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LATEST WORKOUTS Figures preceding horsess name show date of last previous work. Track record after distance. Key: H — Handily. B — Breezing. D — Driving. E — Easily. O— AH out. U— Eased up. Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in black face type. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1944 CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 4-4 Funrow :54 h 4-4 Pajas l:04i/,h 4-1 ArtRoi :37 h 4-1 Fighting Step :55 b 4-4 Surgeon Dick 1:08 b 4-5 Benzedrine :39 h 4-1 Genies Mate :W%k 4-4 Sentiment Sake 1:04 h 3-29 Blue Mate :40 h 4-5 Hasty Chance :56 b 4-1 Song o War l:09Vsb Be Brief :42«sb 4-5 Hefti Harris :51%h 4-4 Speedy Show l:05V5b 4-4 Chero-Kaid :383/5h 4-4 Hit It :502kh 4-5 Tourterelle l:09ysb Crucibenna :42 b 4-4 Happv Dumpty :50 h 4-4 That-a-Boy 1:08 b 4-5 Corn Dodger :39%h 4-4 Halcyette :54 b Wolf Creek 1:09 h 4-5 Conviction :38%h 4-5 HiMurt :57 b 4-5 Wise Sue l:07f5b 4-5 Daves :41 b 4-1 Isolde :52 h 4-1 Wise Colors 1:06 b 3-31 Devil Sand :38 h 4-5 Irish Stew :523/=;h 3-4 MILE — 1:1*9£ 4-5 Dockie :9t%h 4-5 Jezrahel :51%b 4-5 American Eagle l:18*sh 4-1 Dauntless Bo :382;,h 4-5 Kaohi :55 b 4-5 Buds First 1:27 b 4-4 Demaweista :40 b 4-1 Kope Kona :53;,h 4-7 Big Blitz l:19%h 4-5 Errard :37 h 4-4 Lestabert :55 b 4-5 Carbonate l:lS%ll 4-4 Ever On :37 h 4-5 Manui :55 h 4-5 Cideam 1:20 h 4-5 Free for All :37 h 4-4 Mr. Rabbit :51 b 4-5 Dog Blessed 1:23 b 4-5 First Pal :392/sh 3-25 Mary Pat :52»/sh 4-1 Detroit Bull 1:27 b Flying Easy :38%h 4-5 Olena :56 h 3-31 Drawby 1:20 h 3-31GreatScot :39%h 4-5 Occupation :51%b 4-5 Doodle Bug 1:21 h 4-1 Its Her :37%h 4-4 Sis Baker :54%b 4-4 Drollon 1:22 h 4-1 Jesting Fox :38%h 4-5 Saraphara :51 h 4-5 Hunch 1:27 h 4-1 LetitiaS. :41 b 4-5 Valdina Foe :51%b 4-5 Here Now 1:24 h 4-1 LeoRey :41 b 3-8 W.H.Kelly :54%h 4-5 Just Dawn l:23%h 4-5 Larky :37 h 4-4 Yar :502sh 4-4 Miss Anna C. 1:19 h 4-5 Last :39%h 4-4 Zumzing :52 h 4-1 Mistucky 1232/sb 4-1 Miss James :38%h 5-8 MILE — :59 4-5 Patrol Flight l:21%h 4-4 Marltown :38%h 4-5 Aurora Road 1:09 h 4-5 Roncat 1:28 b 4-5 Merited :41 b 4-1 Al Kern 1:07 d 4-5 Restless 1:26 b 4-1 Miss Tartan :37%h 4-4 Brutus . 