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Official Racing Charts : ■ Copyright, 1944, by Trianglt Publications, Int. — Narragansett Park FAWTUCKET. R. I.. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1944— NARRAGANSETT PARK 1 MILE. Twelfth day of twenty-eight-day meeting April 12 to May 13. Narragansett Racing Association. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather cloudy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting, 1943. .32; current meeting. .37. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. * Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed, t Five pounds apprentice allowance waived. SS Disqualified. [DH] Dead heat, a Coupled as entry. f-Mutuel lield. V Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. nUI RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10*5 c • r — 3 — 111. Purse S1.400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Non-O 5* J 0 J winners of 00 twice since Sept. 1, 1943. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; April 25-44 — Nar older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since September 1 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming: price. ,250. Net value to winner 80; second. 45: third. 05; fourth. 0. Handle. 1.649. Index Hordes Eqt A V t PP St *j *a Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt .562991 FIRE KABO wn4116 4 5 l1 l2 V V V Bovine Donna-Ray Stable 4.10 56390 ON LOCATION wb 8 118 10 1 72 6l 31 W A Daniels Humphries and Collin* 6.80 56396 LEGAL ADVICE ■ 9 114 2 12 10l U 82 3* S LaFitte C G Hill 100.60 56428* FE wb 4 102 1 9 21 23 21* P± L Kerr* Fuller and Stevens 5.90 563903 QUIZ BBY wh4113 3 10 6 5h 5l 5l J Martin C Finkelstein 15.70 56264 1NCFNTOR wr 5118 6 4 3* U 4* 6* A Florio Mrs H R Miller 6040 53421 YANTRYST « 8 113 9 11 ll2 U2 9l 7 P Patrson* C W Spiker 54.90 56210 BACK TOOTH w 5 113 11 2 41 4l 6*i 8V R Duncan H Donovan 1.60 56299 SPRING STORM wb 4 102 5 8 5J, 72 7« 9£ E Jenkins* Glen Eden Stable 30.90 40331 HELEN MOYVLEEwb 5 109 7 6 81 9i 10£ 101 W Turnbull Miss B Hall Britter 38.90 5440b PTHFR CREEKwb 10113 12 3 12 12 12 ll2 W Barr* S L Hemingway 34.20 52652 C0LE5BOY wb6113 8 7 P 102 ll1 12 D Loop* Black Star Stable 12.90 Time, :232B, :47?i, 1:1 4 s. Track slow. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to , .. i r» • f FIRE KABO 10.20 6.00 4.60 4.10 2.00 1.30 MlitUel PriCeSl ON LOCATION 6.80 5.40 2.40 1.70 I LEGAL ADVICE 26.20 12.10 Winner— Br. c. by Firethorn — Kabo, by Epinard, trained by Paul Morris; bred by Mr. H. H. Knight. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST-2:30. OFF AT 2:31J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good Irom stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. FIRE KABO went to the front early, established a clear lead and retained his advantage under a steady hand ride. ON LOCATION began, well, dropped back when outrun to the stretch, but finished resolutely when set down during the drive. LEGAL ADVICE, slow to begin, came to the inside entering the stretch and closed resolutely under punishment. VEE faltered after racing forwardly placed to the final furlong. QUIZ BABY raced evenly without mishaps. 1NCENTOR tired after showing good speed to the stretch. VANTRYST lacked early speed. BACK TOOTH eae wa after half a mile. SPRING STORM could not keep up. COLESBOY went lame. Scratched— 56428 Village Belle, 109; 45633 Toss Up, 112; 48397 Old Rosebush, 114; 56299 Credentials. 112. Overweight — Quiz Baby, 1 pound. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10*5 r s s — 3 — 111. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of 5/ • 3 "* " a race in 1944. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for April 25-44— Nar ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 80: second, 45; third. 05; fourth. S70. Handle. 5.453. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *i Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 52962 DISCOYEI.ECT wb113 7 2 141414 ln W Turnblf Mrs T Haley 37.20 562633 JAMES ACRE w 113 5 3 2" 2h 2£ lx H Pratt* R W Hillcoat .90 508752 LATE ALICE w 113 6 4 4»£ P 42 3"* C Chaffinf C Finkelstein 4130 53526 NINE HOLE wb108 9 5 3and 3J 3£ 4* L Kerr* .1 P Morgan 24.00 560943 BOMB BERLIN XXBH8 4 7 7$ 72 W 5»k H Trent Mrs M H Charles 5.40 56392 SILVER SIGN wb 113 3 9 61 6s P 6* P Patrson* Glen Eden Stable 117.50 563002 KITTY ROSE w 108 112 10l 9 B2 7* D Loop* C A ONeil Jr 4 80 51621 MASTER SPIRIT w 118 10 10 ll1 10J 10l 81 G McMullen Pine Tree Farm 53.40 56429 REVIVE w 118 8 11 12 ll1 % 9 J Martin Oak Tree Stable 7.50 56430 REFRAIN wb113 12 1 52 51 7 101 R Si«to L Phillips 42.80 56429 BCRANDE wb113 11 6 91 12 ll1 ll5 J Santer* Mrs A Bevan 247.30 55969 MIO GRAND b113 2 8 82 8 12 12 E Jenkins* H R Fate 206.50 - Time. :23**, M%, 1:14% Daily Racing Form Time, 1:16%. Track slow. Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to * kA . , - . / DISCOVELECT 76.40 18.20 9.20 37.20 1.10 3 60 Mutuel Prices; james acre 3.00 km .50 .30 V LATE ALICE 9.60 3.80 Winner— Ch. f. by Discovery — Bride Elect, by High Time, trained by L. Haley; bred by Mr. Alfred G. Vanderbilt. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:01. OFF AT 3:03 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DISCOVELECT went to the front early, drifted out entering the stretch, lost command, but came gamely when straiehtened out and disposed of JAMES ACRE in the last strides. The latter, close up from the start, saved ground on the final turn, look the lead between calls and just missed. LATE ALICE held on gamely in a good effort and had no mishaps. NINE HOLE could not better her position and faltered slightly nearing the finish. BOMB BERLIN did net menace when urged in the stretch. SILVER SIGN had no mishaps. KITTY ROSE began slowly. REFRAIN broke fast, but failed to keep up after half a mile. Claimed — James Acre by L. Donofrio for ,250. Doily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 93.20 — Double Pool, 1,464. THIRD RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Jackie D., May 7, 1936— : 52 2 5— 2— 109. Purse c a -j ,400. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. 5/ O J O / Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 6 lbs. April 25-44 — Nar Wet va|ue t0 winner 80; second. 45: third. 05: fourth. 0 Handle. 6.536. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 55941 COCNT DID vvb118 11 lh I1 Is J Brennan Christopher Ranch 1.80 56133 EZ-RCN wb113 2 3 3J 22 21! H Pratt* W I Lunt 610 55735 MISS VAL w 115 5 9 5£ 4l fr* H Trent Riegins and Vair 4.40 56477 JAKAJONES we 118 4 2 6 54 4*1 W Turnblf C A ONeil Jr 6 20 56262 OCR ALL we 118 8 4 7* T* 5"" G McMlen+ H H Price 7.40 55931 FLEET SISTER w 110 6 8 81 82 6* E Jenkins* Mrs L Copenhaver 29.70 563913 PAY 1" ADVANCE w 110 3 5 2i 3 71 R D Scott A Hullcoat 9.80 55735 CAT LADY we 110 9 7 4h 6" 81 D Loop* » Mrs W Renard 17 80 56477 EXIT w 109 76 999J Santer Mrs A Bevan 205.50 Time, :233£, :472* , :5425. Track slow. r- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . a . in- i COUNT DID 5.60 3.80 2.80 1.80 .90 .40 Mutuel Prices! e-zrun 520 400 i.eo 1.00 I MISS VAL 3.60 .80 Winnei — Ro. t b He Did -Reigh Duchess. bv Reieh Count, trained by R. Robertson; bred by Mr. F K. Thomas. WENT TO POST— 3:33. OFF AT 3:34 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eoc-d from stall gate. Won easily; second and third diiving. COCNT DID. alertly handled, went to the front at once, held a clear lead when settled in the stretch and won as his lider pleased. E Z-RCN. a sharp factor throughout, came gamely when routed during the drive, hut did not menace the winner. MISS VAL, sent to the inside for the stretch run, finished well. JAKAJONES had no mishaps. OCR ALL lacked early speed. FLEET SISTER raced greenly. PAY IN ADVANCE tired after showing speed to the stretch. CAT LADY was done early. Oveiweight — Pay in Advance. 