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ROCKINGHAM PARK SALEM N H FRIDAY JUKE 7 1935 Rockingham Park 1 milo Twentyfirst day New Hampshire Breeders Association Spring meeting of 29 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing New Hampshire State Racing Commission C B Stickncy Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Stevards T Thorp and T W Durant Judges T Sanford f Brown and J Acker man Starter R B Frcnd Racing Secretary H D Monroe Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight Carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Bonanza Sept 23 1933 104 2 116 Purse 800 lbsJune7jRKm i 7ro 118 Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 5 lbs June7jRKm jjet value to vinner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 E f t A AVt IT St A Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 113S72MAIDWELL WB 3 100 1 2 11 11 li Ink VallN F Hartmann 220100 114783QUEEN 220100114783QUEEN HELEN WB 3 100 4 1 41 2nlc 2i 2i WagnerJ Miss L C White 160100 11397 279510011397OTTAWA JOEMAC wsSHO 2 4 2 3i 34 3 FalfonL F White 2795100 11397OTTAWA w 3 100 6 6 62 5nk 52 43 FaustF Mrs V D Burton 1310100 11397 THE BOUNCER w 4 113 5 3 3i 4 4i 54 RcnoT W C Weant 2330100 05104 ROYAL LINEAGE w33105 3 5 51 64 64 61 Schuttell R W Collins 320100 320100114SOTHEIR 114SOTHEIR FIRST WB 3 105 10 10 94 84 7 72i StaffordC A E Pierce 17740100 11479 HYDRO GIRL w 4 110 9 9 i 74 8JL 82 SageP W Parmenter 21310100 103 0BOTTLE WB 4 103 8 8 8i 93 92 9 KnottK Mrs F Rossiter 21310100 2131010002196VETA 02196VETA w 3 95 7 7 10 10 10 10 JohnsonJ E McGarry 5460100 5460100Time Time 24 43 108 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MAIDWELL 640 200 250 220 100 40 100 25 100 100JOEMAC QUEEN 100QUEEN HELEN 26Q 240 30 100 20 100 JOEMAC 510 155 100 Winner 100Winner Ch f by High Time Casrie by Pandipri trained by P Brady bred by Mr R H Anderson Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 219 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMAIDWELL MAIDWELL hustled to the front in the opening strides drew clear leaving the back stretch and holding on tenaciously through the last eighth outlasted QUEEN HELEN at the end The latter reserved off the pace came to the outside of the leader when making her effort and closed with determination JOEMAC was forwardly placed all the way and held on well though unable to improve his position in the drive OTTAWA was racing on the outside made up some ground but was never a threat THE BOUNCER tired under pres ¬ sure ROYAL LINEAGE under intermittent punishment in the last threeeighths was unable to improve her position positionScratched Scratched 09801 Sun Clothing 108 108Overweight Overweight Their First 5 pounds Hydro Girl 2 = Corrected weight Queen Helen 100 SECOND RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Bonanza Sept 23 1933 104 2 116 Purse 800i olderJL t U r7 CA 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming 3yearolds 110 Ibs older IbsJune735Rkm JL JL A O 9 us Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 5 Ibs June735Rkm Net vaue to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtAAVtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 10146 NIPANTUCK wu3110 2 5 5108412JEAN 3h 3H 33 li PollardJ G C Milton 320100 108412JEAN LEE w3100 3 3 1 11 li 2i FaustF Mrs W C Weant 280100 11178 LOVE LOST w 3 105 7 2 2113973NERVY 53 421 51 3 StoutJ Mrs J H Whitney Y 400100 113973NERVY NELLA w3105 5 6 611178BIPARTISAN 72 5i 4i 4i WallN J W Y Martin 535100 11178BIPARTISAN WB 4 108 9 10 10 61 63 54 WagnerJ L A Brusie 4710100 09226 YEHONALA w 3 105 4 4 24 21 24 64 KnappL Mrs C Tumin 1700100 10318 ORIFICE WB3112 8 9 8nk 73 7 74 SchaefcrL W Elder 655100 10972 YANKEE PRINCE WB 3 107 10 7 704051DARK 6h 84 84 84 MonaJ C W Phelan 4190100 04051DARK DREAMER vn3100 6 1 