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DAILY RACING FORM READERS SAY SAYCommunications Communications intended for publication must bear the writers name and address but thqy will be withheld upon request Letters should be limited to 200 words and refer only to racing breeding and related subjects Address letter to Editor inChief DAILY RACING FORM 345 West TwentySixth Street New York N Y Racing Interest Follows Flag FlagI I have been trying for the past few days to sit down and write you a few lines of thanks Of course Ive been so darned busy I couldnt find a spare sec ¬ ond but tonight Im taking my recrea ¬ tion period away from myself so I can get this off I want to tell you I received the first bunch of papers and read them completely through didnt miss an article at all Im writing this let ¬ ter for the boys and myself and am thanking you a thousand times for all of us usIts Its the first bit of racing news Ive read since landing here in Africa Of course we came over with one job in mind and until we complete this job we have to lay aside our life ambitions for the time being I may be the smallest soldier in North Africa being five feet and weighing 101 pounds but I am try ¬ ing to do my job to the best of my ability I have everything to look for ¬ ward to in racing when I return Im twentythree years old and Im a natural lightweight lightweightIf If this letter gets through to you I would like you to do me a little favor and I hope you dont mind too much You see I was with the C T Chenery stable of Doswell Va Tom Waller is the trainer and Bryant the foreman I wrote them a few letters but never got any reply from them Dont know whether they received my mail or not I wish you would tell them where I am and that I was asking for them and hope to be back with them in the near future Every time we get a day off which is seldom I go horseback riding There are a lot of beautiful Arabian horses around here to ride Before I forget Ben Murray who was with the G D Widener stable also asked me to thank you He is in my outfit outfitAgain Again I say thanks a million from all the fellows Lots of luck I hope we have a swift and safe return to the States when this mess is cleaned up real soon Please excuse the hand ¬ writing as Im shorta table and chair chairPVT PVT SAM TRIOLA TRIOLASomewhere Somewhere in North Africa Common Sense Solution v vI I am only one of the many who like to go to the races but know little ofthe behindthescene details But as an accountant I can see the point you make in your recent editorial Consid ¬ er the Breeder No industry can flourish under the conditions you out ¬ line and it would seem only common sense to correct them as quickly as pos ¬ sible If a horse like Alsab can be bought for 700 and earns over 300000 it would certainly seem the transaction is lopsided I asked a friend how breeders could protect themselves and he said they could put a reserve on every yearling offered but he added that reserves were not popular popularI I do not know enough about it to say whether you have the proper solution but I do recognize it as a tough prob ¬ lem that should be corrected what ¬ ever the means meansJ J T KNOWLES Jersey City N J Plea for Saratoga Meeting MeetingI I was interested in the story in the issue of April 13 1943 as I am a native Saratogian and spend part of each week in Saratoga Springs In survey ¬ ing the transportation available to racegoers you overlook the network of busses that run into Saratoga Springs from all directions on fairly frequent schedules schedulesIt It is my opinion that Saratoga Springs is well equipped to handle the crowdS that come into Saratoga Springs during the racing season with ¬ out any great strain upon the transpor ¬ tation facilities I might further state that this season probably a large num ¬ ber of racegoers would remain in Sar ¬ atoga during the rading season where ¬ as in other years they took accom ¬ modations in surrounding places or traveled back and forth each weekend to New York City CityThe The whole matter is being gone over by a committee of citizens of Saratoga Springs and I trust that when their survey is in the hands of the Governor the situation up there will be clarified and the Governor will see fit to recom ¬ mend that the usual August meeting be held at Saratoga Springs SpringsThrough Through conversations that I have had with many people in New York City who are interested in racing I find Race Track Manager Endorses Plan to Aid Breeder BreederI I read with great interest your editorial Consider the Breeder in a recent edition It clearly and concisely points to a vulnerable and critical spot in the racing setup The interrelated importance of breeding to the business of race track operation is too obvious for comment It should be equally obvious that the racing interests should look to the future and plan now to cushion the ever mounting disparity between production and the market in the breeding industry I believe a plan should be worked out to provide breeders awards in all races at all tracks throughout the country The solution of this problem like so many others in racing can only be achieved by coordinated action and it suggests one more reason why it is necessary