1:10 b 4-4 Samborombon l:172sh 4-5 Navarrese :39%b 4-5 Burning Stick 1:07 h 4-5 Surprise Party 1:24 h 4-5 Occupy :39%b 4-4 Brown Mate l:052h 4-5 Song Spinner 1:28 b 4-6 Panama Miss :42 b 4-4 Chevalet l:05%b 4-5 Sigma Kappa l:16%h 4-5 Peggy Jo :39%b 4-5 Cuban Bomb 1:05 b 4-7 Truthful Bud l:19%h 4-4 Provoker :39 b 4-7 Clarksville 1:10 b 4-5 Unhampered l:203/,h Santa Claus :42 b 4-5 Diavolaw 1:06 b 4-5 Unamim 1:26 h 4-5 Stern Stuff :36%h FreeMoney 1:09 b 7-8 MILE — 1:83% 3-15 Transflint :40 b 4-5 FurCoat l:10%b 4-5 AlexBoy 1:34 h 4-5 Unconditional :39%b 4-5 Hometown 1:09 b 4-4 Albino 1:35 h 4-5 Valdina Streak ah 4-7 Huracon l:06%b 4-4 Gooseberry 1:36 h 1-2 MILE— : 46% 4-5 Isaqueen l:08%h 4-5 Rock wood Bov 1:31 h 4-5 Agrarian-U. :56 b 4-4 Just for Fun 1:07 h 4-4 Sweet Margy 1:38 h 4-6 Burman :532/,h 4-5 Janaluska 1:08 b 1 MILE — l:354s Burgoolette :54 b Late Dawn l:07%b 4-4 Beautiful Boy l:52%b 4-5 Credit Man :54 b Little Kiss l:07%b 4-4 Greenock Image 1:54 b 4-5 Chance Game :51 h 4-5 Leo Pal » l:10%h 4-5 Malemute 1:56 b 4-2 Contrary Mary :504/sh 4-5 Meritorious 1:07 h 4-5 Royal Canadian 1:51 h 4-5 Cloverland :5ia/,b 4-5 Mothers Girl l:092/:,b 4-5 Thos l:51%h 4-4 Dungeon :543/,h 4-1 New Glory l:09%h 4-5 Traumelus l:50h Elector :54%b 4-2 Our Merrick 1:10 b 4-1 Whose 1:54 h 4-2 Four Bells :50*/5h 3-27 Playful Pal l:06V,h 4-5 Winnpearl l:51Vsh DOUGLAS PARK Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 4-5 El Valle :53 h Inductor 109*/ib CliffS. :40 b 4-5 Major Jimmy :50y5h 2-20 Maechance 108 b »-23 Fourth Estate :39 /5h ReighVeil :52y,h My Boy l:05»/sh Fairlet :37%h 4-5 Rag Time Baby :53Mib 1-7 More Stings l:»4%h GentleSavage :38%h Squaw Jane :55y5b 4-5 OKSugar 109 b 3-31 Kenty Boy :39y5b 4-5 Two o Four :50%h 4-6 Sugar Man 1 06%h Kenilworth Boy :38y5h 4-5 Vistibula :53Vsb 1-31 Spring Glory 1:09 h Myrna :38 h 4-5 Fisherville l:05*4h Super 1:10 b Royal Blue :40«/sb 4-5 Hydrant l:084/5b Valley Sue :41%b 4-5 Wishihadagal :52%h 3-4 MILE 1-2 MILE Darby Demon 1:29 b Alagnes :51 sh 5-8 MILE Smart Charley 1:25 b 4-5 Buck Road :53%b Forever Prince 1:11 b 2-6 Song at Dusk 1:81 h KEEN ELAND Track Sloppy 3-8 MILE 4-5 Ernie W. :39V,b 4-5 Y. Gun :5iysb 4-5 Alfadildo :37«/sb Jenkins :392;,b 5-8 MILE 4-6 Burning Dream :37 b 3-14 Ogham :37 b 4-5 Ath l:08ysb 4-6 Buymeabond :38%b 4-2 Roytig :39y5b 4-5 Alhakit 1.06%b 4-6 Bond Buyer :37 b 3-18 Witch Sir :37%b 4-6 BiloxiBay 1:07 b 4-6 Bird of War :37y5b 4-2 Whistig :39ysb 3-»9 Bold Captain l:05%b 4-6 Blood Bank :36%b 3-18 Walkin :37y5b 4-6 Desert Image 1:07 b 4-6 Bread Basket :38 b 