Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-27

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IWORKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; b, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I.--. - - - - - 4 FRIDAY, APRIL 26 CHURCHILL, DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-22Alpan :40b 4-24 H. MTavish :36b 4-25 Ble of Mwy :36b 4-22 Honor Her. . :37b 4-18 Baby Bosh.. :36h 4-18 Infinitate .. :37 b 4-23 Beau Monde. :41 b 4-17 Jockana :38 b 4-23Babeson :37h 4-23 Jessie Dear.. :36 b 4-24 Bazaar :38 b 4-24 John Marcum :37b 4-17Bussy ...... :39 b 4-23 Miss Toro... :37 b 4-23 Bagge Trail. 37 h 4-25 Miss Twinkle :36 b 4-18 Bartg Kate. :37b 4-24 Master Beau :37h 4-24Boxthorn ... :38 b 4-16 Our Carolyne :37 b 1-8 Brother Lou. :37b 4-24 Our Chance.. :37b Born Happy. :37h 3-24 Peedeeque . . :37 b . Barney B.... :37h 4-23 Pipes Pal. .. . :37 b 4-24Chnce Flight :37 b 4-23 Sis Alice.... :36d 4-18 Captain Joy. :37b 4-22 South Bend.. :37 b 4-23 Cold Steel. .. :37b 4-24 Safe a. Sound :37b 4-23 Cold Turkey. :39 b Suppliance . . :39 b 4-22 Dark Hazard. :37 h 4-18 Secret Tryst. :37b 4-23 Eds Brother :37 h 4-23 Spartan Lad. :37 b 4-23 Fair Cynthia :37 b 4-2 The Fighter.. 8 b 4-20 Grand Finale. :36b 4-6 Wegoway ... :40 b 4-23Goln Pigeon. -6d 4-24 Tripp Up.... :35d One-Half Mile. 4-23 Ballyhoo .... :49 h 4-15 Hy Richman :51d Bootless .... :49b 4-23 Holl Imago.. :51 h 4-23Brilnt Light :49h 4-23 Iffy :49 ,d. Bien Jolie... :49b 4-22 Joda :50 h Bitter Pill... :49b 4-20 Johnnycake. . :48b 4-24 Brine; Back. , :51b 4-24 Lle Connelly :49h 3- 27Bossio Eye.. :51b 4-23 Masked Smile :49b 4- 17 Chi Chi :50b 4-22 Mr. President :50b Choice Cross. -Si b 4-19 Morprin :50h 4-23 Chance Sun.. :48h 4-25Midnit Flyer :50b 4-23 Chauvcnet .. :51b 4-26 Omareen ... :49h 4-20Donday .... :51b 4-23 Princss Juan :50 b 4-24 Frk Ormont. :49 b Ridge villa ... :51b 4-23 Grey Man... 0 h 4-21 Senoj :55 b 4-24 Gannonnic .. :54 b 4-23 Two Demand :50 d l-15Gettin Even. :51b 4-23 Upholder ... :49 b 4-14 Hope Eternal :55 b 4-21 Which Image :49b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-25 Bit of Sorw1:00 h 4-18 Patti Sing. ..15 b 4-23 Epernay . . ,l:01b 4-19 Respect . . . .l:02d 4-23 Ellen Fisher.l:01 d 4-18 Rule or Ruinl:08b 4-14Fingal l:02b 3-6 Sunchance ..l:05b 4-23 First Pie;eon.l:02 b 4-23 Stjensund . ..l:05h 4-20 Hoosrs PridelK3 b 4-23Shalot . ....l:05b 4-18 Jge Kavnhl:08b 4-23 Short Order.l:05b 4-18Kailin ...... l:05b 4-20 Semester ...1:02 d 4-20 Miss Vince..l:03 h 4-24 Two Sons. . .l:07d 4-23 Miss Tunefully h Wise Dora. ..1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23Byrdine ....1:15 b 4-21 Frch Princsl:17b 4-22 Bostn Soundl:17h 4-23 Hastinola . . .l:17b 4-24 Bellfounder .1:19 h 4-23 Icy Wind. . .l:17b 4-21 Black Rivcr.l:15 h 4-22 Julia Grant. l:15b 4-23 Chance Damel:15h 4-19 Little Cynic.l:16b 4-23 Cayuga ....l:17b 4-23 Panther Rockl:19b 4-20 Chancabit ..l:18h 4-24 Royal Sport.l:19b 4-20 Dr. Potter. . .1:19 h 4-24 Sth Gallant.ld9b 4-23 Exhibition . .l:18h Some Bull. . .1:18 b 4-24 Fiji 1:12?h 4-23 Star Banner.l:15h Funderburg .l:18h 4-20 Thrgh FairlylO b 4-23 First Entry..l:18h 4-23 War Band. . .l:14h Seven Eighths Mile. 4-24 Albert D....l:30b 4-23 Pony Up....l:32b 4-22 Brd Mdows1:28 d 4-23 Qun Clarice. l:35b 4-23 Hasty Lad... 1:30 b 4-19 Vanita