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TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO. THURSDAY. MARCH 31, 1927.— 1 Mile. Ninety -ninth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter meeting of 102 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. F. Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and L. J. Rose. Placing Judges. G. W. Schilling, J. S. Rothert and F. McKenney. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, G. W. Schilling. Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time. 3:40 p. ml. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers, figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance. "I 7"! FIKST HACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Miss Lester. Feb. 11. 1926— :53%— 3— 96. Purse J800. laiail JL 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 30; second, 50; third, 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 12218 ALEXER PANTAGES 112 3 3 B 1« l" 1" R Jones A Pantages 160-100 11871 BLIND CAST 109 2 1 * ! P !* R Austin Mack Adam Stable 760-100 12218 PERALTA 112 44 41 4« 4* 3» G Htamer Olsen and Nielsen 80-100 12218 CRISPIE SETH 112 1 2 31 31 2* 4s B Pershall A A Baroni 1520-100 SHASTA NIT 110 6 5 55 51 6* 5T II Elston Brown Ssta Stk F"m S r2160-100 SHASTA RABBI 105 36 6666H Philpot Brown Ssta Sfk Lm Sta f ttoupled as Brown Shasta Stock Farm Stable entry. Time, :23%. :49%, :55%. Track heavy. mutuels paid — Alexander Pantages. .20 straight, .20 place; Blind Cast, .20 place. No show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Alexander Pantages, 160 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place: Blind Oast. 160 to 100 place. Winner— Br. c. by Bon Homme — Peggy Martin, by Martinet trained by L. F. tontner; bred by Meadow brook Farm. WENT TO POST— 1:45. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ALEXANDER PANTAGES soon took the lead and. making the pace fast, outfinished BLIND AST in a driving finish. The latter was forced wide by the winner on the stretch turn, but raced resolutely to the end. PERALTA could never reach the two leaders and can do better. CRISPIE SETH tired after drawing up on even terms with the leader in the stretch. Scratched— 12138 Civility. 105; 12218 Bon Fille, 109: 122375PaIadot. 108. ~~ — - i -t OOrTO SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Hill OFlynn. Jan. 19. 1924— 1:04%— 4— 106. Purse JLSd/kd 4 +d 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 30; second. 50; thirl, 0 fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ii •_. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt llSllSTAR BLAZE wb 110 8 4 l* 1 V B A Prgrasa J K Brown 910-100 12205 JOSIE HARTMAN w 105 3 2 21 2» 21 21 F J Baker H C McConnell 920-100 12205 HILDRED SETH w 105 11 4h 41 4 31 J Crgmile B Creech 240-100 12205-VENNIE SUE w 103 7 3 3 3i 3i 4i H West A W Ream 590-100 12205 VENTURE wb 107 5 13 91 9 V B T Wilson C A Weston f!250 100 12097 GALLOPING JO wn 110 13 12 10s 61 9- 61 H Elston Bee Bee Stable f 12172 STANFORD wb 107 11 11 8i «•• tj 7* R Jones R Emmert f 12172 MANOA wb 111 12 8 5J 5= ? S W Buck A Hollio 4660-100 12238 LEIHULl* w 112 2 14 14 It 121 B C Yates Mrs B C Sebum t 12140 FLYING HIGH w 110 4 7 12*110= 8110* K Graham W Vounkman 300-1* 12238 BOCA w 107 6 6 ID 121 10. 