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Latest Training Operations 499 AvnoitA. AURORA, 111., June 6.— Todays training gallops hero included the following: Weather clear ; track fast-— Throe -Eiehths Mile. 410 Betay .17 2.-.6-Slwi»! 43 4.10-Leorjtes 41% 49S-Sp.ininh I-ay ..43 Moano Lea 37 477-Watchful 40 497-Rival .".«% Half Kilo. 4flr Criarln«t 52% Quick Lunch ..54% 4!M -Fleer 52% 410 Little Alfred ..51% SW-Kinday 52% 401 -Max Brick 53% 416-KiftT-Fifty ...53 24.1-Townsend 53 427-Colden Vander50% 4D7-Tho Poet 53% Five-Eighths Mile. It.ahb 1:05 406 Medina 1:02% 49C-BnTsHelie»eMel:0l 422-Queen Airnea 1:03 461 -Corinth 1:02 403-SaToy 1:03% Ma-Fall of lep ..1:04% 4117-Lp and atEral:06 496 -My Mary 1:02% Three -Quarters Mile. 497-BallCTe 1:17 407-Kini of t.Spal:17% 49.1-Brown Kock 1 :1S% 496 -Pretty Polianl:18% 4KR-P,attl.b.-nt . ..1:17 423-Uoyal Charliel:16% CM-Bearal Addiel:15 4! 7-Sanola 1:19 4O0 Cheer Leader 1:17 497-Wild Life ..1:21% One. Mile. 496 Climax 1:47 492Th»ron 1:47% 464-Uael Potter 1:46 497-Millwick 1:45 I-ATONIA, Ky., June C. — Todays training gallops here included the following: LATOhIA. Weather clear ; track fast — ■ Three-Eighths Kile. 490 -Artistic 34% 494 Lardi »•% 265- Alloy 36% 4»7-Lady Carolyn .3B% 496-Automatic 3B 415-Moorfield 36% 497 Kelzoni 30% sM Princess lH reen35% iMwripie 36% esa-Pkeeeas 35% 493 Kid Boots 37 Smooth Bar ..36% One-Half Mile. 4S2-Blnsh 51 4S9nigh Point . .49% 496-P.atty n 49% 47H lack Knight ..50 494-Bob Cahill ...51% 487-Oueer 4S% 495-CharRe On 50 4SX-Uncsada 49% 496-Ilorrthy O. ...48% 491-Hitt»r 49% 4B7-flouble Entdre 48 495-Souander 48% 4»." -Kour Sixty ...50 497-Step Along ...4»% 473 Flying Chief 50% Squire Park ..50% 496-Oay Konald ...50 495-Van Jr 48 489-Honor 47% Five-Eighths Mile. 495-Briny Breozesl :05% 493-Magnetic ...1:02% eM ■ IM s Motsl:00 493-Maymora ...1:03 49C Bsies Choieel :04 481-Menifee 1:00% 395 Booster 1:03% Miss Hume ..1:02 497-Bonnie OSaOel :«»% 497-Old Tom ...1:04 495 Capt. ■Thpsonl:05% 49S Overdraft ...1:02% 4K". Colfin 1:081, 497-Petie 1:02% 493- nroline 1:02% Pn -e Charlesl:03 490-Ihikedom ...1:01 Pss Eugenial:13 l ry Nation .1:02 494Qileen Clara 1:02% 497 Francs Janel :02 490 Kock Heatherl:05% 41»" Flirt 1:03% 497-lteminiscence 1:05% 497 Florence MillslrtCH 493 Rondclle 1:04% «BS-Pin On 1:05% 490 Sporty McOeel :03% 496-Cl o My Iltl :f2% 4SB Shark 1:00 49fi-C,affner 1:02% Seelie 1:01 ji491-IIarry Wills 1:02 493-andor 1:02% l4««-l!ighlife 1:03% Stelle King 1:01% 495-Kramer 1:01 493-The Arcanianl:05 i 495 lawless 1:03% 495 Incle Bob ..1:02% I 496 Lucky Drift 1:02% 478-Wildwood ...1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. I 496-Alard 1:16% 495-L. Riihenstcinl :1S 49T,-Alcx. Moore 1:19% * ". Orphrn* 1:16% 496 -Begonia 1:16 484-Paul Micou..l:19 473-Robs Mary 1:17 491 Resistance ..1:17% 496 Carpenter ..1:18 481 -Stump Jr. .1:18 495- ;reat Luck .1:16 478-Sea Conrt ..1:19 485 narry B. ...1:18 496 Vallette 1:15% 496-Iry 1:15% 496-Water Flag 1:14% 49S-Kitiat II. ..1:15% 490-Welcome ...1:15% 4*l-Iaddiego ...1:16 8even-Eightha Mile. 496 Black Mask 1:31% 4ft4-Ooldfie!d ...1:27% 494 Barbary Buhl :2S% 270 Reel Foot ...1:30 4S9 iMltch Girl .1:33 490-Swcep Park .1:38% One Mile. 497-Almadel 1:44 491 -Macbeth 1:46% 496 Arabian 1:43 497-Nurture 1:43 491 -Carartus 1:421s 497 Norseland ...1:42% 490 1:47 495-Old Smugglerl:4l 462 -Ceorgia 1:42 495 Progress 1:46 493 Ijinrer 1:45% 495 Pillager 1:43% 496 -L. and Nvillel :42S 495 lloval Miss ..1:46 49« Mark Master 1:M% 49f, Rusrell Cave 1:43 491-Marceiline ..1:41% 493 Superfrank .1:45% 496-Mission Peak 1:41% 496 Sam Mengel 1:42% BaB-ari Ellen 0.1:50 Caractus worked a good mile. Pillager and Arahian galloped together. Honor showed good speed. Almadel galloped easily. Mission