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I , ! ! ! j I i I i 1 1-16 MILES. Stinff, May 9. 1925— 1:42V,— 4—106.. Tryster Afti I Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Weight. 126 lbs. rim will JQm Non-winners of a three-year-old race of 5,000 allowed 5 lbs.; such a race of S3. 000 if non-winners of 0,000 at any time, 10 lbs.: non-winners at a mile or over, 13 lbs. Chart Book Today; Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track R»c. Wt. Wt. 56371- Mustafa April Jam l:4b% 120 116 56330::«**Texas Sandman X106 553183 Surrogate X113 56089 JStronghold 116 56160 Uncle Ace 113 Mucrnfn 1 1 A Cn- 9- 3. by Riskulus— Marette, by Sir Martin. iviuiiuiu 1 10 Breeder. Tollie Young. 1944 . S 1 2 2 ,150 Owner, Grant Thorn. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. 1943 2 0 0 0 | ftfriB 1TI— 1,« l:46%tt 21 5 120 6 54 3; 2l BrooksS Alw 78 Freel.anre 112P ra. thlBnc aBac 6 Mar 2-44,;Hia l,»tc l:47%ft 9 5 4120 10 52 42 3i EadsW* Allw p.Game 117.T.aptainll4.W.Stigle U Febll-44f;Hia 1,t tc l:46%tt 18-5 112 10 8ri 5-*i l5 McCiyC* AAn RewdMe 112.PsNchicRatell5.Caiiee 11 Jan31-44"Hia 11-81:54 It 5 108 3 T»» 44 8«i McCrvC- 3000 64 Resale 120.U.S.Salutell2.RewrdMe 7 Jan.25-44«Hia 1,V tc l:48%ft 9 102 5 34 5-i 324 MeadeR 2000 Cee Raf 114, Gullah 106, Big Raid 7 Jan.l8-44 Hia 7-8 1:31 %m 80 110*11 ll10 73 43i MeadeR2 1500 47 Weapons Pride 110. Silk 112, Cling 11 April 24 -Jam— 12 sy... :50%h April 18— Jam— lm gd 1:46b April 15-Jam— 12 ft ... . :51%b nrrnnnfp /s V 111 Ch. c, 3, by Wise Counsellor— Reighzelle. by Reigh Count. jurroguie | | j Breeder Mrs- John Hertz 1944 3002 00 Owner, V. Emanuel. Trainer, J. P. Smith. 1943 .13 3 3 1 . 804 MarlO 44 Trp 3-41:ll%tt 13 122 7 6;i5 34i Brook,S3 Allw 85 TwtTaar 117.C«M«awll9.Val.MVai 7 KeK29-44"Hia 3 4 l:12%ft 35 113 4 47 3 ;i 3-i Blooks:5 Allw 75 BullWeed 113. BI"kBgel24.BI. Wings 6 Feb 12-444 Ilia 3-4 l:12%ft 44 113 3 3* 684 51" BrooksS2 Allw 74 DirecrJ.E. 122.FireStick110..Mrter 7 Octl6-433Jam 3-41:13%s 13 111 3 8 81U 8si BrooksS4 Stks 77 Bellwher 112.DnceTeaml22,Tropea 8 Oct.l2-434Jam 3-4 l:12%ft 7 113 2 66i 6ri 8Ti BrooksS3 Allw 80 Stvmie 106,SwpingTime lll.Alorave 14 Oct 7-435Bel 1 l:38%lt 39 116 3 144] 22 BrooksS1 Allw 78 Broadcloth 116,V ildRice 116.Stvmie 12 April IS— BeI-5-8sl....l:06%b April l-Bel-3 8 hy. . . . :33%b Mar. 26-Bel -3 3 gd. . . . :39%b I Inrlp Acp 117 Cn- c- by Case Ace— Skywriting, by Solario. wiiv-ic y-n.c 1 1 j Breeder, Joseph M. Roebling. 