11 C Corbett T Horning 1420-100 12172 DANGEROUS DAN w 107 10 5 and T1- ID 12a R Richsn J E Niebert f 12205 AKHAMOCK w 107 5 10 B 131 13 13* L McClair C Irby 870-100 12238 SHEFFIELD wb 105 14 9 T*" Hi 14 14 R Austin G 1* McNeil 2670-100 Mutuel field. Time. :24%. :49%. 1:03. 1:10. Track heavy. mutuels paid Star Blaze. 0.20 straight, 0.00 place, .80 show; Josie llartmau 60 place .40 slow: Hildred Seth, .40 show. Equivalent liooking odds- Star Blaze. !10 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 240 to 100 show; Josie Hartman. 330 to 100 place. 220 to 100 show: Hildred Seth. 70 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Star M.Gee — Bessie Keough, by Peter McCue trained by J. E. Brown: bred by Mr. J. E. Brown. Winner entered to be claimed for ,100. WENT TO POST— 2:10. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STAR BLAZE raced into a safe lead after going a quarter and won easing up. JOSIE HARTMAN showed a good order of early speed and was always closest up. HILDRED SETH finished well on the inside. VENTURE was in close quarters early. FLYING HIGH was never a contender. AKIIAMOIK was always far back. Scratched— 12258 Charlotte Hall. 105: 12238 Silver Strand. 106; 12258 Atheling Wood. 112; 12205 Weathervane. 105; 122.38 Arabrab. 105. 12255JBidd Shipp. 105. Overweights — Galloping Jo. 3 pounds; Manoa. 4. "1 *?Q THIRD RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Carlaris. March 21. 1926— 1:49%— 3— 106.1 Purse 00. JLaf.aiaf 4 O 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 30; second. 50 third 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % -i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12173- "NANS IoRTLNEw 5 106 10 S 31 2 lh 1" l«k R Austin WC Merrick 560-liK 12239 ROCKBOBJB w 4 106 I I B B B P 2J B Pershall LT Wbitehill 500-101 12173 CHICK BELL w I 108 7 7 11 B B 4". 2- O Mazoue G I. Ialmquist 1:20 100 12173 SAM LORCH w 7 105 4 4 9 4i 4 3*- 4 B Marsbll E M Marshall BJ JO -100 12257 PLOW STEEL wsb S 105 1:; U 12 B| B E| • H West M Mathews SID-IOU 12188 NOHOW w 12 105 11 11 101 6i B 7n 6" C Yates I. S Harjrrave 1210 100 12206 PROCEEDS W 7 113 1 1 1= V Z 6*1 7- A Prgrass G E Iruett :»M-I0u 12257 -ST ANGELINA wb 7 111 9 13 B 101 JB 81 S* J Venule C H James 710-100 12263»DEEP HUE w 4 104 8 6 21 2 91 9 9 P Rennie GDrumheller t 12239VI:ACKLANE w .. 108 5 I 7 7* B Mf 10" H Philpot G Griffith 820-100 12157MANNIKIN II wis 10 111 2 2 B 11*111 12 Vf L McClair G Armstrong t l»173i:EI.VN BROWN Wl 98 14 10 13 14 12 11 12 G Hughes I B Kutch. f 11803 SILEX II. wi: 10 109 12 14 14 13- 13* tB 13* C Corbett S P.rodio f IM 73* SEA WRACK wr. 7 104 3 3 4*1 121 14 14 14 E Puttrich T I. Buchanan 300 lw tMutuel field. Time. :25%. :51. 1:18, 1:46, l:59*i. Track heavy. mutuels paid Nans Kortune, 3 20 straight, .20 place, .00 show: Kockbomb. .00 pla-e CO show; Chick Bell, .80 show. Equivalent booking od«!s Nans Portune. 