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WOODBINE PARK T0K0NT0 ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 28. 19£5 - Woodbine Park 1 Mile. Fifth Day. Ontario Jockey t .ul Meeting of 7 days. Weathor clear. Steward Canadian Racing As-ociations, Francis Nelson. Stewards. Frank J. Bryan. A. E. Dyment. Colin Campbell and George M. Ilendrie. Judges. J. B. Campbell. Col. K. B. Marshall and B. Ilendrie. Starter. Harry Morrissey. ltacing Secretary. W. P. Fraser. starts at 2::t0 p. m. IChicago time. 1 :30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinker*. Figures in parenthesis following the distan-e of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 42Q4D»r* FiRFT RACE — 3-4 Mile. Sept. 27, 1922 — 1:11% — 5 — 117. Alexandra Plate. ,500 Ot_7C5t3t_ Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Caliming. Net value to winner ,060; second, 00: third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Ilorsea AWtPISt |f % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 89401 GYMKHANA w 3 104 8 1 1" l1" 1»* 1" L Sohnoter E F YVhitney 1521-100 88309:AMolt PATRIAE wb 5 119 4 » ** !» 31 2 A Hunt Joaquin Stable 505-101 189181 1ENS1GN wb 3 106 12 4 21 2 21 3» S Gordon W R Hopkins SB-Mi 8940B TBN SIXTY w 5 111 1 3 3 4» 4" 41 P Koni.dy Mrs B McEachran 800-LO 88631 FIGHTING COOK w 5 108 2 7 7»k 75 6» 5» T Wilson G YV Atkinson T780-100 89306 JOHN S. MOSBYwB 3 1C9 3 8 5 5 5 6» J Colen N R Cochran 17j0-100 89771 OLIVIA w 4 112 6 2 6 6" 7» 7» R Fisher Rancho YVikiup Stable 925-100 84784 I WH1TTI GTN" wb : 106 H 10 8s 8» 8 8" R Ranelli J S Flinn 2045-100 88484 Till: WORLD wb 4 111 7 11 10 10 9» 9" F J Baker Mrs O Abbott 2133-100 C2297 FEIIRAH w 4 lOi 5 5 9 91 101 10 I, Lang J Arthur t 89306 DIRECTOR wb 4 11. 10 12 12 12 ll4 lll E Hborne E J Morrow t 81491 IINICK HARRAR w 3 101 9 6 11? Ill 12 2 J Le-lan.t E K Bryson t | Man wl field. Timo. 23%. 48%. 114. Track fast. mutuels paid Gymkhana. .0.", straight, .20 place, .60 show; Amor Tatriae, .10 place, .* I 0J show: Ensign. .65 show. Equ.iahnt booking odds — Gymlhana. UBfi to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Amor IVitriae. 1 .".r, to 100 place. 10 1 to 100 show: Knsgn. 1.12% to 100 show. ■J i • ■ lb. f, by Jim Gaffney — Our Hannah, by Yankee trained by V. Irvine: bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. i in ii» post nt 2:30. At post 9 minutes. Start good and sow. Won driving; second and third the same. GYMKHANA set the pace and raced hi ad and head with ENSIGN to the stretch, where she t-liimk linn off and. standing a long drive gamely, just lasted to cutfinish AMOR PATRIAK. The l.ittir lis wc.ght well and. finish ng with a rush, was wearing the winner down. ENSIGN raced well and outstayed TF.N SIXTY". The latter, fractious at the post, began well and was close up for a half mile, then tirid. FIGHTING COOK loomed up menacingly midway of the stretih, then tired. Scratched— 892r,2 Trince Hampton, 100. Overweights — D: k Whittington. 3 jMiinds: Director, 2. QrtOeT/fl SECOND RACE— Abcut 2 Miles. Loa Heart Steeplechase. 020 Added. 4-year-Ott/O«3"i olds and upward. Soiling Handicap. Net value to winner ,540; second, 00; third. 50; fourth. 0. Index Horses A Wt IP St 4 8 12 13 Fir. Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 89731Ii:HK10VLN w 7 153 4 4 4 2". ."1 1 l| B Ilaynes H Curley 85-100 89731 FLYING FROG w 8 141. I I I* I I I 2 L G B Elliott 1120-100 89731 -I1ASI1DON w 4 119 3 1 21 1 ll 3 3 J J Rwan J R Macomber 260-10j 89731 CAVENDISH w 7 135 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 P YVatkns P Colahan 315-100 Time, 4:05. Track fast. mutuels paid Perkiomen, .70 straight, .80 place; Flying Frog. .00 pace; no show mutuels sold. Equivaltnt booking odds — Perkiomen. So to 10D straight. 40 to 100 place; Flying Frog, 100 to 100 place. Winner Ch. g, by Haldeman —Nancy Grater, by Nasturtium trained by J. F. nynes; bred by Mr. G B. Oot. Went to at 3:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and sow. Won easily: second driving. rERKI-llMKN foliiw.-il 11AS11DON under choking lestramt until on the far turn, second time around where he moved up and took the lead when the latter fell at the fourteenth jump. FLYING FROG, closer up than usual, f.nisbed well, but PKRKIUMF.N held him safe. BASHDON took the lead from CAYENIGSII after clear. ng the fifth jump and appeared to be going easily when he went down. CAVENDISH, right behind hiin, stumbled over him. Both horses were remounted and finished after a short delay. Overweight — Flying Frog. l|f pounds. QQQPrRr THIED RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 2. 1906 — 1:20— 2— 98. Patricia Plate. ,200 Added. OtfOOt 2-ycai-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 80; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8940D1SILAY w 115 3 3 4 3» 2 11 J D Mncy YV J Salmon 45-100 89734 SUNNY MAID w 107 5 2 1» 2* 3 2 F J Baker B C Sebum 820-100 89690 KAIKT wb 112 6 5 2 1« 1* 3s K Fisher J Farrell 1470-100 89335 = LEWIS wn 111 1 1 5H 6 « 4 L Morris E K Bryson 4tV -lOii 89402 HILLY MANN w • 112 2 4 31" 4°k 41 5 L Lang J rthur MSMH 89734 CASUS BELLI w 112 4 6 6 5- 51 6 J Butwell E F YVhitney 2240-100 Time. 23s. 47V 101/i. Track fast. mittii, Is pad— Dspay, .90 straight. .45 place, .30 show; Sunny Maid, .45 place, .20 show: Facet. .20 show. liqiiia.nt l»osii„- diils— Display. 45 to 100 straight, 22 4 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Sunny M.i ,1 ISM t,, ll«l place. M to 100 show: Flint. 110 to 100 show. v i V.. c. l Fa.r lMay-Ciiuta, by Nassovian trained by J. R. Pryce; bred by Mr .YValter J. Salmon. 1,11,1 i l"ist nt 3 ::7. At po-t 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the sonic DISPLAY, much tin- best, was awa will, but was taken back sharply and lost ground by a w.d., turn V h, ii i in ii_- into tli- stretch, but finished i-peed and got up to win drawing clear .n tin- s riln SlNNY MAID act the ear!y pace an, I saved ground when entering the home stretch and | ,i s, ,1 I-At R in the last s.vtecnth. but lould not withstand the winner. FACET raced into the l iil and set a nip.d pa.-c. but tired. LEWIS was taken back soon after the start. MRS Ih-lbcrt. 110. DQDC/J FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. I May 27. 1922—1:45—4—117. Twelfth Running- CON-OlfOtjD NAUGHT HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Canadian-Owned. Not viihi; to winner ,030. second. 00: third. 50; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85107 KINGS CO-.RT w 6 122 3 4 4 4i 31 St 1 B Kenndy Seagram Stable 1S2J-1O0 89777W LDDG IRlNCEwB 0 1 7 2 2 31 2« 2 3» 2» F J Bate Mrs G II Abbott ltO-100 87346 i •OAKOMINE wb 3 13 1 1 1 1 lb l* 3» J Maciver II Gl.ldings 1340-100 89732 l.AI.I.IM w 5 107 C 6 7 7 61 6 4« L Si hi.i f.r C Millar 945-100 89691 ill KAN CHUT w 5 103 1 ] P I" P l t1 D Stevson G V Morrison 3435-100 897761-AST MACK w 4 105 5 7 61 6 7 7 6 J Leyland Den Yallev Stabl 19C5-10O 89774 A1CTION B. w 3 ID". 