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SB.BH.B .HBB.l.MMHMHBH.... a.llH .iiiiiiiiiiB....BB.B....H.Bi I Copies of the Complete Past PerformaRces A 01tl1i*BXI of each and eTery candidate for the Kentucky **triII.IICKJr Derby of 1927 may be purchased from Daily W I Racing Form any time between now and the Ms€aU running of the famous race on Saturday, May 14. r% m These Past Performances are virtually the mCLSI "racing history" of each horse. Therein are con- _ _ cisely but graphically described every detail of Ppyr /l*fff /Vf|/*-9C nis or ner career on the turf. The name of the M CI IUI IftUltCCO track distance, time, condition of the track. closing odds, weight carried, the actual progress of the race indicated by positions held by the particular horse at various stages of the contest and the name of the rider, number of starters in the race and the best company, with the weights carried by the latter, are all presented. In other words, it is "form at a glance." You are enabled to tell at a glance the qualifications disclosed by each and every horse in the various races in which he or she has started. The individual horses ability to run on a fast or slow track, to carry heavy weight and travel a / long distance is readily discernible from the information contained in these Past Performances. The great value of these Past Performances in figuring on the chances of any and all Derby candidates is well known to all readers of Daily Racing Form, which was the first racing publication to preesnt such a tabulation to the public. Order your copy NOW. Price, twenty-five cents. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, III *