4-5 Drawaway l:06%b 4-6 Big Deal :37 b 1-2 MILE 4-1 K. Sugar Roll 106ysb 4-6 Born Fool :374/sb 4-5 Brown Princess :54 b 4-5 Parted Waters l:06%b 4-6 Beauty Bright :37y5b 4-5 Gaga :50*/sb 4-5 Uncle Otho l:05%b 4-6 Bims Blossom :37y5b 3-29 Hasty Kiss :54y,b 4-5 Vanslam 1:08 4-6 Be Faithful :38 b 4-1 Joan T. :533/,b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 4-6 Be Fearless :38%b 3-29 Keep Flying :51%b 4-6 BvJimminv 1:16 h 4-6 Bail Bond :37 b 4-5 Longyear :51%b 4-6 B. Nineteen 1:21 b 4-6 Busher :37y,b 4-1 Loved - :512/sb 4-5 Ogma 1:17 h 4-6 Bumper :36«7,b 4-1 Silver Bull :504/sb. 7-8 MILE Chicle Clown :37*/,h 4-1 Uncle Rob :51%b 4-5 Fee dOr l-37%b LAUREL PARK Track Good 3-8 MILE 4-4 Annie Boston :55%h 4-4 Dark Ace 1:09 b 4-6 Bridgette :392/sh 4-4 Abelda :52 h 4-6 Fair Katrina l:09%b 4-3 Bull Terrier :38%h Dont Delay :53%d 4-6 MyMallie 1:06 b 4-5 Chief Teddy :38 h 4-3 Greta J. :53 h 4-1 Now-Me 1:05 h Dibber :38 h Gleditsch :56 b 4-5 WhoReigh l:062-ih FredsFirst :402b 4-4 Happy Event :53 h 3-4 MILE — l:104s FamasTime :37*/5h 4-1 Joyful One :52 /5h 4-5 Cruiser 1:19 h Ginomel :38%b 4-5 Light Tide :52%h 4-5 Gendarme l:18V5h 4-1 Jr. OSullivan :38%h 4-4 Merciless :50 h 3-30 Herods Pilate l:213/5h. Miss Anaconda :40%b Prop Man :534/sd 4-1 Pugilist 1:20 h 3-25 Omada :40 b 4-4 Pamunkey :52 h 4-5 Milk Route l:184,h 2-8 Over Call :40 b 4-2 Ringmond :524/,h New Face 1:26 b Precise :374/jh 4-5 Sir Jerome :513/sh 4-5 Remolee 1:19 h Pikers Bid :40 h 4-1 Steel Beam :522sh 4-5 Sun Galomar 1:27 b 3-31 Stage Play :3935h 4-1 Vale Victory :524/sh 4-7 Thrift :39 b 5-8 MILE— : 59% 1 MILE— 1:37 1-t MILE 4-5 Cushlamacree 1:05 h Forest Ranger 1:52 b NARRAGANSETT PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE Float Me :53 h 4-4 Petes Bet l:04ysh Black and Red :42 b 4-9 GuyHottel :55 b 4-5 Pittsburg 1:05 h 4-7 Kleig Light :38 h 4-5 Lems Baby ■•511ih 3-21 Reztips 1:08 b 4-6 Pique :41Vib Senior Prom :55 b 4-6 Spare the Rod l:03/sh 4-4 Paper Mill :37%h Tamlin :51 h Stevadore l:05*/sh RunningCedar :39 h 4-5 Valdina Rocket :51»4h 4-5 Star Quest l:06%h 3-25 Star Willow :42 b 4-6 Village Belle :51%h 3-26 Travelalong 1:08 h 4-6 Valdina Alpha : •%* 5-8 MILE— :59 3-18 Valdina Secret 1:04311 3-18 War Gleam :43 b 4-6 Allegro 1:03 h Valdina Valona l:M%k Consomme l:04%h 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 1-2 MILE — :47% 4-5 Epay l:063/sh 3-25 