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j i ; New Ruling On Unclaimed Wagers at Narragansett Park PAWTUCKET. R. I.. April 10— The new ruling on unclaimed bets, vital to the thou- sands of New England racing fans who will flock to Narragansett Park Wednesday for the opening of the season, has been announced by Thomas J. Meehan, director of the Department of Business Regulation of Rhode Island. The law provides that unclaimed money shall be held by the track for six years, after which it is turned over to the general treasurer of the State of Rhode Island. Hereafter, however, under Mr. Mehans new ruling, approved by the attorney-generals department, outstanding bets can be paid only upon presentation of the actual winning tickets. No money can be paid for outstanding bets upon presentation of affidavits or any other evidence except the e mutuel tickets, Mr. Meehan announces. The Narragansett management will call .1 i j •| j I r f I c i 5 G 1 e .1 this to the attention of Its patrons with notices printed on its programs.