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JUAREZ SUMMARIES Following is a summary of the last three races at Juarez Mexico Friday FridayFifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MileHorse Horse AVt Jockey Strt Place Show Showhick hick Up 101 C Yates 520 300 240 240Krippcn Krippcn 111 A Maskrid 300 240 240Riviera Riviera 110 O taidlpy 240 240Time Time 59Vs Tra fast fastAlso KgeAVent Also ran lx rena Marcellia Nose Dive and Kge AVent to H st at 431 At post 8 minutes FurlongsHorse Sixth Race 6 12 Furlongs Horse AVt Jorkey Strt Placo Show ShowIVlymara IVlymara 109 E Donahue 3340 1920 700 JohnAScotUr 112 AMaskrid 440 300 300Publisher Publisher 110 A Roach 280 280Tims Tims 107 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Belle II Go Foiu Doctor K and Sir Stephen StephenAVent AVent to post at 510 At post 11 minutes Seventh Race 1 18 Miles MilesHorse Horse AVt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowNans Nans Fortune lj L AVilson1020 04O 340 340Dustman Dustman 101 AV Robertson 1220 380 380RapidTraveler RapidTraveler 100 O Laidley 380 380Time Time 155 Track fast Also ran Lena R Richard V and Captain Mac AVent to ist at 510 At post 3 minutes