Alpine Light 1:17 h. Collect Call :55 b 4-4 Hy-Gay 1:08 b 3-7 Eros 1:20 h 4-4 Chain Miss :543/sh 4-5 K. Rounders 1:08 b 3-15 Wise Father l:18%h 3-29 Cloud Light :49%h 4-7 Little Hoops l:03%h 3-27 Centuple oVsh 3-19 Legation l:094sb 1 MILE— 1:37 Ellen Mist :54%b MissEcinreb 1:05 h 4-4 Half Smart 1:47 h 1-31 Evelyn Rolls :54 b Masomenous- 1:10 b 3-25 Pittistraw 149%h PIMLICO Track Slow 1-4 MILE 4-3 Bostee :55 b 3-31 Pertinent l:05%b Acquisitive :25 b Conqueror III. :50 h 3-29 Rough Doc 1:04 b. Briar Red :26 b Dog Day :512/Sh 4-1 Road Scraper 1:06 b 4-8 Freddies Pal :24%h 4-1 Ginokum :503/sh Sutton Place l:08%b 4-6 Job Lots :26%b Hercules :53 b 4-7 Segadera l:07ysb 4-1 John Q. Public :243/sh Identic :53y,h 4-6 Twilight Tear l:04%h Jeanaire :264/5b Johns Teddy :51%h Victory Blue l:05%h Miss Neddie :26%b 4-6 Little Bud :503sh 4-1 Wild Chance l:08%b Mediterranean :25V,b 4-5 Lord Loudoun :494,h 3-4 MILE — 1:10% NedCanron :26 b 3-30 Mik OSullivan :50%h 4-1 Boy Soldier l:22%b 4-7 Prepossessing :24%h 2-8 Nippy :543/sb 4-5 Bail Me Out 1:23 b Phantom Sea :253/sb 3-23 Peg OSullivan :50%h 4-4 Blue TWink l:18%b Sea Floe :25%b Quartet :5125h 4-1 Baby Darling 1:19 h Sea Swallow :25 sh Ragged Rascal :50 h 4-1 Dorothy Pomp l:22%b 3-23 Slam It :2445h 3-31 Research :54sh 4-5 Golden Mowlee 1:20 h SeaSovereign :25 b Spin Along :51 h 4-6 Hazel W. l:19%b Sea Lion :25 sh Sea Reigh :53 b 4-6 Miss Kalola l:20%b Sea Aide :2525b 4-7 Sack :55%b 3-27 Mason Dixon l:23%b 3-8 MILE 3-17 Streamer :54 b 4-4 Miss Buckle l:194/5b 4-9 Blue Wing :39 b Tagel :50 h 4-4 NoQuoto 1:21 b Ballyraq :39 b 4-1 War Agent :52 b 4-1 Nibby Jock l:20%b Deviled Egg :40 b 5-8 MILE — 1:00% 4-6 Pensive 1:17 h 4-4 Ceebeebee :37%h Bow Wave 1:04 h Portage Trail l:184/5h 4-9 Cape Tod :37%h 4-6 Bibelot l:05%b 4-6 Red Level l:18%h Dark Passion :40 b 4-7 Boston Blue 1:04 h 4-6 Sun Again l:19Ab 4-1 Johns Star :38%h 4-5 Bomb Dolly 1:09 b 2-10 Spare Man l:16%d 4-7 Jons :39%b 4-6 Bull Weed l:08%b 4-4 Trace Heart l:20ysb 3-30 Justa Note :39y5b 3-27 Challamore 1:05 b 1 MILE — 1:37% 4-4 Junior Four :39 b 4-2 Dark Danger l:06%b Bay Dean 1:53 b Linza :38%b 4-6 Gorget l:05%h 4-1 Connachta l:50y,b 4-2 Miss Gosling :38%h 4-7 Glorious Sec l:04y5h 4-6 Hi Neighbor l:48%h 4-7 OurBlen :39%b 4-4 Hearts Entwine 1:09 b 4-4 High Bit l:46%h Star Copy :39ysb 4-6 Karell l:04%h Porters Cap 1:49 h Sea Frolic :39 b 4-6 Miss Keeneland