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I Latest Workouts 337 NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 20. Fridays training gallops here included the following : JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Ecggar 37 230-Louis A 41 322- 15uells Meteor 37 Lent Rust 37".-. 25-L:eut. Farrell .39 332-Red Squirrel . .3G73 Half Mile. 33fi-Rlanche E 49 328-Rork 50 ItJO-Bradleys Toncy4S 314-Supiiliant r.: 330-Col. "Wagner .49 292-St. Martins ..."0 333-Mayor Caircl .50 331-Synipatuy 4S rivo -Eighths Mile. 105-Eleanor W. 1 :02 . 333-Sarko 1:02 33d-tjuaver .. 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. . 335-Alluring Uli 337-Reninant 1:10 33l-P.est Pal ...-.1:22 fct-Sweepti-na ...1:17 330-IUanchc Mac 1:17 334-Scotch Uroom 1:21 303-Cut u dOr ..1:18 325-Tod Reuesor 1:19 t i Seven-Eighths Mile. j 333-Snugs .......1:31 Ono Mile. 33G-Itoy F. Hom?l:42 331-Miraele Man 1:19 320- Frzy Sncezy 1:48 43-Mike Mrisseyl :4.V 335-Lady Astor .1:47 333-Southland Girll:4l FAIR GROUNDS. "Weather clear ; track fast Threa-Eijhths Mile. 21S-Capt. Schueller.40 322-Miss Kate 42 285-Klvina 42 322-Newinarket ....3S 333-Ebony Relic ..38 324-Petc Foy 3Ss 33.ri-Fire Roy 38 334-PauIina ... 41 335-Cad 39 224-Revolt 40 27C.-I.ady Relie 1...42 320-Stampdale 39 285-Lady In Cold.. 40 335-Tony Griffith. .39 SOl-Lcxington Maid3S 335-Aalter I 39 33t-Marcelline 37 Half Mile. 332-Rraedalbanc ..SO 331 -Lit tie Alfred . ..".2 332- r.roonister 50 33."i-rrince James . .54 281-Chilliowec 51 331-Belpre - 53 S2t;-Kvei Eold 51 330-Revenge .50 321- Hysteria 50 330-Uproar 50 Kirtle 50 335-AVaratah 51 Five -Eighths Mile". 330- r.alboa 1:07 251-Idle Setli ..1:0.". 333- RalIot Erush 1:00 332-Ivory 1:01 327-Rridesmaid ..1:04 332-King Tut 1:04 334- Ouclph .1:05 334-Sea-AVolf ....1:07 3G9-lntrepid 1:07 - 334-Sleivebloom .1:00 Three -Quarters Mile. 323- Atomin 1:19 334-Ieep Sinker 1:23 337-A. AIexnnderl:20 334-Go Foin 1:17- 327-Rill OFlynh 1:20 X3i;-IIuou Pine ..1:20 " 251-ltob Tail ..1:1S :532-MaisdaIe 1:18 S34-P.obs Mary 1:19 334-Tang-ara 1:20 :4-I5atter lTn ..1:19 331-TIie Count ..1:19 3:;i-lfargain Day 1:17 70 -Twinkle Uhicl:lS 334- Dunaghec ...1:19 Ono Mile. 331- Insulate 1:4S 335-Van Patrick 1:4S 324- Sch I.igIitIII.l:49 Uproar and Revenge worked together. . , Ever Bold galloped from the harrier. Go Foin is training well. Bob Tail ran well. . Bargain Day seems fresh and good. Donaghee was under stout restraint. King Tut and Bridesmaid worked together. Chilhowee was well under restraint. 