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OMAHA OMAHA NEB FRIDAY JUNE 7 1935 AkSarBcn Field 1 mile Eighth day AkSarBen Exposition Company Summer meeting of 31 days Weather clear Presiding Steward Dr F W Ashe Associate Stewards W H OGara and W Haycock Judges Dr F W Ashe E W Bury and C Sanford Starter J Hodgins Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 3 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 4 108 Purse g G A 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 29 A AO AV Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners of two races in 1935 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming June735Oma price 600 Net value to winner 300 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 10233 SARACEN MAID WB 4 110 8 3 1 24 1 1 JonesL C Smith 280100 2801000448PPLUNGING 0448PPLUNGING SUN w 8 105 11 2 54 63 5 24 RifeF W H Vanscoy f3060100 11242 SCRIP MONEY w 4 105 9 6 44 34 34 3 WilsonL Mrs S F Murphy 740100 74010009985CLOISTER 09985CLOISTER BLUES w 6 105 7 7 2h lh 2h 44 CampP E Robinowitz 440100 44010011237TERESINA 11237TERESINA w4100 310 92 93 92 52 GrayA Dishong Bros 2440100 89314 JAVA HO w 5 101 12 1 74 Tz 6 61 JordanL T E Loomis 10285 MISS SERGEANT WB 4 105 4 9 61 51 74 7 KurinecF Mrs W M Cain 3020100 71857 WELLSHIRE WB 7 109 10 11 10l 104102 84 BazerR R L Wheeler f 08178 THE TRAINER WB 4 110 5 4 8 84 8h 9 SlamcyF 0 W Swearingcn 890100 11648 ALKALI WB7110 6 5 34 42 44104 BoIleroJ C E Simmons 240100 240100APRIL APRIL BREEZE w 5 105 2 8 12 12 11 II2 MerrittN Thompson Brem 6950100 6950100048783CLOUDY 048783CLOUDY DAY w 6 110 1 12 11 lln 12 12 GaitherA J Coughlin 2690100 2690100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23 47 115J Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SARACEN MAID 760 560 400 280 100 180 100 100 100 100PLUNGING PLUNGING SUN Field 1920 760 860 100 280 100 100SCRIP SCRIP MONEY 480 140 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Crusader Persian Rose by The Manager trained by L Avan bred by Mr L B Combs and Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 222J AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSARACEN SARACEN MAID away fast was hard hustled for the entire trip saved ground throughout and held PLUNGING SUN safe The latter was well up all the way and finished courageously as her rider lost both stirrups SCRIP MONEY was in close quarters during the stretch run CLOISTER BLUES weakened slightly in the drive TERESINA had no mishaps ALKALI had speed for a quarter quarterOverweight Overweight Java Ho 1 pound Wellshire 4 SECOND 2yearoldst RAC 5 MILE Edmon July I 192 100 114 Purse 500 2yearolds t f Qt 4 Claiming Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of two races allowed 3 Ibs 1000J t A A7T 7T Claiming price 1500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 1000 J ne735Oma Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys 10279 = TENNEY BELL wllO 1 2 31 32 24 14 ScbastianW ScbastianW2ii W A McLaughlin 140100 11539 NEWELS CHOICE v 109 6 3 3105932ANNS 2ii h ih 23 McDcrmtL McDcrmtLIh W L McCuc 1490100 105932ANNS BABY v09 4 1 Ih 22 32 3 McCrayK Mrs Corbet 450100 10231 = TOPEKA vlOl 2 9 911539MARY 9 64 44 42 JordanL Three Rs Stable 230100 11539MARY COT IB 105 9 5 41 5t 6 53 KurinccF G Simmons 2810100 11539 LORD BRACADALE v 115 5 8 63 4 55 64 JonosL J G Gosselin 1020100 11539 BENNY B w 115 7 7 71 84 7 73 LakoL B Binion 3070100 09821 SPANISH CUSTOM w 112 3 6 606907HY 511 71 s3 82 Murray Murray8i Reynolds Bros 4180100 06907HY LOU wlOl 8 4 8i 9 9 9 CampP L E White 4600100 52 MUIUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TENNEY 100NEWELS BELL 480 380 280 140 100 90 100 40 100 100ANNS NEWELS CHOICE 880 520 340 100 160 100 ANNS BABY 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Lantados Morning Face by The Picket trained by G Devoy bred by Mr M J Barrens Winner entered to be claimed for S1500 S1500WENT WENT TO POST 2561 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Topcka Won driving second and third the same TENNEY sameTENNEY BELL fast to get going saved much ground outstayedNEWELS CHOICE after a hard drive and held him safe The latter was much used during the early stages and tired in the final eighth ANNS BABY tired after racing a quarter mile TOPEKA was practically left at the post closed a big gap and was racing