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I JAMAICA TO BE READY1 * Course Turned Over to Trainers on Completion of Sewer. Plant Now Undergoing Usual Spring Cleaning — Expect Fine Field for Paumonok. ♦ NBW YORK. X. Y.. April 1.",. — The Jamaica course of the Metropolitan .lockey Club, at which the New York racing season will be inaugurated, was turned over to the horsemen yesterday morning. It was the first time in months that trainers had the opportunity «.f working their charges around the course. The contracting concern, which built a sewer through the grounds, filled in the excavation and turned the work over to track superin- i tendent Tommy Mahei . The latter immedi- j ately put a large force of men and teams to work, and in a few hours there remained no traces of the cut. i Several improvements were completed at Jamaica during the winter, and one of the j best is a closed in press stand. The ■truc-l ture is modeled after the one in us ■ at I Howie and occupies the same position as j the old oi eii-air one. There is sufficient room for the number of men who will use it. j The secretarys office, clubhouse and grandstand are at present undergoing their spring cleaning and will be ready for the opening day. OMHTION HOOK OFT. Racing secretary Fred Rehberger of the; Metropolitan Jockey Club, has already is-; sued the stake and condition book for the I Jamaica meeting which is scheduled to open on Wednesday. April 28, and run until Thursday. May JO. As was announced recently, the Iaumonok j Handicap. ,000 added, for three-year-olds | and over, at three-quarters, will be decided 1 «.n the opening day. As a companion race the Suffolk Claiming Stakes, ,000 added. for two-year-olds, at five-eighths, will be | carded. These, in addition to four good overnight races, will make a program that : should furnish first class sport to the eager racing folk who have been forced to pass j | the winter in discussing the merits of their favorite thoroughbreds. Xo fewer than fifty-seven high-class en-: tries were received for the Iaumonok. which, it is confidently expected, will furnish a, first-class contest. It is thought that the | starters will BOOM from such as Sarazen, Wertlunore, Lack? 1lay. Sun Flag, Tall-1 w 1. Sarmaticus. Anna Marrone II.. Mao, Silver Fo. Supcrlette, 1rsa Major. Xoah. | I Senalado. Iatroon. Whiskalong. Pique. Dull Hun. Son of John and Catalan, all of which! | are in active training at the New York : tracks, or taking part in the Maryland campaign. ■MALI. WINTER COLONY. Tin- winter colony at Jamaica was smaller: than in many years past, but recent arrivals from the South brought the Dumber of horses , on hand to well over one hundred. This I number will be augmented when the arrival.- j from Maryland report in. The horses here | at Jamaica are more backward than those at either Belmont or Aaaeduct, which is due to lack of work and morning gallops. Despite the cold weather of yesterday morning there was a large number of horses OB the track, but no Moves of a fast nature were recorded. The schooling barrier was pttt in place and "Slim" Di -kerson. one of Mars Cissidys assistants, was on hand ti BChooJ the two-year-olds. The two-year-olds at Jamaiea are "ii the whole a go d looking band and took kindly to their lessons at the barrier. Bcboolins hours have been placed at S :.:o to .« ::: » each da with the exception of Sunday Among the recent arrivals at Jamaica are T. O. Webber, who came In ran Miami with five horses irhich he raced at that point. He reported no inconvenience with the veterinary surgeons who examined his borate for trace*. of the tick epidemic irhich broke out t a slight extent a month or s.i ago. Jockey II Bobbins contract rldei for the stable arrived from Tampa Bad repotted for work. Sidney Hooch arrived from Tampa with si hors -s and will start the astern season at the United Hunts meeting. A. :. Blakely, trainer for Wiliam Daniel of Chicago, has heen on the ground since the close of the New Orleans rainv season. Hlakely dispose,! ,,f the majoritv of his stable by private sale during the winter and has several two year old- ,, his charge but will replenish his stable m the course of the next month. John Zoellei with the t: ; Lewis horses headed b the t wo-.v eai -o! i 1 on Boaarn WSS a reeent arrival from Miami. John Wilson arrived Iran Bowie will, the of 1 red Marlovv.