l:28b One Mile. 4-15Almac l:49b 4-22 Nectarine . ..1:42 b 4-23 Chalk Eye... 1:56 b 4-25 Skip It l:43b 4-23 Direct Hit... 1:41h 4-22 Tophorn ... .1:46 b 4-22Joybird 1:46 b 4-22 Watcrsplash 1:46 b 4-23 Kwamudi . . .l:45b 4-25 Wild Gus. . ..l:43b 4-23 Nuckols Boy.l:44h Bit of Sorrows work was exceptionally good. Ellen Fisher showed a good effort. Byrdine and Gay Banner were together. War Band appears ready. Chance Sun was well in hand. Some Bull accompanied Skip It the first three-quarters. The latter wore blinkers and appeared eager to run. HAVRE DE GRACE. Weatheff clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Bloodroot .. :36 h 4-24 Head Play.. -37 b 4-22 Currants ... :37 b 4-24 John Tio... :37 h 4-24 Deflate .... 36 h 4-20 Masked Belle 36- h 4-24EvergoId ... 36 b 4-24 Princs Alice :37 h 4-20Fairdera ... :36 h One-Half Mile. Ardor :52 h 4-13 My Colin. . . :50 h 4-18 Ann Victory. :51 b 4-19 Miss Snow.. :51 d 4-21 Brown Twig. :52 h Pink Lily... :51h 4-24 Bold Fellow. :51 4-23 Patchpocket. :48h 4-24Dothalr 51h Spixi ...... :50 h 4-22Fairisk .... :52 b 1-31 Stegal :49 b 4-23 Husky Lass. :49 h 4-23 Silent Shot. :49h 4-24 In Step i50 h 4-24 Step Away.. :48d 4-24 Insomnia . . :49h 4-23 Sky Warrior :49 h 4-23 Indian Rner :48h 4-20 Vicar :51h 4-21 James City. . :51 b 4-23 Vitox :52 a.h 4-22 Lookabout .. 52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23Brindle ....1:07 b 4-18 Sun Ptland.l:04 b 4-18Dodgson ...1:05 h 4-24 Starogan ...1:03 d 4-18 Howard ....1:01 h 4-20 Spare Time.lK3h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Bonsoir .....1:18 h 4-22 Hug Again. ,1:15h 4-24Chatmoss ..1:16 h 4-20 Jubilargo ...150 d 4-23 Dignified ..120 h 4-23 Mad Eagle.. 1:16 b 3- 27 Flying Dere.ld6h 4-23 Sang Froid. .Id6d One Mile. 4- 22 Bushman ..1:50 h 4-20 Pencader .. .1:46 h Learette ....l:46h 4-3 Ross l:43h 4-18 Firethorn ..1:44 h 4-23 Satrapal ...l:48h 4-17 Flower Timel:44 d 4-23 Sdiers Drm1:42?d 4-13Indn News.l:44h Wise Sister.l:44h One and One-Quarter Miles. 4-23 CmonweaIth.2K7h DALLAS. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eiqhths Mile. 4-23 Brides Delit. :39 h 4-23 Luck In :40 h 4-23 Barry :41 b 3-23 Light Zephyr 39 h 4-24 CeIiba :38h 4-23 Marylitch .. :41h 4-23 Civilian .... :38 h 3-19 Old Baldy.. :40 h 4-23 Cant Remer :37h 4-17 Prince Tide. :43 h 4-23 Dr. Freeland :37h 4-15 Plucky Lady :39h 4-21Kathrine R.. -.42 h 4-24 Wacoche ... :40 b 4-14 Languorous.. :39h One-Half Mile. 4-23 Amern Red. :54h 4-22 H. Venture. :5h 4-24 Coal :54 h 3-26 Hueu 38 b 4-24 Crazy Jane.. :55 b 4-21 Miss Wynona :52 h 4-23 Car. Comet. . :52h 4-24 The Potter.. 36 h 4-18 Gulfelano . . :52h 4-23 Virbet :58 h 4-24Getalong ... :56b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-24 Al Neiman..l:llb 4-20 Good Scout.. 1:11 b 4-23 Bles. Evont.l:12 b 4-23 Range Boss.ldl h 4-7 Dark Seeker1:08b 4-24 Tahira ......1:11 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23 Acrobatic ...l:24b 4-23 Moresoris ...1:23b 4-17 Lucky Buck.l:29 b 4-3 Pr. Tokalon.l:28b 4-21Malimou ...1:29 b 4-23 T. Dee Ruthl:24b One Mile. 3- 4 Charlie H....138 b Brides Delight showed good speed over the bad track. Languorous worked well. Blessed Event was breezing. Not many horses worked, due to the fog and bad track. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mia 4- 23Btling Girl. :38h 4-23 Mature .... :41 h 4-22Cynara .... 