111397PROTECTED 4h 94 92 92i DeeringJ Mrs H T Smith 11220100 11397PROTECTED ws3 95 1 8 91 10 10 10 JohnsonJ Miss L C White 5780100 Time 23 47 107 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID i OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NIPANTUCK 840 C30 440 320 100 215 100 120 100 100JEAN JEAN LEE 390 280 95 100 45 100 100LOVE LOVE LOST 330 65 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by PetceWrack Chickadee by Omar Khayyam trained by G C Milton bred by Mr A B Hancock Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 249 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameNIPANTUCK NIPANTUCK kept within striking distance of the pace responded gamely to hard riding in the stretch and was up inside the final thirty yards to wear down JEAN LEE The latter raced into the lead soon after the start was unable to shake off YEHONALA until after reaching the stretch and had nothing left with which to meet the bid of the winner LOVE LOST had good early speed was taken back of the pace and raced willingly in the drive NERVY NELLA worked her way up gradually and closed willingly but was unable to reach the leaders BIPARTISAN closed some ground in the last fivesixteenths ORIFICE was never promi ¬ nent YEHONALA quit badly through the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched Wee Broom 105 105Overweight Overweight Orifice 2 pounds Yankee Prince 2i Dark Dreamer 5 THIRD RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Bonanza Sept 23 1933 104 2 116 Purse 800 g yerfl 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 14 8year JL JL tf DJL olds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1200 If for 1000 allowed June735RUm 4 Jbs Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Ilorscs EqtAAVtPPSt U Vt Str Fin Joeleys Equiv Odds Strt 113982FLAG BEARER w 9 114 33 li li li In HughcsH Mrs J L Wilson 215100 114782QUEEN VIC WB 3 100 4 1 2 2i 2k 2 HanfordC W H Gallagher 495100 49510011478GREAT 11478GREAT LOVER WB3105 1 4 32i 34 3A WagnerJ B B Stable 285100 09461 BALMACAN WB 3 110 2 6 5i 5 54 4 WholcyR Mrs F P Coltiletti 2800100 2800100102653PROTRACTOR 102653PROTRACTOR WB 9 114 7 2 4i 4i 4k 52 FallonL R Robertson 700100 11478 ENERGETIC BOY wn 5 114 58 i 7k 6i 64 SchaeferL L E Johnson 545100 11480 JUDGE PEAK WB 6 114 6 7 88 nk 72 RenoT S Leneck 2205100 220510008943RADIATOR 08943RADIATOR w 3 103 8 5 61 6h 8 8 GreerM P A Shaw 6450100 6450100Time23 Time23 46 106 Track good J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB FLAG BEARER 630 360 260 215 100 80 100 30 100 100QUEEN QUEEN VIC 370 260 85 100 30 100 100GREAT GREAT LOVER 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Porte Drapeau Scepter and Staff by Colin trained by E McCuan bred by Mr I E Clark Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 316 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFLAG FLAG BEARER raced to the front in the first sixteenth drew clear and under punishment all during the last quarter held QUEEN VIC safe The latter in closest pursuit of the winner for most of the trip moved up on the outside in the stretch and just failed to be up in time GREAT LOVER well placed all the way saved ground at the stretch turn and fought it out courageously to the end BALMACAN closed some ground PROTRACTOR away well dropped back in the first sixteenth and was unable to improve his position there ¬ after ENERGETIC BOY was always far back JUDGE PEAK was never prominent prominentScratched Scratched 10207 Cancel 108 03194 Strenuous 113 11480 Sun Lure 101 10252 Star Chase 105 105Overweight Overweight Radiator 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Bonanza Sept 23 1933 104 2 116 Purse 800 i t rTKO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 14 3year JL JL L olds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed June735Rkm 