l:03%h 4-7 TickyOtLs 1:48 h 1-2 MILE— :47% 4-7 Mightiest l:05%h 4-3 Take Courage l:53%b 3-31 Abbe Pierre :49%h 3-31Mar-Kell 1:05 b 4-4 WlngTip l:48%h SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1944 BELMONT PARK Track Good 3-8 MILE 4-7 Hickory Knot :39 b 4-7 Great Ripple :54 b Always Shv :37 h 3-31 Housatonic :39 b 4-7 Overtake :483sh 4-2 Chief Barker :40 b 4-7 Le Havre :3735b 4-7 Wait a Bit :64 b Cashmere :393sb 4-7 Mad Anthony :3835b 5-8 MILE— :58 4-2 Dancing Fire ;40 b Sunny Skylark :37 h 4-7 Sunday Supper 1:06 b 4-2 Devil Thumb :3825b War Date :37 h 4-4 Quiz 1:11 d 4-7 Dove Shoot :3835b 3-26 Wise Brandy :40 b 4-7 Vain Prince 1:07 b 4-4 Esteem :392/5b 1-2 MILE 3-4 MILE— 1:10 4-7 Esposita :3935b 4-7 Bold Anna :4835h 4-7 Music Hall l:17%b 4-7 First Admiral :41 b 4-7 Bounding Home :51 b 4-7 Stir Lp l:14%h Faint Heart :38 b 4-7 Breezing Home :48%h 1 1-8 MILES— 1:48J» Father Neptune :38 b 4-2 Golden Thorn :50sb 4-7 Famous Victory 1:59 fc BELMONT PARK— Training Track Track Slow 3-8 MILE 2-4 Waller :41 h 4-6 Salto :503/sh At Well :363 ,h Willing Spirit .36 4-3 Sister Fox :5lV-ih 4-1 All Day :39 h 4-2 War Master :38-»sh Truk :51%h 3-31BayCarse :39 h 4-2 Yutan :38 h 4-4 TurfR. :52 /5h 4-4 Boomtown Gal :39 h 5-8 MILE 4-2 Chance Mate :37 h 1-2 MILE 4-7 At Witch 1:10 b 4-4 Charwoman :38%h 4-7 At Play :512sh 4-9 Everget l:06%h Detection :42 b 2-19 Aethelred :54 h Head Lock 1:10 b Early Bird :392sh 4-4 Blenheim Lad :52 h 4-4 Hitem l:04%h Fittobetied :30 h Crack Time :51?-sh 4-3 Jack Twink 1:06 h False Move :42 h 4-8 Dancing Patsy :52 h 4-7 Kopar 1:06 h 3-30Freezout :4125h Flying Fort :513/sh 3-30 Minas Agent 1:10 b Light Count :38 h 4-8 Hydrant 4-2 Perfect Rhyme l:04%h 1 Mualo :39 h 4-3 Jack S. L. :5034h Pre Flight 1 : 10 b , New Beat :42 h Kaytee :55 b 4-8 Tex Martin l:03%h 4-7 Smart Bet :39 h 4-4 Nap iNU 3-4 MILE 4-7 Sunstorm :364/sh 2-27 Nory :51«sh 4-8 Pompagle l:173/sh Soap Suds :42 h 4-7 Porpoise :513/,h Symbolism :383/sh 4-4 Plucky Boy :503/h 1 MILE Time Book :363h Pilot Light :54 h 4-5 Ramsey l:52%h J CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Muddy j 3-8 MILE 3-26 Foreign Shot :56*5h 3-4 MILE— 1:10% ] 4-6 Fussy Helen :39 h 3-11 0Hurry :52 h 4-1 La Marie :4125h 4-6 Lady Godiva :56 d 4-5 Alchanc 1:27 b 3-23 Lucky Lass :38 h 4-6 Magic Fate :5425h 4-7 Abignonia l:21%h- 4-6 Iron City :39V5b 4-5 Sun Squall :5145h 4-5 Boss Hoss 1:23 h 4-1 Little Joyce :4125h - • 4-1 Grand Bonny 1:21 h ?