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Official Racing Charts [ J_ Copyright, 1944, by Triangle Publications, Inc. Pimlico BALTIMORE. MD., TUESDAY. APRIL 25. 1944— PIMLICO 1 MILE. Twelfth day ot twenty-eight-day rrtetmg April 12 to May 13. Joint meeting of Laurel, Havre de Grate. Bowie and Pimlico Association!, conducted by the Maryland Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. ____ RacincTtarts at 12:00 m. Eastern War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1943, .35; cunent meeting, .35. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; field horses individually. . *Five~pounds apprentice allowance ilaimed. t Five pounds apprentice allowance waived. U Disqualified. £H| Dead lual. a Coupled as entry, t Mutuel lirld. W Whip. 5 Spur?. B Blinker?. FIRST RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Air Master, April 29, 1942— 1:43*5— 4— 110. r /; r 7 -j Purse ,500. 4- ear-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners J b J I J since April 10. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races in April 25-44— Pirn 1944 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner ,100: second. 50: third. 00: fourth. 0. Handle. 3.468. _ Index Horses ~Eqt A WtTpsTtt _Vt _■% _Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Si Strt 6907* SAL OLD PAL waAhf* It 1 22: 1" l2 1:! D Scocca H W Fielding 175 MA?iO ONE LINK wb5111 2 4 5:i 4i 3* 5» 2i H Mora J Ida 6.35 H3S7 lllOBA wb5109 I 1 1| 1* V 24 32 R Root Mrs E Smith 18.15 btAW JOLLITY wb4109 4 5 4| 5g 6 «| 43 F Zelir Mrs VV R Bransby 5.15 56314 fAR MISS w 6 106 9 86* U 6s 5l P Robertst A C Paul 2800 56490 CREEPY MOI Ewb7106 1 3 2Uj 3* * Si 6 i L Bowers* H G Bedwell 4.75 52701- FIELDFARE w6116 7 10 10 9:: 7 7| 71 G Smith Mm BoMey Jr 54 00 BUST* ALFRD STUAM*m4Hl 5 6 1* 7* and 81 8A H Haeeett Mrs N Ward Jr 5.70 GMH CALABOXO a ■ 4 106 3 8 94 8* 1 9 9 A SnellV H 1 Simpson 108.40 56484 BAIL ME OUT ub4109 8 7 810 Ea*ed up. F A Smith Flamineo Fain, 59.60 Time. :24. :49. 1:165. 1:463fc. 1:54. Track heavy. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . , -. . / SAL OLD PAL 5.50 3.50 2.80 1.75 .75 .40 Mutuel Prices one link 5.90 2.40 1.90 I LUPOBA 6-80 2.40 Winnei B. f. by Epithet— Miss Cameron. hj Macaw, trained by D. Yate : bled by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Winisei enleied to be claimed for SI. 250. WrNT TO POST— 12:06. OFF AT 12:06 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start rood lioiu «1all gate. Won ridden wit; second and third drivine. SAL OLD PAL raced with the Ir.xUi v. loir on the outside, took over the had wlieu I.lPOBA faltered and was never menaced thereafter, but wiis rhWea out to the finish. ONE LINK raced] lose to the early leader and finished willinely. but nerheaM could have finished closer but for the rider losing his whip soon alter the start. LUPOBA made the |ii c Im halt a mile and tired therealter. JOLLITY, well placed lroni the start, faded to rally when placed to a drive CREEPY MOUSE, close up early, dropped batk eiadually after half a mile and pulled up lame. BAIL ME OUT was eased i.p when hopelis-k beaten. Scratched— 5631 13 Cross Country, 115. Ovcrwciehl Lupoba. 3 pounds; Fieldiare, 2. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Joe Ray, Oct. 30, 1942— 1:10? 5— 3— 110- Purse ,500. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-J £ £ "» 7 A O D / 4 winners twice since March 4. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since ApFil 25-44 — Pim April 10 allowed 3 lbs.; since February 1, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Wet value lo winner ,100; second, S250: third. 00; fourth, 0. Handle, 9.433. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % gj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt MM" WILTON w7114 6 2 ?» 21 l1 l3 J Tammaro Mrs M Geetan 3.35 53360 BOSTON BLUE wb7114 13 4 P 31 2"k H Claeeett Mrs A White 3.65 53558 MAP DF.SPRIT wb5109 3 1 V II 2" 31 R Root G T Strother 10.35 56218 CARMUS .b 5 120 9 6 5 4i 43 4* J Breen .1 H Louchheim a 1.30 56272 ASK AUNT ADA wb 5 109 2 4 1£ 56 53 5l N Wall Mrs J B Bond a 130 53565 ECOM1NT wb4104 7 5 74 6: 6n 64 A Snelfes* Mrs G Campbell 77.55 R9Z79 MERRIE SHOT w 5 112i 8 7 b2 7 Ij 73 C Kirk Mis G H Ballou 10.15 56272 JOHNS TEDDY wb4114 4 9 8r- 8!0 8° 88 D Scocca E Maahq 24.65 33882 SWEET MISS w 5 107 5 8 9 9 9 9 f R Laxton G Reed 119.60 Caantai: a Carious and Ask Aunt Ada. Time. :235. :4825. 1:16*5- Track heavy. I . 1 r» • WILTON 8.70 4 80 3.90 3.35 1.40 .95 Mutuel Prices* boston blue 5.70 4.80 1.85 1.40 i MAR DESPRIT 7.30 2.65 ", Ml Ch. t. by Penalo- Svxoll Lad . BJ Dunlin, trained by f. A. Ge uc . lied bj Mi. R. V. Dennison. Viin. i, entered lo be ilaimed lor ?2.CdO. WENT TO POST— 12:35. OFF AT 12:36 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall e,ate. Won driving; -eiond and third the san.e. WILTON, unhuined while in the finl lliiilit. niov ed around the leader to take lommand entering the ti 1 h and then was kept to punish-inei.t to the end. BOSTON BLUE showed eood peed from the start and taught liied horses in the stretch. MAR DESPHIT disposed of ASK AUNT ADA early, but tired badly in the closing test. CARMUS broke slowly and lost eround throuehout. ASK AUNT ADA outian the field down the ba kstretch, but tired badly. The «l i« wen unable to reach contention. Scratched— 56307 Indian Gift. 106: 55392 Pompous Fox. 112; 56350 Gallant Mowlee. 120: 52479 Boa Mowlee. 102: 56311 Procla, 104. Ovciwc:L!il Meirie Shot. 3 pound. Dcily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 2.00 — Double Pool, 4,676. j THIRD RA E 2 MILES. Bafh. May 1, 1942— 3:49 ,—4— 141. War Lock ; c -j r Steeplechase Purse. Purse ,800. 4-year-olds and upward. AI-O 5* J * 3 lowances. Non-winners of three races hurdle, claiming and races ■ April 25-44 — Pim at recognized hunt meetings excepted; 4-year-olds, 144 lbs.; 5- | year-olds. 149 lbs.; older, 150 lbs. Winners of ,000, 3 lbs. extra; of ,500. 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,250, allowed 3 lbs.; of ,050, 5 lbs.; of 00, 7 lb«.: of 00, 9 lbs.; maidens, 11 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,250: second, S300; third. S150: fourth. 00. Handle. 9,844. ~ "liiih Horse? Eqt A Wt PI St 4 8 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56399 WINGED HOOFS w714S 6 2 1»J l2 1: 1* l2 N Brown « Mai, Ion Kline 1.60 66352 BURMA ROAD w5149 4 4 »«| 3" 3« 2s 25 J Maeee Mi E .l.iPont Weir 1.55 Bttue MillW w4 135 3 1 2-" 2* 2* 3" ff** T ?mlij If n L E Sioddaid it 19.45 43fS9 ZOOMING w 4 133 2 3 32 4;t 4,:2 410"4-WG Walker H E lalbott 39.50 E6309* SIR BLUESTEEL w 8 141 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 W Owens W G Jones 3.15 BM3I BAR SHIP wfcl38 1 fc- Ust ri*r. V Haines" Edtar G Horn 32.70 Time. 4:1425. Track heavy. .. I l • l WINGED HOOFS 5.20 2.80 2.70 1.60 .4* .35 Mutuel Kricesj burma road 2.80 2.50 .40 .25 I NOVIEW 3.40 .70 " ; H t t li.uo Sun Daiiier. b Mm Bnar. tiaiued bj M. H. DlMa; l i Iv Mr. Wifil Sliarpe Kilmci WEWT TO POST— 1:05. OFF AT 1:05 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start i- i ii. .m Rag tor all but BAR SHIP. V.on mBy; lie— id and th ird driving. WINGED HOOFS Im Id « bTmmI lead over NOVIEW while »n i.t easily, leoced well ami vas na4 aeriaeqlv inenaced alter a mile. P1JRMA HdAI inii;|iid well. w.: net be-t. bnt il d not mcnaie the winner. NOVIEW leiued w P .mil aWwad p t id speed on the Hat, but appeared to have needed the race. ZOOMING jumped poorly and was never a II m SIB BLUESTEEL landed badvj .t the ti.inili leaca. and almo-t went doani t the ninth and was MMed hi thereafter, bvl fiaushed the course. BAP 1111* w*- l poorly, was rushed ii to coatteatioa ami then lost hi -tn:ei iit the loiiiili obstacle. • Overm eht ,Bai Ship. 4 pounds. « weteht- Bai Ship, 134 ll RTH KAK 4 1-2 Fl RLONGS. iHasteville. April 27. 