51/ to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Rocsls.mb. 150 to IOO phne. i:;0 to 100 show: Chi. k l.ell 2!M to 100 show. Winner Ch. m. by «.uy Fortune- Nannie M Dec. by Pink Coat trained by F. Russell; bred by Mrs. L. M. Holmes .. Winner entered to be claimed for . WENT TO POST— 237. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same NANS FORTINK ra. i -d lose up and. taking the lead on the last tur:i. held Roi Kl.OM I! safe in a long stretch drive The hitter challenged resolutely, but ...old not head the winner. CHIt K PELL gamed steadily and finished well. SAM I.OKCI1 ran well. IitOCKKDS set a good pace, but tired badly. SEA WR.XI K met with interference. Scratched— 121 7:r Senator Donlan. 10H; 11956 Ilackamore. 100: 1217:: Billy Watts. 10*; 1226.3 Polite ll.".: 12206 Zllcca. .IS. Uoutiuued ou fourlcenUi page TIJUANA Continued from third pact. — -— — — — — — — __ — — - i __ -g OOrT 4 FOURTH RACE — Futurity Course CO feet less than 3-4 mile. Vespasian, March 13. _££ 4 4 1927—1 : 10*i 4 122. Purse 03. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net alue to" winner 8530; second. 50; third. 0: fourth. 0. index Horses AWtlISt 4 Vj Str Kin Jockeys Owners E-iuiv. Odds Str , MM| KILUEV nTM 6 5 4h 4" lh 1J J Crgmile W John HOO-lOOj! ISfTS 8HKPHERD W 3 103 3 10 10 P TJ P C Yates V Johnston LSCO-WO II 12ir S STi: LLEU •■ I ■*■ ■ l P ••■» P P J Raker H ■ Calwell »»"!*? I I 1S841 BOKI wb 4 101 7 T H P ? 4i R Jones V G Wheal.lon 1:1?~ * U 1S242 KAUKO wit 4 113 8 4 3" 3" 4" ..J R Austin C, V M.Neil - 00 -1W I J»21"» SANCTION wb 4 98 2 3 I* -" P 0 Mazoue K l.eekw till 400-100 |t ItlM DUNROBIN w :. Ill 9 8 7i 7= 81 71 K IMttrkh T Crimes VWll , 12179 AKOI.IHIS RltM 1 0 1" 1" 6= 8 ■ t.raliani S Polk .rrlxX i 12217 SHASTA LIMIT Own .". Ill 4 9 P M 9-J 9s H Klston A W Ream * 0-J* 1"»»46 MARJORY SETH W 3 101 0 J a» 9110 10 A Irgrass lslie Stable 6340-100 Time. :23«5. :4.7V 1:14*». Track heavy. mutuels paid— Kilauea 4.00 straight. 4.40 place, sliow: Shepherd, 7.00 place. .20 ■how: Stroller. SS.SS show. -i Equivalent hooking odds- Kilauea. 1100 to 100 straight. SM to 100 place. 200 to 100 show: Shepherd. IZfiO to 100 pla.-e. :110 to 100 show: StrolUr. SO to Mt sliow. . Winner It. g. by Harvester— Sumptuary, b.v lm.-at trained by P. Wilkerson; bred ■-■_-. by Mr. A. ™- W. Carter! Winner entered to be claimed for Jl.TSOO. WENT TO POST — 3:00. AT POST — 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. KM VK ra.-ed -lose up from the start and out gamed the other* in the stretch drive. awmmamtn SHMilM.o i cloned a bin s»l " tlif last eighth and finished very fast. ST— 1 1 TO raced well all the way. BOKI. KAI.1KU and SANCTION tired. ADOLIHIS set the early pace, but tired and was in close quarters Scratched H1721iBlack Sea. 108: 12202 Pangold, 101: 1197:; Starwhim. 88: 12261 I.a Cometa. 9C: 12217 High Joy. Ill: 11780 Easter Present, »2. __ ■lOOrTCT FIFTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Bill OFlynn. Jan. 19. 1924— 1:04S— 4— 106. Purse J_ 4 4j sgno. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 30; second, 50; third. 