Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1928-04-27


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. — , f , 4 __ Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE * FRIDAY, APRIL 27 • i munsa CUMBl THACK PAST. Ha. ing ctartt at 2:0 p. id. Chicago time, 1:30. Havro de Grace 1 Mile. Tirst Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Pane ,200. 2-ycar-olds. Claiming. TrOCft record: Bo k Man. April 25, 1925- :5S— 5— 110. Today t Ind HurseandPnstPos. Wt. Uec A.Wt.ilnn £3763 Virado. « Tij 113 :M% 116.735 123790 Blaadris. I Hd ; Ul:SS%«f 110x730 23790- Susan Rineliart Mi, 17 HdG 111J .".Csy 107 72.5 23790 •■ urdlc. 12. ...HdG 111 :57.sv 105. .720 23790 Vovag.- iMi.7HdC114 :5.V-, 110.. 715 123750 N.lla B.. U.MG 106 :54-,r, 108. .710 23817 Fatigue Ml, 11.. HdG 118 :St% 112. .705 23709 Rea. 2 112. 700 23743 Opera. 5 HdG 105 :9S% 1M BS3 £3743 Asaea Wyaa M, 14 Hd. 112 :S4% 107.690 23730 "Georgia H.rg.t M, 15 HdG 107 :5.;. MS..SM 23743 •XelHe HewittM, 4 MS.. CSS 23709 BMrleaa C. Mt.S 107.. 685 23750 S.ot.h Mist MI.O HdG 110 :351£ 110. .685 23750 Taller ;ai Mi.io BSG 107 :Sl% 107. .SSI R..vnl hain. 3... 107 Mud, 10 HI Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Fane J1.200. 4 year olds and upward. Claiminj;. Stack record: Da law. April 21, 1925-1:11 1 129. 23818 •siNSAKD. t.Baa US 1:11% 6 11" 743 237171 *Laan, I Boa U7 1:13 4 M0. .733 23751- Ike Deatkea, 3 Mia M 1:11% 4 112 730 23725 Lu. lid. ! TIJ 102 1:11% 5 107.72". £367G Baiy Gaara, U.F 107 1:13% 8 107 720 23720 *Barkj U.irr.s. 2 Ha 109 1.11 5 112. .713 23717 T.tr.i Gkua, BDei ST 1:12% 4 MT..7M 23717 •Beaefleeat, 7. I.at 100 1:13% 0 1SBX7SS 19303 Bed subl. tte i.M 1. 1 L F 98 1:13-0 4 107. .700 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pane Si.ioi. 1-year elat. Maiden-. Track recari : Traaaaiate, Aaril 2."., 1S23— 1:4K — I -112. 33846- Sun Roni:iii. tBtaw MB 1 4!» s II2..73S 23724 Bweeaeeta, J .... 107. .723 23822 Fraulein. 1 .HdG MS 1:4*% MV..720 23846 add. 7 112. .713 23819 Areaae, 11 * 112. 710 23822 Deep Sea. 5 107.. 700 23792 CI ark bmsbc, 6... BSG 112 l:S2%ai 112. .700 33752 CM, 2 11 2.. SS3 16473 Red SatOCe, 10.. 112. .690 23846 Hnrr. Beat, 4 112..SB3 33724 Paddy Flaherty, 8 112..SSB Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. ClaStiiTIa Daaalcap. Purse |2,SSS 3-jear-akla and aaararS, Fillies and Mares. Track record: Traaaaiate, April 25, 1925 — 1:42 — 4 — 112. •23747 Pink Lily. Z.aUG 107 1:43% 3 107X740 ■ 23794 Cross.*.. 7 S.G 113 1:43% 4 106 ■ Tit". 23735 Maxlva, 3 Pim 123 1:43% 5 106. .730 1 23746 Prlare - 1 ina, 4.. 3 101.. 725 23747 Meaaacla, .....Iiui 1M 1:4S% S 102 720 * 23728 I.u.ie Ann. l.Row 115 1:46 3 97X715 23754 Bigaela, ".....Row MB 1:44% 4 102X710 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Chesapeake Preliminary Purse. Purse ?2.XH. "year olds. Allowances. Track record: Traaaaiate, April 25, 1925—1:42 — 4—112. 21318 Sortie. 4 Row 105 1:43 114. .740 ■ 23733- StralBag Player.5 111.. 735 23670 Jack Higgiiis. 3.. 114;- 730 J 23718 Sola.e. 1 Bow 1M 1 44 "i 114.. 723 - 23764 BBg»ae S.. 6 114.. 720 j 23819 sun Beaa, 7 111x715 ■ 21318 Tata, 2 Row 123 1:44% 114710 , Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Faraa Jl.lOi. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track re.-ord: Jack, Beat. 24, 1927-1:44% — 3 112. £3728 •Tr.jis. ] 103.. 735 , 23822 •BraaaMB, 4 Hd ; 113 l:53%k 112x730 ■ 23791 *Sly PaOy, S .F.G US 1:47% 102X725 - 21257 •Spani-h PrlaceaM 100.. 720 , 23728 DUeaa Ga F.ratii.:: 114x715 - 23846 latkaaaTttle M,3 110.. 710 I, 23822 Sam sli.k. SHSG 107 I:37%k 107 ;• 705 - 20999 Red S.ot If, ■ 105.. 700 . 15473 Red Spru t M..7 107.. 700 p Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Turn- ,200. ."! year olds and upwatd. Claiming. ira. k recatS: Craaaaer, Beat. 25, MSB- 1 SB 3—122. 23796 Ml..; PaUci, B. Mia 100 1 ::.520 6 112 7S3 , £3850 "Know -M. «.i,„ir. . 10 HdG 112 1:50-5 5 117.. 730 I £3744 everglade, 17 ... 7 122x723 , 23755 nferkfa, 9 3 102. .720 D 23769 Highwayman. 4.. 1M ■ 105 1 57 % m 5 118. . 71 :. -. 23729 Hedgefe 7 .. 6 122.. 710 II 23749 Highland PaNy. 11 1.rl 104 1 :3C% 6 10S. .70." 5 23877 Sir Leonid. S.Bel MS 1:53 8 113. 700 23823 Altlnhaa, 1 7 118 S90 I £3745 Rule Rrittacia M I 13 3 10O Mi 23749 •firat Battlea, 14. B.B 103 1 3B% E MBX4BS . 23706 •Hoh-.ni. 2 6 Hi! r,s". 23792 The li.rd liime . 1M1. .", 3 107. .BBS 23850 P.-.r Bay, O.Hdi. 114 1:3S% 4 I18..SS3 ■ 23823 *KIaswaa, 12 s 10s ■ d.v, • 23822 •Erla •«. Brack, 15 3 105.. MS 23873 Si.ee.! Priace, M BSG 1M 1 54:. 6 I1S..SS3

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928042701/drf1928042701_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1928042701_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800