Yorick the Winner: Easily Takes Main Race of Tuesdays Program at Aurora, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-01


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YORICK THE WINNER 1 Easily Takes Main Race of Tuesdays Program at Aurora. Pollymara Again Home in Front Chilly Breezes Fail to Keep Crowd Away. , AURORA. 111.. Sept 39. There was a real 1 autumnal tinge to the weather today and 1 topcoats were the rule at the races this aft- i ernoon at Exposition Park. The strong Avind j of last night and this morning dried out i the track and it was in good condition for 1 the sport Despite the chilly breezes a goodly crowd came on from Chicago to join the local devotees, and there was much ac- tivity in the ring, with the public having the best of the argument John Randolphs gray gelding, Yorick, was 1 the winner of the fourth race, when he led . home four others platers, at one mile and an eighth, winning with consummate ease. "Wong ! Bok was the one to race to second place, a length and a half in front of Mac OBoy, the longest-priced horse in the race. It was : the best race of the day in a monetary way " as the card was made up of overnight ; contests, with no special race as a feature. It was strictly a three-horse race leaving the ; three-quarters post, Yorick leading all the way, and Wong Bok and Mac OBoy running in second and third place respectively. P O LL Y3I AltA ALL TILE WAY. Boganowski was the one to pilot the third winner, when he was home first on the heavily backed favorite, Pollymara, three lengths in front of Climax. Clever Seth was third at a long price. Pollymara went right about her business and never left the result in doubt, winning off by herself. "Verbena showed a flash of speed in the early running, but quit after reaching the stretch. Clever Seth, which was allowed to drop far out of it in the first part circled his opponents at the turn for home and ran a greatly improved race to be third, three lengths behind Climax. Viennese might have given the winner an argument if he had clear sailing, but fourth was the best he could do. The opening dash at five and a half furlongs for two-year-olds fell to J. C. Waters Bruneth after many unsuccessful attempts. Parnell Lad, the favorite, was second and June Day was third, a nose in front of Full of Pep. After a few minutes delay at the barrier due to the fractiousness of Test of Time they were off in good order. Parnell Lad was the one to show in front with Full of Pep forcing the pace and Bruneth running third. Parnell Lad was enjoying a good lead turning for home and looked all over the winner a sixteenth out but Bruneth came with a belated rush in the final sixteenth that he could not withstand. Bruneth was the winner by a half length and Parnell Lad beat June Day by a length and a half for second place. KING OF THE SPA EASILY. Zucchini was the one to pilot the second winner of the day when he scored on A. Holds King of the Spa in easy fashion from eight other platers at five and a half furlongs. War Zone was the one to be second Avith Isaman third. Walter H. Pearce delayed the start four minutes but Dean got ; them off in good order. King of the Spa was the one to cut out the running with 1 Isaman and Koellia in close pursuit The 1 King increased his lead as he went along until he was three lengths in front and was ! an easy winner. War Zone got up for second 1 place, a half length in front of Isaman. The fifth race, a five-eighths dash, brought : ten ordinary sprinters of which Brown Rock : proved the best He led for the entire distance but he had to be shook up some at the s end to maintain his advantage. He was confidently supported by the smart set Double ! T., which attracted quite a few backers, was ! the one to be second with the Derby Stables s Corto, which was overlooked in the betting finished third. The closing race of the day fell to Fifty-Fifty, . . which showed a vast improvement over bis previous race when he was soundly beaten i by practically the same field, but Gormley r was more alert with him today and kept I him right up close and he went into the lead t readily when called on. True American was , the one to be second and Diomed, which fell t back as if he had broke a leg rounding the upper turn, was third.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924100101/drf1924100101_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924100101_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800