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WORKOUTS! ufctefandst -JtSitJandfr -andJt-and6r Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. letters following time -i indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, ail out; u, eased up. - . i SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track good One-Quarter Mile. 1-5 Evicted .... :25 u Sammy Tuck :25u Three-Eighths Mile. 1-11 Anne L. ... :37h 1-15 Ken Kling.. :40b l-15Buzzy Boo.. :40 b 1-11 Lful Gamble :36h 1-11 Best Ace... :42b 1-6 Melody Qun :41 b 1-11 Boot Nose.. :40 b 1-8 Motive :38b 1-11 Click ...... :36h 12-12 Mutuel Frnd :39 b 1-10 Dollys Baby :37b 1-11 Old Bill.... :44 b 1-15 Ellen D :39b 1-9 Premeditate :43 b 1-11 General Csta :42 b 1-11 Sir Galilia.. :38 h 1-4 Hasola :40 b 12 21 Scandal Sht :38b 1-9 Harold Jr. . :40b 1-15 Trotwood ... :45 b 1-10 Harvest .... :40 h 11-25 Top Cloud.. :41 b 1-16 Kenny Boy. :36d One-Half Mile. 1-4 Adalor T. . . :51 b 1-10 Pagan Laddie :51 h 140 Big Doug... :52h 1-4 Prometheus :49h 10-3 By Product. :52b 1-11 Rock Reef.. :51b 1-16 Bob Up :54b 1-7 Starch :52b 1-10 Dick Price.. :51h 1-4 Thomas Seth :56 b 1-11 Evelyn L. .. :53b Trice :54b 1-7 Fill In :52 b 1-11 Wood Crees. :51h 12-24 Flenco Dlart :56b 1-15 Zahn ...... -.50 b l-12Griego :58 b Five-Eighths Mile. 1-14 Bunting Ladl:07b 1-14 Poor Relatnl:04d 1-6 Brinkley ...l:07b 1-11 Strathcona .l:04h 1-10 Hour Wood.. 1:05 d Unlucky ...1:03 h 1-14 Kelso l.-04d Ml Wyandotte .l:05h 1-14 Little Love.l:04h 1-11 Yalovian ..lK7b Three-Quarters Mile. 1- Battler ....l:17h 1-13 Jack Berry.l:25 h 1-11 Charm . . . ,l:18d 1-12 Marge Cllinsl:20h 1-15 Come On... 1:22 b 1-12 Ms N. Clanl:20h 1-11 Cn Jack Jr.l:21 b 1-8 Miss Oninc. .l:20h l-16Chatson ...1:29 b 1-12 Nell Khlmanl:20h 1-4 Cady Hill... 1:22 h 1-7 Peter Peter.151 h 1-ll Chilhoma ..l:21h 1-10 Piect Play. .l-22b 1-14 Delta 1:21 h 1-7 Sydka l:22b 1-12 Donna Dear.l:22 b 1-12 Tony Joe... 1:23 b l-14Etonardo ..l:17h 1-11 Tarpon ....l:18d l-10 Fnate Mannl:20 h Wt Virginial:19h 1-8 Hden Thotsl:18h Zella K. ...1:28 b 1-3 Half Day...l:17h One Mile. 1-13 Colonel K...2:00. b 1-12 Lunacy ....l:50h 1-14 Catalog ....1:50 h Pnce. Athelgl:46h 1-15 Dixie Dan..l:47h 1-12 Sallys Hourl:46h 12-13 Flag Lieutt.l:50h 1-10 Sple Singer.l:46h 1-12 Finland ....1:53 b 1-15 Ts Patrick.l:45h l-14Golflcx ....l:50d 1-11 Vole l:56b 1-15 Louisville ..l:53b Etonardo was under a pull. Prometheus showed speed. HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 12-27 Black Vim... :23 1-13 Fair Jean.... :25 1-13 Cedar Crest. . . :25 1-10 Majolo :26 Fannie Brice. . :24 1-13 Our Doctor. . . :25 1-16 Fair Jack :25 Three-Eighths Mile. 10-13 Film :36 1-12 Spectacular . . :36 1-10 Judged Dixon. :37 1-14 Sam Sweeney. :36 1-3 Ranch Lass.. :39 1-15 Trappenan ... :36 One-Halt Mile 1-5 Chilonda :50 12-30 Lead Off :50 1-10 Crossbones ... :54 1-15 Maid of Honor :53 1-12 Floria Zel :52 12-22 Mornig Beams :50 1-7 Frantic :54 12-29 Princesita .... :48 1-5 Hher Blossom :54 1-13 Ruby Dear. . . :50 12-25 Imperial Air. . :52 10-27 Smiling Moon. :49 1-8 Keswick .... :54 1-12 Sun Dance... 