mishapsScratched gamely at the end LORD BRACADALE had no mishaps Scratched 11239Lotus Flower 109 Laro Keys 109 109Overweight Overweight Newels Choice 3 pounds Mary Cot 1 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 4 108 Purse f I GTlO S500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners June735Oma priceJune735Oma AJO JL f since 800 May 29 allowed 3 Ibs two races since April 18 6 Ibs Claiming price Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA Vt PP St J4 V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 116493COGAY WB 4 105 3 4 14 1 12 1 HanaucrC Dallas Stable 930100 09707 PROPRIETOR wn 4 110 2 7 22 2 24 23 LchmanR J G Bussey 500100 10395 1240100114603FORGET ANAPOLA WB 5 105 4 8 5h 54 42 3 WilsonL E E Keller 1240100 114603FORGET NOT w 7 110 7 1 43 33 34 42 LakeL Mrs M Thompson 1730100 11241 MONTMARY w 4 108 82 83 84 5 52 HcbertS Three Rs Stable 1530100 1530100115443ELINE 115443ELINE NIELSEN w 6 105 1 6 3 4 64 64 VailS J W I Choisser 1020100 11648 BROWN JUG w6110 53 73 72 72 73 GaitherA Mrs L Knifong 2370100 11649 ANN WHAT wu5105 6 5 64 62 83 83 SlameyF Skaal Stable 1630100 02819 RUNY BEAN wn4108 99 9999 MoranW Kaufman Loiler 110100 Time 23 47 114 Track fast 52 MUTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 2060 800 520 930 100 300 100 160 100 PROPRIETOR 240 100 210 100 ANAPOLA 310 100 Winner B f by Cohort Gay Kitty by High Time trained by F P Haldy bred by Mr L H Katz Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 3311 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOGAY COGAY going in her best form and well ridden took the lead before going a quarter withstood chal ¬ lenges from PROPRIETOR and finished gamely ANAPOLA made up ground rapidly after a half FORGET NOT had good speed for a half ELINE NIELSEN tired RUNY BEAN broke slowly and was a distant trailer throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 11241 Dallas 110 110Overweight Overweight Runy Bean 3 pounds FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 108 Cham t t o g o ber of Commerce Handicap Purse 700 3yearolds 3yearoldsJune735Oma June735Oma Net value to winner 500 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin JqPkoy Equiv Odds Strt 11134 LADY BOWMAN w 110 6 64 4 32 22 24 Ink GrayA W A Thomas Thomasw 120100 11543 MISS CHICRO w 96 2 6 14 14 Ink 23 HebertS C Eillon Eillonw 5680100 10788 DOZANA w w08 108 4 5 54 51 44 3 RayW H C Rumage RumageVB 550100 11543 PLAYSICKLE wnlll VB 111 7 3 3111332BRILLIANT 44 3h 3 44 McCownD E E Irby IrbyBl08 290100 290100111332BRILLIANT 111332BRILLIANT DUKE WB wnlOS Bl08 108 5 9 74 72 5 51 BeechJ W J Potter Jr Jrw fHO100 00910 MISS WEBB w 109 1 17 7 7116533LITTLE 62 62 64 65 McDmottL W C Goodloe GoodloeBl01 2130100 2130100116533LITTLE 116533LITTLE REIGH wnlOl Bl01 3 38 8 8115433UNLAWFUL 2h 43 72 72 JordanL F Cagle CagleVB109 f610100 610100115433UNLAWFUL 115433UNLAWFUL wB109 8 82 2 2115432RED 8 82 8 84 HanauerC C Andre III IIIVB112 3290100 3290100115432RED 115432RED ROD WB112 9 91 1 9999 JonesL C E Smith 3960100 Coupled as W J Potter Jr and F Cagie entry entryTime Time 23 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY BOVMAN 440 400 320 120 100 100 100 60 100 100MISS MISS CHICRO 4120 2520 1960 100 1160 100 DOZANA 100DOZANA 100Winner 340 70 100 StudWENT Winner B f by Carlaris Necklace by Transvaal trained by W A Thomas bred by Coldstream Stud WENT TO POST 412 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLADY LADY BOWMAN close up from the start responded well to hard urging in the stretch and disposed of MISS CHICRO The latter showed a good burst of speed to set the pace while under restraint but faltered when put to a drive DOZANA was well up throughout PLAYSICKLE failed to improve her position after reaching contention LITTLE REIGH tired after a half mile mileOverweight Overweight Brilliant Duke lg pounds Miss Vebb 1 Little Reigh 3 FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Mary B June 15 1928 143 5 103 Purse t t Ot A 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 18 JL JLoJLTb Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since April 18 allowed 5 Ibs June735Oma Claiming price 1000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 107203RED COMET WB 5 111 7 7 32 32 I3 1 Ih LeischmanR E G Haskell 660100 660100102923THE 102923THE CHOCTAW WB 9 110 5 5 5 