Entries and Past Performances: Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1927-04-19


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» » 9 Entries and Past Performances * HAVRE DE GRACE ♦ TUESDAY, APRIL 19 "* WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST. , g The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the best time of s» -h horse at the distance since January 1, 1926. no matter where it finished. Mo time records are rhown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths bach of th; winner. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions, 100SS IS FIRST INDEX OF 1»27. 122S0 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL R.-n:ng starts sit 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:20. © Sii|wri. r mini runn. r. X Good mud runner. :•: Kair mu.l runner. M Maiden. * Apprentice allowance. The following :.Mircvia lions are nsed to designate track* at which time records shown in entries were maile: Akron Akn Lagoon Lag Aon duct Aqu Lansdowne Park....L.P Avrora -. Aur Latonia Lat Belrmnt Park Bel Laurel Lrl Beu.ah Park Ban Lexington Lex Blu; Bon cts B.B Lex. Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Grass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bowis Bow Long Branch L.B Fri-Muse Park B.P Mape Heights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Marlboro Mar Chinor k Park Chin Miami Mia Churchill Downs CD Mobile Mob Clarksburg Cla Mount Boyal M.B Columbus Col Niagara Falls N.F Colwood Park Clw Omaha Oma Coney Island C.I Orlando Oil Oonnaught Park. . . .C.P Peoria Peo Cranwcod Park Crd Phoenix Phx Dade Park D.P Pimlico Pim Delorimier Park Del Polo Park P.P Devonshire Dev Pompano Pom Dorval Dor Raceland Bac Dufferin Park Duf Beno Bno Empire Emp Salt Lake S.L Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar Fair Grounds F.G Tampa Tarn Fairmount Park F.P Tanforan Tan Fort Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf Hastings Park H.P Tijuana ,...Tij Havana Ha v Timonium Tim Havre de Grace HdG Toledo Tol Hawthorne Haw United Hunts U.H Huntington Htn Washington Park. ..W.P Jamaica Jam Wheeling Whe Jefferson Park J.P Whittier Park Wer Juarez Jua Willows Park Wil Xempton Park K.P Windsor Win Xonilworth K»n Woodbine Wdb King Edward K.E. Youngstown Ygn Havre de Grace 1 mile. First Race— 1-2 Mile. Puree SI. 200. 2 year olds. Maidens. Fillies. Track record : Km Imminent. April 22, 1922 -:47— 2— 116. Todays Ind. Horse* Post Pos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 12S37 Edith Caroline. 15 Row 115 :.r 2%h 11.".. .725 12182 The Lure. 2. ..J.P 115 :4»% 115. .720 12344 Turkeys Neck, 14 115.. 715 02287 The Maid, 4 115. .710 Dinette. 1 115 I.mn- Ann, 3 115 Jacksonville. 5 .. 115 Golden Fair, 6... 115 ;iee. 7 115 Glndvs "ark, 8.. 115 Inlaid. 9 115 Moicr.vstal. 10 .. 115 Nettn Run. 11 115 Rose Rternal. 12. 115 Fair Mist. 13.... 115 Turn On. 16 115 Lily Sue. 17 115 Lucie Dunbar, 18. 115 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Tnrs" ,290. 3 year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Karazen. April 21. 1925--1 :11— 4— 129. 12415s Suky. 11 Lrl 101 1:13% 112. .735 12366 *Tlie Code, 6. Mia 115 1:13% 1O5X730 DM15 Cross Word. 2 nd; 117 1:14% 114. .725 12354 Fable. 