untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-11


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Fer Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" , Ask Any "Old Timer" HeU Tell You Just Read Em and Weep! JW WE DID IT AGAIN Thursdays Pimllco Parlay: SILK FLAG 2.10, WON SOLACE .30, WON SIP CAN YOU DO BETTER? -TBBi If you are looking for a man that releases 100 per cent winners, IM NOT YOUR MAN, but if you want someone who can furnish you with a good percentage of long shot winners that will POSITIVELY SHOW YOU A PROFIT, get right in line because I can PROVE IT ! ! WHOLESALE "SLAUGHTER" TODAY 1 I have two "double-barreled" winners going today that should "annihilate" every bookie in town. FRIDAY 50 TO 1 PARLAY FRIDAY I promise that none of my clients will forget the results of todays two limit winners. I advise you to "go the limit" WIN ONLY! Srl KNOW PLENTY- . Dont forget, one win parlay can turn a small bankroll. Into PLENTY, and todays two horses axe- a BONA FIDE investment. POSITIVELY NO RISK GET ME? DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBEN0W! TERMS DAILY TERMS CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call in Person .or 9r Phone Franklin 0596 for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, 111. rpMPASS VhatWtmdcrfulVutf Weekly For Sale at All Stands 35c YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: IMPISH, 6.48, WON DAKOL, 6.80, WON In order to get these parlays, ask your newsdealer for COMPASS and took on page 12. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: LATONIA ApriI-40-46-60-76 PIMLICO May-72-42-58-34. NO TELEGRAMS SENT COMPASS PUB. CO. 104 WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODE: RED Eddie-52-12-12-16 TODAYS CLOCKERS CODE: LAT0 N I A Fo rd-23-1 9-41 -25. ITS HERE! .THE SYSTEM YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! SEE TOMORROWS AD Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two, Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: PIMLICO Three-50-33. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: LATONIA One-34-23. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 5 THURSDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: SALLY IRENE, .48, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, 111. I MEW WONDER SYSTEM llWINS ON FLAT BET Should average 0 per week- net profit on flat bets. Wilt send -this new system to you abtolutely free. No obligations, npstrings attached to this offer. Get your copy today! Write L SECOK FUBUSHlNa GO AUWOWA. ILL. RELIABLE SW- PLAYERS WHO HAVE PROPER CONNECTIONS TO ARE MAKING ,500 TO 0,000 EACH YEAR ON SMALL INVESTMENTS We have every facility that money can buy to insure the vast amount of money involved in our transactions each day. Naturally, our own play is vsry heavy nd we have to protect it. We are always willing to pay plenty to be let in on these good things. Our representatives .at all tracks take care of this end and money talks. Not being permitted by our connections to place wagers at the track we have to spread our play all over the country. This is very difficult because bookmakers refuse your play soon after they are hit hard. Thats why we distribute our information to honest, reliable clients who are willing to pay for it. WE WANT 0 AFTER YOU WIN 00 You play a . win parlay on our strictly two horses each day for ten days. You dont pay one cent unless you win . 00. We will send you our strictly .two horses by fast rush .telegram, each morning at 10 a. m. for ten days. If you really are sincere and intend to take care of your -end, telegraph us to help pay your share of the expense involved. You deduct this from our share at the end of ten days. ...... YESTERDAY WE RELEASED TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: SILK FLAG, 2.10, WON DAKOL, 6.30, WON Wednesday we released: BLONDISH, 6.60, WON NEGOPOLI, .30, WON Remember, all our horses are positively filed before post time and released to all our clients., TODAY 50 TO LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY . START YDUR SERVICE TODAY SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATE SERVICE - We have a special department to handle western subscribers and positive fast service is positively assured the very same day your subscription arrives. Remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and rush telegrams will be sent you immediately. Address all communications to RELIABLE TURF SYNDICATE, 181 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. OUR OFFICE OPEN EVERY DAY 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. I 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE j "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: SILK FLAG, r 2.10, WON LADY OF GRACE, $ L82, WON WEDNESDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: JESSIE DEAR, 7.20, WON FINE FIBRE, 1.20, WON W WIN ,600.00 TODAY -m WGet Your Share of This "Big Money"" HERES AN OPPORTUNITY THATS TOO GOOD TO MISS Terms for Live Wire -2 Horse Parlay, per day. For further details be sure to get todays "Darky" Bob Williams Daily Code for full particulars. YESTERDAYS DAILY DOUBLE: SALLY IRENE, .48, WON SIR KENDAL, .40, LOST W SOLD AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS "WJ TODAYS DAILY DOUBLE CODE: LATONIA March-26-1 4-3-8 PIMLICO May-11-7-19-21 W Let Me Be Your "Santa Claus" This Code Contains Two 2 Limit Winners Today Terms for "Daily Double" Code, 50 cents at your newsstands or for six 6 days service, which will-be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. You may have thls-infonnation tvired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, "wire your subscription via Western Union br Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable" to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 690 CHICAGO, ILL. HZZlMUNDEN yggjg "AMERICAS SENSATIONAL MONEY RIDER M-fwS5M NOW- RtUEASlNS A DAILY TWO HOUSE PARLAY fSgrjfl tN CODE FORM: NO TELEGRAMS. NO SUSPENSE KB5Q5- AYS fR SIX DAYS SERVICE No Telegrams No. Telephones No Suspense Prompt, Service Players Friend Layers Enemy DONT HESITATE! Get in action immediately-time lost is money, lost. All successful players are getting my winning information daily, so why not you? TODAYS MUNDENS "2" CODE HORSES: PIMLICO Frahk-40-8. LATONIA Tom-15-11. Play each separately to win and parlay win and place. . Both these horses will be right up in front and pay liberal prices. Dont overlook todays opportunity to WIN PLENTY. Why not convince yourself and do business with a smart money rider. You all know what Ive done and Im. positive that I will make you cash plenty of winning bets. Your service begins at once. Out-of-town cliehisj ..wire 5 immediately by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and you will receive todays code horses by wire, prepaid, and also will send you code" card good for .six- days. JOCKEY WM. MUNDEN Earle Bldg., Broadway and 52nd St., New York, N. Y. MARYLAND SPECIALS With the closing of the Latonia meeting Saturday, the thousands of PAXON followers are assured of a successful season at MARYLAND, where my. representatives have been tabbing many- likely looking prospects at nice odds. The first of these will be released Monday, NoVi 14, opening day at BOWIE. Two horses will be released in code appearing in this paper daily. DONT MISS THESE MARYLAND SPECIALS. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Two Weeks for One Dollar Mail or wire one dollar and you will receive two code cards by return mail. A code enabling you to decipher each -Telease will appear in this paper daily. You dont want to" miss the many GOOD THINGS during the balance of the MARYLAND meeting. DONT DELAY Send in one dollar today. TODAYS TWO HORSES: LATONIA Minnesota-9-1-26-20. LATONiA-Kentucky-14-11-4-1. THURSDAYS CODE HORSES: UNCLE MATT, .14, WON WRIGLEY FIELD, 6th Lat RAY PAXON 328 Easi Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio IX IX IX IV IV IV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY; . PIMLICO X-15-16-16-12. LAT0 N I A P-1 2-3-1 9-20. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL me this ad and you will be rewarded with a free copy of "THE SECRET OF BEATING IMsfil THE RACES" J. K. WILLIS 5122 N.W. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla. A. J. McKEEVER THE PIONEER OF AMERICAN TURF PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays parlay by PREPAID WIRfc. Also code card, good for six days -service. 6 parlays. Start today. . ... YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: . ENACTMENT, .60, .70, 2ND KATE, .00, .20, 3RD , Strictly Two Horses, a Day in Code Form A Service That Is. Truly on the Level TODAYS CODE PARLAY: : PI M L I CO Ry e-78-35-9-63. PIMLICO Bread-1 4-63-63-46. JOCKEY PARLAYS IP DIRECT LAST-MINUTE RACE TRACK INFORMATION Made connections with prominent jockey name withheld who supplies us with two horses a day- This information Is received in our office earty each morning, therefore .cannot be put in code form. DAILY FOR JOCKEY PARLAY v - RELEASED BY TELEGRAM IMMEDIATELY ON RECEDPT OF SUBSCRIPTION YESTERDAYS JOCKEY . PARLAY: DAKOL; 6.30, WON PILATE, $ 7.10, WON Remit immediately by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todaye JOCKEY PARLAY by wire. A. J. McKEEVER 1440 BROADWAY ROOM 1958 NEW YORK,N. Y. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents WBOTH FREE CODE HORSES WON WEDNESDAY HWP-ALL THREE REGREN STANDOUTS WON WEDNESDAY BONE REGREN PAY-OFF WON; the other two were second JHrREGREN GAVE FOUR WINNERS AT TANFORAN mr-J ESSIE DEAR, 7,20, was a McCarty Good Odds Winner 5 r. THE TWO CODE WINNERS released in Chicago through Wabash 7000, were NEGOPOLI, ,30, and ROYAL. JULIAN, .04. This code is printed daily in this advertisement and the key is given every day in Chicago Daily Telegraph. . . FRD3AYS FREE CODE HORSES: LATONIA Erie-31-50-38. PIMLICO Mare-43-31-51. TO DECDPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. , per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail CHRISTIANS CODE PARLAYS : PAYS FOR SIX ADVERTISED PARLAYS CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS 6 PARLAYS NO TELEG R AMS NO PHONE CALLS NO WAITING! NO SPECIALS YESTERDAYS CHRISTIAN CODE PARLAY: SILK FLAG, 2.10, WON IMPISH, 6.48, WON Todays Christian Codo Parlay: PIMLICO 0ats-1 1-24-1 6-5. LATONIA Rye-8-12-9-26. i . Todays Owners and Trainers Parlay: PIMLICO Stallion-16-12-23-13. PIMLICO Plater-1-24-11-15. "Western clients, remit by telegraph or P. O. Money Order, S3, which pays for six advertised parlays. If you wish, I will 1 viro PREPAID, todays parlay and maU code card via air -mail. EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN, 944 Broadway, New York City Supreme Flas.h Turf Weekly On Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Per Copy Todays. Free Code: PIMLICO July-2-1-1-25 TODAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: LATONIA Gas-46-42 PIMLICO Air-41-3 SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City CLOCKERS REVIEW . - 35 Cents a Copy . Sojd. on All Newsstands Established 1910 Todays Free Code: LATONIA Blue-12-27. Yesterdays Brady Special: IMPISH, 6.48, Won Todays Brady Special; J.ATQNIA Bran-4-19. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932111101/drf1932111101_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1932111101_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800