7 6 2i 3S 4 4» 7 J Gairl J II Brallareeon 795-100 Time. 24S. 49V 1:14V 142. 1:49V Track fast. mutuels paid Kings Cunt. $.",65 straight, .65 place, .65 show; Wedding Prince, .50 place, 411 show ll.ik-ln lie. $. 2 l hh,w. L, in in!, nt b.s. W ii2 .-ids K.nga Court. 1R2U to 100 straight. Hft to 100 place, 32% to 100 show; Vi-iliiin2 li. ii"-. 2.3 to 1110 plan-. M to 100 show. Oakomine. 60 to 100 show. Winner 11. g. by — Court Maid II.. by Cjllene lira in, 1 by W. II. Brigloe; bred by Seagram Stable. W.ut to post at 4 09. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen ridden out: second and third driving. KING S COllll followed the early leader under restraint, then rime between WEDDING IltlNl K and IAKIIMINK in the stretih anil taking the lead, held WEDDING PRINCE safe in the final ilr %. Tie- lilt.-r f, n id tie pact nearly all the way and headed OAKOMINE in the stretch, but h st I,- adiantage iilnn In- sw.-ried nut. OAK05I1NE set a good pace to the last eighth and tired. AUCTION 1: . away iioorly, was rushed luto second place and quit. RALL1M fin.ahed fast. On u, _i I in, an re;-t. 1 I lllnl Q»Q.CEr»7 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. May 27. 1922—145—4—117. Iroquois Plate. ,200 OaOtl • Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada, Claiming. Net value to win ner 35. second. 00; third, 50. fourth. 0. Index Hones AWtPPSt hi. hi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 89777-JINE FLY w 8 109 2 2 7 51 31 21 ll J Colen A J Sansome 143-100 84S6I TRAIL BLAZER SB b US I I » U 2« l"* 2 II Erlcksn Thorncbffe Stable 490-100 8276SMKISH BELLE w 3 92 3 7 1 21 11 3« 3and A Clausn r Seagram Stable 97S-1O0 84455 TIGER TIM WB 4 104 1 1 !■» 41 4 4* 4« J Boiassa P L Ciceri 300S-L* 85301 BONA FIDE w 7 114 C 4 8 8 61 51 5« YV Buck II B Larvey 40C-10H 85042 REN GAIETY w 11 109 5 8 6s 6» 7» 6 6K It Moore E Glasraco 1470-100 89732 l:CLuIt OS* AP.TSw I 99 4 3 4» 7l 8 8 7 R Fisher J J Gl -nsc.n 630-100 83762-ILYMO Til BOCKwS T 104 7 6 3« 3»k r«k 7" 8 J Maciver J J Meagher 4465-100 Time. 24%. 50V 1:16%. 1:43%, 1:51%. Track fast. mutuels paid— June Fly. 90 straight. .25 place. .60 show; Trail Blazer, .50 pace, .30 show: Iri*h Belle. $.3.25 show. Equivalent booking odds June Fly. 14.7 to 100 straight. 62% to 100 place. 30 to 109 show; Trlil Blazer. 123 to 100 place. 63 to 1O-0 show: Irish Belle. 162% to 100 show. Winner - B. m, by Charles Edward — Shoo Fly. by Meddler trained by C. Irby; bred by Mr. G. M. Ilendrie. Went to post at 4:39. At post 1 minute. Siart good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. JlNE FLY" began slowly, but steadily improved her postiion on the back stretch and, finishing fast, caught the leader in the final eighth and outgamed him at the end. TRAIL BLVZKIt Mpcsl set and force the pace and responded gamely when called on. but tired near the end. IRISH BELLE showed fine speed to the stretch, where she fell back. TIGER TIM was going well at the end. BACHELOR OF ARTS was poorly ridden. Overweight — Trail Blazer, 1 rxund. SQfifi SIXTH BACi: — 3-4 Mile. Sept. 27. 1922— 1 :11%— 5— 117. Mayflower Ptate. ,200 O«t/0t30 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Claurung Net value to winner 10; second, 00; third. 