338 NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 20. Saturdays training gallops here included the following: JEFFERSON 1AllIv. Weather clear: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 335- Arabian 11 33G-Friday 13th ..33 Half Mile. 315-P.aHlc Shot ..48 04 -La Orb 52 335-FIyiiig lrince 54 335-Towtons Rose. 54?: 314- Uray Gables ..54 Five -Eighths Mile. 325- Xovelty 1:07 330-Scarlet Euslerl:07 331-Fest .. 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 31-Rlack RHler 1:20 333-I"mising Toml:23 335-It. and Slioes 1:17 322-i:oyal Dick .1:25 335-IIonest Mose 1:20 32t.-St. Nicholas. 1:18 33fi-Kellerman ...1:18 273-S. It Througia:23 334-Kent L 1:20 Si". Donard ..l:li 331-I.Ong Point ..1:23 S33-Silverfaine ..1:20 One Mile. 307-CIean 1:47 330-Tlie Badger .1:49 HMeaee lal ...1:45 33C The I"reiscaul:52 330- Stone Age ..1:44 Mile and an Eighth. 334- Superbum ...2:02 FAIR GltOUNDS. Weather cloudy ; track fast -. . Three-Eijhtls Mile. Bombshell 3S 300-Peter Decov ..41 33fi-Ben Valet 37 324-Panaman 40 . 3".-Certain 38Vr. 313-Rodeo 3S :l-Cyclops 38 324-Sequel 41 S3;-Gnome Girl ..i.41 291-Tickler :.4! 2S.S-IIouor .42 210-Uptown ..3S 32G-John Q. Kelly. 41 v Half Mile. 331- Annaprisa ....52 33G-Mikado 52 :0-Itanttr ..54 334-Mury Maxim ..54 :U!-Cliarles Henry. .52 333-Phil McCann .52 lS7-Bucky 54 339-Sad. and ltoots5t! 333-Iloreuco W. ..52 330-The Leoiiard ..52 Five-Eighths Mile. 322- IJear Grass ..1:05 333-Jack Trout ..1:0S Bill Roberts .1:12 335-Lit. Jimmy .1:04 138-Conspirator ..1:07 328-Nora Hayes.. 1:05 133-Dor. R. Sims. 1:00 334-Queer 1:07 " 1:03 333-Rapid Dav ..1:01 332- Klizu Brown 1:05 318-Rock and lyel:0! 331-Futuro- 1:05 331-Rama 1:09 :::U-ln. Canadian. 1:09 301-Sparkle Star l:0d 213-Cood Times ..1:0S 333-AYild Goose.. .1 :0o 331-Georgctte ...1:05 Three -Quarters Mile. 331-.I5crnicc Cliildsl:20 3.15-Outcast 1:17 331-Urave ltol ..1:18 3:t4-President 1:20 321-It. K. Clark .1:18 337-Pete Foy ...1:19 335- Itiittiu In ..1:10 89-Uajah f:24 315- P.lended 1:18 329-It. Mountain 1:19 325-CIir Leader 1:21 331-Itosa Yeta ..1:20 335-Climax 1:18 313-Triumph 1:21 331-Felieitoil.i ...1:18 324-Viilnad 1:2! SSil-ILlios Grahaml:19 33I1-Vaning l!oy 1:19 ;W3-Mary Jhnstonl:lS 287-Wattle 1:22 335-Melbourue ...1:18 271-Yorick 1:20 One Mile. 333- P.ankrupt l:45Vr. 324-Marcelline ...1:47 334- i:isa"ss 1:54 3:9-Muskeg 1:48 :t::7-Kvpr P.oId ..1:51 334-Xowmarket ..1:51 .".31-Fair Orient ..1:48 337-Tony Griffith. 1:40 337-rirc Doy 1:50 334-VaIor 1:48 331-Leontes 1:50 333-AVar Mask ..1:47 331-Master Ulue 1:43 337-Walter E. ...1:45 Mile and an Eighth. 337-I!allot Rrush 2:03 333-lt. Winsnfld.2:02 Buttin In . worked, well. . . - Walter E. and Tony Griffith galloped together. Cyclops is in fine condition. War Mask was und?r restraint all the way.