6th Race [6th Thorncliffe Park, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-07

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6th Raee 1 18 aiilcs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Oct 6 1023 1 si Index Crs DisTime Ic Odds WtvSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish CLEAR VIEW bc 4 t 117 By Campfire Long Rane bj St Frusquin Trainer w Fenwick Owner VT Fenwick Breeder E T Wilson 023G3 Thf ll16147 = ft 14 116 8 S C i 5 H ThomaslO FlyinsCIouU li4MtbaUoos 94WmWd 101 02237 Thf l lSliaS l 325 115 S5 5 J 5 1H TliomaslO Fleetwood lllNorseland llSBsvltacou UT 01480 Pirn 170 l46ft Si 116 5 5 33 1J B Thpson U MkallonKe llSJaoiues HSTypeciiltiT 10S 01280 Pim l70143ft 10 116 3 7 7 8 W Smith 10 Dongcs HOMrtinsalc 112FredIuliner 8 v 01194 Pirn llin49ft 6 112 4 4 C 7 J J Chlmcrs 9 Uliwayman 99irtin alL 113LIJhtir l 971 009G1 HdG 1 11C l491ift 215 111 4 2 l ° k 1 W Smith G VanPatrick lllCurland 110 Volcano lOG1 00791 HdG 1316 203ft 75 113 1 4 4 3i V Stott G Duekilns 99Brotlily Love 112 Volcano 112 EAMPITS ch g 8 113 By Star Shoot Futurist by Golden Maxim Trainer J H Smith Owner Riverdala Stable Breeder J E Madden 02237 Thf ll31ujsl 7 113 5 4 CJ 8 J D MneylO Fleetwood 115Xorseland HSBsvBacon Q7 01881 Wdb 1 116 l30rt 9 1121 2 lt jt j D Mney 1 Shanghai 9SKin of Fortune llSHalu 110 9G3G8 Thf 1 14 203ft 9 112 6 5 4 21 T Burns 7 Xortiiline 107 Vendor 104 Doughnut 113 9G291 Thf 1 316 203Hsl 4 113 G Bled A Abel 10 Maypole SGIIoiPolIp lOOKealArtist 107 9G042 Thf 1 116 l50sl 95 112 6 4 5S 2U E Renzetti 9 PrinceK lOSJacques 99fnlIantGreek 101 95929 Wdb 1 1S T55igd 135 107 1 4 4Ji 3s J McTgue G Triumph 107DoURknut 102Quinliam 102 95G33 AVdb 11S153 ft 133 112 4 4 431 4J A Clavcr S SeaFairy SGBlueTony lOGCasinoGirl 102 VOLCANO b c4 101 By Wrack La Flambee by Ajax Trainer AjaxTrainer R Currea Owner C Bird Breeder Bolair Stnd 02287 Thf 11161JS ft 1710 107i 1 5 5 J 2i L Schaefer S Moon Masic 112 Links 103 Scissors 109 00961 IldG 1115 l49 ift 7 105 C 5 4J 4 i A Hunt G ClTVicwllLVanPtrick lllCurland 110 00791 HdG 1316 203Jift 71 112 3 u 515 tL A Hunt G Duckling 99BrothLove 112CrrView 113 00672 Bow 1116151 ft 14 111 6 7 5 J 5 i J Tamaro 7 Spugs lOCYoshini 104MaryB100 00536 Bow l7014SVift 71 111 G 3 C 3 6 2 P Hstings 8 Spuxs 107 iinny8ack OlCamoiiflase 100 00482 Bow 1 1S 200 ft S5 10S 2 2 t 55 D Frogtte G WilkesBarre 113JIodesta HSVPrick 113 00409 Bow 1 11G l347ihy 49 103 5 3 21 2 D Frogtte 7 Rupee lOJiSpugs 103Gayly 111 BETSY BACON ch f 4 92 By Sweep or Pataud Lizzie Caracal by Sea Kinj Trainer J Phillins Owne Mrs J Phillies Breeder J W Bailey 02364 Thf llSl54ft 11 ICG 4 4 2 = 34 O Brown G DcxnierSou llOCliIaVista 102AlKripp 9G 02237 Thf 1 18 l5355Sl 3210 97 2 3 2 3li O Brown 10 Fleetwood 115Xorseland llSCsMaid 107 01487 Col 170 l477sft 3310 110 2 4 4 1 2 J Picrillo G LuckyRun 114Uanock lOGRedMiU 107 1 0 144 G Col 