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt » L., Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 1222* PICNIC »■ S 113 10 11 74 3" -"h l| I" Taplin Mrs W Mclntyre 870-100 |S1S**CH MHELOXA v 4 :»9 9 11 8J 4 4J 2s H Philpot A O McCormack C4HO-100 ■ttlSa*TK Kit VNOSCNw S 10S :.10 ll» 8"! ".1 31 O Mazoue G 1 rumheller tSlO-100 USSS*CANNT UADT w r. IMS 11 6 33 11 l1 41 ■ Iuttrich I, Fox 3670-100 ■SSISPRODKSAI wis 4 109 1 5 lh P»P 01 G Htamer Hampton Stabls 100-100 12143 NORKIKU. w 7 113 3 7 M| 91 71 6= P J Baker l;OI« 820-100 flStS* •OOAUHCNCM v» 4 10T, f, 4 CI 61 61 7 L McClair Mrs C I Crippen 1.40-100 12191 MISS BMMRRT w 5 MS M 3 41 P 81 81 J Crgmile R Iillana 940-100 11972 IKK II UtVBT w 9 113 12 1 P 10; 9- 9* R Jones Bassett and Jones t US?4*NBG • B 102 I 9 91 11s 10- M* M Barton W ■ Harned + ItYtS DAN HOOAM wb 7 113 7 2 21 TJIP 11* H Klston P. Croadfoot 720-100 11301 MMSToTI.K w 4 112 4 8 12 12 12 12 A Prgrass Strite and Valentine t U1S7*HOOCRKKK wb 5 105 8 left at post. O Hughes Hunley and Gans t IMlll fi.-.d Time. :24«5. :49«s. 1:02*,. 1:09*». Track heavy. mutuels paid Picnic. 9 40 straight, .00 place. .40 show; Chambelona, 7.80 place. 0.00 „nnn ■how: The Franciscan, field. .00 show. Kq.nvaleut bmSSbS odds -Picnic. 870 to 100 straight. ."0 to 100 place. 2.0 to 100 show; Chambelona. 790 to 100 plac. 400 to 1O0 show; The Fran.iscan. field. 100 to KM show. Winner— B. k. by Pebbles May Queen, by lltimus trained by W. Mclntyre; bred by Mr. James Butler. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST — 3:27. AT POST — 3 minutes. Start sood and slow for all but Iloocreek. Won driving: second and third the same. PICNIC Iwan slowly, but under a good ride, closed a gap and outfinished CHAMBELONA. The ■ latter mad.- up much ground and finished fast. THE FRANCISCAN gained steadily from a slow »Urt. CVNNY I I V ra.ed well PSMMMGAL set the early pace, but tir.-d. COAI.ESt ENCE ran poorly. "scrat.-hed— 121.V! Brother John. 107: 1219111 lW-lle. Ill: 12190 K.K-k Bottom, 111; 12213 Bemore-careful. MS; 120» » Virginia Morse. 108: 12000 Forbidden. 112; 1207.. Ninon. 1l 4. -* OOr7 A3 SIXTH RACE— 6-8 Mile. Conquistador. Jan. 20. 1927— :58%— 3— 96. Purse ,000. XaiailD S-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt t Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 1»219*I»KKP THolGHT WS S 113 .". 5 5 41 l5 1* R Austin Bowman and Crofton 380-100 12221 Rl ■NiH.ATHK w ". 105 14 41 51 P 2" R Jones Mrs C B Irwin 20-100 12243:I« X BOCAROO wb ". 107 2 6 6 6 4i 31 G Htamer Hampton Stable 270-100 |MM*OONQCI8TADOR m 3 104 4 2 1* P P *z P J Baker Baron Kong 130-100 12195* BOOKK P.KYKR wb 4 103 6 1 P "i 31 5« K McClair R Nicholas 1230-100 12242 SHASTA KING wb 4 98 3 3 3i 31 6 6 H Philpot C Sawyer t ♦Coupled as Mrs. C. B. Irwin and C. Sawyer entry. Time. :231-i. :48*5, 1:01. Track heavy. mutuels paid Deep Thought. .60 straight. $:5.i0 place. .00 show; Mrs. C. B. Irwin and C. Sawyer entrv. !M.t0 place. .20 show; Don Eduardo. .80 show. Equivalent ln»oking — Beep Thought. ."80 to 100 straight. 8»» to 1*»0 place. 50 to 100 show; Mrs. C. B. Irwin and C. Sawvcr entry. 120 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: l»on Eduardo. 