8 Bow 107 1:13% 108x720 12304 Torrence, 3... J.P 107 1:14% 105.. 715 12387 Tommv Foster M. 4 Bow 108 1:15% 110.710 11740 *Ima Baby. 5. Mia 95 1:12% 109.. 705 12395 •Simp. 12 Bow 10911:14% 111X700 09235 Wavfair, 10. .Bow 109 1:13% 114. .695 03098 Foregone. 1 1 10 .. 690 11656 •Double On. 7.Hav 103 1:12% 104. .690 11589 •Whizzing Cloud. 9 Bow 110 1:13% 108. .690 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Everglades Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Sarazen, April 21, 1925—1:11—4—129. 12361" La Morte. 10 .L.F 118 1:12% 110x735 12395 Mariner. 2 Aqu 107 1:13% 110. .730 12416 Titina. 7 Lrl 109 1:14% 105.. 725 11618 Candy Pig, l.Mia 110 1:12% 116X720 1190S3 MM Glass, »Tij 115 1:14 108.715 09282 Cold Coin, 3. HdG 114 1:13% 110X710 09001 Jock. I Lrl 112 1:14 116.. 701 12355 Pleasant Smiles, 6 110x700 12416 Pillotta. 4 108. 695 08870 Revolver, 8 . .Sar 118 1 :16%m 108.690 Fourth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Congressional Handicap. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: Transmute, April 25, 1925—1:42 — 4 — 112. 09283- Jov Smoke, 7HdG 104 1:42% 6 126X740 12417 Marconi, 6 .. .Lat 107 1:42 5 116*735 09283 Harry Baker. 1 Bow 108 1:44% 5 111X730 12417 Cudgeller, 4. HdG 108 1:44% 5 109x725 123 5 Flv Hawk, 5.. Mia 106 1:42% 3 100.. 720 1198 Kdisto. 3 Tij 119 1:45 5 118x715 12397 Prickly Heat, 2 Ken 102 1:43% 4 109x710 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Mile* Bayview Purse. Purse ,400. 4 -year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record : Man o War, Sept. 18. 1920— 1 :44%— 3— 138. 12417 CANTER, 1 HdG 126 1:45% 4 115X740 12418= Reminder. 2 5 107.. 730 0C9O7 Topboot. 7... HdG 106 1:46% 7 109X725 113-.7 lrea Major. ! Bmp 106 1 :48% 4 107*720 12417 Devonshire. 5 5 102. .715 12312 Crenier. 3. . .Bow 109 1:47% 5 112X710 12018 Edward Gray. 4 J.P 102 1:46 7 107X705 Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Crusader, Sept, 25, 1926—1:50—3—122. 12419 Wheatstick, 7 Mia 110 1:52% 6 122.. 735 12375 Dancing Fool, 9 Thf 112 1:48% 6 122x730 12384 "Donetta. 3 4 102x725 12391 Dr. O Mara, 1 6 112. .720 12377 "Handlist. ■ ...F.E 106 1:53% 5 112x715 09261 Over Fire. 5 HdG 10511:54% 6 114x710 12419 •Flat-hip. 8 ..Mia 85 1:53% 5 109. .705 12398 *Alleviator. 2 .Mia 107 1:55% 5 109.. 700 12420 Palmist, 4 . .HdG 112 1:56 4 111. .700 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Man o War, Sept. 18, 1920— 1:44%— 3— 138. 12392 »The Ally, 8.Hav 104 1:46 9 109X735 123993 Maxie. 1 Dor 111 1:48% 6 116x730 12359 Gayly. 13 ...Thf 105 1:49% 6 110x725 12392* Blow Horn, 12J.P 113 1:47% 4 106X720 12394 •Brotherhood, 6... 5 109.. 715 11710* South Breeze,9Mia 10041:48% 8 111*710 12441 •Cliickvale, 2. . .C.I 100 1:46% 7 105X700 12420 •Donarita, 14.. Mia 99 1:48% 4 106x695 12293 Warfare, 5... Ham 102 1:47% 5 111*690 12420 Speedy Prince, 3 Mia 110 1:47% 5 110. .700 12399 Kinsman. 4.. Mia 107 1:52% 7 105X685 09241 Shadowdale, 7HdG 117 1:49 7 114X685 12420 Off Spring. lOLat 113 1:47% 6 110. .685 08108 Pilgrim. 1 1 . . Haw 109 1 :46 10 112X685

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927041901/drf1927041901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1927041901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800