170 l4S = ift 31JO 106 7 6 4 3 = 1 P Cogan 8 ScatSbot lllAlKripp D9MContrary Wi 01253 Col 1116134 si 123 106 3 4 4 3 JJ Judy 7 MilcsS llOBlkMask 107CabinCrk 110 01083 CoL 170 l50ft 6 lOi 3 4 4s 21 W Lamsn 8 TisSeth 103LuclyKun llOMisbty lOt 00035 JP 1 1S J57Hm 2910 106 1 4 4 3 31 D Dubbis 7 MonsMes llGIslandrairy 93lAndry SlV SEA FAIRY chf 4 99 By Sea King Fairy Godmother by Hippodroiae Trainer J W Carton Owner J W Day tea Breeder W Gartu 02413 Sco todays chart 02211 Thf l7ftl487isy C 101 5 2 2s I O Brassa S Triumph 112 BobMayes 109 BBrigut 104 01886 Wdb 1116 l49ttft 171043 2 2i 3 1 R Romelli 10 SandRock 103 Subtle 103 GrassMaid 103 01389 Pim 170147 ft 27f 10910 lu 1U11 S A 1eternel 11 Martingale 112 SoutliBreeze 112 Modo 114 01438 Pim 1116145 ft 55110540 6 6 J Taylor 10 IlidalsolOWniwold 102Martinsalc 103 01280 Pim l70143 = jft SI 1037 G 9ts 91S B ThpsonlO Dbnges llOMrtinsalc 112FredDubuer 9S 97521 Bow 1 116 l Xft IS 103 7 S Gl 5 J Chalmerslu Osage llOJMoonMajjic 104lFornoro 10G 97439 Bow 1115 l50ft 27 107 4 3 4 1 4 sjJ Chalmrs 9 Rupee 113Hidalgo 107Osase 111 ERICA ChildwickTrainer br g 6 90 By Vulcain Dinawick by Childwick Trainer G W Campbell Owner G W Foreman Breeder H T Oxnard 02413 See todays chart 02144 Wdb 1 116 l49 ft 125 104 G 4 lk 2l V Stott 7 Xorscland 115 Muskallonce 112 Haiti 108 108019G7 019G7 Wdb 170 IMSvift 7 105 4 6 4 4J V Stott S Offspring 10G GrassMaid 110 Subtle 103 00993 HdG 1 11G 100 It 4 109 3 3 8 V Stott 10 JohnnyJewell 111 Spugs lllKaser 117 0090 HdG 1 116 f49Xft 21 109 4 3 4 4 J Leyland 7 Dm o t Valy 112 Eager 112 Insate 109 99792 Mia 1 l16l47ift 51 105 2 4 4 4T V Stott 3 Diagram HOHcrkcrt D9Itelphrizonia 10S 10S9894G 9894G Mia 1 JlrS 1 33 Ct 115 109 5 4 5 Gl A Mtensn G DrotVley lOSXBrze lOSWinpcg 113 BYRON ch s 5 105 By Sir Martin Mercadel by The Commoner Trainer P E Fitzcerald Owner J H Shea Breeder H T Oxnard 023G3 Thf 1 ll16147 ll16147sft 116 l47ft = sft 10 111 5 1 3J 4 V B K KomellilO FlyinsCIoud 114MthaISoos 94Wmwd 101 01852 Wdb 1116131 hy 45 110 2 8 8 Sl J Mann 10 Redstone 10G War Man 122 Villager 111 01034 HdG llSl5 ft 31 114 4 7 7 7 P Walls 7 Duckwd 103WnrMan lOGDrOMara 100 00935 HdG 1 116 14S ft 28 112 245 GT1 H Ericksn 7 Arbitration lOGBalboa 110Diasraml09 00812 HdG 1 1lfl 149 ft iO 113 1 2 3J1 9IS P Walls 11 O Billows 10 BdCrny 112 DOMara lOGi 97520 Bow 1 1S l307ift 29 1133 S 7 1 SI J Tamaro tl Simoon 113NtliBrccze 105JSandrae 102 97498 Bow 1 1S l57sft 6 109 2 9 9 9 J Tamaro 9 Maximac lHCIearView 1041Kanduit 10G 97456 Bow 1 116 l50 l50sft sft 34 112 5 7 75i 71 B ThpsonlO Xormana lOSSimoon illXUiBreeze 10G ALTISSIMO blk gr 5 105 By Trap byMcGee Rock or Bard of Hope Louise Travers by McGee McGeeTrainer Trainer G C Brcnton Owner G C Brcnton Breeder P K Walker 023G3 Walker023G3 Thf 1 115 l47 rt 423 111 4 10 S 6 A Hunt 10 FlyingCloml 114MthaIoos 94Wmwd 101 01852 Wdb 1116131 hy 23 110 C 7 4 42 A