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PREAKNESS ENTRIES ♦ Eighty - Five Three - Year - Olds Named for 0,000 Stakes. -— -• Sixty-Two Kentucky Derby Candidates Among Eligibles — *H. P. Whitney Largest Nominator. ♦ BALTIMORE. Md.. April 14. — Francis G. Riggs. racing secretary of the Maryland Jockey Club, today announced the complete list of nominations received for the Preak-ness. Forty-seven owners named eighty-five three-year-olds for the 0,000 added money prize at one and three-sixteenths miles, which will be run at the old Pimlico course here on Monday. May 9. Virtually all of the leading three-year-old colts and fillies have been nominated, including sixty-two of the Kentucky Derby candidates. As geldings are barred in the Preakness, Joseph K. Wideners Osmand, favorite in the "future books" on the P.Iue Crass lassic. is one of the good ones missing. Widencr. in fact, has passed up the Preakness entirely. Harry Payne Whitney is the most liberal patron of the old Maryland stake. He has named eight possible color-bearers, one more than Im entered in the I erby. In addition to the Derby colts ami fillies. Valorous. Bos-tonian. Night Mail, P.yrd, Whiskery. Afterglow and Termagant, he nominated Pan-dera. the daughter of Peter Pan — Dendera. H. T. Archibald. Belair Stud. Idle Hour Stock Pari!] Stable, llancoeas Stable and Walter J. Salmon, each nominated four thoroughbreds. Archibalds candidates are Candy Queen, Candy Blackbird, Crystal Domino and Candy I log. B.withus. Buddy Bauer. Belgen-land and BbO are eligible to carry the green and white of the Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Mkaf%l ". Hildreth has entered Sweep-Kter, Sankari, Cheops and Adjutant of the Kane-ocas string. William Woodwards Belair Stud entries are Bonnie Maginn. Filemaker, Ieneral Bee and Pa Balina. Walter J. Salmon is hoping that Teheran. Black Panther, Northland or Salutation will score in his silks as Vigil did in 1923 and Display last year. ■ ■■■■I ■■!■■■■ Mil sua. The coming renewal will be the thirty-seventh running of the Maryland Jockey Clubs major stake attraction. It was first run in 187:: and renewed annually until 1889. During the period of its history, its winners were Survivor. Culpepper. Tom Ochiltree, Shirley, Cloverbrook, Duke of Magenta, Harold, Grenada. Saunterer, Vanguard. Jacobus, Knight of Kllerslie. Tecumseh, The Bard, Dunbinc, Refund and Buddhist. Then came a twenty year hiatus until 1909, when Bffendi was the victor. From that time to the present, many great thoroughbreds have carried off the prize. Winners in the last decade were Buskin, Kalitan, War Cloud, Jack Hare, Jr.. Sir Barton. Man o" War, Broomspun. Pillory, Vigil, Nellie Morse, Coventry and Display. In addition to the 0,000 added money, the historic Woodlawn Vase is part of the prize. W. J. Salmon, who won possession of it last year when Display was the victor, has returned the trophy to the Maryland Jockey Club for this years running. Following are the Preakness eligibles: Premier Point Breeie Candy Queen Painted Lady Candy blackbird Willie K. Crystal Ihiiiiino Back Candy Hoc War Kale Purple Pirate Polante Chairman liarkrnpe Ko.-c l«irk Crystal Pennant l.a Morte Sweepster Itonnie Maginn Sankari Filemaker Cheops Ceneral Adjutant l.a Ialina Court Pay Nun Hawk The M.iple Landlord AM Kath Social Mug Cold Coin Nan* T.rn- QaMaa Volt .Sk.-daddle Flippant Son o battle Kip Kap Itolau Teheran Marylander black Panther Kerreation Northland Justiee F. Salutation War Flame Kentucky II. Clean Play Cunidrop Niiuba Sir Harry Contemplate Wandi-rin Minslrel The Satrap Watkinson Fair Star BeefM Pennant Pyomalioa Just;ler Pillotta Jopatcan Fre.1 Jr. Stars-t Adios Valorous Saxon ItoKtontan l»dina Night Mail Terry Pyrd Handy Mandy Whiskery Miracle Afterglow P.cwitlius Termagant I in My I.auer Iandera I.ei-enlatid lt«. is de Pose Poo Wee burn .S.apa Flo