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" _____J-J- - _ - — — - — — a — -- I I I ■■»! ■■■■Ti«i»«rii»Ma workouts! Date at left of hones name to last workout. Letters following time Indicate: a, breezing; d, driving; •, easily; a, handily; ©, an ont; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type f ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-"*-«---■■■■■»■»■■■»■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■! THURSDAY, MAY 11 AURORA. Weather cloudy; track heavy— Three-Eighths Mile. 5 5 Amour :45 h 5-3 More Anon.. :45 h 5 9 Christine K.. :45 h 5 2 Oziti :45 h 5-8 Ellen D :45 h 5 9 Paul T :WA 4-30 Gate Boy... :45 h 4 25 Publication.. :45 b 4 24 Gene D :45 h Panzola :44 h 5 3 Hillsborough. :45 b Sewing Girl. :44 h 5-6 Jnne VVachs :45 h 5 8 Upon :44 h 5 7 Jackknife ... :45 b 5-5 Val J :45 h One-Half Mile, 5-6 Golden Sun. :54%h 5-4 St. Mica.... 1:00 h 4-30Sabina H.... :58%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-9 All Forlorn.. 1:11 h Tw. F. Sixtyl:15 h 5 5 Run On 1:15 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 9 Galahad ....1:30 h 5 9 Shady Rest.. 1:30 h One Mile. 5-7 Comet 2:00 h The track was deep and holding this morning. SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather foggy; track sloppy — Three-Eighths Mile. Harmonical . :43 h 4-30 Miss Melody. :41%h 5-7 Little Buster :41%b 5-8 Miss Carrln :41%b 5 4 Martie Flynn :41%h One-Half Mile. 4 27 Baptism ... :58 h 5-7 Ham 1:00 b 4 28Eisenberg .. :58%b Sallie Brld :58 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5 8 Jge Bartlt.l:15 h 4 25 Galapan ....1:15 b 5 6 Flagbearer .1:15 b One Mile. 5-10 Upsweep ...2:00 b Very dense fog enveloped the track all tnorning, and only a few horses worked. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track muddy— Three-Eghths Mile. 5 4 Bel Tempo.. :39 b 5 8 Fancv Flight :39 b 5 8 Billy M :37 h 5-8 Pernickety . :38%b Biney Castle :38 h 5-8 Rock Sun... :39%b 5 8 Cassagain .. :39%b 5-9 Upturn :36 h One-Half Mile. 5-5 Alantee .... :52 b 5-10 Mning Fire. :56 b 5 9 Blue Broom. :52 b 4-19 Repaid :55 b 5-7 Bran Muffin. :51 h 5 8 Shan Tung.. :51 h Bahardo . . . :52 b Star Player. :537ib 5-3 Haggerson . :47%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5 9 Presage . ...l:02%h 5 8 Scout Masterl:02%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-7 Pennate ....1:21 b 5 8 The Rake... 1:21 b One Mile. 5-9 Bob F l:47%d Starpex ...,1:46%h JAMAICA Weather clear; track muddy — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 5 8 Chaumont . . :42 b 5-7 Rabble :37 h 5 9 Miss Careful. :37%h 5-9 Vted Power. :36 h One-Half Mile. 5-9 Brd Lights. :51%b 5 8 Luggage .... :59 b 5 5 Gnys Trade. :52%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-10 Bolilee 1:06%b Robert M.... 1:11 b 5 5 Mint Paragonl:13%b 5 8 Single Star. .l:08%b Pavn Royal. 1:11 b Three-Quarters Mile. Bd Bourbnl:24%b 5-7 Martis 1:1 6%h 58 H. A. Benml:21 h 58 Pcock Alley. 1:25 b Ly Carlaris.l:22 b One Mile. 5 9 Coiffeur ....1:56 b 5-8 Universe ...1:49 b 5-8 John Bull... 1:55 b 5-7 Wars End. . .l:50%b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. Aborigine ... :42 5-4 Miss Snow. . . :38% Bantu :38% 5 9 Oh Baby :38% 424 Cherry Tart.. :38% 4 14 Orphean :39% 5 5 Chatterfol . . . :38 Seb :37% 5 8 Flightv Anna. :37% 4 27 Thursday ... . :38 5 9 Gertie R :38y5 Triangular ... :41 Helesta :36% Watch Her... :41 One-Half Mile. 5 5 A la Carte... :50 Fredrick :54% 5 8 Brzing Thru. :51% Fast Chance.. :51 5 9 Brown Wren. :494 5 7 Jim Robin... :55 5 9 Clarify :53 JungFrau.... :52% 3-1 Collateral ... :51% Merrie Marie. :52 5-3 Flyg Dragon. :494/f, 5 6 Mad Frump.. :51% 5-7 Flying Sailor. :52*5 St. Stephen.. :54 Fl-ming Light. :51 4-15 We Dun It... :52»£ Three-Quarters Mile. 5 8 Chilean 1:23 5 8 Sweet Scent. .1:22% Daisy Cutter. 