4 ibs Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses J4 JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 114802BENARES w 4 118 4 10 105 05 i 5X 1 ° LaidleyO E McMann 185100 11479 BRIDE ELECT WB 4 109 2 8 61 5i 4 ° k 2i FallonL B B Stabk 1000100 11480 DOVE OF PEACE WB3101 1 5 241 241411 34 WallN P B Codd 780100 11179 MINNA WB3107 3 3 3 4i 3 4h TrenchardS G H Pearce 4545100 10323iBILLIE WISE WB 4 113 8 6 5i 32 2h 5i SchaefcrL Mrs I Bowie Bowieli 1515100 11479ST NICK WB 5 109 9 1 li 21 6i 64 WagnerJ Mrs M J Whito 2175100 10431PEKIN WB3101 67 7 81 7nk i FaustF D Christmas Christmas8h 2790100 112833FIRE REEL WB 5 114 11 2 8h 9 82 8 PollardJ J A Johnson 760100 11179PLAY BOOK WB 3 105 5 4 4h 61 9nk 9 JohnsonJ H C Rumage 340100 34010010903LUCK 10903LUCK IN WB 4 108 7 9 9410410 = 10 WimmeiB Mrs W C Weant 2465100 246510009930OUT 09930OUT BOUND WB 7 109 10 11 11 11 11 H KamarC 0 L Foster 6040100 6040100Time Time 23 47 108 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BENARES S 570 S 390 330 185 100 95 100 65 100 100BRIDE BRIDE ELECT 940 640 370100 220100 5SvE 2201005SvE OF PEACE 520 IBOIOO IBOIOOWinner Winner B c by Durbar II Mary Maud by Irish Lad trained by H A Cornwell bred by Mr A B Hancock Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 346 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBENARES BENARES slow to begin and outrun until nearing the stretch came with a rush on the inside through the stretch and was up right at the end BRIDE ELECT came wide into the stretch and closing stoutly oupaced the middle of the pack and just missed DOVE OF PEACE displayed good speed opened up a good lead and was unable to keep pace through the closing eighth MINNA was well up all the way and saved all possible ground BILLIE WISE moved into contention with a rush on the outside but faltered in the last threesixteenths ST NICK faltered after showing early speed FIRE REEL was never prominent PLAY BOOK well placed tired early earlyScratched Scratched 11069 Bally Bay 109 109Overweight Overweight Minna 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Minna 105 FIFTH RACE 58 MILE Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 58 103 Purse 1000 A f FT C Q yearolds Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners since May 14 allowed X Oo 4 ibs two races at any time 8 Ibs Claiming price 3000 if for less 4 June735Rkm lbs allowed for each 250 to 2500 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtAWt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Sift 108423DELIBERATE wn12 4 1 14 14 12i SeaboG W G Merion 90100 9010011281ARMFUL 11281ARMFUL WB 96 6 6 2 22 24 24 JohnsonJ Mrs W H Cana 9601 09742 DRAWN SWORD w08 8 2 42i 4nk 31 34 FallonL R Robertson 5601 5601108982BROWBEATEN 108982BROWBEATEN WB 97 5 3 31 31 42 4 WagnerJ Grecntree Stablt 3051 11201 RONFALON WB 108 7 7 6 63 5i WholeyR W W Vaughan 73301 7330110842MADAME 10842MADAME ZERO WB 104 1 5 64 52i 5 6i DeeringJ Mrs F J Navin 1505100 10737 SKY PIRATE 112 28 888 i BethelJ J W Y Martin 14520100 14520100PEERLESS PEERLESS PAL 112 3 4 i 73 74 8 FelsB J C Haggerty 60701 Time 23 47 101 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DELIBERATE J 380 320 J 250 90 100 60 100 25 100 100ARMFUL ARMFUL 690 370 245 100 85 14 14DRAWN DRAWN SWORD 310 55 1fl 1flWinner Winner B c by Bubbling Over Chosa by Stimulus trained by W G Merion bred by Brookmcad Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 420 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DELIBERATE went to the front at once sprinted clear in the opening sixteenth and tiring in the last sixteenth barely lasted to hold ARMFUL safe The latter in closest attendance of the winner for practically all the way closed gamely and was wearing down the winner fast at the end DRAWN SWORD unable to keep pace early came stoutly in the