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DAILY RACING FORM YOLITME tyyttt OTKBEK 106 Kntertd a* second -rlnss matter, April 2. 1896. at the port -office at Chicago. Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. W. J. atelturray, Publisher and General KaaageT. Daily IHirinc Winter Months. rveiiv K,«-| t Kanda.r Balance of the Tear. A daily reflection of the American turf by telegraph. DAILY RACIN" FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL 157-1W EAST 32nd ST.. HEW TOM CITT. K. T 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. OHT. 305 -i«7 DECATUR STREET. HEW ORLEANS. LA. £014 M16 MIAMI COURT. H. W. MIAMI. FLA. TPLBIIIONR 2087 HARRISON. For buniiiiNti iiml circulation purposes only. This i.l. ii«- has no connection with tlie news or editorial del* rt incuts and cannot be uaed to C n- mil ni. ale with Hmiu. SIltStltllTION HY K1RST-CLAS8 MAIL: Mny lo November, MH-luaire .00 per montli December to April, inclusive .60 per month IAYAKIJB IN AliVAMH. BATK MMltKKS BY MAIL. 13 CENTS KACn. To lie -on.*iilereil and answered, all qneries to Daily Knt-ing Ki.rm niir«t he sent OTer the full name and with the address of writer. The names ■ •». - dalrrcse* are subject to a local and foreign direeiocy lr»it. 10083 is first index of 1927