1:21% 5-6 Sabula 1:19 5 8 Puttalong ...1:23 5-7 Spanish Mythl:21 Royal Purple. 1:23 5 9 Xandra 1:21 One Mile. 5-8 Follow Thru.. 1:50 5-8 Halcyon 1:52 PIMLICO. Weather cloudy; track slow— Tnree-Eighths Mile. 51 All Rowes... :38 b 4 30 Tazewell ... :39%h 4 14Kincsen .... :38 h 5 8 Watch Him. :37 h 4 30 Shavings ... :38%h Yarn :37 b One-Half Mile. 5 6 Blimp :52%h 5-9 Night Vinge :53 h 5 8 Davoc :52 b Prince Wick :51%h 5 9 Doeskin .... :52%h 5-8 Piety :49%h 5-5 Diesel :52 b 4-26 Snappy Sty :50 h 5-1 Genl Lejne :50 h 5 9 Springsteel . :54%b 4 30Hidora :50 b Timber Fire. :50%h 2 7 Impromptu . :51 h 5 9 Topple :55 b 4 18 Little Stokes :50 h 5 8 True Sweep. :52%h 5 6 Meeting Pce :53 h 5-1 Wise Daugr :52 b 5 9 Monel :54%b Five-Eighths Mile. 5 9 Acautaw ...1:06 h 5-8 Stroll Along. 1:04%h 4 25 Bubbler ....1:08 h 5-1 Stock Marktl:08 h 5 9 Fair Avis. . .l.-07%h 5 8 Svriac Ill b 5-9 Squeeze Playl:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 9 Arrowswift .1:26 b 5 9 Hut 1:23 h 5 8 Black Strap. 1:21" Louandre ..1:25 b 5-9 Bve and Bd1:17 b 54 Marplot ....1:23 h Creaky ....l:17%h 4 15 Moon Shv..l:21 b 5 5 Dark Winterl:19%b 3 15 Prometheus .1:26 b 5 8 En Passant. l:17%d One Mile. 5 4 Fetish 1:46 h 5-4 Trafc Judge1:45%h Risneur ....1:47 d 5 9 Brann Mint.l:47%h CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track muddy; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-30 Agincourt . . :39%b 5-5 Judge Leer. . :42 b 5 8 Black Cap... :37%h 5 8 Irene T :40 b 5-9 Brookstone . :39 b 5-5 Isaiah :37 h 5 9 Booms Pal.. :38 b 4-29 Lusty :40 b 5 8 Bonni View.. :42 h 5 6 Le Bruyere.. :43%b 5 8 Byphar :39 b 5 4 Mihtv Atom :39 b 5 9 Bob Dozer.. :40 b 5 8 Miss Actuary :41%b Chf Gonimo :39 h Montmary . . :39%h 4-30 Charley O. . . :40%b 5 8 Morris R.... :41%b 5 8 Cherry Time :33 h 5 6 Mariana .... :37 h 5 6 Essie Wessie :40%b 5-9 Miss Overbk :39 b 5-8 Excella :43 b Noreda :33%h 5-3 Eight Rock. . :40 b 5-5 Prince Vic. . :38%h 5-8 Ezella :40 b Quidam .... :38 h 5 9 Ebony Lady. :41%b 5-6 Red Roamer. :39%b 5 8 Flaghorn ... :41%b 5 5 Single Day.. :37%h 5-8 Fiji :38%h 5-3 St. Jonsund. :40%b Genial Joe... :40 b 3 30 Testout :38%b 5 8 Helen Bab.. :40 b 4 9 Whiskora ... :39%d 5 6 Hunter Lyon :40%b 5-9 Woodlander.. :37%b 5 9 Hsiers Pride :38 b 5-7 Watch Tower :42 b One-Half Mile. 5 9 Buddy Apolis :54y5b 5-6 Marmion . . . :56%b 5-6 Calome :58%b 5-7 Minnequa .. :55%b 5-7 Crosskin . . . :58 b 5-8 Miss Patience :50 d 5-6 Elmira :55 b 5-9 Phaeldale ... :52%b 5 2 Johnny Shaw :57 b 4-27 Prince Star.. :56 b 5-3 Impel :53 b 4-30 Roulade . . . . :53 b 4-18 Lit. Connelly :53 b Tiny Kitten.. :54%b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-8 Angkor 1:06 h 58 Monks Star..l:ll b 5 8 Bring Back.-LO?1/ 5-8 Mintogee ...l:ll%b 5-8 Blow Fly.... 1:07 h 5 6 Ocean Flight.l:10%h 5-8 Blast l:10%b 5-8 Pantaloons .1:06 h 57 Cathop l:06b 5-5 Ridge Wise. .l:06%b 5-6 Ding Bin.... 1:1075b 5-8 Rettef 1:07 h 5-8 Eleanora M..1.