40 to 100 show. Winner Br. g. by Transvaal Footstool, by thilton trained by K. E Emrie; bred by Messrs. Morris A Waldeii Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST — 3:55. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start :;ood and slow. Won easily: se tind and third driving. DS9B* Tllcl i.UT took the lead on the stretch torn and drew away to win in a canter. RCNO-I.ATIIK ra.-d well and finished gamely. DON EDUARDO made a fast finish. CONQCISTADOR set a fart pa.- and viit. BOOZE BF.YEK and SHASTA KINO tired badly. Scratched 10548 Blister Keaton. 111. Overweights — Booze Beyer, 2 pounds; llunolathe. 1. c -g c%€fJfW SEVENTH RACE — Clubhouse Course 230 feet less than 1 mile. Kamakani. March I £t£i 4 4 27. 1927 — l:34land — 3 — 99. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 30; second, 50; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt t || Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12191 BONO KINC w 3 105 7 4 21 l1 l| V 1" J Crgmile T Donley 330-100 12*10 SHASTA LOVE w 3 99 2 3 41 65 51 31 25 A Prgrass Mrs C C Emmert 300-100 12176Kl.lfKKR » 4 108 3 2 61 P J1 4 ? H Philpot Mrs C B Irwin 1340-100 |SIS3*INOOMR WB4 10S 6 5 7 3" P 21 4» L McClair 0 Irby 350-100 122U,MISTKI:k BOY w 5 112 S 7 3 l* V 5» 5« R Austin I B Humphreys 300-100 1I929*KI. CID w 5 102 4 8 8 7 6* 6« 6" B Pershall G P Pross 9870-100 |SS44*RATMOND I AKKwb 4 106 1 6 1 4h 72 71 71 K Graham S Polk 610-100 ■SS44 TRADE WIND W I 94 .". 1 51 S 8 8 8 O Mazoue Aristides Stable 4030-100 Time. :24. :49».i. 1:14H. l:37*s. Track heavy. mutuels paid Bong King. .00 straight, .00 place, .40 show; Shasta Love. .00 place, S3 20 show: Flicker. 40 show. Equivalent iKMiking odds -Hong King. 3:U to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Shasta I.eve UK to KKI place. 00 to 100 show: Flicker. 120 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. b.v Honey wood — Neva S., by Astronomer trained by R. McGirr; bred by Nevada tit..-.. Farnii. Winner entered to be claimed for ,S00. WENT TO POST— 4:18. AT POST — 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: seeoud and third the same. H» ; KIN ;. showing a sudden return to his best form, took the lead after going a half-mile and ontf.nislied SHASTA i.OYE in a driving finish. 1 he latter v as l est, but was in close quarters in tne earlv running and anie very wide on the stretch turn. FI.ICKKR raced well. MINSTREL BOY tired and ■• did RAYMOND DALE. Scratched 12245Pouiraoi, 108: 1217S Poor Puss. 99. Overweight -Shasta love, 1 pound. 1Q97Q EIGHTH RACE— l 1-16 Miles. Serenades March 25. 1926—1:43*4—7—116. Purse _and£ § O 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 30; second, 50; third, 0; fouith. 0. Indei Horse* AWtPlStU i *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12263 WYNNKWOOL" wb 11 110 I 6 6= 41 3* L* 1iH Klston T L Buchanan 250-100 12192 CONCLUSIVE w 10 109 8 7 Z 21 21 3 21 R Austin Bar Ace Stable 600-100 12214 TKANSIM.ANT W 5 111 6 8 71 7« 5A 4h 31 A Prgrass Strite and Valentine 3040-100 12174 HUSH BRKIAIRwb S 108 • 1 1* 1* 1H 1 4s F J Baker T Horning 820-100 12222 BKTTY MALONEY w ."