52 54 24 22 JonesL Mrs V Russell 280100 11464 = GAY BIRD w7107 1 3 1 Ih 3 32 33 LakeL J A Grogan 290100 29010011241THISTLE 11241THISTLE GUY w 4 106 3 2 7 7 7 6 45 SebastianW J H Tate 1220100 10217 BAHADUR WB 4 111 4 4 44 42 2 4 5 McCrayK Mrs C E Irvin 290100 10063 INDIAN BOY waSlll 2 1 62 63 6 5 610 VailS T Deahl 1640100 11542 CAREFUL KITTY w5106 6 6 2 2 41 7 7 BoucherJ F Rowe 1040100 1040100Time Time 24 48 114J 141 145 Track fast 52 KUTUEIS PAItt OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RED COMET 1520 980 640 660 100 390 100 220 100 100THE THE CHOCTAW 440 320 120 100 60 100 100GAY GAY BIRD 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B g by Tracer Sea Green by Sea Sick trained by E G Haskell bred by Casitas Ranch Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 447 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRED RED COMET away well was rated close to the pace drew into a clear lead after fiveeighths but just lasted to outstay THE CHOCTAW The latter improved his position steadily saved ground and was wearing down the winner nearing the finish GAY BIRD was hard hustled for the entire trip but tired in the final quarter THISTLE GUY made up some ground BAHADUR faltered when put to a drive CAREFUL KITTY quit badly badlyOverweight Overweight The Choctaw 1 SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Seths Premium June 25 1927 14556 4 101 Purse 4 t Ott K S500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races in JLJLoJLD 1935 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 4 Ibs June735Oma Nonwinners in 1935 allowed 3 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 EqtA Wt PPSt i Vt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11545 TRY IT w 7 106 6 6 S2 53 31 3 Ink GrayA E ONeil 290100 11544 LET HER PLAY w 6 106 2 2 I2 1 1 I2 2i McCownD H T Palmer 640100 11136AMSCRAY w4105 5 5 42 32 24 2h 3 = GrillF R F Coppage 210100 210100106653LONGUS 106653LONGUS WB 8 111 1 1 6 6 53 44 46 McCrayK Corbet Irvin 540100 11544 CATWALK WB 5 111 3 4 2 24 42 55 5s BolIeroJ J R Bridwell 400100 11458 DOROTHY SPAN w5105 4 3 3 44 6 6 6 SlameyF Peck Parker 1730100 Time 24 48 113 140 147 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TRY IT 780 380 260 290 100 90 100 30 100 100LET LET HER PLAY 560 320 180 100 60 100 100AMSCRAY AMSCRAY 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Blk g by Tryster Kit by Escoba trained by E 0 Neil bred by Mr J Lowe Winner ctcred to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 521 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTRY TRY IT improved his position steadily responded well to hard urging and wore down LET HER PLAY in the closing strides LET HER PLAY showed a good burst of speed to set the pace and held on gamely though tiring in the final stages AMSCRAY was rushed into contention on the back stretch and faltered in the drive LONGUS closed with a rush CATWALK was through after fiveeighths SEVENTH RACE 1 11G MILES Seths Premium June 25 1927 145 4 101 Purse t t O4 f 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 29 June735Oma price 800 if for 600 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EVtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Eauiv Odds Strt 11135ESKIMO WB 9 111 5 5 14 In 2 li Ih GrillF E ONeil ONeil113492HILDUR 113492HILDUR PRINCE w 4 108 4 4 23 24 1 24 24 JordanL C E Smith 65 PORT 0 PLAY WB 9 110 3 3 3 45 Z2 32 35 McCrayK Mrs S Corbet 1 4643MARABOU w 10 111 2 2 4 3 4 4 ° 4 KurinecF Mrs J W Johnsf 11463 BIG MOMENT w5110 6 6 51051051058 56 HessA A C Nelson 32674 STAR BROOK WB5113 116 6 6 66 McCownD Mrs E McCovvn Time 24 49 114 142J 148 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING BOOKINGESKIMO ESKIMO 540 340 280 170 100 70 100 100HILDUR HILDUR PRINCE 340 280 70 100 100PORT PORT 0 PLAY 320 i iWinner Winner B g by North Star III Gentlewoman by Sain trained by E ONeil bred by Mr C Shaffer Winner entered to be claimed for 300 300WENT WENT TO POST 555 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameESKIMO ESKIMO going in his best form set a good pace came again after being headed and outstayed HILDUR PRINCE The latter was prominent throughout got to the front before reaching the stretch but wasnt good enough PORT O PLAY ran an even race MARABOU tired after threequarters BIG MOMENT and STAR BROOK were always outrun