Hunt 10 Redstone IOC War Man 122 Villaer 111 97471 Bow 1 12 229itt 4310 110 7 7 Ci G Ge e J Tamaro 9 GeodeMnr lOOPilrim 10G1 Drumbeat 110 97428 Bow 113139 ft 7 105 5 5 4 3s W Harvey G EPdleton 10fiDancFool lOGTonyHeau 103 97385 Pim 112228 gd 5 107 7 S S l 81S E Barnes 8 FFogty IHEdPenton lOSForFlower IOC lD7310Pim 1316203 ft 10 1C3 2 2 = 2 i J Tamaro 8 Oppcrman lllSbaddale lllKPendton 103 97135 Pim 1116 l4Sisy 13 111 4 C G 4 G Fields 8 Rejection lOOPeddler lOGIIidalgo 102 BOB MATES ch g 0 105 105Trainer By King James Sigcorile by St Victrlx Trainer D Franklin Owner D Franklin Breeder H T Oxnard 02469 See todays hart 02211 Thf l701lSsy 14 10 S 7 7 71S 3 3IJ N Collins S Triumph 112 SeaFairy 101 BBright 104 02031 Wdb l70143 3ft Si 11510 10 I0 I05C = 9 I SchaeferlO Fltwood llSMusklonge 103C Woman 107 94418 Ken 1 116 l51im 2J 112 4 5 41 4 J Dawson C WdLady lOlGlenme lOlCipsvFlyer 89 93451 Dev TllG 1115 iJS i4S7iCd ga 14 JM 4 5 5 5 J Jones 5 Deronda lOOKoseatell 101Sirionid 100 93313 Dev 170 153 sy 13 107V3 o 5T1 5 J Pminick 7 Tcton 03oldnBillows 102TyBeau 101 12735 Ham 1 11 205isd 20 104 1045 5 4 4 4 4FRED J Dawson 5 Edisto lilrcellaialet 107JoySmke 120 FRED DUBHER ch g 3 104 By Fayette Supcrlight by Superman Trainer J L Garthright Owner J E Beal Breeder P M Walker 022 10 ThC l7014S5ssy 23 107 5 1 1 2J O Brown 9 Powder 105 Leger IOC Berk Square 101 02031 Wdb l701M3ift 17 107 5 5 C7i Gl O Brown 10 Fltwood llSMuskIonge 105C Woman 107 01584 Pim 34 113 ft 24 103 6 6 C J 4ll O Brown 11 DmMaker 112Contract 115UBntiful 103 01399 Pim 1 11S l0rift 1110 103 1 3 l = t 131 O Brown 7 Senate 9STypecutter lOODignify 103 01280 Pim l7014 Hft 4 9S 2 10 C 3 i O Brown 10 Donges HOMtingalc il2BillvMana 10 ° 010G4 IldG C41145ft 14 103 4 2 2 2i O Brown 11 11kyKIcc 117KoyFlag 103FEdition 100 TIS SETH ch g 5 101 By Seth TzeLsi by Voter VoterTrainer Jones023GO Trainer A Warner Owner W J Waterman Breeder B A Jones 023GO Thf 34 l14ift 43lOf 112 11 8 Sl 6S2 II Kricksal2 Hanky Rico 112 Gaffer 97 Botch D3 014 10 Cot iTO lt3 = if 14710 109 1 2 1 2 J Kessner 5 SixIVncc lOSCunsight lOORanock 105 01252 Col CJflGisl 195 117 1 3 2 21 J Kessner G AirMail 105Cornflower 114 Hootch 113 01083 Col l701jO = 5ft 14 103 6 2 1 11 W Murphy S Betsy Itacoa I03LuckyRun HOMislity 109 00827 Htn fcli2 ft 40 114 4 G 53 7s J Kessner 8 SlowTlme ICOXewMoon 112Krankman 103 00656 Htn 170153 hy 12 113 1 4 5 5TJ J Kessner 5 Arragosa HOLizzieX 107SeaCourt 93 00104 Hav 31113 ft G 111 6 5 3 l it G Morton G RkofAges 104Mahaley lOUBonLizzie 10 SLATE ch g 4 100 By Trap Rock Langollen by Llangibby Trainer F D Mcltzer Oxvner F P Robie Breeder S Ross C7543 TJowid 1310203 fast lit 103 G 11 11 11 B Fisher 14 Dernier Sou Meruiina Harris

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926060701/drf1926060701_16_4
Local Identifier: drf1926060701_16_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800