• 108 7 I 21 3H 4 5« 5" A Swift I.awry Bros 320-100 12207 LADT CHOOO w 6 109 1 3 41 6J 7«J S 6" J CYgmiie Mrs K Beban 500-100 I2I4GJA ; ;KR wb 4 109 I 5888 7= 71 H West V J Hudson 1110-100 12214 ROB ROY w ii 4 109 2 4 51 .i 6i 6» S L McClair J Loe 800-100 Time. 25. 50 1:16s. 143S. 1:50. Track slow. *2 mutuels paid Wynnewood. .00 straight, 80 place. S.i.OO show: Conclusive. .20 place, .20 alio» I rai.splaiit. so show. F: iunalent Ustking odds Wynnewood. 2"4 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Conclusive. : «il to 1 *I place. 110 to 100 show: Transplant. 2!* to 100 show. Winner II. e. by Jack Point — Miss Vigilant, by Kenssalaer i trained by E. E. Buchanan: bred by Mr. Johnson N. tamdeni. Winner entered to lie claimed for 00. WENT TO POST — 4:41. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WYNNEWOOD took the lead when called on in the stretch and won going away. CONCLUSIVE was always .lose up and finished well. TRANSPLANT made up ground. IRISH RRIOADIER set a p.K-d pa. e! but badly. BETTY MALOXKT also tired. ROB ROY was shut off on the first turn. Scratehed 12240 lis Seth. 108; 12239-Lanipo, 108; 122K3 Jay Ma-, 108; 12140-Shasta Bally. 106; 1224s-. Full o- Fun. 108. Overweight Wynnewood. 2 pounds. -f QOrQ NINTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Serenades March 25. 1926— l:43«s— 7— 116. Purse JLm 4 *J 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 30: second, 50; third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , .. % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ttS14ROCK SHKLL WaSMS I 2 41 ? 4 3J II A Prgrass A Brent 2-M-100 1-J-iOH SYI. YANKS wb 4 106 ; 1 1 1- P 1 21 R Jones A K Jones and Bro 1220-100 1J214 SNOW CAP w 9 111 7 4 21 I1 2i 21 3" J Crgmile T Crimes Tat MS 12214 HYlKKIoN wit 7 117 4 7 6 4i S" 4i 4h B Pershall J K OConnor 4W-IOO 12057 SUA II : w 6 114 I 5 P 7 P P V* N Ste i lis M ■ S uf y MS-MS 11962 PAT MABRKT WBSMS .". C 7f ii 6 6 C t; Htamer !• Beban 1H20-10U 12240" STAR IlRSK w 4 lot". 1 8 8 8 8 7 7 A Swift Peace ft Hodges 5470-100 |tttt*JOR PATTON w 5 108 2 3 3" 51 71 8 8 H West K K Watson 400-100 Time. :25. :50. 1:15JS. 1:42JS. 1:49. Track slow. mutuels paid Rock M.ell. .20 straight. .M place, .20 show: place, .00 aiiow Smcw tap. $;;.0o show. r.;u.valeiit booking odi.s Bock Shell. 2C0 to 100 straight. 90 to 1C0 place, CO to 100 show; Sylvanua. fcln to 100 pla- .-. 250 to loo show Snow Cap. 80 to 100 show. Winner Br. g. by Friar Rock Shelby Belle, by Knight Errant trained by A. Itrent : bred by Mr. Join H. Roissetert. Winner entered to l.e .aimed for 00. WENT TO POST — 5:02. AT POST— 1 minute. Siart good and slow. Won easily; se ond and third driving. RotK SIILI.L. well ridden, came fast through the stretch into the lead and won going away BYLVAIS Bat the pa. •■ and saved ground on the stretch turn, hut tired when challenged. SNOW CAP Vii always close up. IlllERlON was on the outside all the way and was forced wide on the stretch turn. SHAFK made up ground. Scratched — 12214- Duty Boy, 114; 122131 Runleigh, 108; 12211 Alceste. 110; P2257 Sunbow, 111; 12213 *ui Williams. 100.