-29 Last Step :38 h 5-8 MILE — :59 4-5 Iron Barge 1:203/511 3-15 Lady Lavesta :40h 1-9 Miss Jo Jo 1:10 b 4-7 Last Roll 1:21 h 4-6 Merrymarch :40 h Ompalo l:1045h 4-7 Marksom 1:23 h 3-27Quintero :38 h 4-5 Putitthere 1:06 -h 4-5 Marcharl 1:28 b 3-31 Sweepgold :4225b 2-25 Sayonara l:10%b 4-7 Restoration 1:21 h 1-2 MILE— :46% 3-27 Traffic Court l:04%h 4--7 Shuckins 1:22 h 4-6 Black Fantasy :56 b 4-5 Zacapet l:073/5b 4-5 Some Man 1:27 b 4-4 Compatriot :53%h 4-5 Yormont l:10*/5b 4-7 Top Ceiling l:213/5h DOUGLAS PARK Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 4-5 Pidgy :50V5h ZemWood l:10b 4-6 Bert G. :39 h 4-5 Tip Your Hat :50«5b 1-2 MILE 5-8 MILE 3-4 MILE • , 4-5 Ever Playful :56 b 4-5 Hasty Earl l:073/5h 1-25 Brown Gown l:20y5h 4-5 Maymate :543gh 4-5 Might Step l:05y5h 2-11 Colonel Read l:194/5b MissThet :54 h 4-5 Mistv Mark l:04%h 2-17 Flving King 1:19 h 4-5 Odd Pair :56 b 4-5 Rockwood Jean l:04*-5ri 4-5 Valnor l:20%h JAMAICA Track Fast 3-8 MILE 3-11 Winter Song :503ih 4-2 Plantagenet l:17%b | 4-8 Marogay :39 h 5-8 MILE— : 58 4-2 Wiseasyou l:17%b , 4-7 Runaway Boy :39 h 4-5 Chatlet 1:05 b 4-7 Water Pearl l:17%b 1-2 MILE 4-4 Lawrinson 1:04 b 3-31 What Not l:16%h 3-16 Controversy :503/sb 4-1 Hard War :49%h 3-4 MILE— 1 : 1025 1 MILE— 1:38% I Markobob :55 b 4-2 Eurasian l:17%b Family Doc l:452/sh Test Flight :50%h 4-2 Rurales l:173/5b Tragic Ending l:45%h KEENELAND Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 4-1 Helen Herade :38%b 5-8 MILE 4-2 Contrary Mary :40 b 1-2 MILE 4-6 Chickieb. D. :39 b 4-2 Rougheree :55 b 4-1 Lark Song l:07%b 4-8 Four Bells :40 b 4-2 Stonewall :54%b 4-4 Total 1:08 b LAUREL PARK Track Good 3-8 MILE 4-6 Yank Pilot :39 h 4-6 Cumshaw 1:07 b 4-6 Constance V. :3925b 4-6 Zacaharry :42 b 4-6 Flying John l:084/5b 4-2 Happy Gallop :392sb 3-26 Mitza l:07%h Johns Buddy :37 h 1-2 MILE 3-25 Olympian l:07%h : 3-25 Katie Y. :3825b 4-6 Beneva :5725b 4-6 Old Doctor l:05*/5h j 4-7 LadvFanar :37 h 4-8 Bridgette :505d 4-6 RovJay , l:05«/5h J 3-31 Leave Alone :37%h 4-6 Cheater :54 b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% I 4-6 Late Slip :40 b 4-2 Double B. :55 b 4-5 Burgaway l:19%b | 4-6 Murky Sky :382sh 4-7 Historic :57 b 4-6 Elcan 1:21 h 4-6 My Angela :3925b Mend :505h 4-2 Misty Lady l:2235b | | 4-6 Precious Gem :3835h 3-29 Stanlene :55 b 