39h 4-23 Our Hobby. . 38 h 4-23 Ding Bin... :38h 4-9 Paul T 39 h 3- 11 Double Date :41 h 4-14 Pat C :37h 4- 24Ehvawa 39h Pastry :41 h 4-23 Elbalarino .. 38h 4-23 Red Flyer. . . :41 b Flying Cadet :41 b 4-22 Screen :40h 4-22 French Kht :37 h 4-23 Understand . 38 h 4-10 Heres Luck. 38h One-Half Mile. 4-23 Brustigert .. :53 h 4-14 Mayotiv .... :52h 4-22 Cselor Crane :50 h 4-23 Morgil :53 h 4-23Ercch ..... :53h 4-23 Old Lady... :50b 4-23 Fern Miam. :52h 4-17 Swamp Angel :52h 4-23 Graceful Lad :53 b 4-24 Wanoah . . . . :54 h 4-22 Mad Career. :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. Blue Gantletl:10h Our Lady. . .1.-07 h 4-23 Bobby SwecplK4h 4-23 Oso Pncessl.-05h 3- 28 B. Baron... 1:10 h 4-23 Proud Pcessl:05h 4- 22 Crimson ...l:13h 4-23 Rich Phil... 17 h 4-17Inda FIyer.l:13b 4-23 Sis Agnes... 1:03h 4-20Jolyon 1:10 h 4-20 Thistle Ace.. l:05h 4-24 Open Hearthl:12 b Three-Quarters Trfile. 4-23 Apple Time.l:19h 4-23 GenI Pulaskil:19 b 4-23 Bty Rejoiceld8h 4-23 Kryn Wattlel:19h Bter Bark..l:24b 4-22 Lady Laura. 1:1 Sh Back Groundl:24b 4-24 Mt. Hood. . ,150h Elceaboa ...l:19h 4-22 Projectile ..l:24b Seven-Eighths Mile. Clean Sport.133 b 4-23 Cmon Gssipl:37h 4-23 Connie R.. . .135h 4-23 Celebrant . .132h 4-23 Count Adrin1:32b 4-23Chatain ....135h 4-23 Celebrity . . .1:33 b 4-25 Judge Leer. .1:33 b One Mile. 4-23 Booms Pal..l:48h Sis Agnes went handily. Lady Lauras work was the best three-quarters of the morning. - Pat C. seems to have his speed. Judge Leer was only breezing in his work. Thistle Ace and Bobby Sweep were in company. Old Lady could have worked better. ALAMO DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-24Cheka 37 b 3-15 Our Pride.. :3S b 4-24 Chain 38 b 4-23Polvos Pride :43b 4-22 Heart Balm. 36d 4-17 Rizla :40 b 4-23 Ms Standish 37 b 4-23 Synopsis ... 36b Miss Gray.. 36h Val Victory. 37 b One-Half Mile. 4-15 Back Fence. :49 b 4-14 Mynah ..... :50 b 4-15 Come On... :51b 4-24 Sassenach. .. :49 h 4-23 Heavy Sugar :50 b 4-10 Son Richard 33b High Tex... :49h 4-24 Warrr Slave :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Edna H 1:03 h 4-20 Sir Thonias..l:03b 4-12 Peter Russll:03h 4-22 Scythe l:06b 4-23 Royal Pridc.l:04b Thipdar .-...1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23Brilt Duke.l:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. l-27Kieva Girl. .1:32 b One Mile. 4-23 Chromium .l:45b 4-15 Ned 0 1:45b Cheka, Miles Standish and Edna H. started from the barrier. Back Fence was breezing. Sassenach is improving. Sir Thomas worked willingly. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track good- Three-Eighths Mile. 4-22 Bon Shot.... 38b 4-10 Northgalis .. 38b 4-23Bonagai ... :38b 4-20 Peso 39 b 4-24 Coalizer .... 38b 4-11 R. D. Powers :40 b 4-20 Collector AI. 36b 4-23 Spicate 37b .4-13 Darraugh .. 37b 4-20 Squeezer ... 39 b 4-9 Deer Fly.... 38 b 4-21 Teenya 38b 3- 29 Mamalahoa . 36h 4-10 War :38 b One-Half Mile. 4- 21 Bedo 30b Northcutt ..31 b 4-24 Dundreary . :50b 4-20 San Ramon. 31 b 4-10 Daily News. 30b 4-23 Sam Gilmore 31b 4-19 Mighty Cute. 31b 4-23 Volbrace .... :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-20 Cumulative AMb 4-12 Mr Lphier.l.-05b Evalyn R...l:06 b Wng Watersl6 b 4-22 Hobnail ....l.