1 l-16Lexton Girl. :48 1-3 Tryor :52 1-9 Lady Campbell :52 1-14 Torchfire .... :50 1-10 Lady McNeill. :51 Five-Eighths Mile. 12-28 Dental Croaml:04 1-13 Number Four.l:07 1-9 Granite Dust. 1:04 1-14 Pan fron .....1:01 1-12 Innisfail 1:06 1-10 San Presto. ..1:03 1-14 Jny Campbelll:07 12-28 Stylish Mack.l:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-3 Black Flyer. .1:20 1-12 Miracle 1:22 l-13Justa Shade. .1:21 1-15 Pere Noel.. ..1:19 1-9 Josephine D..l:14 1-13 Rudbeckia ...1:16 1-14 John Grcener.l:16 1-15 Roger ...... .1:17 1-15 Leah Jane.... 1:19 1-16 Starcene ....1:20 1-16 Loyola 1:23 1-13 Sun Buyer 1:20 1-14 Martha D.. . .1:22 1-13 The Doctor. . .1:19 l-14Mordavvn ....1:17 1-8 Unstained ...1:18 1-10 Monks First. .1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Misnomer ....1:29 One Mile. 1-10 Chester 1:43 1-8 Jaz King 1:45 1-12 Fore Play.... 1:45 1-13 Notre Ninette.l:44 1-12 Gun Man 1:44 1-16 Prcess Zelda.l:46 1-12 Hernan Cortesl:49 1-9 Red Likker. . .1:47 1-16 John Mill.... 1:43 HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Efcihths Mile. 1-14 Afro Amcan :39 h 1-11 Make Speed. :36h 1-10 Angry Plue. :36h 1-13 Mabla : :40 b 1-14 Apple Cart.. :36h 1-16 Nble Heels. :37h 1-13 Bzing Thru. :39 b l-13Huffian .... :35h 1-10 Captain Ed. :36h 1-13 Rabble .... :35h l-12Dunrode ... :36h 1-14 Silvery :35h 1-12 Evelyn Barr. :39 h 1-12 Sour Mash.. :40 h 1-14 Ellice :38 h 1-12 Spanish Flirt :37 b 1-5 Hamilton .. :35h 9-2 Scot Free... :37h 1-9 Jillion . -.38 h 12-29 Tippy Toe.. :33 h 1-10 Kay Dawn.. :35h 1-15 The Heathen :36h 1-14 Kensington . :35h 1-15 The Gen.... :37 h One-Half Mile. 1-11 Black Watch :53 b 1-14 Inferno Lad. :51 h 12-28 Bk Stkings :50 h 1-16 Kry Green. :49h 1-14 Best Man... :54 h 1-13 Lapidary ... :52 h 1-7 Big Business :48h 1-14 Mgoy Maid :49 h 12-30 Big Spring.. :50 b 1-12 Mike Carey. :52 h 1-14 Chicago Girl :49 h 1-8 Prepare :52 h 1-13 Chipola :48h 10-23 Sun Memory :50 h - 1-9 Don Pablo.. :49 h 1-13 Star Lassie. . :48h 1-11 Ever Faithful :50h 1-14 Scotch Gold. :52 h 1-13 Fannie S.... :54 h 1-14 Vesta :51 h 1-13 Islam :51 h 1-12 Wisecrack .. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. l-15Caerleon ...l:02h 1-11 McTinkle ...1.02h 1-14 Fabricate ...1:07 b 1-7 On Leave. . .l:02h 1-15 Helianthus .1:03 h 1-13 Shiva ..,...l:01h 1-13 Jaffa 1:08 b Zczora 1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-11 Aldershot ..l:13b 1-3 Lawyer ....1:23 b 1-14 Back Log...l:17h 1-14 Memics Drl:15h 1-15 Burnish ....1:17 h 1-15 Porterdi ...1:18 h 1-16 Fairdale ....1:18 h 1-15 Repentance .ld7 h l-16Flish FelIowl:17h 1-14 Sageboys ...l:15h 1-13 Full Dress.. 