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I AGUA CALIENTE NOTES f The horses of the- Pasadena Stable, were shipped to Tanforan Tuesday morning in charge of trainer L. O. Lee. Joe Flares, which finished fourth, in the. Agua. Caliente Handicap, headed the consignment J., D. Mikel also sent a carload of horses to the San Bruno track, while others to depart for the North, were: Jl McNamara and F. C. Marmet. The horses of the Oak Tree Stable; including the Agua Caliente Derby winner, Bahar mas, were shipped to Tanforan. this morning in charge of owner-trainer William Hartr man. The horses of W. C. Morris will be shipped to Exposition Park, Aurora, at the conclusion of the- Agua Caliente meeting; C. E. Davison; who has been racing quite a string below the border; has shipped his horses to Tanforan to be rested until the opening of the meeting on March 31. J. J. Murphy, Daily Racing Form representative at Agua Caliente; acted as one of the placing judges in the Agua Caliente Handicap at the request of the manage--ment. Murphy replaced; George Schilling in the stand, while Mr. Schillings was engaged in broadcasting the race over ah international hook-up., :