-05b . Three-Quarters Mile. 4-2 High Sun... 1:17 b 4-7 Porternesia .ld7 d 1-13 Let Her Play1:15b Plenty Gold fell while in company with Coalizer as a result of stepping in a hole midway in the stretch. Jockey Stucki appeared to be in agony when picked up. Collector Al and Mamalahoa broke from the gate. Bon Shot and Bonagai. went together evenly. Darraugh was restrained slightly. Spicate was hard held in the center of the track. War and Deer Fly went together, staying yery close to the outside rail Northcutt was hard held. Daily News, without blinkers, was re-atrained throughout. Volbrace could have gone, faster. Bedo was well in hand. Hobnail was slightly restrained. Major Lanphier was only galloping. Let Her Play was well rated. Porternesia tired badly. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Eldce :38 b Still Dark.. :38 b 4-20 Rust :40 b 4-24 Victory Hill. :38b One-Half Mile. Billy M :53 b 4-23 Nightcap ... :49 d 4-23 Chmed Eyes :48d 4-23 Volomite ... :51 b 4-16 Mad Beth... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-23 Early Dawn. 1:11 b 4-23 Profitable ..1:05 b 4-24 Light Wht.lKB b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23 Air Line.... 1:17 d 4-23 Seawick ....1:16 d 4-24 Bride Elect.l:15d 4-24 Sgt. Byrne.. 1:19 b 4-23Chancell ...l:18b 4-25 Star Fire...l:18b 4-20 Euclid 1:16 d 4-24 Tudor Queenl:19b 4-23Goldfin ....l:17h 4-23 Uncle Billy. 1:15 d 4-12 Great Lover.l:15 d One Mile. 4-23 Marcasite ..1:44d 4-23 War Pledge.l:46 h 4-21NulIo ......1:45 d One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-23 Rhodesia ...l:58d AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-18 Briar Blue.. :38h Margot S.-... :39 h 4-23 Bht Chance :39 h 4-1 Pce Pompey :37h One-Half Mile. 4-23 Apprhension :51 h 3-4 Mickeys Man :54h Drusus . :56 h 4-19 Machilla ... :49 h John W :49 h 4-21 W.-in-Ccery :52 h . Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23 Below Zero.. 1:20 b 4-21 Miss Firefly .1:22 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-24PaIma 1:34 b 4-24 Pitter Pat.. 1:34 b One Mile. 4-24 Carry Over.1:47h 4-23 Robn Crsoel:50 b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Blk Caesar. :38 h 4-18 Royal Pomp. :37 h 4-20 Black Gift.. :34d Special Agent :39b 4-19 Bkminster . :38 h Sylvan Song. :36h 4-22 Gd Gamble. :34h 4-18 Step Aside.. :38 h 4-24 Marcabala . . :37 h 4-24 Sailor Bware :36 h 4-23 Psychic Bid. :34h 4-24 Terry On... :37 h 4-23 Pundit ..... :36h 4-24 Today :39b One-Half Miie. 4-20 Allen Z :49 h Pullman .. .. :49h 4-23 Cheshire ... :49andh 4-24 Plat Eye.... :46h 4-21 Ct Arthur.. :49h 4-23 Right Rank. :48h 2- 2 Gillie :50h 4-23 Rose Cross. . :49 h 4-24 Nice Talk... :50 h 4-24 Step Miss... :51 h Pretty Busy. :48h 4-23 Watch Him. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Arlal Cross. .l:02h Johns Son. . .1:02b 3- 22 Fair Deal...l:03h 4-23 Muscle In...l:02h 4- 23 Forced Ldgl:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-23 Anacreon . .1:17 h 4-23 Flashg CTrsl:20 b 4-23 Black Grousel:20 b 4-23 Nimbus ....l:20b 4-24 Cavalcade ..1:21 b 4-24 Singing Wd. 1:18 h 4-23Conte l:17h 4-23 Statesman ..1:17 h One Mile. Bravg Dgerl:45 h 4-22 Esposa .....1:44 e 4-25 Hoops 1:46 h 4-23 Padvnture .l:46h 4-25 Dojo l:46h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-17 Technique ..l:52h 4-25 Whopper ..l:52h

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