1:17 h 1-15 Traitor ....l:15h 1-13 Herkimer ..1:20 b 1-13 Vander Pool. 1:14 b 1-12 Impish ....1:22 b 1-13 Workless ...1:18 b 1-10 Jane Mc...l:18 h One Mile. 1-10 Bkwdsman 1:51 h 1-12 Lucky Rketl:47h 1-12 Dr. Syntax. .1:50 h 1-13 Lo Condor. .l:45h 1-10 Golden Westl:46 h 1-13 Miss Ida l:42h l-14HibaIa .....1:46 h 1-12 Muerite Starl:42h 11- 19 Incessant ..1:43 h 1-10 My Sis 1:44 h l-14Kingrow ...1:47 h 1-15 Mae Sweep. .1:46 b AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. Dixie Binder :37h Meadow Boy. :37h l-12Diggins .... :37 h 11-29 Py Barbara :37h l-i4Gailmont ... :38h 1-13 Spanish Girl :37h 1-15 Genl Waldk :39 b Snorky :38 e. 1-10 Jane Macaw. :36h Sharp Queen. :37h 1-11 Little Son... :36h Trek Grende :36h One-Half Mile 12- 30 Baby Bane.. :52b 12-27 Lord Vale... :52b 1-10 Betrothal . . :50 h 1-10 Morheart ... :52b 1-15 Hpy Fellow. :52 b 1-1 Rockhawk .. :53b 12-31 Leoden :50h 1-8 Rosie Cora.. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-14 Alice Catalanl:03 h 1-10 Lakeland ...1:09 b 1-8 Bellarion ...1:08 b 1-14 Miss F. PIatel:04h 1-6 Book Maid.. 1:05 e 12-28 Nadia l:04b l-16Durango ...1:16 h 1-14 Ormds Playl:03 h l-12Evelena ....lK4h 1-12 Runshot ...1:03 h 1-14 Jns Rchterl:07b 1-11 Scimitar . . .1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-12 Fair Boy.... l:16h 1-12 Rol Doultonl4 b 1-9 Mam Queenl:24 b 1-10 Speedy Al... 1:23 b 1-7 Mys Worthl:21 b 1-13 Seths Pride.l:18 h 12-23 Mirage 1:20 h 1-10 Useful l:2Ib 1-15 Owlet 1:24 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Umb. Princssl:3i h - MONDAY, JANUARY 18 JEFFERSON PARK. s Weather clear; track fast ? One-Quarter Mile. Hattie Cloi.. :24d, 1-5 Quotondas .. :27 d Ms Hcheson :24d , " Three-Eighths Mile. 1-11 Bill Orange.. :37h 1-16 Mac Fogle.. :45 b 1-5 Bill Phillips. :42 b 1-15 Mobile Boy.. :37h- 1-14 Big Gun :40 b Procession ..:40 b 1-9 Dear Nante :38h 1-10 Ragaoma ... :37 h 12-23 High Foot. . . :34h 1-11 Valnt Heart :41 b 1-4 Hld Ormont :40 b 1-16 Vandion . . . :40 b 1-4 Itso :40 b 1-10 Who Win... :42 b" 1-4 Mrjory Nell. :39 b 1-14 W. Behaved :37h 1-17 Mody Queen :38h 1-15 WooS River. :39 h One-Half Mile. 12-30 Beige ...... :54 b . 1-9 ,L. Valentine :56 b 1-15 Camp Dglas :50 h 1-5 Missing Cdie :58 b 1-UCrned Head-:55 b l-i2 Mai Moza... :54b 1-14 Cry. Prince. :50h 1-11 Noble Wrack :53 b- 1-11 Dough Boy.. :54 b Na Zdar :54 b 1-15 Eth. Galliger :52 b 1-14 Oh Yeah. ... :54 b l-14Fiala ...... :50ir 1-6 Polyfon :51 b 1-12 Goldn Light :52 b 1-10 Perfect Alibi :56 b 12-27 Gold Bet.... :53 T 12-30 R. Laycock. :53b 1-6 King Hahna. :52 b 1-10 Sprig ...... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Halliard ....l:08h 1-11 Pbles Last.l.-03d 1-4 My Bidwell.l:07h 1-7 Peace Jimmyl:04h 1-17 Premeditate 1:06 h 1-17 Sir Galilia.. .1:03 h 12-24 Prate 1:05 d 1-3 Vladimir ...l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 12-6 As Fair... ..1:24 b 1-11 Luck Piece.. 1:24 h 1-17 Click l:15d- Rave l:28b 1-17 Kenny Boy..l:21 h 1-17 Trotwood ...1:20 h One Mile. 1-10 Homer L...l:42d 1-11 Lena M l:50b Camp Douglas showed plenty of speed. The track was in a very fast condition this morning. HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track Jfast Three-Eighths Mile. 12-28 Big Slam.... :36h 1-14-Miss Tulsa.. :35h 1-11 Black- Dove. :36h 1-4 Nonana :39h 12-30 Bay Angon. . :36K 1-11 Pop Gaffney :37h 1-13 Coady :36h 1-14 Parnell Bond :37h l-14Chatford .... :37 b Prcess Nora :36h 1-11 Chancellor. . . :36h 1-12 Playfole .... :37 