1944 4 2 0 0 ,350 Owner. Railroad Stable. Trainer. G. Sulley. Apr.14 44".lam 3-4 1:13 ft 13 117 2 22" l2 rilimlT Allw 86 SirDrake 117 Free Lance 1!7 Kopar 8 Apr 8-444lam 5j f 1:06 gd 24 113 10 11 «11T] "l LindbersII9 Alw 79 FoxB*wnie 117NurTalell4BudGrey 13 Feb21-44"F.G 3 4 l:15%sl 12 5 4116 5 22 2l 1 -2 DodsonD3 Mdn 73 FthEste lll.Shi.circell6.M.Mrk« 9 Febl8-444F.G 3 4 1.14%tt 28 116 8 5:2 54J 44 DodsonD1 Mdn 71 Mic.Smrt 116.VVicdP"ntll6,WIt«v a „ April 22 Jam lm ft.... 1:44 feh April 19 -Jam— lm ft. . . .l:45%h - April 13-Jam-l 2 ft :49h Texas Sandman X 106 ! cv3, blf Scift,n9 Sa"ds " ~Swa7 tgf. "y A«agai * vw Br., KoonU, Simmons and Simmons, Jr. 1944 . 5 12 2 ,325 Owner. Donna-Ray Stable. Trainer. G. L. Kepner. 1943 15 4 2 2 ,750 Apd9 444.lam 3 4 1:12%lt 13 109***6 5s 5J 3:;J BiancoE" AlwC 86 Leaving 115. Hooil.m 116. Vienn . 7 Marl8-44"0.1 1701:42%lt 5 102- 5 12 2« 3 BiancoE- Allw 89 MrySnshine 108,BIIB"zerllO.Royat 10 Marl3-44iO.P 1701:43%ft 7 107*6 3-2 31 2"k BiancoE7 Allw 88 SigsBlke 106.f ap.EddiellO.FVDeep U Mar 3-44-O.P 3 41:13 ft 52 113 9 42i 3-2 22 WeimanF7 Allw 84 If svMiss lll.Val.Pernll3,Sh. t.Bt 9 Rtfl 44::O.P 3 4 1:16%m 44 108 2 1A IU l5 BianroE9 Allw 69 DbvDton 108.BIIBzerll6.Val.Date 12 0 t25-433Spt 62fl24 ft 62 113 4 22 442 6l« LangW« c2000 RobsCrn 109.Ji.LaBleT15.Pu.Hrt 10 April 23 Vt lm l 1 46li April 16-Aqu-5 3 sy I.fl6h April 15- Au-5 4 ft 1:23b Continued on Page Twelve Jamaica Entries and Past Performances ] Continued from Page Nine fi„MnL.|J 1 1£ Dk. b. c, J. by Hard Tack— Bransome, by Royal Minstrel. btronghold || 6 Breeder. Wheatley Stable. 1944.1 1 0 0 3.850 | Owner. Wheatley Stable. Trainer, James Fitzsimmons. £££. ?,««? 7,77„ ! , tt1? 44 • I .m 3 4 112 -.-.1 14 108 1 ll l»k li PerneR2 HcpS 88 PukkaGin 126hoBr nielllS mgTime I I *M 143-lam 3 4112%ed 11 109 6 5*| 7*2 7f PmaneRS Hep 77 SwpgTime 116.AnrGmel09.Stymie 8 I c2fl 43Uam 1 -70 145%ft 33 117 12 10»-lllill,l» StoutJ1* Allw 57 Weyanoke 114, Stymie lOand.Brdcloth 14 i OcU6 43 lam 3-4 1:ll%-,v H 110 5 PJ 4" •»» StoutJ Stks 77 BlkBdge 118.Lk Drwl26 Sw.Time 10 . Oct 12 43* lam 3-4 112 ft 2*122 5 3"i 4»i 55 StoutJ1 Allw 83 Stymie 106.Sw pingTime lll.Aloraye 14 I Oct 2 432Bel Ufwc 1 17%sy 7e 110 5 lCKi 89U218 MrtensW13 Hep 71 DnceTeam 115.St.rUp 113,LkyDrv 20 I April W Ay 7-8 ty l:31h April 20-Aqu— 5 8 ft 166b April 17— Aqu-l-2sy :50b U