1942— :52: .-,—2—1 10.1 c *7 /r Purse SI. 500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Fixed 5/ O J / O weights. Height. 118 lbs. April 25-44 — Pim n£» value to winner ,100; iecor.d. 50: thud, 00; fourth. 0. Handle, S106.515. InTleN TJoTmI Eqt A Wt PP St jft Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds |1 Strt irKvTTvTiTr w HP t~i t1 1" V J Westrop* Mrs W W Adaain 4 10 fgggj: poTSR amlll 11 1" P P C Kirh Beaaar Stable 2.35 POLYNESIAN wll2 4 z 3 7 • 3 K Aiduim* Mrs P A B Widener 42.70 M ,i ri |M wllfl 14 n i 1 FASaaith Becaa McKinney 5510 r 5l b* FZchi M Wexler 5.85 K4H • ;•,, i w 118 fci B6354 SEA BEES w 118 9 9 V V I* N Wall BrooHield Farai b.55 56354 SEA RATI wn!18 12 7 42 72 *| I Taaaauro Mrs E duPoat Weil 7.10 EMOO3 COURT VARD m 118 10 I 8| 9l 8i P Huberts Greeatree Stable 1085 HMO VOLTURNO wb118 1110 V 9 H Adair Mrs D P Barrett 4? 80 16991 t i CHARLIE will 112 "., Id 10- • Bietu D 2b. 05 Mj«n PATRKmC FOX wh113 8 5 11* 11* il* L Bowers" Mrs F W lliipn 4 40 MID KNIGHT ub118 S II 12 12 12 I R 1. avion E rt.l.u 131.60 Time. :24. :5025, :5725. Track heavy. , _. . KEWEY DEE 10.20 5 90 4.10 4 10 1.95 105 Mutuel Prices J potsey 400 3.30 ioo .65 I POLYNESIAN 10.30 4.15 .,, ,,, k, • I Okapi— Marys I-i-t. I Terry, trained Iv G Alexandra; lied by M.s. J. L. Tailton. WENT TO POST-P36. OFF AT 1:37 EASTERN WAR TIME. Stait nod trees v.i!l gale. Went drivint si., ml .nil third the s.,i,Jf KEWEY DKF, ahrays prominent, t, al Eeaaaaand neat aftet eaterinf the -i i.!i and, dtaminf out while U|t undei a auM diive, won in the latal test POTSET took reaaeaaad .t anee, bat Jattered in the 1-st eight! POLYNESIAN raced in the ■ajht f iii the stall. wa« in t lose qiiartei«- early, w«s taken lo the aut sail and 1 eld en tamely. NEAT PLEAT ■aead w«li threwrhewt. AGATE w..s rfwlrhd bach eaiiy and raced rvenh Ihereafter. SEA BEES failed to iiii|io« i.,- positioa SEA HAFT n, .til an beldrj eateriag the stretch and then drifted out in the driri Scratched— Bobanet, 118; 56269 Quatre Call. 118; Shove OH, 118: 56397 Cuommo, 118. j ; ■ | FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Joe Ray, Oct. 30, 1942—1:10—3 — c -7 -i 110. Graded Allowances Class D. Purse SI, 800. 3- ear -olds. 5, O D i t Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races since October 8 al-April 25-44 — Pim lowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 8 lbs. Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third. 50: fourth, 00. Handle, 15.765. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Oddi tl Strt 55139 BLUE WINGS wr116 2 1 li l1 t* 1*6 Santth Edeeliill Stable K % 55918 BLUE LINE wb107 8 7 7* 41 A2 2* W Rudert* Mrs R Feinberc 24 85 56222 VALDINA BRAVE wb 110 3 5 4£ W* 3h M L Bowers* S Faueett 9.4B 54841 CAVATORTA wb120 6 6 5s 6* 5 4 .1 West rope Mrs W W Adams 10 80 561752 PLUCKY RAIDER wb 112 14 31 51 61 5a F Zehr M Wexler 115 51773 HERCCLES w 112 4 3 2 2s 2" b* W Mehrtns River Edge Faun IS 50 56402 RATION SCOTCH wrf*120 7 8 8 8 71 7n C MeCreaty L J Folej* .40 56222 SAFETY MATCH w 112 5 2 6l 71 8 8 L Knapp Mrs R H Heiehe Yl 20 Time, :23*i, :495, 1:17. Track heavy. r- Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to ki , in* BLUE WINGS 1990 9.90 6.40 8.95 3.95 1 20 MUlUel rriCeSi BLUE LINE 18.70 9.90 1.35 395 t VALDINA