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MQUAIDES REMAINS TO PHILADELPHIA NEAV ORLEANS. La., Dec. 23. Turfmen and other friends of the late 12arl McQuaide gathered at Lynchs funeral parlors, 1425 Tulane AAenue, AVednesday morning to pay their last respects. A brief funeral service Avas conducted by the Rca George Summey. The remains Avere shipped to Philadelphia, Pa., oA-er the Southern Railway, leaving New Orleans at 8 :10 oclock AAednesday evening, and due to arrive at their destination at 11 oclock Friday morning. D. L. Medkiff accompanied tho remains. Adices Avere receiA-ed that funeral ser-ices Avill be held Monday, December 29, at 2 oclock in the afternoon at the fuenral parlors of the Oliver H. Bair Company, 1S20 . Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.