drive BROWBEATEN well placed was unable to keep pace in tho drive The others were never prominent Scratched 11588 Hiatus 109 10973 The Flankman 107 107Overweight Overweight Browbeaten 1 pound SIXTH RACE 1 MBLE Piety Sept 11 1934 137 3 100 Lawrence Purse Purso t f7KA 1500 Syearolds Allowances AllowancesJune735Rkm June735Rkm Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds St 114013FURFIBER wl6 4 3 21 34 32 2h In FallonL W A Jones 285100 11072 HARDWARE wl2 3 1 43 24 2h 32i 2 HanfordC Golden Rod Stable 510100 11401 ROUGH PARTY will 1 4 Ink lh 11 Ink 3nk TrenchdS J Y Christmas 720100 11072 MORPLUCK wD106 5 5 3 44 42 43 44 PollardJ J H Louchheim 110100 11072 GOV SHOLTZ WB 116 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 SageP P A Shaw 985100 985100Time Time 24 48 113 138 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FURFIBER 770 360 270 285 100 80 100 35 100 100HARDWARE HARDWARE 520 310 160 100 55 100 100ROUGH ROUGH PARTY 340 70 106 106Winner Winner B g by Carlaris Gay Kitty by High Time trained by G L Hamilton bred by M W T Anderson AndersonWENT WENT TO POST 453J OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFURFIBER FURFIBER was kept within striking distance of the pace moved up on the outside and kept unde punishment in the last fivesixteenths was up in the final strides HARDWARE found clear sailing on the inside through the run down the back stretch to take command fought it out courageously and just failed to last ROUGH PARTY raced to the front after rounding the first turn was steadied along in command but tired in the closing sixteenth MORPLUCK under slight reserve early and on the outside was never ablo to improve his position when called upon GOV SHOLTZ was outrun SEVENTH RACE1 MILE Piety Sept 11 1934 137 3 100 Purse 1000 4yearolds t I f7KK and upward Claiming Weight 110 lbs Winners since May 14 4 lbs JL JL 4 OO extra for each race won Claiming price 2500 if for less 2 lbs allowed June735Rkm for each 100 to 2000 Net value to vinner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11184 MY PURCHASE WB 6 100 5 1 2 32i 33 I1 I2 WallN Mrs M Colford Colford111842MOUNTAIN 820100 111842MOUNTAIN ELK WB 7 104 3 2 14 I1 1 33 2i SeaboG Ascot Stable Stable11181BELLE 455100 11181BELLE GRIER ws4 96 6 7 3i 21 2 2 3 JohnsonJ P M Pike Pike11184HIGHEST 375100 11184HIGHEST POINT w6 99 8 5 53 43 44 41 4 HanfordC J U Gratton 210100 11404 FABIUS w 6 110 2 6 8 5k 51 51 52 HughesH Mrs J L Wilson 1030100 110733OUR JUSTICE ws5110 4 4 6 61 64 64 6 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 1860100 11404 MORALIST WB5114 1 3 4 4 72 7 72i FallonL W H Gallagher 1025100 102510011184HOOPS 11184HOOPS WB 6 99 7 8 nk 8 8 8 8 WagnerJ H Dongan 1465100 1465100Time Time 23 47 113 138 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB MY PURCHASE 1840 990 570 820 100 395 100 185 100 100MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN ELK 580 400 190 100 100 100 100BELUE BELUE 1QOWinner GRIER 390 95 1QO Winner Ch h by Purchase Whim by Broomstick trained by M Colford bred by Mr H Fr Sinclair Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 523 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingMY MY PURCHASE had speed from the start followed in closest attendance of the pace established by MOUNTAIN ELK was given a breathing spell leaving the back stretch moved up stoutly at the stretch turn wore down the leaders and was going away all through the last threesixteenths MOUNTAIN ELK had good speed was steadied along in front and held on well in the drive though he was unable to reach tha winner BELLE GRIER moved up threateningly midway of th far turn but was unable to keep pace in the closing drive HIGHEST POINT was unable to reach the leaders FABIUS made up some ground MORALIST tired HOOPS lacked speed speedScratched Scratched 10532 Aladdins