00: fourth, 0. Index Ilorsea AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 89434CARLTON w I 117 6 2 2 21 ]»* 1« J Butwell E F YVhitney 60-100 88890ITAT CASEY wb 5 119 3 3 8 5 31 !■ F J Baker C G Tallutt 870-100 89771 NOTE O LOYE w 3 101 8 4 $■ 31 41 J McTgne E J Morrow 273.3-100 88903 N1-:V BEAUTY w 4 112 1 5 li 1"* ;i 41] j J Mney Mrs A E Alexandra 1030-100 88530 GOOD TIMES w 6 111 4 7 61 61 6 5» L Schaefer J Bernard 700-100 89730 SCOTTISH LAD wb 5 107 7 6 4 41 5» 61 T YVilson YV Walker 5265-100 89730 HILLMAN WB 5 111 2 8 7 7 7 7 B Kenndy Seagram Stable 835-100 85041 MAYPOLE W5 105 61 C»«8 8 8 J Chalmrs Brookdale Stable 6115-100 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid — Carlton. .20 straight, .00 place. .40 show; Pat Casey, .0.7 place, .30 6how : Note o Love, .6.3 show. Equivalent booking odds— Carlton. 60 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 103 show; Tat Casey, 132% to ICO place, 63 to 100 show; Note o Love. 282% to 100 show. Winner — Br. g, by Jim Gaffney — Darling, by Martinet trained by W. Irvine; bred by Mr. Arthur P.. Hancock. Went to post at 5:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CARLTON followed NEW REALTY" close up to the stret.h. where he took the lead and won in a canter. PAT CASEY closed a big gap and easily outfinished the others. NOTE O LOVE raced into third place when entering the stretih. then tired, but came on again to outgame NEW BEAUTY. The latter set the pace to the stretch and would have been third had not his rider eased her up in the last s xteenth. Scratched— 89730 So It Goes, 110; 89C94 Midinette, 107; 88832=Golden Red, 107, 849.54 Mover of Men. 94: 89694 Kosman. 10.7. OQQCCCa SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sopt. 2S. 1923— 1 43%— 5— 106. Leamington Ot/UUt/ Plate. ,500 Added. 3-vear-olds and upward. Sell ng Handicap. Net value to winner S1.C55; second. 00; third, 50; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Flo lo-key-i Owners Fquiv. I dils Strt 893401CEYLN PRINCEwB 5 116 5 5 11 Ill* 1» 1 J Butwell R F Carman 563-100 89279 SETTING SL"N wb 5 107 4 51 5 4i 4"» 21 J leyland E K Bryson 905-100 8765"::ROSEATE II. wb 5 106 3 3 6 6 6 3 S1" R Fisher Joaquin Stable 1420-100 857583GREAT ROCK w 3 93 1 1 4 2» 2 2»* 41 H Howard D Raymi r,l 2SO-100 898I8:FI.YING CLOUD w 7 122 6 4 3 4«k 3"» 5 5= J D M ney MnAE Alexandra 120-100 89252 T. CHEROKEE II.w 4 103 2 2 2 P 51 fi 6 L Schaefer Nevada Stock Fm Stb 10CS-KNO Time. 24. 48%. 1:14. 1:40%. 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid— Ceylon Prince. 3 .10 straight, $.7.70 place, .70 show; Setting Sun, 00 place, .07 show; Roseate II.. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds — Ceylon Prince. 56.7 to 100 straight. 185 to 100 place, 83 to 100 show; Setting Sun, 350 to 100 place. 3.72% to 100 show; Roseate II.. 2.5.7 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Ciarissimus — Santa Lucia, by Ajax trained by R. F. Carman. Jr.; bred in France by Mr. F.. Blane. Went to post at 5:38. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CEYLON PRINCE raced into the lead soon after the start and easily maintained h s advantage to the end. SETTING SUN. away last, saved ground on the turns and closed up steadily in the stretih into a game second. ROSEATE II. was far back in the early running, but came with a rush at the end. GREAT ROCK moved up gamely after turning for home, but tired. FLYING CLOUD quit.