-09 b 5-7 Spanish Wayl:ll%h 5-7 Flshing Thrul:04%d 5-7 Upsets Lsiel:04%d 5-5 Martha Lair. 1:09 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-7 Bonivan ....1:22 h 5-8 Hour Zev...l:25%b 5-5 Desert Call.. 1:25 b 5-7 Pnell Boundl:22 b 5-7 Esseff 1:17 b 5-10 Spartan Ladyl:17 h 5-8 Flashlike ...l:20%b 5-8 Thundertone l:21%b 4-29 Grand Princel:22%h One Mile. 5-3 At Top 1:45 %d 5-8 Gaillardia ..l:50%b 5-9 Bnie Marita.l:49%b 5-5 Joretta 1:51 %b 5 8 Chum 1:53 b 5 8 Stop Gap...l:51%b 4-14 Eva Jane... 1:57 h DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track sloppy — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Cellor Crane :37 b 5-9 Miss Kathryn :43 b One-Half Mile. 5 8 Cpley Squre :53%b Five-Eighths Mile. 5 9 Dasg Widowl:13 b 5-8 Night Editionl:06 h 5 9 Foxy Quiltorl:13 b 5-8 Playing On.. 1:04 h 5 6 Half Day.... l:08%b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-9 Lost Lenora.l:21%b 5-9 Sophianna . .1:21%b 5 9 Slim Pickensl:27 b TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Aloching ... :37%b 5-6 Shasta Star. :37%b 4-30 Brown Bank :38 b 4-22 Sam Gilmore :39 b 51 Dutch Uncle :39 h 5-3 Tom Proctor :38 b 4-22 Frisky Mtn :36 h 4-27 Vermt Rose :37 b 4-26Homefire ... :3bib 4 23 Voyage :38%b 5-2 High Shot.. :38 b 4-27 Winr Neigr :38%b 5 8 Kensington . :38%b 4 26 Yola Bola.. :37=%b 4-30 Lucille K... :37 b One-Half Mile. 51 Black Signal. :53 b 4-20 Ono :51 b 4 18 Goodestone . :53 b 4-27 Sandy Hills. :50 d 5-7 G rattan .... :49%h 4-17 Wee Chap... :50%b 5-7 Lagrange . . . :50 h 4-1 Zevar :50 b Nanny D.... :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5 4 -Bubsy C....l:04%b 4-19 Krakerjac ..1:02 d 5 6 Blunder ....1:02 h 4-26 Quickaway .l:05%b 5 8 Cali G 1:05 b 5 6 Royal Realml:03%h 5-6 Dr. Ls Hanl:04 b 3 22 Silver Bond.l:04%b 4-22 Demoiselle ..1:05 b 5-9 Up 1:03 h 5 6 Hokuao ....1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 9 Argue 1:19 b 5-C King Caress. 1:17%b 5 9 Ervast 1:20 b 5 6 Miss Timidityl:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. Aggie Star.. 1:30 h One Mile. 5 8 Swt Cargo.. l:49%b WOODBINE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Deteria :37%b Roseman ... :38%h London Fog. :37%b Rock Lad... :36 b Patchy :36 b Rgh Waters :36 b Patchouli ... :36 b One-Half Mile. 5 8 Button Up.. :52%h 5-8 Soliloquy ... :49%b 5-" Fanny :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Double Dare1:03%d 5 8 Milestone . ..l:06%h Ke of Clubsl:09 b 5-7 Spot Crest. .l:03%d 5 8 Kingsway ..1:05 d 5 10 Theone l:06%h Little Gyp... 1:07 b The Marquisel:06%h 5 8 Lost Spirit.. 1:05 d 5-7 Valiance ...1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. Battle Plane. l:18%d Sea Kale. .. .1:22 h 5 8 Bald Crest.. l:18%b Tea Gown. . .1:18 d 5-7 Finalist 1:15%d 5-7 Truces Maidl:18 d Seven-Eighths Mile. 5 8 Mint Magi...l:30%d One Mile. 5-8 Aymond . ...1:45%b 5 8 Ladv Hilda. .1:43 d 5-10 Bold Bendigol:46 d 5-8 Marie Gaietyl :464/sb 5 8 Bookie 1:48 d 5-7 Mr. Gaiety. .l:46%b 5-10 Bronze 1:46 d Rome Venniel:46 h 5 8 Bethankful .l:47%d 5 8 Uppitv l:46%b 5 8 Gay Parisianl:46%b One and One-Eighth Miles. 5 9 Kg 0Connr2:ll e 5 9 Shadv Well.. 2:11 e HAWTHORNE. Weather foggy; track sloppy — Three-Eighhs Mile. 5 9 KaiFinn ... :42 b 5-8 Muffler .... :39%h One-Half Mile. 5 8 Little Patrol. :51%d Three-Quarters Mile. 5 2 Espinaca ...l:18%h 5-7 Uncom. Goldl:20y5h 5-7 Pigeon Hole.l:18y5h Visibility was poor due to heavy fog. Only a few horses worked.