BRAVE 6.10 2 05 Winner— B. e. he Blue I.arkspui — Tedd s Own. by Teddy, tiaii.ed i R. B. Archer; bred hj Christiana Stable. WENT TO POST— 2:06. OFF AT 2:07 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood tioui stall gate. Won driine: second and third the same. BI.lE WINGS, aleilly «iriclied in the early stages, shook off repeated challenges by HERCULES, drew into a good lead entering the stietrh and won in a hard drie. BLUE LINE, badly outrun early, improved her position on the outside, went to the inside for the stretch run and was overt. iking the winner. VALDINA BRAVE raced evenly. CAVATORTA was forced to lose ground on the outside. PLUCKY RAIDER, in i lo«-e quarters on the inside cih. railed to rally at any stage. HERCULES tired after toning the pace for half a mile. RATION SCOTCH, »way slowest, showed dull form. SAFETY MATCH showed nothing. Scratched— 56312 Heyorta, 107. Overweight -Blue Wines, 1 pound. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Joe Ray, Oct. 30, 1942— l:10s5— 1 — r -j o 110. Boniface Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 5£ O J / O Weight, 122 lbs. Winners of 0,000. 2 lbs. extra. Non-winners April 25-44— Pim 0f 0,000 allowed 4 lbs.; of ,500 at any time or ,200 since Feb. 15, 1944, 8 lbs.; of ,000 three times, ,500 at any time or a race of any value since April 12, 12 lbs.; of 00 twice, 16 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner .500; second. 50; third. 00; fourth, 50. Handle. 02,376. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St g4 *2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd? Strt 55465 TWILIGHT TFAR w 117 3 2 PI1 1, li C McCreary Calumet Farm a 50 56223 J GRAMPS IMAGE wb114 4 4 43 22 2* 25 N Wall Mrs A I Abel 10 65 56486* JIMMIE wb114 2 3 31 41 and 36 W Mehrtns Mrs R Carruthers I 50 55817 NANCES ACE wb105 11 lh 3£ 4 43 H Claggett Hilton A Dabson k 40 56105 MISS KEENELANDw 117 5 5 5 5 5 5 FASaaith Catenate Farm a- 60 Coupled: a Twilight Tear and Miss Keeneland. Time, :22 *5, :47S- 1:14. Track slow. la , in* /"TWILIGHT TEAR a-Entry . .. . 3.00 2.20 .50 .10 .... MUTUel rTICeSf CRAMPS IMAGE 3.60 .... 80 1 NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD. Winner — B. f, by Bull Lea — Lady Lark, by Blue Larkspur, trained by B. A. .lones : bred by Cai .met Farm. WENT TO POST— 2:36. OFF AT 2:36 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won easily; second and thiid driving. TWILIGHT TEAR, tinder s| ,iit ie-straint while racing with the pacemaker, disposed of NANCES ACE to take a clear lead, wa« ihlhaa up near the end anil won drawing; away. GRAMPS IMAGE, kept on the outside throughout, responded lo pressure to challenge entering the stretch, but was no niatth for the winner. JIMMIE, unable to stay with the caily leaders, caught only tired horses. NANCES ACE outran the field on the backstretch, but falteted badly. MISS KEENELAND trailed throughout. Scratched— 562232 Armed, 110; 56486 Declared. 106. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Air Master, April 29, 1942— 1:43s.-,— 4— 1 10. r s r -j q Billy Kelly Purse. Graded Allowances Class C. Purse ,500. __y 4-year-olds and upward. Xon-winners twice in 1944 other than April 25-44 — Pim claiming:. 4-year-olds, 120 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000 three times in 1943-44 or a race of any value in 1944, 6 lbs.: of ,500 at any time or a race since October 8, 9 lb* : of 00 twice in 1943-44, 12 lbs.; of 00 in 1943-44, 15 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner .650; second. 00: third. 50; fourth. 00. Handle. 22.395. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ai j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odns 1 Strt 56403 LORD CALVERT wb 5 116 2 4 3~ 3~ lh V2 V H Claggett W P Wetherall 4JB 548502 HE ROLLS wb6119 4 2 21 2 33 5» V R Adair Cedar Farm £65 ,c64033 HMWD B0rNDwB6119 116 6 4l 41 SJ J Wetrope J R Stannner 126 56441 BABY DARLING wb 4 112 3 3 Ill2 P 21 4« F A Smith Flamingo Farm 6 80 56273 BRIGHT ARGOSYw4109 5 5 56 4 5 5* 5« ■ Anjaaat" C Mahlon Kline 25.75 56403 HALF CROWN w 5 113 6 6 V2 55 6 6 I N Wall Christiana Stable 14 65 Time, :24%. :49!5. 1:15%. 1:43%, 1:505. Track slow. . i , id* LORD CALVERT 11.70 5.60 2.70 4.85 1 8 35 Mutuel rnces? he rolls 4.20 2.60 i.« 3c i HOMEWARD BOUND 2.20 1C Winner — Ch. e. bv Discovery — Her Grace, bv Bright Knight, trained bv F. A. Baasal; bre i » Mr. Ral Parr. WENT TO POST— 3:05. OFF AT 3:05| EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third diiving. LORD CALVERT, restrained ««r!v. moved to the front with ease and was never menaced, drawing out through the stretch to win «« b,s rider pleased. HE ROLLS, in contention from the start, shewed a fair effort, but was no match for the winner. HOMEWARD BOlND was allowed to drop tar out of it and lesponded only mildly. BABY DARLING showed good early speed, but tired as if short. BRIGHT ARGOSY and HALF CROWN tailed Ii: anaan Scratched— 56441 2 Armistice Day, 119. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Air Master, April 29, 1942— 1:4S%— 4— 110. C C. C Q H Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claim- D O J O U ing Weight. 116 lbs. Winners since April 10, 2 lbs. extra. Xon- April 25-44 — Pim winners in 1944 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if ior ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner .100; second. 50; third, 00: fourth. 0. Handle. 40,367. Index Horses Eqt A Wt~PP St *j M» ?j Str F;n Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 563502 PC NCH DRINK w 6 113 8 4 3* 22 2* 1» Y- rTCanla Mrs Welch Strawbrideji 245 56350 WAR SHY wb 4 112 11 1 1* H 1 22 H C Kirk T K Wvnkoop 3 50 56314 MACANT wb 4 118 10 6 41 3 34 32 32 J West rope W P Wetherall 4 95 56275 WKCLIFFE GAL wb 4109 5 8 65 4h 4-1 4i R Root I.Wilson 25 70 56357 RED ROSETTE wb5118 3 10 93 93 6 54 5« D Scocca M Gilbert 2 40 53285 WINTIME wb5105 9 1111 10s 9 72 6h W Rudert" Mrs M H Miller 20185 56437 MISTAKE w5107 6 9 81 8 73 62 7« E Crother" G A Garrett 87 20 56307 MY MALLIE wb5109 4 7 51 72 8 92 82 H i laggett R Hollings 49 50 56437 SALS SISTER wb5107 1 3 2 42 52 8" 9? A Snellgs* A I Lacoste 29 40 328723 NEW FACE wb5109 2 5 7£ 6 106 108 1010 L Bowers* MrsHBow.r 6910 14947 OL1YILO w 7 104 7 2 10 11 11 11 11 R Arduini* E H Casheli 47 10 Time. :2425, :4925, 1:1625. 1:45. 1:52! 5. Track slow. I ■ PUNCHDRUNK 6.90 4.10 3.20 2.45 105 60 Mm. utuel Trices? war shy 4.90 3.90 1.45 95 I MACANT 3.40 70 Winner— B. in, by Wai Hero— Jolie Fille. by Wrack, tiained by F. Caiberry, Jr.: bred bj Mr. J W. Y. Martin. Winner entered to be ilaimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:36. OFF AT 3:36£ EASTERN WAR TIME. Start Van stall gate. Won ea-ilv : teCttnd and third driving. PUNCHDRUNK, never far h..ik, went to the front entering the stietch and drew clear without being extended. WAR SHY, hustled into a dear early lead, held on well to the stretch, where she Cued. MACANT wac iloe up. but failed la reanend 1f urging. WJCKCLIKFE GAL amend up alter half a mile and lan evenly thereaJter. RED ROSETTE was hard nilden, but would net extend herself. NEW FACE was almost kncikcd down on the tiist tuin and failed la lecover. Scratched— 56177 Omada. 112; 56357 Dark Ace. 109. Overweight — Finn lull link, 1 pound; Wintinie, 1. I Claimed— Red Rosette by J. L. Friedman for SI. 250: War Shy by Mrs. C. H. Cranford for ,250. Attendance, 12,639 Paid; Total Mutuel Handle, 44,839.