4-6 Mango 1:27 b I I 4-6 Prologue :41 b 4-6 Track Back :512sh I 4-6 Real Lark :39 h 5-8 MILE— : 59% 1 MILE— 1:37 4-6 Town Hall :39 b 4-6 Exploit l:05%h 3-26 Oldomwood 1:51 h | | i NARRAGANSETT PARK Track Fast j 3-8 MILE 4-6 Greenock Flame :5036h 4-6 Bowsprit l:04-h Allesnik :41 h 3-14 Guy Hottel :55 b Darby Desmond l:043/5h j Ariel Beam :413/5b Leicester :52 h 4-5 Entertainment 1:04 h 1 Boston Victory :4225b 2-11 Midall :50nh 4-6 FlagOrland 1:04 h Curly Ace :52 h Marine Time :52 h 3-15 GoOdel 1:10 b | 3-26 Chance Yen :38 h 4-fi Oak Queen :4!%h 4-3 Knitetta l:053/5h China-Lady :39%b 3-14 Pipeliner :55 b 3-14 Long Straw 1:08 h 4-5 Cattail :37 h 3-7 Panther Creek :55 b 4-6 spring Storm l:03%h Esta :42 b 4-5 Sonorous :55 b 4-7 Titian l:063h I I Hicomb :42%b 3-31 Star Boarder :5125h 3-4 MILE— 1:10% I 4-5 JoansTip :383sh 4-7 Sickle Sun :51 h 4-6 Jack Dove 1:22 b I Kalamazoo :41 b 4-4 Silver Sign :51%h 4-6 Westwood Belle 1:18 h LaneyG. :403£h 2-13TinySis :5235h 7-8 MILE | 3-3C Red Brigade :38 h 4-6 Take a Letter :51 h 2-17 Lady Lyonors 1:32 h I 1-2 MILE — :4725 3-3 Tangelo 50%h 4-4 Burgoo Trail l:31/5h i 3-21 Buck Patch :52 h Wake Robin :52 h 3-14 Peggy Silver l:33%h j 2-9 Darby Diadem :55 b 5-8 MILE — :59 3-13 Templet l:333/5h PIMLICO Track Good 3-8 MILE 4-6 Chief Mate :50 h 4-1 Brown Saxon l:05%h I | . 3-25 Barbara Childs :4035b 4-6 Dr. R.Young :51 b 4-6 Cape Cod l:03%h 4-6 Creepy Mouse :38 b Highland Miss :54 b 4-6 Carmus l:03%h Cherrydale :4035b 3-26 Jaconda :51V5h Justice Nap l:052sb , 4-7 Fogoso :3635h 2-23 Joey B. :50V5h 4-5 Mouse Hole 1:05 b 4-6 First Son :37 h 4-7 Mar dEsprit :5035h 4-7 Sir Echo 1:08 «b i 4-6 Gold RiveY :37 h 4-6 Positive Miss :50 h Shakv Ware 1:05 b 3-7 Hobbys First :36%h 4-2 Phantom Player :5025b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 4-7 My Elsie :39 b Pompa Negri :51 h 4-4 Bright Camp l:17%h 4-6 Picotee :38 b 3-29 Tip-Toe :51i/5b 4-4 First Looie U11%h 4-2 Propose :38 h 3-29 Wise Timmie :5025h 4-6 Jav .lav 1:17 h 4-6 Royal Flush :362sh 5-8 MILE— 1:00% 4-6 Strolling Don l:21%b Spring Dell :3725h 4-6 Ascertain l:0725b 4-5 Strav Winds l:17 /5h 4-7 Sorgho :363/5h 4-1 Alfred Stuart l:0525b 4-7 Undulator :3625h 4-6 Anyway 1:06 b 1 MILE— 1:37% 1-2 MILE— :47% 4-3 Astral l:07%b 4-5 El Toreador 1:55 b 4-6 Andrew Palmer :51 h 4-6 Art Brown 1:06 b 4-7 Bis«ane Blue l:47%h j ■ 4-7 Col.Hockwald :53 b 4-4 Blue Wing