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Tropical Parks Spring Meeting Best in History Handle for Thirty-Day Session Reached Record 2,439,014 CORAL GABLES, Fla., April 10.— Completing the greatest spring thoroughbred j racing season in the history of Florida, I Tropical Park ended its 30-day schedule and Charity Week with a closing day mu-| tuel of 20,938 that included a new single j race record of 04,379 on closing day and a grand mutuel total for the 30 days of 2,439,014. The total attendance for the 30 days was 172,371. The meeting was climaxed with the brilliant victory of Four Freedoms in the 0,-000 added Tropical Handicap, headline I stake of the most extensive stakes roster ; and purse distribution in the history of the Gables plant, the latter approximating 50,000. The closing program also ended a week of charity sport which saw Tropical Park operated by the non-profit organization of Tropical Park Fund, Inc., and presenting to charity and worthy causes a total of approximately 8,000, organiza-I tions participating including the Dade County War Chest, American Red Cross, j National War Fund, Presidents Infantile I Paralysis Fund, the Blood Bank of Dade I County, the University of Miami and others. To Jules Flink of Cincinnati and Miami Beach, went the honor of topping all own-! ers for the number of victories, with nine. I The leading trainers crown was claimed i by J. J. Bauer, who saddled 10 winners. i In the matter of purse money earned, the Jules Fink stable also set the pace. One of the true highlights of the record-I breaking meeting was the sensational rid- ing of diminutive Bobby Permane, who annexed top riding honors for the meeting I with 49 winners, a score which gives him ; high raking among the nations leading jockeys for 1944 to date. His great riding | was climaxed during the final days of the meeting when he scored five winners on each of three consecutive days and, in the closing four days he rode 18 thoroughbreds ■ to the winner"s circle. Permane s closest challenger was Herb Claggett, with 15 winners. Eddie Arcaro ruled as the top stakes rider, scoring a grand slam of the Florida seasons top stakes in winning the McLennan, the Widener, and Tropical Handicap. Another highlight of the meeting was the scheduling of a series of four and one-half furlong races that, after several new time marks were set, found Bertie S.. the record holder, with a :53y5 mark. The six ; furlongs mark also was equalled when Black Badge hung out 1:10.