Dream 105 105Corrected Corrected weight Fabius 110 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Advising Anna Sept 1 1934 143 4 102 Purse 1000 rrKf 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 105 lbs older 113 lbs tf vf Winners since May 14 3 Ibs extra for each race won Claiming price June735Rkm 1600 if for less 2 lbs allowed for each 100 to 1400 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Vt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 11484FLAXEN w 4 102 3 6 52 4 2nk lh H WagnerJ Mrs N Ray 605100 11403 POCKET ws3103 1 3 li 22 34 34 2i GreerM Mrs P A Shaw Shaw11282HONEYSWEET 770lOfl 11282HONEYSWEET wsB4111 7 4 2 ° k 1 1 2431 DeeringJ J U Gratton Gratton115903KOWTOW 215100 115903KOWTOW w 3 94 6 2 31 3 44 4nk 4 JohnsonJ H C Rumage 1595lfJO 10976 TOP HIGH wn4109 477 7 63 5 54 PhSllipsC Miss A Doris 2975100 11073 PROPAGANDIST WB 4 113 2 5 63 6 5h 65 6 PollardJ J H Louchheim Louchheim11073ANNARITA 185100 11073ANNARITA ws4 99 5 1 41 52 7 7 7 HanfordC B N Kane 905100 905100Time Time 24 47 113 140 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FLAXEN 1410 570 320 605 100 185 100 60 100 100POCKET POCKET 100HONEYSWEET 750 350 275 100 75 100 HONEYSWEET 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Cudgel Bally Gal by Prince Galahad trained by N Ray bred by Mr C Robson Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 554 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFLAXEN FLAXEN worked her way up gradually came through on the inside of HONEYSWEET in the stretch fcf take command and held POCKET safe at tha end POCKET well placed from the start responded gamely to pressure and closed willingly HONEYSWEET displayed good speed though faltering slightly in the closing test KOWTOW tired TOP HIGH was unable to reach contention PROPAGANDIST was far back all th6 way ANNARITA tired badly THURSDAYS LAST RIVERSIDE PARK CHART CHARTEIGHTH EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE Whisking May 30 1934 138 5 114 Donation Purse 400 rTOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1935 which have never 500June635RP JL neverJL JL 4 Arfo won two races Weight 112 lbs Claiming price 500 June635RP Net vaue to winner 300 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11533DRASTIC GOAL w6107 3 1 4i 4 3 li I3 DobsonG Mrs K G Finn 400100 11642 STRAIGHT PLAY w5112 7 2 24 lh 1 2 2i HernandezJ E B Burgess 400100 10495 BLOKI WB 5 112 5 3 31 2 22 33 32 BrownW E Hogan 6601QQ 11456 PLAY SHOOT ws4112 6 4 7 51 43 42 42 ChristscnR Mrs Childs Mrs Grieve 690100 10790 VIVID w 4 107 4 6 52 62 51 62 51 LawF C L Brown 2640100 2640100114563LEANTO 114563LEANTO w6113 2 7 6h 7 76 76 6 SnodgrassS J Schander 980100 980100116473JOHN 116473JOHN KENDRICK w 8 113 1 5 li 3i 62 51 7 ScurlockJ G Wilson 300100 30010011538BOURBON 11538BOURBON QUEEN w 5 102 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 RootWK E E Landram 950100 950100Time Time 25 50 116 145 Track good goodr2 r2 DONATIONS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS j DRASTIC GOAL 1000 600 360 400 100 200 100 80 100 100STRAIGHT STRAIGHT 100BLOKI PLAY 500 360 150 100 80 100 BLOKI 100Winner 400 100 100 Winner B g by Drastic Coalers Fil by Coaler trained by W W Finn bred by Mr M E Casey Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 539 AT POST minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingDRASTIC DRASTIC GOAL reserved for the first threequarters moved up fast on the inside when called on and wearing down the leaders won easily STRAIGHT PLAY forced the early pace took command on the back stretch and held on well BLOKI raced wide to enter contention and tired in the final eighth PLAY SHOOT had no excuses JOHN KENDRICK quit quitScratched Scratched 11335 Strathcona 112 11129 Royal Brigade 112 112Overweight Overweight Leanto 1 pound John Kcndrick 1