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Latest Training Operations 232 AURORA, 111.," Sept. 5. Todays training gallops here included the following: AURORA. "Weather clear; track fast . Three -Eighths Milo. 222- TSolirar Bond.. 39 228-Kosman 39 225-Brilliant 38 228-Prince K 40 190-Black Dinah . .40 220-Kcd Squirrel . .40 227-Icbson 40 225-Tangara 39 218- Idle Sctu 41 Half Mile. 224- Evenlide . 52 217-Wireless 52 223- Fifty-Fifty ...57 Five -Eighths Mile. 225- BIack Gcklc 1:09 22S-Liege ..1:05 225-Bench Manerl:05 222-Polvo 1:14 227-Courtship ...1:03 228-Scampcr 1:09 lGS-Com. McMn 1:09 222-WongEok ..1:09 224 - Herald 1:13 Brilliant ran well. lAege and Courtship galloped together handily. Kventide worked fast. Bench Manager did well. BELMONT PARK, New York, N. Y., Sept. 5. Todays training - gallops here included the following: BELMONT PARK. "Weather clear ;track fast Three -Eighths Milo. 221-Barbary Bush 37 218-Lithuania ....35 224- Bobbed Bandit 30 230-Needle Gun ...38 219- Daily Smiles ..30 221-Stimulus 3G 220- Emissary 35 221-Sarzana 33 220- Gamble 38 Hilf Miln. 305-Cath. Marrone 49 220-Mad Play 51 215-Epinard 51 230-Mad Hatter ...47 200-Extra Dry ...50 217-Sun Pal 52 225- Forward Pass 51 22S-Thundcrclap ..49 Five-Eighths Mile. 229-A. B. Ahdeml:02 230-Straddlc 1:04 229- Apprehcnsion 1:01. 174-Sanford 1:03 230- Champignol .1:0-1 220-Tonnerrc 1:01 230-Prince Hamletl:03 187-Young Martinl:01 229- Rival . 1:00 231-Zev 1:00- Three-Quarters Mile. 230- Comixa 1:14 217-Resolution ..1:15 221 - Cyclops 1:17 231-Swope 1:15 221 -Initiate 1:14 Sand Pole ...1:1G 230-Noel 1:14 225-Transmute ..1:14 One Mile. 231-Stanwix ....1:42 Mile and an Eighth. : 231-K. Sols Seal 1:58 : AQUEDUCT, N. Y., Sept. 5. Todays training-gallops here included the following: 1 AQUEDUCT. "Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. Alberid 53 127-Tcn Eyck 51 152-Potcntilla 54 193-Valor 53 206-Sylvan Spring 51 231-Wax Lady 49 Five-Eighths Mile. Do or Die ...1:02 22G-Kumonin 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 182-Gor. Smith .1:20 212-ras Seul 1:14 215-.Teroboam ...1:17 229-Swccpy 1:20 231-Pond Lily ...1:15 One Mile. 198-Samaritan ..1:50 NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept 5. Todays training gallops here included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 200-Antonia 39 184-Escoba dOro ..38 177-Chas. do Marco 11 199-Jcssamine 30 Half Mile.. 228-Barney Google.51 225-J. Marrone 111.53 130-FalIing Star ..52 230-Pr. of Umbria.50 217-Gold Brick ...49 139-Swecpg Away. 54 172-GaIa Night ...49 229-Tarrayce C. ..52 230- Handsome ....55 145-Vivandiero ....54 Five-Eighths Mile. 217-Akbar 1:02 230-O. and Gone .1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 228- Delhi Boy ..1:19 139-Orphelian 1:18 231- Evil Mama .1:10 231-Uigoletto ...1:10 158-Gay Ben 1:19 230-Swinging 1:15 217-Gnomc Girl ..1:14 229-Socrates 1:20 229- John T. D. .1:15 229-T. Griffith ..1:15 230- Margin 1:10 229-"Walter M. ..1:17 One Mile. 230-T. Del. re II.lt44 Mile and an Eighth. 230-ncphaistos ..2:02 Akbar ran well. Swinging seems fresh and looks good. Margin was well under restraint. Gnome Girl Avorked fast John T. D. and Tony Griffith worked together.