1 pound. FOIRTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ps chic Bid. Sept. 14, 1935— 1:10»£ K £ ft — 3 — 111- Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-t 5C J O O winners in 1944. 4-year-olds. 116 lbs.: older. 118 lbs. Non-win-April 25-44 — Nar ners since December 1 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,600; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each SI 00 to ,400. Net value to winner 80: second, 45: third. 05; fourth. 0. Handle. 1,284. Index Horse« Eqt A Wt PP St % 2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 55775 PAR AVION we. 6 114 2 6 3Ti~3!i lh 1£ J Martin Mt Desert Stable 3.60 562602 YOBS wb5108 4 7 5i 44 3i 2 L Kerr* Mr* B Anderson 6 90 56303 WHITE TIME w 61113 1 li 1* 2£ 3* H Pratt* Bobhn Stable 160 56137 SlBDF.B w 6 104 5 3 4h 62 64 4" P Patrson* Mrs R C H«l«« 1150 56343 BOWSPRIT w 4 107 6 5 6* 51 5» 5h D Loop* L H Kraskin 9.40 563S3 ELMO GRIER wb4112 8 4 22 21 P 62 A Daniels A 1 Ta lor 7 90 49871 fROS"«TIDE w 5114 1 8 8 7£ 71 72 W Tumbuli Millen and Havmaker 42.10 46321 FPAY wb 5 109 7 2 7l 8 8 8 F TwJrm* F H Wigener 1390 Time. :23. :47, 1:13*s. Track slow. Ki . • n • PAR AVION §20 5.20 3 60 3 60 160 .80 Mutuel Prices? veris sec 3.00 m m l WHITE TIME 2.60 .30 Winner- B. h. by Aiiel— Windlass, by Man o War, trained by L. Whiting; bred by Miss Bingham and Messis. Jone and Thrclkcld. Winner enteed to be claimed for ,600. WENT TO POST— 4:02J. OFF AT 4:04 EASTERN WAR TIME. Stait eood from stall gate for all but CROSSTIDE. Won dining: second and third the same. PAR AVION, close up from the start, went to the front entering the stretch, withstood a brisk drive gamely and held VERIS safe. The latter improved his position steadily after starting slowly, came to the inside for the stretch run and was getting to the winner. WHITE TIME took command at on«e, made the pace to the final quarter under pressure from ELMO GRIER. then faltered. SCBDEB ould not menace when hard urged in the drive. BOWSPRIT tired. ELMO GRIER drifted out badly after foiling the pace to the stretch and Cum. CROSSTIDE dwelt at the start. EPAY was outrun. Scratched— 55331 2 Diavoloman, 109. Oveiwtight — Bowspiit, 1 pound: While Time, 2j. Corrected wtigl.t— Elmo Giier, 112. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— l:ltH r /L Q — 3 — 111. Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 5£ O J O y Starters for a claiming price of ,000 or less since Sept. 1, 1943, April 25-44 — Nar who have not won in 1944. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since November 1 allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 80; second, 45; third, 05; fourth. 0. Handle. 0.952. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St hk xk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd Strt 55235 DCSTY wf 4 112 2 3 2l 2 ■ 2 l* W Turnbllf Mrs G R Triplett 10 80 56348 DON LIN II. wb7114 7 1 31 3i lh 22 R D Scott A Hullcoat 140 56167 K. ROCNDER wb5114 3 4 44" 4i 9* W look A R Famigliette 6 20 56166 PETES BET wb5118 6 2 l*i li 3; 42i J Boyle Mrs C P Miles 610 56478 ALDR1DGE wb7114 5 6 5 56 51 5 W E Snyder Mrs E A Froehlich 3 20 56266 ALLEGRO wb8118 4 5 62 6fi 6fi 6« J Mearle Alste Vann Stable 1120 55153 INFANT QLEEN wb 5 109 17 7 7 7 7 W Duffv Mrs E A Summers 63 30 Time, :23, :462*s, 1:12. Track slo*. z — Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to , in* DUSTY 23.60 7.40 4.60 10.80 2.70 130 M. UtUel rriCeSi DON LIN D 3.60 2.80 .80 40 I K. ROUNDER 4.20 1 10 Winner — B. c. b Sun Teddv — Dutina. bv Pompev, trained bv W. Causev ; bred bv Calumet Faim. WENT TO POST— 4:31*. OFF AT 4:32 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. DCSTY, a sharp factor from the start, came gamely when roused for the drixe and disposed of DON LIN II. in the la*t sixteenth. The latter began fast, raced forwardly placed throughout ar.d held on well in the drive, but was not good enough for the winner. K. ROCNDER could not reach the leaders when urged in the stretch iun. PFTES BET went to the front early, made the pace to the stretch under pressure lrom DCSTY. then faltered. ALDRIDGE. on the outside, failed to respond when uiged. ALLEGRO was never prominent. INFANT QLEEN was outiun. Corrected weight — Allegro, 118. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— l.lttf 5 f • 7 fi —3—111. Patriot Purse. Purse ,800. 3-year-olds. Allowances. J O I U J Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 allowed 3 lbs.: of ,000 or April 25-44 — Nar three races, 5 lbs.; of 00 or two races, 7 lbs.; maidens, 9 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winners 87.50 each; third. 30: fourth, 5. Handle. 03,972. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % jjj StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 563452 MY SCNSHEH wBllli 1 5 £h 34 311 i H Pratt W I Lunt 3 40 55089 ETERNITY EH! wb118 3 4 3:J lh 1and l1 G McMullen B F Lister 4 00 56344 DBLE FEATCRE wb115 7 3 1" U 2" 32 G Moore Ber-Mar Farm 4 30 56214 GREEN BUSH wb118 8 1 4£ P 4s 4 J Martin Mrs F D Rice 4 50 56344 DANDY JIM w 113 2 8 71 5h 53 5* H Trent Mrs J Kozachvn 35.10 56345 OLIDOR wb108 6 2 5* 6 6-6* D Loop* Mrs W Renard 18 90 56345 KELSPRIDE will 4 7 i| T* 7£ ! ■* W Duffy Mr* D B Miller 363 20 55788 U. S. SALUTE wb 115 5 6 8 8 8 8 * trinm A F Plock 84 70 Time, :23, :46?5, 1:13. Track good. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , 41. in* MERRY SUNSHINE M 2.80 3.40 2.40 .40 .70 .20 MUtUel T riCeS ETERNITY EH 3.80 4.80 3.20 .90 1.40 .60 I DOUBLE FEATURE 2.80 .40 Winners — Merry Sunshine, b. f, by Sun Teddy — Penelope, by Sweep, trained by Claude Feltner: bied by Mr. Charles T. Fisher; Eternity, br. c, by Bull Dog -Rose Eternal, by Eternal, trained by J. Whyte; bred bv Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST— 5:01. OFF AT 5:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won drivine; third the same. MERRY SUNSHINE, forwardly placed v.lule saving ground to the stretch, reached the lead between calls near the finish and lasted to gain a ilvad heat with ETERNITY. The latter went to the front after three tuilongs, ialtered sliehtly entering the stietch, but came again near the finish. DOUBLE FEATURE, much used engaging ETERNITY during the tiist half mile, faltered in the last eighth. GREEN BUSH, away well, raced evenlv after the start and had no mishaps. DANDY JIM began slowiv. OLIDOR could not keep up. KELSPRIDE and U. S. SALUTE tint. Scratched— 56345 Prissy Miss. 108; 56479 Miss U. S. 0., 105. Overweight — Merry Sunshine, lj pounds: Olidor, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Discovery, Sept. 3. 1934—1:55—3—119. Purse r • r ~7 1 ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a J D J / I race smce April 11. 4-year-olds. 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Non-April 25-44 — Nar winners since March 1 allowed 3 lbs.; since February 15, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,300, allowed 2 lbs. Net value to winner 80: second, 45; third, 05: fourth. 0. Handle, 2,828. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St g4 Vi % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds Sirt 56482 PITTISTRAW wb 5 113i 3 7 6J 6:! % l1 1 W E Snyder Mrs J McDowell 2J0 56482 LONG STRAW wb 4 1111 8 8 8 71 4l 2 i H Pratt* Mayfair Stable "00 564352 ONE DOLLAR wb 4 104 2 4 3l ll l2i 23 5» H Trent Oak Tree Stable 30.40 56349 ONE TIP wb6116 5 3 I* 2£ 2£ 31 Pi J Brennant C Rufi 2.10 56216i3QUEEN ECHO w 8 106 8 1 4* 4J 41 52 5* P Patrson Mrs W Renard 8 00 563053 HI KID wb7111 7 6 5£ 5s 62 6s J Santer* D F Harrington 31.90 47301 WADDY w«5109 6 5 7s 72 8 1* 7" C Chaffin C Finkelstein 04.80 56475 STEEL KING wB9115i4 2 2l 31 6 8 8 J Boyle C F Herrmann 59.90 Time, :24%, :49, 1:14%, 1:41?B. 2:01%. Track good. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , IB* PITTISTRAW 6.00 3.80 3.00 2.00 .90 .50 Ml. utuel "rices? long straw 5.40 3.60 1.70 m 1 ONE DOLLAR 5.40 1.70 Winner — Br. m. by Chicstraw — Pitti Play, by Mere Play, trained by J. McDowell: bred by Mr. Htniy Altsheler. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:3H. OFF AT 5:32 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily: second and thiid driving. PITTISTRAW, in hand while saving ground to the last three furlongs, went to the front entering the stretch and won as her rider pleased. I ONG STRAW, slow to begin and outrun to the stietch. came to the outride and finished resolutely, but could not menace the winner. ONE DOLLAR, in clo*e quarters on the liit turn, recovered and took command aftc six furlongs, raced well to the last turn and then faltered. ONE TIP tiled after racing forwardlv placed for a mile. QCEEN ECHO could not threaten. HI KID tired. WADDY was outrun. STEEL KING quit. Overweight— Pittistraw. 2 pounds: Long Straw. 2? ; Steel King. lj. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Beefsteak, Nov. 6, 1935—1:41—5 — r -i * 117. Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-O 5/ J / Z winners of a race in 1944. 4-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. April 25-44 — Nar Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 80; second, 45; third. 05; fourth. 0. Handle. 07,837. 3ndex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 *2 ?i StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds _ Stit 56343 WISE FATHER wb7116 4 9 4 3i 2i 23 5 W Cook F Wyse 3.41 562612 JACK RUBENS wb5111 l 1 1* 1! l2 l2 22 E Jenkins* Mrs S Orr 10.50 45857 CASH O BOY wb9116 1112 12 ll1 8i 5* P A Daniels A Gaignard 4.70 56299 SUNSPARK wb6116 8 4 3 43 5h 4h 4h G McMIenf Little Rock Stable 14 00 564752 RIGHT CARLA w 4 107 7 8 9A 6b 31 54 V D Loop* H H Guyer « .40 563962 EIGHT ROLLS w 7 112 2 2 5*" 5* 7 b2 6i H Pratt* J Stillman 6.20 56396 BURGOO TRAIL wb 7 116 3 10 ll2 90 91 7h J Martin Glen Eden Stable 23 20 56267 WAR COMMQUEw 5 111 10 7 10 i 8 92 8i 8 M Fator W Zakoor 7 60 56306 FREESPENDER w 4 114 9 5 71 U 6» 7" 91 W Tumbllf S A Arch 38.50 562093 REALMAN wb4114 4 3 H» IN ll3 10s 106 V Bovine Donna-Ray Stable 7 00 52721 MOWLEES LAD wb4111 5 6 2i 2« .4n 11* 11? J Santer* Mrs G Grier 26100 56306 JIM BLAZES wr911112 11 812 12 12 12 P Patrson* Miss Joan Beattie 414.00 Time, :24%, :49, 1:14%. 1:41%, 1:46%. Track good. ,— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . i. , in* I WISE FATHER 8.80 5.00 4.00 3.40 150 100 Mutuel Prices? jack rubens 10.20 6.80 410 2.40 l CASH 0 BOY 5.20 160 Winner — Ch. e. by Balko or Identify — Wise Mother, by Von Tromp. trained by R. Lentini ; bred by Mr. Alfred Gwynne Vandeibilt. Winner entered to be rlaimed lor ,200. WENT TO POST— 6:02. OFF AT 6:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and ihiid the same. WISE FATHER improved his position steadily to the stretch, came out slightly entering the diive and. responding to strong handling, disposed of JACK RUBENS in the closing stride. The latter went t the front at once, made the pace under eood rating and held on well, but was not good enough. CASH O BOY. slow to begin and outrun to the last three tuilongs. came between horses and finished stroneh. SUNSPARK raced evenly and had no mishaps. RIGHT CARLA saved eround and made a good bid near the stietch before tiring. EIGHT ROLLS tired. REALMAN had a rough trip. Scratched— 56306 Ovando, 116; 56390 Consomme, 111; 56475 Brown Flower. 111; 56349 November, 109. Overweight — Right Carla, 3 pounds. Attendance, 8,000 Estimated; Total Mutuel Handle, 81,975.