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Havre de Grace WITH III RKE going strong and only started. WATCH IS NOW Have fin:il cvord on "K," gjes Satunla.v. n| niag j day, rain or *hine. Terms: Remain winnings .tr:ii«ht ti.ket, re-i in it ted by wire, my expense. Keinit te-n i0 tMnen l.y wire, in .-lelvanc-e. as evidence of good faith, and .Jedu t sam. when fer-cvardiiiK winnings afi.-ruardv Horse must win »r *lti oVpawit dewoat K». IH.nt waste my time ami your* if yon fail ie. forward the necessary ten. Positively no |.ro|MM itioiik «-oi»-sidered. JOHN J. BURKE 717 ST. PAUL — 1 BALTIMORE, MO.