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New York Notes AQUEDUCT. L. I.. N. Y.. June Horsemen are requested to make stall applications for the Empire City meeting, which will be held at the Jamaica course. Registration and badges are being issued this week at Aqueduct. The Great American on Saturdays card on closing day will be the first stake of the season to be run over the six -furlong distance. Previous days outstanding mutuel tickets at Aqueduct will be cashed at the previous-day windows on the main line in the grandstand and lower clubhouse until the running of the fourth race. John Curry, former Tammany Hall chieftain, is among the regulars at the meeting. Mrs. Clementine Smith, mother of Phil, who is employed by the various associations at all New York tracks, passed away Saturday morning at the Israel Zion Hospital in Brooklyn. Mrs. Smith was 85 years of age. Mortimer Mahony, mutuels chieftain at various tracks, will visit Aqueduct before going to Garden State to take charge of the wagering facilities at that course. Mike McDermott of the Empire City forces was among the visitors. He came over from Jamaica where the summer meeting of that association will be held. He reported that advance preparation to hold the meeting are well advanced. Racing secretary and handicapper John B. Campbell is working on the second edition of the Empire City condition books. The first issue has been distributed to horsemen containing the races for the first eight days. W. Passmore shipped the Bayard Sharp string to Detroit over the week-end to run in the jumping events to be held there starting next week. Apprentice C. Givens, who went to New Jersey on Wednesday for his physical examination for the armed forces, resumed riding today at Aqueduct. Post time for the first race at Empire meeting to be held at Jamaica, will be . 1:45 p. m. Autograph hounds had a busy time when : the world of the theatre was well represented at Thursdays activities at Aque-I duct. Jack Benny, Roy Sedley, Joe Frisco, and Al Darling, funny men of stage, screen and radio, were club house visitors. Trainer Hack Ross was granted permission of the stewards to waive the bugs on Mission Step, a starter in the opening race today. Steeplechase rider S. ONeill accepted his first mount at the meeting when he rode Nassau s Beau in the hurdle race today. Steeplechase rider F. Slate, who went to a local hospital for observation, will not ride until the Saratoga meeting which will be held at Belmont Park where jumping races will be resumed.