untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-07


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WEKKLY BOOK, 35 CENTS AT ALL. NEWSSTANDS. YES, SIR! AND ANOTHER Smashing Weekly Out Today From COAST TO COAST the CROWDS are SHOUTING for the WEEKLY MASTER CLUCKKR-and SMALL. WONDER for he has been SLAMMING EM OVER IN SENSATIONAL STYLE— and now. HERE IS ANOTHER 00 FREE CODE TODAY PIML1CO: MEMPHIS NEXUS LAMENT MIGHT And Famous Jim Smart Says— THE LIMIT! Yes. sir, and SPACE DOES NOT ALLOW to PUBLISH ALL the winners we save last week— BUT The Famous Long Shot Was: Shadowdale, 4.30, Won OTHER WINNERS GIVEN WERE: Kanduil, $ 8.90, Won Duckling, 6.60, Won Blue Torch, $ 7.20, Won Chaff, 1.00, Won Shadowdale, $ 6.70, Won Jopagan, $ 8.70, Won Mary Jane, 3.80, Won Long Point, $ 8.30, Won Da Vinci, $ 4.40, Won Valence, $ 9.00, Won Valley Light, 1.60, Won King ONeill II., 2.40, 2nd Hydromel, $ 7.40, Won Kiyi, $ 5.80, Won and a world of other winners that we have no space to publish. I tell you SMALL WONDER theyre Shouting for the Master Clocker So RUSH right now to your newsdealer and ASK for the WEEKLY MASTER CLcm_KER, 35 cents, at all newsstands. TODAY A Smashing Colt, 4th Race, Churchill Downs WILL BE UNCOVERED Th.» SHREWDEST OPERATORS at the Downs are going to him HOOK. LINE and 6INKKU. so LETS GO. For this special ask vour newsdealer for the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER AT ALL NEWSSTANDS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES. SENT 2 WEEKS. Address 440 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO Bargain Offer: Both Occasional and Special Sent 1 Week for 0 DETROIT— For Sale Only At: OTHER CITIES— For Sale: TRIANGLE NEWSSTAND— Griswold and Lafayette, ■£■ 5HS*" L*WL 7„Noli£«.17™ 5£ . FAMILY THEATER NEWSSTAND— Cadillac So.. °T- J-0/" ZT, f°*T B„ Co. 410 Washington Bt. OMAHA. Neb. — Myer Coren. 1411 Farnum St. CHICAGOANS — For Sale: "giywa ■»■■ »• E- »*• m*** ™* Market. ARCADE NEWS STORE 84 W. Madison St. HAMILTON. O.— Halperin. 339] High St. TURF SHOP 72 W. Van Buren TOLEDO. O. — St. Clair News, front old Post Offioa. NEWSSTAND Wilson Ave "L" Station, evenings KANSAS CITY— Foster, 6 East 9th St. DRUG STORE Randolph and Clark Sts. MILWAUKEE— Reid News. 304 Sycamore St. HIGH BALL NEWSSTAND . .Quincy and State Sts. AKRON. O.— Swartz Newsstand. NEWSSTANDS. Corners of Madison and Clark Sts. CINCINNATI— R. Bishow. 426 Walnut St. M. BRUNO S ft MIKES NEWSSTANDS CINCINNATI— Rey Pierce. 5th and Vine St. State and Van Buren Sts. LEXINGTON — Reinstein, Main and Lime Sts. NEWSSTAND 47th St. and Indiana LOUISVILLE— Eiler News. 415 W. Jefferson St. AND ALL OTHER NEWSSTAND8 LOUISVILLE. Goodman News. Liberty and 4th Sts. WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Two Daily Code Services The Turk World -Famon Long Shot Specialist and Watson "Hark" Watson, well known and successful h unit hap per. The two nre releasing two sptciiK inch, ewry day. lKEE to Weekly Hnelng Guide renders. The Turks Releases for Saturday : PIMLICO: Two-pace -bit. Juki n -ed- a br.-ak. Three-post -club. This looks lit.- the spot. Watsons Releases for Saturday: CHURCHILL DOWNS: Fi ve - speed -lead . Looks hk.- a winner. One-whip-fecd. Slioul I 1mm: I Ins field. FOR COOK, HIY ISSUE OF A run. r»o Weekly Racing Guide Worlds Greatest Hnelng Weekly tk Cents at All Newsstands TURF WEEKLY If l 35 cents per copy. 10 weeks _*Bb DAILY WIRE : : OCCASIONAL For sale at all newsstands New Weekly Out TODAYS ,000 FREE CODE: PIMLICO: Cuba-Tire -Glass. A GREAT UNCOVERING TAKES PLACE TODAY. FROM WHAT CONNKt TIONS ADVISE, this event should prove to be a record. Never have our connections been so confident, of an easy victory, and the price should be plenty. So by all means, rush to your nearest newsdealer and get the new weekly. No. 15, for the name of this horse. Get this good . hing today. LAST WEEKS WINNERS: Shaddale 4 60 Won Long Joe. . . .20. Won Just in Fun 3.50. Won Hydromel 20. Won Murzim . ..4.40. Won Phidias 3-1, Won Fine Man rs 15-1. Won Best Spade. .80. Won And plenty more winners. "Oatsack" Ollie information. For winners, see pae three and get the best in ra.-.ng information Smart players all follow "Oatsack Ollie. why not join tin- u inning crowd. Another confidential Rogers Parlay goes today. TKItSIS: . For further details, see page t" ROGERS PU3USHIXG CO. 1672 Broadway. Rocm 302 Naw York City Daily Racing Forms Monthly Chart Book contains charts of all races of the month— .50. CHICAGO OFFICE NOW OPEN 1 23 West Madison St. Room 720 Office Hours 9 a. m.to 6 p. m. EVERYBODY WELCOME! COME UP AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE BUGLES ORGANIZATION 123 West Madison Street, Room 720 Chicago, III. TWO SPECIALS WIRED DIRECT FROM OFFICE AT 9 A. M. DAILY UNDER PEBSONAX SUPERVISION OF EDITOR LAND Terms: 0 For 6 Winning Days Two Specials Daily YESTERDAYS SPECIALS: MONTFERRAT, 