. 2 2 0 0 0 1.00 Clark. O 3 2 0 0 1 .07 JleXichols, J. 12 1 1 0 10 .08 HoJicko. V- 10 1 3 1 11 .00 Hainsworth, C 2 1 0 0 1 .50 Kennedy, G. 4 1 1 0 2 .25 Lunsford. II 11 1 2 1 7 .09 Moore, V 10 1 0 0 9 .10 The jockeys who finished second or third with one or more cf their mounts, but did not ride a winner, follow: Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d.Unp. Kiniry, F 14 2 3 9 Merimee, F 10 2 1 7 Collins, A 43 1 4 3S Kederis, J 12 1 2 9 Fa tor, E 8 1 1 0 Owens. E 17 1 1 15 Corcoran, E 8 1 1 0 Grosser. P 4 1 0 3 Koerner, T 19 1 0 IS Singleton, J 4 112 Sntton, 0 8 1 0 7 Dreyer, J 3 1 0 2 "Burke. II. i ..10 0 4 12 Miller, C 3 0 1 2 The jockeys who finished unplaced with all their mounts follow: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Mein, G 8 McIIugh, R 9 Murphy, F 5 Peterncl, A 4 Sande. E l .Scheffel,. B 7 Barker, T 2 Sequin, E 0 Chiavetta, I-. . . 3 Trombley, A 5 Harrison, M 3 Wayt, T 2 Lee, L 1 White, It 3 Leyland, J 3 The trainers who saddled one or more winners follow: Trainer. "Wins. Trainer. Wins. Joacs. L. 17 Greeley. J. J 2 Swcnke. A 15 "Williams. II ..2 Go.dblatt, A ...13 AValkcr. F 2 Lo-.venstcin, J 11 Yogt. T. 2 Oots. II ....11 Stotler. J. II 2 AValkcr, G 30 Roscachcr. II 2 Stewart, D. E ..10 Sharkey, F. A 2 Coyne, P 8 Rogers, R. L. 2 Lowenstcin, M 8 Moshicr, F. C. ....... 2 Bodwell, L. G 7 Paul. J. L. 2 Arvin, G 7 McNaman, J 2 Shields, M 7 Kccfe, M. C 2 OConnell, E. J 7 Lycan, P. L 2 Cavanaugh, II 0 Heme, G 2 Baxter, S. T 0 Atkinson, G. W 1 Finnegan, "W. 15 0 Liehe. R 1 Shaporr, M 0 Blanton, W. U. 1 McFadden, J. N. ... 0 Rrown, J. M 1 John B 0 Rryson. G. R 1 Perkins, W 0 Doyle, F. R. 1 Weant, W. C ,5 Uayo. M. J 1 Caywood. W 5 Henvilln, R. L. 1 Snyder, E. L 5 Hcddsrmsn, J 1 Marshall, L. F 5 Heffernan, A. J. ... 1 Ruschc, F 5 lliz tr. J 1 I we, J 4 McCif forty, C. C 1 Jones, B. A 4 McCaffrey, W. P 1 Evermau. J 4 McCcnneU. II. C 1 Fitzgerald, E..L. ... 4 McCoole, J. II 1 Reuter. P .4 McGovein, J 1 Shea, J. C. ........ 4 Middleton, J. S 1 Sims, W 8 Mikcl, "W. M 1 Randolph, J 3 Pliilllp3, W 1 Shannon, T. J 3 Payment, F 1 Denny, R. G 3 Reed, U. 0 1 Ricdinger. C. W 3 Smith, C. C. 1 Spence, K 8 Stubbs, O. S 1 Webb, II 2 Sullivan, F 1 Bauer, J 2 Thompson, L 1 Anderson, O. R 2 Walker, E 1 Crist, II. K. 2 Wallace, E. S. 1 Crockett, E. 0 2 Watson, E. E 1 Flannigan. J. J 2 Wright, E. F. 1 Gilmore, II 2 The percentage of winning favorites was below normal, as . shown in the subjoined tabulation: Number of days 52 Number of races 3E2 Winning first choices 104 Winning second choices 83 Winning outsiders 123 Winning at odds-on 21 Defeated at odds-on 0 Percentage of winning choices 3a