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CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSFor For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 ST RACE 6 12 FURLGS 200 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming PP Horse Jockey WtMudOdds 12 BATTER 122 21 2 SILENT HOST Reeves 114 X 31 9 MEADOW DEW Smith 114 X 41 11 BIT O BROWN 109X 81 7 GINGALL Borton 119 X 61 17 MAGNETISM South 119 X 81 1 TETRANAL 114 201 3 MOTHERS GIRL 109X201 4 OPERAS CLOWN 114401 5 MASCULINE Basham 114 121 6 LIBERTY HALL 110 401 8 EQUAL CHANCE Reeves 100 151 10 CHICK JACKSON 119X151 13 URAWINNER 119 401 14 LUMBER QUEEN 114 501 15 NOWO 109 201 Itf BID UP 119 251 18 GRNOCK FLAME Kenedy 100 151 19 ROBERT RUSSELTJ 119 121 20 ZORRO 119 151 Batter will be out winging should lead leadfrom from wire to wire Silent Host in rare form is the one most to wear Meadow Dew could surprise the talent ND RACE 6 12 FURLGS 230 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 4 WINNING CHANCE 119 31 3 CREST O WAR Basham 105 101 8 BITTER ENDER 119 31 12 LADY DUANE 105 41 7 TTPPITY 114X 72 17 LIMITATION Smith 114 X 51 20 MAD BUNNY 109 61 13 EVEN TAN DeLucia 114 X 81 1 ROLLING PLAY 110 151 2 6BANTAM Drennan 114 121 5 CONNECTICUT 114 251 6 WHIRL AND TWIRL 105 301 9 DINAH DID PLAY Swain 114 201 10 GRAY ROMANCE Eads 114X401 11 VALDINA REBEL 114 251 14 MUSKRAT Gonzalez 114X151 15 CHICONY 119X121 16 KIRWIN Basham 114X151 18 TRUE STAR Flamm 114X251 19 ARROWTRACTION Swain 119351 Winning Chance appears to be back on onthe the road to recovery of best form Crest o War looms as a speedy threat Bitter Ender if ready could take it all RD RACE 4 12 FURLGS 300 P M 2YearOlds Maidens Claiming 8 JEAN LABELLE 116 52 2 WISE BANNY 113 31 6 KEY LATCH McCoy 113 41 1 GOLD STATE Basham 108 151 15 MISS JULIE Y Gonzalez 113 51 14 STE FRANCES 113 81 19 BROWN GOWN Scurlock 116 101 3 MARGARET T 108 251 4 SAY MISS Swain 116 201 5 VICTORY ALICE 113 151 7 SUN SQUALL Swain 116 121 9 KADELKEE 113 251 10 HEGRIP 116 201 11 MESS OBANNON Basham 108 251 12 WONDER WITCH Scurlck 113 301 13 LATE THREAD 113 201 16 FAIR SAND Gonzalez 113 4Q1 17 TETRA RITA 113 121 18 CURRENCY Bush 113 151 20 COLLEEN SUE 113 251 251Jean Jean LaBelle is out to make amends beaten favorite in only two starts Wise Banny is bred for better things should improve Key Latch may be the dark one TH RACE 78 MILE 330 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds Claiming 4 SHINY PENNY 116 35 3 VACUUM CLEANER 114 X 21 2 BURNING SANDS Reeves 105 41 1 RUBICON Record 109 81 5 CECIL Borton 110 121 Shiny Penny is the solid horse will lead leadthis this field from start to finish Vacuum Cleaner finally graduated in last outing Burning Sands late races are not true TH RACE 34 MILE 400 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Allowances 2 YAR 112 X 52 8 MARKSMAN Adams 123 X 31 7 LITTLE KISS Caffarella 112 X 72 5 THREE PERCENT Reeves 118 X 41 4 JEAN FERRANTE 121 X 61 1 CLARKSVHJjE 117 X 81 3 MAKESHIFT Record 105 101 6 LAST CHICK Smith 105 201 Yar is from the leading winning barn barnon on the grounds stringing Marksman will offer plenty contention Little Kiss usually races prominently TH RACE 1 116 MILES 430 P M 3Year Olds Claiming 1 ACTIVE 112 21 3 ALAGNES Adams 110 21 5 AKRONTOWN Reeves 105 31 2 TERMITE Madden 105 X 61 7 ATAFA 105 X 51 4 JAMES Me 105 121 6 DINA FLAG Reeves 100 101 8 BAR C Layton 112 201 9 BUENAVENTURA Drennn 105X201 Active is due to step down in front wins winshis his share of races Alagnes was right up there in last dangerous Akrontown gets in light can cause trouble 7TH RACE 1 116 MILES 5 00 P M 4 Year Olds and Upward Claiming 4 AL AU FEU Adams 114 X 31 8 WHICH MAN Swain 112 X 61 6 BECKHAMPTON Reeves 111 41 7 FISHERVILLE Reeves 109 52 1 PENNSBURG Smith 114X 81 5 HIS HIGHNESS Smith 111X 81 2 STAR MONARCH Flamm 10TX201 3 YANK BOMBER Swain 113X101 Al au Feu will be trying hard stable stablehouses houses winners Which Man is consistently close rates near front Beckhampton can ramble the route money chance TH RACE 1 116 MILES 530 P M 3YearOlds Claiming 9 KENNEBIS Reeves 110 21 2 MINNIE HA CHA 100 31 8 MY REWARD 107 72 6 HOMEWARD 105 81 3 SONNY O B Basham 105 61 4 SHORT STRAW 110 101 1 GAY BRIDGET 102 151 5 HUNCH 105 201 7 BYCHANCE 110 151 Kennebis has shown the most of any in inthis this field to date Minnie Ha Chas last merits consideration lightly weighted to ¬ day My Reward may spring a mild surprise