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WORKOUTS Date at left f tunes name to last workout Letters feWwing time fesdlcate fesdlcateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o all out s sulked eased up upFastest Fastest Mine at Each Distance Shown 1m Black Face Type FRIDAY MAY 7 CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile 318 Alice HJand 36h 54 Montell 371 51 Alba 37h 42 Margt I 38h 53 Burnig Star 37 h Monte Sweep 37h 415 Barbara J 37h 430 Miss L Ellen 37h 54 Bookmark 38 b 424 Mr Finn 38 b 414 Brush Hook 39b 54 Marcie S 38 b bBcllcshcme Bcllcshcme 39 b 52 No Sir 35h 52 Backintime 40 6b 46 Odsa Lass 37h 55 Black Coat 37h 424 Oddcsa Lady 37h 54 Calera 38 b 430 Ostropalh 37h 55 Ched Circle 36 d Personable 38 b b416Captn 416Captn Byam 41 b 55 Pameiob 40b 40bCounsucllo Counsucllo 36h Prince Feng 37 b 52 Dolly E 36b 54 Heal Sport 37h 420 Don Creole 38b 418 Rapid Sweep 36h 326 Dolly Val 38b 55 Sir Damion 36h 36h428Enagala 428Enagala 37 h 418 Stm Warng 37h 37h424Formax 424Formax 38 b 51 Savage Miss 38b 51 Foyot 36h 428 Sand Player 39b 54 Gold Flag 37 h 54 Seldina 39 b 54 Grey Gold 41 b 54 Sy Pharlara 37h 37h416Galagay 416Galagay 37h 52 Schoolroom 35 d 326 Insmaria 38b 52 School Books 36b 54 Imola 37h 54 Thistle Red 351 d 38b The Bullet 37h 39 b 331Virga Boy 40 b 55 Joe Schcnck 39h 54 Valtcd 36h 411 Kitty Baker 37b 54 Well Rewdd 38 b b430Lawrin 430Lawrin 38b 52 Wise Pcess 37b 411 Lady Ariel 37b 54 White Castle 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 52 Alpenglow 53b 426 Lady Sybil 52 h 55 Canny Scot 49h 430 Pawtuckct 51 b 54 Capuche 49h 52 Pansys First 50b 50b416CNote 416CNote 53 b 53 Proph 49h 55 Cily Slicker 53 b 55 Pompoon 48 h 52 Candescent 50b 54 Qk Getaway 50h 52 Dust Box 52b 53 Robert S 54 b 53 Dellor 49li 52 Stagehand 51b 51bDona Dona Nutter 52b 55 Tab Me 49h 49h416FarreII 416FarreII 53 b 54 War Bridge 53 b 415 Guaranty 49h 54 War Admiral 50b 54 Jamboree 50h 53 Watonga 50h 54 John One 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mite 430 Autograph l06b 430 Harriet Annl09 b 51 Alergy l04h 424 Ivory Tip 104 b 55 Borr Quecnl02 d 54 Knight Gail l06b 51 Bclnask 105 b 54 Kermay 105 b 54 Billionaire l02h 52 Khar Fair 108 b 54 Bay Boy 103 h 54 Ly Montrosel04 b 54 Cross S l03d 54 Lemont 102 h 54 Calculator 101 d 54 Mature l04h 52 Dogaway 105 b 55 Miss Trqud 104 b 54 Fairy HiIIl01h 54 Mnie 0Haral09 b 54 Grey Simon l05b 52 Manners Boyl08 b b413Gencvra 413Gencvra M l05b 322 Miss Ivory l03d 427 Noticing 103 b 426 Whiskolo 105 h 429 Petty Tavl03h 54 Watcrcure l06b 54 Sir Emerson 101 d 52 Wha Hael03 b 52 Sea Ted 103 b 55 Wonful Nitel05 h 54 Solar Hawkl00 d 54 Yantis l05b 54 Threadndle l04b l04bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 430 Black Buddyl16 h 418 Pre Andre l16b 55 Come to Tawl16h 53 Rpg Rewrdl17 b 430 Dudley Cl21 b 55 Shan l20b 54 Jack W 118 b 429 Sir Norman l20b 425 King Zcvl 0h 52 Span Babe 116 h 54 Mary Sourd 116 d 42lTte Ressl16d 54 Murph 114h 52 Trinchera l17vsh 430 Mars Shield 116 h 54 Talma Dec 117 h 52 Military 117 b 420 Vilda 120 b 54 Onalark l20b 52 York l20b SevenEighths Mile 54 Chauvcnet 52 Exponent 129 b fl32h One Mile 54 Dcsgai l44h 55 No Nanel45 h 54 Gin Daisy 145 b 56 The Queen 145 h i 54 Inspiration l44h 51 The Runnerl477fb 51 Knee Actionl 0 b 54 Visigoth l44h 55 Macawlce 149 b X XSchoolmom Schoolmom displayed good speed Pompoon has all his speed War Admiral was well in hand Charmed Circle accompanied No Sir Calculator and Solar Hawk were together in good efforts Sir Emerson looks and acts in good form I Murph worked impressively I IMilitary Military and Reaping Reward worked to ¬ gether I Desgai and Inspiration worked together I DOUGLAS PABK PABKWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mite 54 AnnaV L 38h 416 Modernize 43 b 55 Apple Annie 40 b Northn Miss 40 b b430Crushg 430Crushg Idea 36d 54 Pan Toy 39 b 52 Cavalry Call 39 h 54 Ripple Along 35b 54 Guinea Law 39 h 423 Sooty 40 b 53 Great Lakes 38 h 417 Tramway 39 b bHerb Herb 40h Vellum 36 h h430Lastos 430Lastos 37h 430 Wild Pigeon 37 h 425 More Ringlts 39 h hOneHalt OneHalt Milt 54 Berry 50b 51 Sortie Star 53 b 54 Bell Metal 55h 427 Star Mirmaid 53 b 51 Military Miss 49 h 56 Sylacauga 50h 417 Old Deal 52h 52hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Brng Bilwslrl h 430 Isaiah l17h 56 Baby Boshl17h 429 Jgc Barklcyl16 h 430DaniseMl17h 428 John Allan l20h 55 Don Dash 116 h hOne One M 56 Nimble Pinsl44 d 54 Zsar 142 d 56 Say Murrayl43h