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Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances Position in ORDER OF FINISH WITH S Race and WFIGHT CARRIED • ,3 M m £ Lengths Be- H finish shows horse won, second, £ S » i. * 2 *i3° nind Lead" § I tnird and fourtn no""*" ■" given. c " j« 2 I H « .2 ing Horse a J * * u If ««ond, first, third and fourth _ JJ-S " oj! .g -o .2 U J £ .5 horses are shown. S J ° £ • S °JU? « « " ■« Sa SM« If third, first, second and fourth ° ° 2 * S ° 3 s"2 «S 5 3 £ £ g ° i t, horses are shown. t 2 S % 5 E cSg5°:,/ itJ5£«- qS.= S If unplaced, first, second and third ° D £ H 5 P U G°i. £ 5 i H u en horses are shown. ° Jaru29-435F.G 3-4 l:12%gd21-5 4113 4 2J 1*| l2i ZufeltF* Allw 88 Moretto 113,Tweedy 116,NavyCross 7 NOTE — Speed ratings not given at tracks of less than one mile. Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position