2.00 WON GAY BOY 1, $ 7.80 WON Once again the BUGLE has proved tl:e reliability and consistency of its Specials. ITere is our record for the past eleven days: THURSDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Al Hotfoot $ 9.40, Won Beverwyck $ 7.10, Won WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Eighteen Sixty 3.00, Won Adventuress $ 6.00, Won TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Billy McCarney 7.80, Won Glenister II $ 5.00, Won MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Sea Green $ 7.00, Won Black Nan 3.00, Won SATURDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Rushee 0.50, Won Black Grackle $ 9.80, Won FRIDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Dell Evans 1.60, Won Big Sweep $ 8.80, Won THURSDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Miss Drapeau 0.20, Won Scotland Girl $ 4.80, Won WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Sweeptona $ 9.80, Won Watch It $ 5.80, 2nd TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Barb Wire $ 8.40, Won Radio 2.40, Won MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: Treasurer 0.80, Won Scotland Girl 2.00, 2nd SATURDAY S TWO SPECIALS: Wise Guy 0.80, Won Guest of Honor 6.00, Won EDITOR LAND SAYS: "Day after day the BUGLE goes on its winning way. Subscribe today. Start winning right away. If you have ever had unsatisfactory dealings in this line, do not pass judgment on us until you become one of our subscribers. You will receive service every day — not once or twice a week. Our strictly two horses each day are filed several hours before post time. Above all, you are guaranteed a fair, square deal." TODAY AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Two of the most carefully prepped horses ever sent to the post. They are fit t • run for a kings ransom. Roth should be good priced winners. A parlay on them SHOULD PAY 30 TO 1 Out of town subscribers go right now to the nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire 0 for six winning days service. Positively immediate reply within the hour. You will get the Specials twenty minutes after your remittance is in our office. The Bugle Publishing Company 123 West Madison St., Room 720 Chicago, III. Few doors from the Morrison Hotel Chicagoans No Wiring, Worrying or Delay Come up to our offices and Ret your Special right away. Office open daily. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Open Sundays. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. JOHN GOULD 1658 BROADWAY, ROOM 408, PHONE CIRCLE 3094 NEW YORK CITY TAKE ADVANTAGE OK THIS OPPORTUNITY— DONT HESrPATK. "With whom promise is performed ". Read this ad carefully! An opportunity better than a gold mine! I am here again. This time to pass all of my previous records of success, and to drive all Inferior turf informants out of business! Yesterdays Only Release: TYPECUTTER, 7th Race, Pimlico. The result of the above race was not known at time of this paper going to press. I want all my followers to remember that in yesterdays ad I told you I had word on four horses that were ready to win at good prices, snd would be given to all clients that agreed to my proposition. THREE BONA FIDE GOOD THINGS FOR SUM OF $..00 IN DVANCK AS SECURITY OK ;OOD FAITH FOR ALL THREE HORSES. AND YOUR PROMISE TO PAY MK AN ADDITIONAL TEN DOLLARS PROVIDING YOU GET TWO WINNERS OUT OK THREE AT 3 to 1 or better. This is just being done to prove my ability to you and the worth of my connections. All informants CLAIM to be connected. Of course. I mean myself, too. Well. boys. its come to a iKint where they all say. "I come from Missouri, you gotta show me." Thats what I want to do. and its what I am going to do. Of course. I must be given a trial. I can honestly say, without fear of contradiction, that no other turf informant ever released as many long shots aa JOHN GOULD. MY SECOND RELEASE GOES TODAY AT PIMLICO Dont be a slacker and pass this proposition by because you may not have another opportunity like this for a long time to come. Rush your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, or call on phones. Circle 3094-10832, and a messenger will deliver todays horse in plain sealed envelope. . JACK FIELD All Newsstands 35c— ALSO and "SPECIALS" NKW HOOK ,*OOT TODAY" FREE" 00 SPECIALS" TODAY— More like — REALIZATION 3.00. Won SNOW MAN 8.00. Won —AND MANY MORE "LONG SHOTS" GIVEN. TODAYS "FREE CODES: AURORA Dinner-Ankle — -Fine -Knee-Fine PIMLICO — Opera-Skn-Socks- Lace-Honey TODAYS OCCASIONAL" WINNERS are what you get in the Old Keliable- STANDARD TURF GUIDE 35c All Newsstands. CODE SPECIAL— October Pear-70-01 40-13 Daly Racing Guide First on Streets with Entries and Past Perform an ces

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050701/drf1927050701_18_1
Local Identifier: drf1927050701_18_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800