l:06%h 4-7 Cals Pet 1:49 b MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1944 BELMONT PARK Track Good 3-8 MILE Faro Queen :50%b 5-8 MILE — :58% 4-5 Ankylos :37 h 4-7 Fledgling :5035b 4-7 Bell the Cat 1:05 b 4-7 Adaptable :37%h 4-7 Great Beyond :5025b 4-7 Okapi Lancer 1:05 b ! I 4-2 Baron Jack :37%b 4-7 Good Thing :5025b 4-7 Smolensko 1:05 b | 4-8 Boy Knight :363/5b Gig :50%b 4-7 Zanzibar l:04%b Chance Bullet :37 b 4-7 Ganymede :5035b 3-4 MILE— 1:10 Flying Doug :363/sh Iron Maiden :55 b 4-7 Creamv l:17%b : 4-7 Intact :37%h 4-7 Late City :50%b 4-7 Dustman 1:15 h 4-7 Pine Isle :37%b 4-8 Park Heights :53 b 4-9 Dove Shoot l:17%b 4-8 Rita Jane :3635h 4-7 Pilates Miss :5025b 4-7 Dairy Lady 1:23 "b 4-8 Oh Ma Ma :39 b 4-9 Quiz :55 b 4-7 Free Lance l:19%b 4-8 Smiles :372b Que Hora :50%b " For Valor l:203/5b 4-7 Triplicate :37%b 4-8 Rush Light :55 b 4-7 Keene Advice 1:25 b 4-8 My Ambassador :37 h 4-8 Royal Heist a :50 h 4-9 Le Havre 1:20 b 4-7 Rice Cake :55 b 4-9 Mad Anthony l:173/5b 1-2 MILE 4-7 Stature :55 b 4-7 Miss Neigh 1:23 b 4-4 Boiling On :51 b 4-7 Scholarship :552sb 4-8 Robert Morris l:24%h 4-8 Beau Quest :61%b Salvo :50%b 4-7 Rosj Cheek 1:23 b 4-3 Clodion :50«/5b 4-7 Sickle Boy :52 b 4-7 Colchis :55 b 4-7 Tedious Miss :50%b 1 MILE— 1:34% 4-7 Dockstader :51 b Time Book :50%b 2-29 Brenner Pass 1:49 b 4-7 Extra Base :50%b Whirlabout :53 b 4-5 Foe OWoe 1:45 h BELMONT PARK— Training Track Track Good 3-8 MILE 4-8 Dhuaway :51%h Brinks in b 4-7 Bellwether :38 /5h Grant Rice :51%h 4-7 Desert Battle 1062/sh 4-2 Forum :40 h 4-7 Gallant Fancy :54 h 4-7 Good Morning 1 082/,h 4-8 Jimjo :37%h 4-7 High Romance :53 h 3-29 Good Ante l:06%h Sorisky :40 h 4-7 Jims Jeanie :542sh 4-7 Scatter Dust 1 062ih Savannah :41 h 4-7 Party Buster :49%h 4-7 The Sultan :36%h 4-7 Reply Paid :55 b 3-4 MILE 1-2 MILE 4-7 Split the Wind :55 b 4-7 Flying High 124 h 4-7 Conjurer :53 h 5-8 MILE 3-31 Marmeduke 1 20 h 4-7 Chance Nick :53 h Assailant l:0635h 4-8 Tit Tat Toe 1:19 h JAMAICA Track Fast 3-8 MILE Thin Air :39 b 4-8 Sissie Smith -53%b Colonel Jack :393/5b 1-2 MILE 3-4 MILE— 1 :102/- HannaB. :39%b 4-5 Buzalong :51 h 4-7 One Look IM b 3-11 In Range :39%b Blue Whistler :53 b 4-8 First Fiddle 1:1« h Margies Sue :393/5b 4-1 Faust II. :5025h 4-5 Third Rail l 19 b 2-10Pinefa :39 b 4-8 Supper Dance :49%h l MILE 138-- 2-1 Strategic :39 b 4-2 Signator :49%h 3-27 Magdala "l-47 b