that we make our national asso ¬ ciation a strong and vital cooperative force forceI I offer my sincere congratulations and commendation to your publications for bringing this matter so forcibly to the attention of the racing interests and I trust the effort will be continued until a solution has been reached WALTER H DONOVAN General Manager ManagerGarden Garden State Park Camden N J that they are practically unanimous in their desire to come to Saratoga Springs for the summer They seem to have a real love for the place and do not like to leave it even for one season seasonIRVING IRVING I GOLDSMITH New York City CityAs As a racing paper you would not know that various bus lines are stop ¬ ping at Saratoga Springs namely ex ¬ press lines New York to Montreal and vice versa and local lines from Albany Troy Schenectady and return Wake up upA A SARATOGIAN SARATOGIANLets Lets leave the question of the feasi ¬ bility of conducting a race meeting at Saratoga Springs without violating gas and rubber restrictions to Gov Thomas E Dewey and his advisors Saratogians and racing will be given a fair shake rEDi NOTE Mineola Good Sales Mart MartRegarding Regarding the yearlings sales next summer why not consider the Mineola Fair Grounds as the site for them It has existing allday train service barns arenas etc and is close to the Long Island tracks By using the Mineola Fair Grounds the same pro gram as at Saratoga Springs could be followed Inspection of horses could be held in the morning There are regularly scheduled trains to get pro ¬ spective buyers to Mineola The sales could be held at night as usual I have been mulling over this idea since the sales problem developed There is nothing personal in this suggestion I have no interest in the Fair Grounds other than it seems a convenient place VINCENT TREANOR JR Andover Mass Still at Old Stand Major MajorEnclosed Enclosed you will find a postal money order for 25 If you have not been liquidated by Mayor LaGuardia as some of the boys over here believe kindly put me on your list of sub ¬ scribers Some of us hope to have amusement doping out the winners even though the sheet arrives a month or so after post time timeMAJ MAJ MILAN N DRAKE APO 887 Care of Postmaster New York City Lesson in Grammar GrammarI I wish you would stop referring to horses as who or whom It is abso ¬ lutely ungrammatical ungrammaticalB B F S San Antonio Tsxas TsxasThat That started it again For years our editors have been debating this ques ¬ tion at times acrimoniously On the authority of the famous lexicographer the late Frank H Vizetelly LittJ LLJ it aint ungrammatical to refer to a horse as who or whom ED NOTE Timing Is a Big Joke JokeI I write in regard to the timing of the races How many official timers do they have taking the time of each race That is about the most im ¬ portant of all things about a race in judging performances There is class and other things but the timing is a big joke and one does not know what to do about it as the difference be ¬ tween the private time and the official time in many races means a difference of three or four lengths The racing associations have made many im ¬ provements in past years but the timing seems to be as it always has been If tracks use only one timer now why not have three and then let the majority determine the official time timeW W C WALL Crockett Texas The accuracy of manual timing often is questioned At a majority of tracks one man is appointed official timer and his report is accepted whether it is correct or not Many handicappers ignore the time displayed on the board and hold a watch on the race them ¬ selves or employ experienced dockers for that purpose If a threeman staff of timers had clocked the Suburban Handicap of 1913 at Belmont Park the 200 mark credited to Whisk Broom II probably would not have been in dis ¬ pute these thirty years Another factor contributing to inaccurate manual tim ¬ ing is the human frailty of the man dropping Jhe time flag He could be a fraction of a second or even a full sec ¬ ond ahead of the pacemaker or behind him At the comparatively few tracks where an electric timing device is used complaints are rarely heard ED NOTE Meritorious Suggestion I wonder if you can tell me why they do noi post the track condition at Ja ¬ maica Ill venture to say that not more than 10 per cent of the fans know the condition of the track when it is other than fast The other day for instance while it was raining you would hear one spectator say the track was sloppy another that it was slow and still another that it was muddy muddyHow How one can handicap a race not knowing the condition of the track is more than I can understand The New York tracks should post the track con ¬ dition on the board and give 90 per cent of the fans a break Maybe you can bring this to the attention of the track officials officialsR R MURPHY MURPHYJamaica Jamaica N Y t tTheres Theres a simple service all race tracks not Jamaica alone could ren ¬ der their patrons with no difficulty Experienced handicappers judge the conditioii of the footing by the time made in the first race If the official timer posted the track condition it would aid the player Perhaps he and the track superintendent should confer ED NOTE