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RACING DATES FOR 1941 AGUA JockeyClub CALIENTE Baja California Jockey Club Agua Callente Mexico December 1 1940 for 52 Sundays Mu ¬ tuels BELMONT RacingAssociation PARK Westchester Racing Association Long Island N Y May 12 to June 7 24 days Mutuels CHARLES JockeyClub TOWN Charles Town Jockey Club Inc Charles Town W Va May 12 to July 5 48 days Mutuels SUFFOLK DOWNS Eastern Horse Asso ¬ ciation Boston Mass May 12 to July 19 60 days Mutuels MutuelsLINCOLN LINCOLN JockeyClub FIELDS Lincoln Fields Jockey Club Inc IncMay May 19 to June 21 30 days Mutuels DETROIT Detroit Racing Association De ¬ troit Mich MichMay May 21 to July 5 40 days Mutuels HOLLYWOOD PARK Hollywood Turf TurfClub Club Inglewood Calif May 23 to July 26 50 days Dark Mon ¬ days Mutuels OMAHA CompanyOmaha AkSarBen Expositioi Company Omaha Neb NebMay May 27 to July 5 30 days Dark Mon ¬ days Mutuels WHEELING DOWNS West Virginia Jockey VirginiaJockey Club Inc Wheeling W Va May 28 to July 5 30 days Dark Mon ¬ days Mutuels MutuelsDELAWARE DELAWARE PARK Delaware Steeple ¬ chase and Hunt Association Wilming ¬ ton Del May 30 to July 5 30 days Dark June 9 9and and June 16 Mutuels FAIRMOUNT PARK Fairmount Park ParkJockey Jockey Club Collinsville 111 May 30 to July 5 27 days Dark Mon ¬ days Mutuels WHITTIER PARK Manitoba Jockey Club ClubWinnipeg Winnipeg Manitoba May 31 to June 16 14 days Mutuels LONG JockeyClub BRANCH Long Branch Jockey Club Ltd Toronto Ont June 4 to June 11 7 days Mutuels MutuelsASCOT ASCOT EnterpriseInc PARK Ohio Sports Enterprise Inc Akron Ohio OhioJune June 7 to June 21 13 days Mutuels AQUEDUCT Queens County Jockey Club ClubAqueduct Aqueduct Long Island N Y June 9 to July 2 21 days Mutuels DUFFERIN PARK Metropolitan Racing Association of Canad Ltd Toronto Out OutJune June 14 to June 21 7 days Mutuels UNITED HUNTS United Hunts Racing Association Piping Rock Locust Val ¬ ley N Y YJune June 14 1 day Mutuels ELK WOOD PARK Monmouth Park Rac ¬ ing Association Occanport N J June 16 to July 26 36 days Mutuela POLO PARK Winnipeg Jockey Club Win ¬ nipeg Manitoba June 20 to July 5 14 days Mutuels MutuelsKINGS KINGS PARK King Edward Jockey Club Montreal Que QueJune June 21 to July 7 14 days Mutuels MutuelsARLINGTON ARLINGTON PARK Arlington Park Joc ¬ key Club Inc June 23 to July 31 34 days Mutuels MutuelsHAMILTON HAMILTON Hamilton Jockey Club Ltd Hamilton Ont OntJune I June 25 to July 2 7 days Mutuels MutuelsHAMILTON HAMILTON Ohio Ohio Sports Enter ¬ prise Inc Hamilton Ohio OhioJune June 28 to July 19 19 days Mutuels MutuelsLANSDOWNE LANSDOWNE JockeyClub PARK West Coast Jockey Club Ltd Vancouver B C June 28 to July 5 7 days Mutuels MutuelsLONGACRES LONGACRES Washington Jockey Club ClubSeattle Seattle Wash WashJune June 28 to September 1 46 days Racing on Sundays dark Mondays and Tues ¬ days except September 1 also dark July 2 and July 3 Mutuels MutuelsTHISTLE THISTLE DOWN Thistle Down Racing Association Cleveland Ohio OhioJuly July 1 to August 16 41 days Mutuels MutuelsEMPIRE EMPIRE CITYEmpire City Raping Asso ¬ ciation Yonkers N Y July 3 to July 26 21 days Mutuels