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Pimlico Stake Hopefuls In Trials Over WeekEnd WeekEndLink Link and Too Timely Go Half HalfMile Mile Wine Punch Six Furlongs PIMLICO Md May 3 Candidates for the feature offerings at Pimlico to be de ¬ cided this week were called upon for train ¬ ing moves over the weekend and some in ¬ teresting tests were noted Potential starters for the Survivor Tuesdays stellar offering were sharpened up for their ob ¬ jective Link owned by Montpelier and trained by W G Jones was called upon for a half mile test arid this fellow loafed over the distance in 50 with speed in reserve Link demonstrated that he is improving with racing Wine Punch owned by E K Bryson was sent an easy six furlongs as his final training move for the engagement and accomplished his stint with ease He had at the end of the jaunt speed in re ¬ serve and was timed in 116 116King King Ranchs Too Timely who was sent here from Belmont Park with the Oaks as her principal objective displayed that she is at her best form and was eased slightly in the four furlong blowout she was called upon to perform This miss a sluggish one at the starting gate stepped along briskly and was timed in 48 48Candidates Candidates for the Pimlico Nursery the sole stake offering for juveniles at the meeting and to be run on Friday saw two of the potential starters go through their paces Sir Drake whom many pronounced as the best development of the present meeting went along a half mile in 48 under the supervision of trainer Douglas Sir Drake started once here and was re ¬ turned an easy winner by an emphatic margin over a band of nonwinners nonwinnersSir Sir Drake and other members of the Simmons establishment in charge of the veteran trainer will be transferred to Suf ¬ folk Downs for a summer campaign Por ¬ ter Roberts the leading jockey at the meet ¬ ing will be astride this fellow in the Pimlico juvenile offering and the combination looms up at the present time as the popular choice choiceElray Elray owned by E K Bryson was tested on Monday morning over the five furlongs distance and he went the route in 104 in a breezing manner Elray a son of Stimulus Toro Rose is one of the five eligibles in the Maryland patrons stable for the Nursery Elray is also a winner at this meeting