Peak did a good move. Menifee ran fast unextended. NEW TORK, N. T., T -Todays train ing gallops here incl u ...e following: BKLHTONT TABK. Weather clear ; track fast— , Three-Eighths Mile. 497-Alice Joyce 36% Unbar 37 476 Colored Boy 38 493 Kelley 36% 471 -Cantor 40 497-Red Pennant. . .35% 4S1-Darby 38 488-Uockman 40 Half Mile. 494 Arbitration 51% 495-IJttle Ilaae 48% 495-P.msh By ."0% Marready 48% Blaxe 49 4C9 Qnaker Iisa...51% 492 Claudioua PJ 491-Ited Hawk 52 2S1 -Cliff B 50 490-Ruthenia 47% 497 -Colorful 50 Stardust 49 492- Irey Stone 51 471 -Shampoo 49 489-iun Boat 52 493-Toyland 49 497 - I-i cewood 50 Five-Eighths Mile. Anarchist ...1:02% 497-Fairy Fires. .1:07 491 Bney Google. 1:07 Tricenian 1:02 497 Chance Play. 1:04% 497-Sox 1:02% Cataclysm ...1:04% 4Sl-Top BooU ...1:03 494 •Daaraeeat ...1:07 Winsome ....1:05 495-Flying Fur. .1:03 487-Wrncklete ..1:05% 497-Friars Carse.l:0O Three -Cluarters Mile. 497-A. I-".ng Syncl:lS 497 Master Cnimpl :2! 453-Antic,narian .1:20 49",-Mcrvinia ....1:19 4S6-B. of Boyce.l:20 496 -Moonraker ...1:15% 410-Cnimp!e 1:22 49S Navigator ...1:17% 497-Carthage 1:10 494 Noon Fire 1:15% 497 Candy Kid. ..1:12% 497-Ovcrall 1:16% 497 Coronation ..1:15% 497-Play Hour. ..1:18 497 Courageous ..1:16% 493-Peanuts 1:17 492 Diagram 1:24 493-Roland 1:10% 491 Flying Al 1:19% 443-St. Michael ..1:20% 212-C.lasgow 1:18 494-Sweet Ann. ..1:19% 497 Ooldpiece ...1:14% 497-Shfle Along. 1:15% 488-Iddie Buck. 1:17 497-Silver Rock. .1:14% 495-Ijidkin 1:12% 492-Valador 1:1» One Mile. 497-Backbone ...1:40 495-Pepp 1:41% 495 Chrysalis ...1:47 494-Polynesia 1:43 495-Bcspot 1:42 498. Reminder ...1:45 497-Flu«h Royal. .1:44% 498. Thunderclap .1:44 496- Hoot Mon 1:41% 496-Come 1:43 495 Lucky Play.. 1:42 487-Wilderness ..1:41 One and One-Quarter Miles. 495-Amcan Flag. 2:11 Shuffle Along and Moonraker were in company. American Flag was not extended. 1-Ill- in showed a splendid trial. JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track fast — Three-Eightha Mile. 489-A. Marrone 11.40 497 -Metzies Buddy38% 496 American Son .36 498-Rig?! 49 490 Bruns 36% 496-Stockade 36% 496 Bookbinder ...36 494-Tan Son 43 492-Billiken 38 496-Voshell 38 493 K. of Fortune 38 One-Half Mile. , 4.3-F:ora Star 49% 495-Mike Murphy 51 493 Gnome Girl ..53% 495-Rapturo 49% 2S5-Going Wild ...49% 4»«-Sligma 49% 495-I.ady Classen 49% 4S5-Voshimi 51% 495-Loved One ....52 Five -Eighths Mile. 498-Rotter Times. 1:03% 495-Prattler 1:04 483 Hay ward 1:03% 497-Samaritan ..1:04 494 -Morgana tic ..1:04 496-Titan 1:02% 495-North Breeze. 1:04% Three-Quarters Mile. 497-Come Along 1:18% 497-Manifold 1:16 498 Cmic Song 1:17% 497-Panic 1:14% 496 Erne 1:20 494-Serenader ...1:17% 497-Ilectwooil ..1:17 497-Tufter 1:16 492 Harpenden ..1:20 496-Watta 1:17 490-John T. D. .1:20 4»8-Z.-ebrugge ..1:17% 49J-Marret St. L.l:19 Seven -Eighths Mile. 491 Billy Warren. 1:29% One Mile. 497 Confluente .1:47 496-Tinker Bells 1 :47 498-Clique 1:43% 494-W. C. WhLadl:14% Scratch 1:45 0ns and One-Eighth Vil3S. 496 Episode 2:01% 496-Soviet 2:00% Panic went handily. nilly Warren under restraint. AQlEDlCT. Weather clear ; track fast — One-Half Mile. 310 Little Fox 51% 497-Sun Sabre 52 497 Saratoga Maje..52 477 -Sister Sue 47 49-1 Sun Hope 52 Three-Quarters Mile. 467-Buster 1:18 490-Kumonln 1:1, 497 -Balneal !:«• Iroi IOI 497-Blacksmith ..1:19 243 Nobby 1:15 488-Glhitcr 1:17 494 Sun Polly 1:20 490 Hyperion II .1:17% 489-Sucsard 1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 497-Boatrice 1:29 497-Night March. 1:28 One Mile 417-Balolne 1:41 497-High Comdr.l:45% 497-HroM-n Betty .1 :4 H 483-McAulilfe ...1:47 4H9-Cermen Pansl:14 496-Olorra 1:51% 494 Cork Elm 1:49 497-Priscilla Ruyl:40 497 Delmor l:42i 494 Sir Ronald ..1:11% 496 Gold Button. .l:44!i