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DAILY RACING FOliM T0LTJ1CE XXXI. 1HTMBEE 151 Entered M t-oii.I I:t»s lunlter. April It. lMti. a the post-offne at Cb!r:ito. Illinois, under Act *i »l.-ir h J. lSTfl. W. 1. KeHurnj. Publisher and General Manager Tv-ilT !»nri aa* Winer Monthv Daily Kxicpt Sunday I ..lance of the Tear. A luly ■ifllllUl of tlie Ame:tc m Turf by Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO «41 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. ILL 167159 TART 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. T030NT0. ONT »20 EASi- THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO Mnwtirnoa nv kihst-ci.ass mail: Hnr to Noi-einlier. Inrliislve f 4 00 per monlli Eeiembcr to Inrlu.i o $"00 fCT month PAYAIII.E IN ADVANCE BACK NIMliKltS I1Y KAIL, IT. tLNTS DVCIT TtXEPIIONE 2 lS, IIW.ItlSON. Tor kaatBaaa ~ni rbi-ulirtnn purpose* only. This trlepbone has no connection with the neer* •r editorial de| .-rimenta and cannot be used to coiuilitin irate with tbem. 86508 is first index of S25