h 1-12 Evening .... :35h 1-13 Street Singer :35h 1-11 Flying Boy.. :36h 1-12 Sunfire .... :39 b 1-16 Fatalist .... :35h Talisman ... :37h 1-13 Gold Mint. .. :38 h 1-16 Tea Cracker. :36h 1-11 Home Work. :36h 1-12 Thursday ... :37h Mike Reylds :37h 1-15 Westko :37 h One-Half Mile. 1-14 Blue Arab... :49h 1-15 Lanson :48h 1-16 Blk Feather :50 h 1-13 Mern Queen :50 h 1-1 Craigco .... :51 h 1-15 My Dandy. . . :47h l-14Celsus ...... :51 h l-15Morden :50 b 1-15 Dyak :48h 1-15 Mareve :48b, 1-16 Ellanglock . . :51 h 1-13 On Sir :49 h 1-15 Fair Blanche :50 -h 1-12 Pano Lopez. :50 h 1-16 Heroville ... :50 h 1-12 Royal-Ruf fin :52 h 1-14 Iron Czar:... :53 h 1-16 Short Story. :49 h 1-14 Knoavlton .. :48 h 1-14 Tom :48 h 1-17 Lucky Racket :50 h 1-14 Tom Mar. ... :49 h Five-Eighths Mile Bangol .....1:04 h 1-12 Don Romanol:03h 1-11 Battling On.l:06h 1-13 Fredrick ... .1:10 h 1-16 Dancing Boyl:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-15 Amn Quecnl:25 h 1-14 Lady Fingersl:17 h 1-15 Brilliant Budl:17 h l-15Martis .ia3h 1-15 D. of Mborol:19 h 1-8 Prince Toy. .1:18 h l-14Flossine ....l:17h 1-16 Slambang . ..1:19 h 1-11 FPh o Whitel:19 h 1-11 Southco ....l:17h 1-11 Gg Duchessl:20 h 1-16. Trombone ..l:15h Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-15 Martinclli . .1:29 h 1-15 Sun Shadow.l:29h One Mile. 1-lOBosafabo ...l:43h 1-13 Montanaro .1:44 h 1-16 Bill Southaml:43 h 1-17 Mike Carey. l:45h 1-11 Blanket Bay.l:42 h 1-15 Negopoli. . . . .1:47 hv 1-9 Chathochee 1:46 h 1-11 Rubridge . ...l:43h 1-16 Chicsu l:42h 1-13 Rn Antclopel:42 h 1-15 Donna Vivianl:43h 1-13 Show Down.l:39h 1-17 Lapidary ...l:43h Continued on twenty-second page.. LATEST WORKOUTS Continued from twentyfirst page. AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. l-12Boocap :39 b 1-7 Joe Flores... :40 h 12-28 Bay Rose.... :37 h 1-7 Marvina .... :39 b 10-27 Cabezo :39b 1-8 Miss Fountn :39b 1-12 Clarabel A.. . :39b 1-16 Mazie F :36h Eva B :36h 1-13 Rizla :36h Emery :37h 1-16 Shp Thghts :36 h l-12Fleetg Fire. :38b 1-15 The Whip... :39 b 1-12 Front Man.. :38 h Veruzza :37h 12-7 Gel Hebert. :38h One-Half Mile. 1-9 Argue :53 b 1-4 Muskogee .. :53 b 1-11 Brt Comet. :504ie 1-5 Pe of Texas. :52b l-10Burtn Agnes :52b 11-22 Perriehon .. :53 b 1-11 Don Jr :53 e 1-13 Raucona . . . . :51 b 1-5 Hit the Deck :51 e 1-7 Tom. Kirnan :49h 1-17 Madm Queen :53 b 1-12 Umpire :53b Five-Eighths Mile. 1-9 Ah Deghah..l:09b 1-12 North Ypres. 1:08 b 1-9 Annan 1:09 b 1-16 Susu ...1:07 b 1-14 Bag Smasherl:08b 1-11 Shasta Brooml:08b 1-9 Cordon BIeul:05h 1-8 Ygnacio ....1:07 b 1-12 Houseboy ...l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. l-14Asgo 1:19 h Duke Pohl. ..1:20 12-29 Bob Bates.. 1:23 b 1-8 Good a. Hotl-24 b 1-17 Betrothal ..1:23 b 1-15 Gallop Along. 1:22 1-16 Claude C. . . .l:19e 1-14 Hehukai . . . .l-224ib 1-6 Centermarch 1:23 b 1-15 Inheritor ...1:21 b 1-12 Dutch Boy. .l:20h 1-13 Little Captainl:23 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-17 Gal Woldackl:36b 1-14 Shasta Rock.l:38b One Mile. 1-15 Athens 1:48 h 1-14 Doctor Fred.l:48 h